by Julian Rose
JulianRose Website
Spanish version
Julian is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, an
international activist and author.
He is currently president of The International
Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside.
His latest book "In
Defence of Life".
Visit Julian' web site at

"Every one of us human beings has two minds.
is totally ours,
it is like a faint voice that always brings us
order, directness, purpose.
The other is a foreign installation.
It brings us conflict, self-assertion, doubts, hopelessness:
it's ourselves as the
'me-me' center of the world."
Part 1
Shamanism and Intuition
November 7, 2014
Thus spoke Carlos Castaneda in 'The
Active Side of infinity' which is part of the 'Teachings
of Don Juan' series.
And I'm going to give you more excerpts
from The Active Side of Infinity. Because I believe that these
writings present Shamanic teachings to us in a direct, powerful way
- and at a time when we most need them.
The deft fusing of spirit and earth which rises up
out of these writings, is a powerful native tradition in South
America - as it is also amongst the native North American Indian
Jumping into Castaneda's writings is special, maybe
particularly because they go straight to the gut, whereas many more
contemplative esoteric traditions (of East and West) tend to home-in
on the intellectual and heart chakra levels.
I believe we need a good dose of gut centered
experience at this particular time, so as to get anchored and
earthed - while all around mind oriented activities are throwing-up
a thousand refractions of information - that in the end clog the
neurons of the neo-cortex and render us permanently on the brink of
At times like these one needs to reconnect with an
older, native kind of intuition that has its nest in the solar
plexus; the place where the umbilical cord once bought essential
nourishment to our tiny forming bodies.
"Infinity is everything that surrounds us: the
spirit, the dark sea of awareness. It is something that exists
out there and rules our lives. My steps and yours are ruled by
The circumstances that seem to be ruled by chance
are in essence ruled by the active side of infinity: intent.
What put you and me together was the intent of infinity.
It is impossible to determine what this intent of
infinity is, yet it is there, as palpable as you and I
"Sorcerers say there is a tremor in the air. The
advantage of sorcerers is to know that the tremor in the air
exists, and to acquiesce to it without further ado. For
sorcerers there is no pondering, wandering or speculating.
They know all they have is the possibility of
merging with the intent of infinity, and they just do
To know the tremor in the air - and to acquiesce to
it. That is a great call. It is that 'tremor' which guides our inner
and outer 'intent', as Castaneda names it.
I experience it as a subtle type of tension which
keeps one on one's toes and open to any eventuality.
"You are not alert. You never learned to be
alert, anyway.
To be alert doesn't mean to be watchful. For
sorcerers, to be alert means to be aware of the fabric of the
everyday world that seems extraneous to the interaction of the
Don't hide yourself behind banalities. Stand up,
assume responsibility for what you know. Don't get lost in the
extraneous fabric of the world around you, extraneous to what's
going on.
Don't be so concerned with yourself and your
Wow - that's a strong call to drop our 'lesser
deadening baggage.
Hiding behind banalities is indeed a classic
defensive position in this day and age. Why be on the defensive? Why not go on the offensive!
So much to achieve in such a short time..
"Sorcerers never say things idly. I am most
careful what I say to you or to anybody else.
The difference between you and me is that I don't
have any time at all, and I act accordingly. You, on the other
hand, believe you have all the time in the world, and act
accordingly. The end result of our individual behaviors is that
I measure everything I do and say, and you don't.
You're looking for a sorcerer's medication to
remove everything annoying from you, with no effort at all on
your part. You want 'results potion' - and you're cured.
Sorcerers face things in a different way. Since
they don't have any time to spare they give themselves
fully to what's in front of them.
Your turmoil is the result of your lack of
'Sorcerers don't have any time to spare'... Powerful
insight into the commitment which comes with full engagement.
We are bamboozled with anything and everything
designed to take our eyes off the ball. But every time we do, a
sense of loss accompanies our 'inaction'. We want heaven - but can
only manage half an hour a day to bring it about.
Turmoil is bound to ensue - and it does!
"The nagual Elias and the nagual Julian were
astoundingly alike in that there was nothing inside them. They
were empty. The nagual Elias was a collection of astounding,
haunting stories of regions unknown.
The nagual Julian was a collection of stories
that would have anybody in stitches, sprawled on the ground
laughing. Each of the two men had his flair, but the end
result was just the same: emptiness, an emptiness that reflected
not the world, but infinity."
Had to put that one in!
Must admit - I was most
curious to find the name Julian in this shamanic context.
"Sadness, for sorcerers, is not personal.
It is not quite sadness. It's a wave of energy
that comes from the depths of the cosmos, and hits sorcerers
when they are receptive, when they act like radios, catching
radio waves.
The sorcerers of olden times, who gave us the
entire format of sorcery, believed that there is sadness in the
universe, as a force, a condition, like light, like intent,
and that this perennial force acts especially on sorcerers
because they no longer have any defensive shields.
They cannot hide behind their friends or studies.
They cannot hide behind love, or hatred, or happiness, or
misery. They can't hide behind anything. The condition of
sorcerers is that sadness, for them, is abstract.
It doesn't come from coveting or lacking
something, or from self importance.
It doesn't come from me. It comes from
Have you ever had that feeling - when an almost
overwhelming sense of sadness sweeps over you - that you can't place
where it is coming from?
Castaneda links this experience directly to an actual
'state of being' - a universal one - which is a rather remarkable
conclusion. Yet it is at one with our recognition that we are
intertwined with the living universe - and it enables us to share
with this living universe a special kind of compassionate resonance.
The sense that 'sadness' is a condition built into
the fabric of creation - is deeply moving and gives us the
motivation to reflect on the profundity of this often
tragic-beautiful thing called life.
"Inner silence is a peculiar state of being in
which thoughts are cancelled out and one can function from a
level other than that of daily awareness. Inner silence
means suspension of the inner dialogue.
What is at work during inner silence is another
faculty that man has, the faculty that makes him a magical
being, the very faculty that has been curtailed, not by man
himself, but by some extraneous influence."
Here, once again, is this key issue for all of us:
that we have had our magical powers 'curtailed' by an extraneous
So, armed with this knowledge, we must work to free
ourselves from this vampiric force by whatever means possible. Here,
the method suggested is the achievement of a deep inner silence.
The deep meditation state that can put one in touch
with essence.
"The desired result is what the old sorcerers
called stopping the world, the moment when everything
around us ceases to be what it's always been.
This is the moment when sorcerers return to the
true nature of man. The old sorcerers also called it total
freedom. It is the moment when the man slave becomes man
the free being, capable of feats of perception that defy our
linear imagination.
Inner silence is the avenue that leads
to a true suspension of judgment, to a moment when sensory data
emanation from the universe at large ceases to be interpreted by
the senses; a moment when cognition ceases to be the force
which, through usage and repetition, decides the nature of the
Here it is possible to link-in all truly 'seeking'
spiritual persuasions.
Reaching the inner silence appears critical in
overcoming our extraneous tormentors - and even our own laxness - lack of sobriety. We get beyond their radar when immersed in
universal stillness.
But the trick is, to then re-emerge into this
present temporal existence still holding onto - embodying - this
enriched depth of being.
Only this way can we confront, directly, the false
agenda in which we find ourselves each day. Face it with courage,
and set about changing it. Thus we express - in action - this deepening conviction which is etched ever more generously into
our universal souls.
It is the widespread human failure to take action
which is holding back the removal from the seats of power of our
hidden and not so hidden oppressors, thus prolonging the age of
destruction - in spite of much chatter about growing and awakening.
"Sorcerers need a breaking point for the
workings of inner silence to set-in…
It is very important that
you yourself deliberately arrive at this breaking point, or that
you create it artificially and intelligently. Your breaking
point is to discontinue your life as you know it. You have done
everything I've told you dutifully and accurately.
If you are
talented, you never show it. That seems to be your style. You're
not slow, but you act as if you were. You're very sure of
yourself, but you act as though you were insecure. You're not
timid, and yet you act as though you were afraid of people.
Everything you do points to one single spot: you
need to break all that, ruthlessly.
I think everything boils down to one act: you
must leave your friends. You must say goodbye to them, for good.
It's not possible to continue on the warrior's path carrying
your personal history with you, and unless you discontinue your
way of life, I won't be able to go ahead with my instruction.
Your friends and family are your points of reference. Therefore
they have to go.
Sorcerers have only one point of reference:
This advice may appear daunting - yet it's hard to
If our friends and family remain a significant point of
reference, we are locked into a relationship that precludes
following the path of truth. It is impossible to retain emotional
attachment to family and friends and to simultaneously give one's
self over to the call of the universe.
This is a stumbling block for
By committing one hundred percent to the path of truth, we re-align
our relationship with family and friends. It becomes a new
relationship and a much more singular and defined one.
When one does
meet - the warmth is retained - but the taken for granted mutual
acceptances have been superseded.
The message may be harsh, but
truth doesn't come wrapped in pink paper sprinkled with sugar.
"The end of an era means that the units of a
foreign cognition are beginning to take hold. The units of our
normal cognition, no matter how pleasant and rewarding they are
for you, are beginning to fade. A grave moment in the life of a
Don't admire people from afar. That is the surest
way to create mythological beings. Get close to them, talk to
them, see what they are like as people. Test them. If their
behavior is the result of their conviction that they are a
being who is going to die, then everything they do, no matter
how strange, must be premeditated and final.
If what they say
turns out to be just words, they're not worth a hoot.
Human beings are beings that are going to die.
Sorcerers firmly believe that the only way to have a grip on our
world, and what we do in it, is by fully accepting that we are
on the way to dying. Without this basic acceptance, our lives,
our doings, and the world in which we live are unmanageable
The acceptance of this is far-reaching. However,
it's not the mere acceptance that does the trick. We have to
embody that acceptance and live it all the way through.
Sorcerers throughout the ages have said that the
view of our death is the most sobering view that exists."
Part 2
The Appointment With Infinity
November 24, 2014
Spanish version
"The practicalities that scientists are
interested in are conducive to building more and more machines.
They are not geared to reaching the vastness of the universe as
a personal, experiential affair."
"Someday I'll tell you more about the forces that drive man to
act like an ass. Some of us make sense when we talk because we
are prepared to use words accurately. But most of us are not
prepared to take ourselves seriously as men who are going to
Being immortal, we wouldn't know how to do that. It makes no
difference what complex machines scientists can build. The
machines can in no way help anyone face the unavoidable
appointment: the appointment with infinity."
Infinity - 'the voice of the spirit' as Castaneda
also calls it.
That 'appointment' is a day of reckoning. It is a
space in which we look back and see what we really made of our short
span of Earthly life.
By anticipating that this will happen to each of us
at death, we can scroll back to now, regroup wayward tendencies, and
gain greater intent - a truer focus on our purpose for being here.
"The nagual Julian used to tell me about the
conquering generals of ancient Rome. When they would return
victorious, gigantic parades were staged to honor them. Riding
with them was always a slave whose job was to whisper in their
ear that all fame and glory are but transitory.
If we are victorious in any way we don't have anyone to whisper
in our ear that everything is ephemeral. The whisperer is death,
the infallible advisor, the only one who won't tell you a lie."
So our sense of finiteness keeps us humble.
But once we start puffing-up with egotistical claims
upon knowledge, spiritual awareness, sporting prowess, money making,
war heroics, or any type of matrix 'achievements', we will no doubt
dread our 'appointment with infinity' - the great leveler.
"The sorcerers of ancient Mexico saw that the
universe at large is composed of energy fields in the form of
luminous filaments.
They saw zillions of them, wherever they turned
to see. They also saw that those energy fields arranged
themselves into currents of luminous fibres, streams that are
constant, perennial forces in the universe."
"The sorcerers also found out that every creature in the
universe is attached to the dark sea of awareness at a round
point of luminosity that was apparent when those creatures were
perceived as energy.
On that point of luminosity, which the sorcerers
of ancient Mexico called the assemblage point of human beings,
zillions of energy fields from the universe at large, in the
form of luminous filaments, converge and pass through it.
These energy fields are converted into sensory
data, and the sensory data is then converted, interpreted and
perceived as the world we know.
What turns the luminous fibres into sensory data
is the dark sea of awareness. Sorcerers see the transformation
and call it the glow of awareness, a sheen that extends like a
halo around the assemblage point."
Nikola Tesla once said that if
you want to find the secrets of the universe you should think in
terms of 'energy, frequency and vibration'.
In the above passage we get an explanation of this
phenomena, something that
David Icke and others have
recently also picked up on, namely:
that it is only because we humans have a decoding
system within our neocortex, that we are able to formulate
physical three dimensional images from those 'zillions of energy
fields' - and experience them as material forms - our physical
'Luminous filaments' converge and pass through the
'assemblage point', according to the sorcerers.
An assemblage point is something that 'pulls all
things together' and assembles them. Very interesting. Thus we
humans, when we are tuned to the vibratory levels of universal
energy - are receptors of these luminous filaments of energy - and
turn them into thought forms and material solidity. Into named
objects and physical manifestations.
'The dark sea of awareness' seems to be a sort of
filter, which helps order and interpret the data being received. The
higher the vibratory rates of the receiver - the closer to the
essence (of energy) one gets.
This is about inspiration, creativity,
About turning these inflowing energies into living sculptural
interpretations; into physical manifestations of the divine source
from whence they came.
This is what 'Life' is supposed to be... and look
what it has become!
"Today you may remember an event that sums up
your total life.
We are always faced with a situation that is the
same as the one we never resolved. Infinity always puts us in
the terrible position of having to choose. We want infinity, but
at the same time we want to run away from it.
You want to tell me to go jump in a lake, but at
the same time you are compelled to stay. It would be infinitely
easier for you to just be compelled to stay."
This passage highlights the dilemma common to us
'we are always faced by a situation that is the
same as the one we never resolved'.
Achilles Heel factor plays out -
sometimes over and over again during our life time's, until we
finally wrestle it to the ground - and can then move on, freed and
"What is at stake is the advent of a
disintegrating force. But not a force that is disintegrating
you; I don't mean it that way.
It is disintegrating what the
sorcerers call the foreign installation, which exists in you and
in every other human being. The affect of the force that is
descending on you, which is disintegrating the foreign
installation, is that it pulls sorcerers out of their syntax.
I know how difficult it is for you to deal with this facet of
your life. Every sorcerer that I know has gone through it. The
males going through it suffer infinitely more damage than the
females. I suppose it's the condition of women to be more
The sorcerers of ancient Mexico, acting as a
group, tried to buttress the impact of this disintegrating
force. In our day we have no way of acting as a group so we must
brace ourselves to face in solitude a force which will sweep us
away from language, for there is no way to describe adequately
what is going on.
Sorcerers face the unknown in the most common incidents one can
When they are confronted with it, and cannot
interpret what they are perceiving, they have to rely on an
outside force for direction. I've called that voice infinity, or
the voice of the spirit.
If sorcerers don't try to be rational
about what can't be rationalized, the spirit unerringly tells
them what's what."
'Disintegrating the foreign installation' in us, that
is our task.
There are things it really doesn't like:
love, passion, self belief, manifestations of
spirit, conscious awareness and 'intent', for starters.
These are the same qualities that will depose the
masters of control who cling to power on this planet.
These people
are, after all, receptive to the commands of the 'foreign
installation' and take their cues accordingly. As we gain confidence in our powers, so we must
channel them into actions designed to throw our oppressors off their
thrones and give our Earth the breathing space to heal.
Using the rational mind to try to comprehend or control the Divine
force is what most of the past three to four centuries have been
about - and no doubt before.
Trying to pin down a force that is essentially fluid,
mysterious and always surprising, is largely a male preoccupation,
and one which has got both men and women into a lot of trouble - not
to mention the subtle fabric of our living planet.
To get 'a fix' on something, one has to see it from
(or on) the outside; and seeing something from/on the outside is to
place that object 'outside' of one's self. Beyond one.
Whereas Divine is both within and without and can
only be accessed via placing the rational mind at the service of the
Divine mind. Then all the possibilities start to unfold and we gain
real 'life direction' in all we do. This is the great change.
The metamorphosis which heralds a new era in the
evolution of mankind.
"Everything you do has to be an act of sorcery.
An act free from encroaching expectations, fears of failure,
hopes of success. Free from the cult of me; everything you do
has to be impromptu, a work of magic where you freely open
yourself to the impulses of the infinite."
"There's nothing gentle about sorcerers or sorcery. The first
time infinity descends on you it may be a total take-over of
your faculties."
"Choice for the warrior-travelers is not really an act of
choosing, but rather an act of acquiescing elegantly to the
solicitations of infinity."
"It's pitch black around us, but if you look out of the corner
of your eye, you will see fleeting shadows jumping all around
you. You have arrived, by your effort alone, to what the shamans
of ancient Mexico called the topic of topics.
I have been beating around the bush all this
time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner.
Indeed we are held prisoner! This was an energetic fact for the
sorcerers of ancient Mexico. There is an explanation that is the
simplest explanation in the world.
They took over because we are food for them, and
they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance.
Just as we rear chickens in chicken coups, the predators rear us
in human coops. Therefore their food is always available to
"Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems
of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores.
They are the ones who set up our hopes and
expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given
us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who
make us complacent, followers of routine, and egomaniacs.
In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak,
the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver;
stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting
strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of
those that suffer it.
They gave us their mind! Do you here me?
The predators gave us their mind, which becomes our mind. The
predator's mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with
the fear of being discovered any minute now.
I know that although you have never suffered hunger you have
food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the
predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to
be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind,
which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the
lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them.
And they insure, in this manner, a degree of
security to act as a buffer against their fear."
'The predators give us their mind - which becomes our
mind'. An act which is referred to as 'stupendous' from the
point of view of a fighting strategy.
description of
enlightenment comes to mind concerning this dilemma in which we find
"Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has
nothing to do with becoming better or being happier.
Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It is seeing
through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of
everything we imagined to be true."
"The sorcerers of Ancient Mexico saw the
They called it the flyer because it leaps through the
air. It is not a pretty sight. It is a big shadow, impenetrably
dark, a black shadow that leaps through the air. Then it lands
flat on the ground.
The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite
ill at ease with the idea of when it made its appearance on
They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at
one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are
mythological legends nowadays.
And then everything seems to
disappear, and we have now a sedated man.
What I'm saying is that what we're up against is not a simple
predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a
methodical path to render us useless. Man, the magical being
that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He's an average
piece of meat.
There are no more dreams for man but the dreams
of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat:
trite, conventional, imbecilic."
Extraordinary passage.
The 'flyer' goes under other names in other cultures,
such as,
Many of us have experienced them in
some form or other. They can be pretty vicious, but since they fear
their own downfall, will flee when directly confronted by
manifestations of truth.
However, while the majority of mankind is manifesting
itself as 'an average piece of meat', the type of courage needed to
solicit such a confrontation seems highly unlikely to emerge.
"Soon you will be entering infinity by the force
of your own personal power.
Once you have entered into infinity,
you can't depend on anyone to bring you back. Your decision is
needed then. Only you can decide whether or not to return. I
must warn you that few warrior-travelers survive this type of
encounter with infinity.
Infinity is enticing beyond belief. A
warrior-traveler finds that to return to the world of disorder,
compulsion, noise and pain is a most unappealing affair. You
must know that your decision to stay or return is not a matter
of reasonable choice, but a matter of intending it."
"We are warrior-travelers. Only energetic facts are meaningful
for us.
All the rest are trimmings that have no importance at
all. Our normal cognition requires a linear explanation in order
to be satisfied, and linear explanations are not possible. That
is the crux in the interruption of continuity.
The interruption
is the sorcerer. In order for you to stay behind, you need all
your strength, all your forbearance, and above all, a warrior-traveler's
guts of steel."