II. There is a basic law called the Law of Periodicity.
- This law governs all manifestation, whether it is the manifestation of a solar Logos
through the [6] medium of a solar system, or the manifestation of a human being through
the medium of a form. This law controls likewise in all the kingdoms of nature.
- There are certain other laws in the system which are linked with this one; some of them
are as follows:
- The Law of Economy - the law governing matter, the third aspect.
- The Law of Attraction - the law governing soul, the second aspect.
- The Law of Synthesis - the law governing spirit, or the first aspect.
- These three are cosmic laws. There are seven systemic laws, which govern the
manifestation of our solar Logos:
- The Law of Vibration.
- The Law of Cohesion.
- The Law of Disintegration.
- The Law of Magnetic Control.
- The Law of Fixation.
- The Law of Love.
- The Law of Sacrifice and Death.
- Each of these Laws manifests primarily on one or other of the seven planes of the solar
- Each law sweeps periodically into power and each plane has its period of manifestation
and its period of obscuration.
- Every manifested life has its three great cycles:
Birth - Life - Death.
Appearance - growth - disappearance. [7]
Involution - evolution - obscuration.
Inert motion - activity - rhythmic motion.
Tamasic life - rajasic life - sattvic life.
- Knowledge of the cycles involves knowledge of number, sound and color.
- Full knowledge of the mystery of the cycles is the possession only of the perfected