Let's start with a copy of the image which I've color coded to point out the various components.
The topmost segment of the message is intended to convey this. The fact that this portion of the message is the first to be transmitted should help identify it as the starting point when decoding it.
Examining the encoded numbers 8, 9, and 10 reveals that when more significant bits are required than fit in a given dimension in the image, they continue in another row or column, starting next to the least significant bit of the previous row or column.
The position of the least significant digit is always marked
by a one bit, which I will color pink for every number in the
From left to right (the same order as we found in the numbers above) we have:
Here, groups of numbers of the same size as the list of elements give the number of atoms of each in the molecular components of DNA, arranged in a representation of the ladder-like structure of backbone and complementary base pairs.
To aid in interpreting each encoded formula, the column giving the number of atoms for each element is colored the same as the corresponding column in the list of elements above.
After figuring out the molecules from the encoded formula (which may be difficult, as only the number of atoms of each element is given with no indication of the structure), we can learn more about the overall structure of DNA from where the groups appear in image.
First of all, we observe that the deoxyribose-phosphate sequence is repeated twice on both the left and right sides of the image.
To one acquainted with polymers, this suggests the chain may be of arbitrary length, with the basic unit repeating over and over.
The appearance of the identical backbone sequence at both the left
and right suggests a ladder-like structure.
If the
recipient of the message managed to figure out the structural
formula for each of the groups, further investigation of their
chemistry would reveal that these were the only pairings possible,
and thus suggest DNA was a reliable data storage medium capable of
being copied.
Knowing the molecule forms a helical structure would provide constraints useful in reducing ambiguity in the structure of the component groups, and experimental observation that DNA synthesized from the compounds indicated did indeed form a double helix would form provide strong confirmation its structure had been correctly decoded.
The number, three billion, gives the approximate number of
nucleotides in the human genome.
Certainly, to a human, this is one of the most striking components of the message. What an amorphous, jellyfish-like creature living in a sea of liquid nitrogen would make of it is less evident.
The bar suggests (to humans, at least) that the number gives the size of the figure, but then one must decide in what units the size is given.
Since the recipient knows the wavelength on which the message was received, 12.6 centimeters, this provides a convenient scale of measurement. Fourteen of these units is 176 cm, which is just about Frank Drake's own height. At the right of the figure is another 32-bit number, this one about four billion, intended to give the approximate human population.
Aliens who correctly interpret this will know how large an army to
The gas giants are all larger than the terrestrial planets, with Jupiter and Saturn indicated as larger than Uranus and Neptune to their right.
Earth appears directly below
the figure of the human and is offset in that direction, identifying
it as the planet from which the signal originated.
This gives the size of the antenna as 30,618 centimeters, or about 306 meters.