ook of Places Of Outer Places
n Outer Space most of these places
are, for the Old Ones came from the Dark Stars. Tsathoggua was the first, he came from
dim Cykranosh not long after the creation of life on this planet. His brother Vulthoom
descended upon dying Mars. Great Cthulhu came hither next
from distant dim green double star Xoth, with His Spawns, the Deep Ones and the Goddess-Bitch Shub-Niggurath
followed them soon after from nightmare-rumored
Hastur the Unspeakable left dark Yuggoth to stain the
soil of Earth in its prime. Fthaggua, dwelt on a world called Ktynga.
Of the Old Ones, not all came on Earth. the Demon-Sultan Azathoth, Him Who Is Not To Be Named,
lurks ever on that dark world near Aldebaran in the Hyades. Likewise, Cthugha chose for His abode
the star Fomalhaut.
To visit such places, the Traveller shall be patient. Only a few chosen are allowed to
travel through time and space and see by themselves the very places where They were born.
Either madness or Death is the toll for such a journey. However, it is possible,
as the following chapters will show, to open Windows or Gates though which one may
look upon the Dark Stars. the ritual has a risk though, for the Old Ones or Their Minions
may feel your gaze and track you down unmercifully.
- [Translator's note : Abdul Al-Hazred died in Damascus,
circa 738 A.D. Of his final
death or disappearance many terrible and conflicting things are told. He is said by Ebn
Khallikan (12th century biographer) to have been siezed by an invisible monster in broad daylight and
devoured horribly before a large number of fright-frozen witnesses. It is probable
one of these "Watchers" finally found him.]
the reader must be aware that The Old Ones are not the only makers
of cyclopean cities. Mankind unexpectedly created the most beautiful countries, a place
even Ancient Gods chose to rest peacefully. Some call that holly place, beyond the Silver Key Door,
the Lands of Dreams