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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section Two - Division D - Thought Elementals and Fire Elementals |
Here in the arcane symbology is hid (in terms of energy and of
radiant activity) the whole secret of egoic energy, and of impulse making its presence
felt in the substance of the lower planes; the student should interpret the above
sentences both macrocosmically and microcosmically. In all manifestation, the originating
impulse comes from the first aspect which is hidden at the heart of the egoic lotus, but
this hidden Identity works under law, and in the earlier stages (the first three cycles)
the process goes on under the Law of Economy, which is the law of substance itself; in the
final two cycles this law becomes merged (though not superseded, being still potent) with
the Law of Attraction, which is the fundamental law of the divine Self. It is the failure
to realize this which has resulted in the confusion existing in the minds of many
metaphysicians as to which demonstrated first, desire or will, and as to the distinction
between them, between impulse and purpose, and between instinct and intention. In the
earlier stages man reincarnates under the Law of Economy, and though the will aspect lies
back of the process, yet for a long time it is the pull of sensation and its reflex in
consciousness, desire, which produces rebirth. Sensation, being a quality in matter or
substance, the Self in the beginning identifies Itself with sensation. Later, when the
Self is beginning to, identify Itself with Itself, and to recognize the nature of the
Not-Self, the Law of Attraction and Repulsion [767] becomes more active, and conscious
will and purpose are displayed. Here it should be remembered that a profound difference in
time and space exists between the Logos, or Macrocosm, and Man, the Microcosm. Average man
comes into incarnation through egoic impulse, based on desire and on the relation of the
second aspect to the third aspect or of the Self to the Not-Self. He will eventually bring
about (through evolution) the revelation of the first aspect, and then egoic impulse
(based on conscious mental apprehension of the purpose in view) will be the dominant
factor, and will demonstrate through a definite will to act. In connection with the Logos,
the first stage has been left far behind, and logoic manifestation is based on will and
purpose and on conscious intelligent activity. The reason for this is that the Logos, and
the planetary Logoi likewise, are on the path of cosmic initiation. Therefore, though the originating impulse comes from the central point, it is not at first apparent. At the moment of individualization, the dim outline of a form such as earlier described has made its appearance on mental levels, and (which is a point not as yet recognized by students) it becomes apparent that a period on mental levels has transpired given over to a preparation for the imminent event. Through the activity of the solar Angels the twelve petals have gradually taken form, as the point of electric fire at the heart has begun to make itself felt even though not as yet localized. Then the first three petals take shape, and close down upon the vibrant point, or "jewel" under the potency of the Law of Attraction. One by one the nine other petals take shape as the vibrations begin to affect solar substance, the three types of petals being each under the influence of one or other of the major Rays; these, in their turn, come under the influence of force from cosmic centers. [768] As earlier said, these petals form a bud, each being closely folded. Only faint vibrations are to be seen pulsating in the bud, just enough to testify to its being a living organism. Shadowy and dim can the ring-pass-not be seen, the encircling limit of the activity of the coming Consciousness. It is an ovoid or sphere, and very small as yet. This process of forming the egoic lotus has gone on silently from the moment that the lower animal man, or the lower four principles, had reached a point where the energy (generated by him) could begin to make itself felt on mental levels. When the fire of the lower prepared sheaths (the threefold fire of substance itself) becomes radioactive, this nebulous appearance on the third subplane of the mental plane begins to be organized, as the result of the downward pull of the higher by the lower, and as the response of the Spirit aspect to the radiations, or attraction, of matter. But individualization as we understand it is not yet effected. This process of radioactivity on the part of the lower, and of a downflow of energy from the higher, covers a long period wherein the solar Angels are working on Their Own plane and the lower Pitris are also working on theirs; one group is producing the nucleus of the egoic body, and the other the receptacle for the life of God, or the Monad in the three worlds. Then comes a set time in the life of the planetary Logos wherein His centers become active in a particular manner; this is coincident with the incarnation of the Monads, and their descent into the three worlds. A systemic triangle is formed (for ever the three produce the seven), and through this setting loose of threefold energy, the work of the solar and lunar Pitris is coordinated, and the three permanent atoms are appropriated by the jiva concerned, and appear at the base of the egoic lotus. Individualization has taken place and the work of at-one-ment is completed; the fourth kingdom [769] in nature is a "fait accompli;" the Monad has clothed itself in material sheaths, and the self conscious unit appears on the physical plane. If all that H. P. B. has to say anent the first three rounds of our Earth scheme is read as dealing with the period of condensation of the causal body upon the mental level, and as covering the time leading up to the appearance in the fourth round of man as we now have him, some light may be thrown upon this difficult matter. |
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