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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Stanzas of Dzyan |
Stanza VIII The greater Three, each with their seven lesser wheels, in spiral evolution, rotate within the timeless Now, and move as one. The cosmic Lords from Their high place, view the past, control the Now, and ponder on the Day be with us. The Lhas of the eternal Sound, the product of the time that was, surmount the sevenfold display. Within the Ring-pass-not the Word of Love sounds forth. The sevenfold Lords proceed with just vibration to carry out the work. They sound forth each a note of the deep logoic chord. Each to His greater Lord makes record due. In the solemn breathing forth the forms are built, the color just apportioned, and the flame within reveals itself with ever growing light. The Lord of Blue, Who gathereth all within the arc of Buddhi, soundeth His note. To Their source return the other six, blending Their color diverse within Their Primary. Blue to the green is added and completion quick is seen. The vibration of the third is added to the one. Blue to the orange blends, and in their wise admixture is seen the stable scheme. To the yellow and the red, to the purple and the ultimate is the vibration of the seventh adjusted as the Primary. Each of the seven Lords, within Their seven schemes, adjusted to the second karmic circle, merge [25] Their migrating spheres and blend Their myriad atoms. The forms through which They work, the lesser million spheres, the cause of separation and the Curse of the Asuras, shatter when sounds the Sacred Word within a point in time. The life logoic surges out. The streams of color melt together. The forms are left behind, and Parabrahm stands complete. The Lord of the cosmic Third utters a Word unknown. The sevenfold lesser Word forms part of the vaster chord. The Now becomes the time that was. The aeon mergeth into space. The Word of Motion hath been heard. The Word of Love succeedeth. The Past controlled the form. The Now evolves the life. The Day that is to be sounds forth the Word of Power. The form perfected and the life evolved hold the third secret of the greater Wheel. It is the hidden mystery of living motion. The mystery, lost in the Now but known to the Lord of Cosmic Will. [26] |
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