IV. Rotary Motion and Symbolism Every
rotating sphere of matter can be pictured by using the same general cosmic symbols as are
used f or the portrayal of evolution.
- The circle. This stands for the ring-pass-not of undifferentiated matter. It
stands for a solar system or the body logoic, viewed etherically; it stands for a planet
or the body of a Heavenly Man viewed etherically; it stands for a human body, viewed
likewise, etherically and it stands for them all at the prime or earliest epoch of
manifestation. It stands finally for a single cell within the human vehicle, and for the
atom of the chemist or physicist.
- The circle with the point in the center. This signifies the production of heat in
the heart of matter; the Point of fire, the moment of the first rotary activity, the first
straining of the atom, motivated by latent heat, into the sphere of influence of another
atom. This produced the first radiation, the first pull of attraction, and the [160]
consequent setting up of a repulsion and therefore producing
circle divided into two. This marks the active rotation and the beginning of the
mobility of the atom of matter, and produces the subsequent extension of the influence of
the positive point within the atom of matter till its sphere of influence extends from the
center to the periphery. At the point where it touches the periphery it contacts the
influence of the atoms in its environment; radiation is set up and the point of depression
makes its appearance, marking the inflow and outflow of force or heat.
We are here only showing the application of cosmic symbols to matter, and are not dealing
with manifestation from any other angle than that of the purely material. For instance, we
are applying the symbol of the point within the circle to the sphere of matter, and the
point of latent heat. We are not handling at this point matter as informed by an entity
who is to matter, when so informing, a point of conscious life.
We are dealing only with matter and latent heat, with the result produced by rotary
movement of radiatory heat and the consequent interplay of bodies atomic. We are therefore
dealing with the point we set out to consider while studying our fifth division, motion in
the sheaths.
Circle divided into four. This is the true circle of matter, the equal armed cross of
the Holy Spirit, Who is the personification of active intelligent matter. This shows the
fourth dimensional quality of matter and the penetration of the fire in four directions,
its threefold radiation being symbolized by the triangles formed by the fourfold cross.
This portrays the fourfold revolution of any atom. By this is not meant the ability of any
atom to make four revolutions, but the fourth dimensional quality of the revolution which
is the goal aimed at, and which is even now becoming known in matter during this [161]
fourth round, and in this fourth chain. As the fifth spirillae or fifth stream of force in
an atom becomes developed and man can conceive of a fourth-dimensional rotary movement,
the accuracy of this symbol will be recognized. It will then be seen that all sheaths in
their progress from inertia to rhythm, via mobility, pass through all stages, whether they
are logoic sheaths, the rays in which the Heavenly Men veil Themselves, the planes which
form the bodies of certain solar entities, the causal body (or the sheath of the Ego on
the mental plane), the human physical body in its etheric constitution, or a cell in that
body etheric. All these material forms (existent in etheric matter which is the true
matter of all forms) are primarily undifferentiated ovoids; they then become actively
rotating or manifest latent heat; next they manifest duality or latent and radiatory fire;
the expression of these two results in fourth dimensional action or the wheel or rotary
form turning upon itself.
swastika, or the fire extending not only from the periphery to the center in four
directions, but gradually circulating and radiating from and around the entire periphery.
This signifies completed activity in every department of matter until finally we have a
blazing, fiery wheel, turning every way, with radiant channels of fire from the center to
the ring-pass-not - fire within, without and around until the wheel is consumed and there
is naught remaining but perfected fire.