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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section
Two - Introductory Questions |
Third: The work of a solar Logos is again of
a corresponding nature: [292]
- He has to
attain to the full consciousness of His entire ring-pass-not, or of the seven planes of
the solar system. This covers a period wherein five of the Heavenly Men, or five of His
centers, and therefore, five schemes, reach a stage of accurate response to contact and
- He has to
attain to the consciousness of the cosmic Logos within Whose body He is a center. He must
find by experience His place within the cosmic group of which He is a part, in much the
same way as a planetary Logos pursues a similar course. This is achieved when all the
Heavenly Men or each of the seven centers are awakened and functioning consciously and
freely, with their systemic interrelation adjusted and controlled by the Law of Action and
Reaction. It brings within His control not only the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical
plane (our seven major planes) but necessarily also the cosmic astral plane.
- To attain to
the consciousness of the center in the body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NOUGHT MAY BE SAID. This
center is formed by the sphere of influence of a cosmic Logos. In the body of a cosmic
Logos, a solar Logos is a center.
We must
bear in mind that this enumeration is given from the standpoint of the present, and
from the angle of vision (relatively limited) of the Heavenly Man of our particular
scheme, and that it is therefore circumscribed by His peculiar conditions, which govern
the intelligence of the cells in His body; it is given from the point of view of
differentiation and not of synthesis. A synthetic absorption proceeds eventually in
connection with all these Entities, and each undergoes a process, paralleling on His Own
level that undergone by the Microcosm; in the case of the Microcosm the causal body or the
body of the Ego acts as the synthesizer of the energy of the Quaternary or lower Self, and
the spiritual [294] or monadic sheath as the synthesizer of the seven principles, making
thus the three, the seven, and the ten.
In closing
I would point out that the mind must carefully be kept from reducing all these ideas into
a rankly materialistic concept. It must be rigidly borne in mind that we are dealing with
the subjective life, and not with the objective form, and that we are considering, for
instance, the synthesis of the principles or the qualitating energies and not the
synthesis of form. |
Evolution in
the Universe (Tabulation II) |
Entity |
Vehicle |
Center |
Space |
Time |
The Unknown |
7 constellations |
cosmic Logos |
5 cosmic planes. |
A cosmic Logos |
7 solar systems |
solar Logos |
4 cosmic planes. |
A solar Logos |
7 planetary schemes |
Heavenly Man |
3 cosmic planes. |
Period of 3 solar systems. |
A Heavenly Man |
7 planetary chains |
Chohans and groups |
2 cosmic planes. |
Period of 1 solar system. |
A Man |
7 etheric centers |
a Principle |
1 cosmic plane. |
Period of 1 planetary scheme. |
- Through each
etheric center man is bringing to perfect vibration some one principle or quality through
which the subjective life may express itself.
- Through each
chain in a scheme a Heavenly Man is endeavoring to do the same.
- Through each
scheme in a system, a solar Logos working at the same thing; the goal is synthetic quality
and not primarily the perfection of the form. The response of the energized form to the
qualitative life is naturally - under the law - equal to the demand, but this is of
secondary importance and is not the object in view.
We have
seen that the work to be accomplished in all the above cases is necessarily threefold:
- First. The development of individual consciousness.
Second. The development of group consciousness.
Third. The development of God consciousness, of that consciousness in each case
which represents the highest spiritual Source, and which is recognized as the same in
essence as the God within the individual, whether man or solar Logos.
This concept must be meditated upon by all thinkers and its synthesis emphasized. The
relation of the cell to the group, of the group to the aggregate of groups, and of them
all to the indwelling Entity Who holds them in synthetic correlation by means of the Law
of Attraction and Repulsion is of vital moment. Two main ideas must always be borne in
mind: [295]
- That the terms "cell, group, or congery of groups" relate entirely to the form
of vehicle, and thus to the matter aspect.
- That the idea of an Entity Who synthesizes the groups and is the animating life of the
cell has to do with the Spirit aspect.
These two concepts lead necessarily to a third, that of the development of
consciousness, which is the gradual expansion of the realization of the Indweller in the
form, the apprehension by the Self of the relation of the form to Itself, and of its slow
utilization and control. This persists until that Realization includes the cell, the
group, and the totality of groups. These ideas can be applied to the three grades of
consciousness referred to. As follows:
- Man, the lowest type of coherent consciousness (using the word
"consciousness" in its true connotation as the "One who knows") is but
a cell, a minute atom within a group.
A Heavenly Man represents a coherent conscious group.
A solar Logos on His Own plane holds an analogous place to that of a Heavenly Man
in a solar system, and from a still higher standpoint to that of a man within the solar
system. When the place of the solar planes within the cosmic scheme is duly apprehended it
will be recognized that on cosmic levels of a high order the solar Logos is an
Intelligence as relatively low in the order of cosmic consciousness as man is in relation
to solar consciousness. He is but a cell in the body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE
SAID. His work parallels on cosmic levels the work of man on the solar planes. He has to
undergo on the three lower cosmic planes a process of developing an apprehension of His
environment of the same nature as man in the three worlds. This fact should be remembered
by all students [296] of this central division of our subject; above all the analogy
between the cosmic physical planes and the solar physical planes must be pondered upon. It
holds hid the fourfold mystery:
- The mystery
of the Akasha.
- The secret
of the fifth round.
- The esoteric
significance of Saturn, the third, planet.
- The occult
nature of cosmic kundalini, or the electrical force of the system.
One hint on
this fourth point may be given for wise consideration. When the electrical interplay
between the planets is better ascertained (and by this I mean their negative or positive
interplay), then it will be revealed which are related or connected, and which are nearing
the point of balance. I would here point out very briefly certain facts, not pausing to
elaborate or to elucidate, but simply making various statements which - as the knowledge
of man progresses - will assume their rightful place in the ordered scheme. They will then
be seen as enlightening and revealing the necessary sequence of development.
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