by M. McDowell, B.S., M.A.
Preamble from the editor:
This text
with the document is proving to be very controversial:
The medical terms seem to be correct but MDs who have
reviewed this say it doesn’t compute medically or it
reads like a "salad." But, at the same time these
"experts" say "they don’t understand the science." BJ
mentioned to me that there are "gaps" in this text and
that Burisch or Dan Crain was not that
forthcoming as you might see. She had to take her hand
written/tape notes and transcribe them while spending
many hours in the library looking up medical terms. She
is the one who put this text together and not Dan
Burisch who was not always cooperative as mentioned.
Hopefully, more information will be forthcoming.
Dan Burisch, formerly known as Dan Crain, has been
involved in covert operations at the lab facilities underneath
Groom Lake and Papoose Lake/Site4 since the early 1990s.
Comment from editor: The above should read "in and underneath
Papoose Mountain which is where S4 is located or the SE corner of
Papoose Mountain."
This document Q94-109A leaked from a source at
Area-51, details the work done by Dr. Dan
Crain (Dan B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.) on
extraterrestrial tissue obtained from a live source. The
aspiration samples were gathered and evaluated by Dr. Crain
in his capacity as a microbiologist for the United States Navy.
The document itself.... The document (below
images) provided to me by my contact was in rather poor
condition. It had been copied in a rush, and the quality of the
photocopy left a lot to be desired. I worked to clean up the image,
after scanning it into my system, but I was only able to do so much.
The majority of the document was transcribed word for word, and is
presented here for the public to evaluate.

EaglesDisobey Website
"click" images to

. |

2 |

3 |


5 -
(original of figure 4)
Crain signed this document, and the signature has
been confirmed.
section contains the word for word transcription
of the original document. It is being provided because
the original came in a difficult form to read.
original images that were received were hardly readable
and had been rapidly photocopied.
settings of the copier were not correct, but there was
no time for a second try. That is why they appear to be
so dark. The originals were also copied in reverse.
Recombining human and
non-terrestrial DNA?
Dr. Burisch is currently involved in a new covert project, the
details of which bear a striking similarity to his work at Area-51,
as outlined by document Q94-109A. The powers that have demanded his
current participation, literally at gunpoint, are attempting to use
his skills to alter certain elements of our DNA and
RNA codes.
This new research bears a striking resemblance to what they were
trying to do in document Q94-109A: reverse engineer and recombine
human and non-terrestrial DNA.
The strenuous objections of the microbiologists on the project
several years ago helped to slow the research, but now if left
unchecked, the current experimentation could spell catastrophic
disaster for human evolution... future human evolution.
In early conversations with Dan Burisch, he indicated that he was
very familiar with the biology (cellular biology and biochemistry)
of a "Captive" extraterrestrial housed in a lab located deep under
the desert floor at Area-51. I had made some notes concerning our
conversations which are reproduced here, at least in part. These
conversations were later substantiated by the document Q94-109A
which is the main subject of this publication. However, in our
earlier conversations about extraterrestrial biology Dan indicated
to me that:
"They use a somewhat combined variety of oxidative phosphorylation and ARF mediated COP-coated vesicles. It’s also
involved with an analog of clathrin-like coated vesicles.
HERE for mechanism
by which clathrin coats mediate receptor-mediated endocytosis).
Through their electron transport chain (oxidation), both
are formed simultaneously. The organ, that corresponds to their
lungs, gulps or traps the hydrogen which is then pumped through
active transport using ’spiracle’-like tubes into an analog organ,
much like our alveoli." See jpg for Q94-109A.
For more on this document please see
Q-94109-A Document
above. And, for a
reported drawing of "J-Rod" mentioned in the document please see,
Drawing of J-rod. I commented that it didn’t make sense to me, since
hydrogen simply did not seem to possess enough electrons to make it
a viable candidate for this function. Dan smiled and said, "Look up
the nature of chemiosmotic coupling and translate the Faraday
constant under their type of membrane structure and you’ll find it
works just fine. The GTP is used in a feedback loop to essentially
download the hydrogen electrons......
They have a highly powerful
ATP-synthase-like enzyme that assists quite well. Then he looked at
me and with a quizzical expression said, "Happy?" I nodded, kind of
dumbfounded - figuring that he was done, but he continued on, "Where
the multi-subunit components could be adequately represented in the
human system in two parts, ’their’ components work in a chain-like
matrix; sort of a ratchet function that fully utilizes the energy
draw down. In other words, the f0 and f1 is actually represented by
f0a,b,c,d....f0x and so on...
The multiple matrices allow for higher
yields of lower energy ATP." As nearly as I could figure it, he was
saying that the lower energy ATP was sufficient [possibly?] because
of their natural environment. I bounced this idea off him. He
answered by saying "No, not really. You see, ’they’ are on an
evolutionary downturn. Their entire genome is becoming defunct. My
job was to back engineer their neural cells - really small microglial tissue."
As incredible as it may seem, these extraterrestrials apparently
need our help. They might be more technologically advanced than we
are, but they are apparently having some real problems in the
"biology" department. After these conversations took place, I
obtained the document Q94-109A which describes Dan’s interaction
with the extraterrestrial that is known as Captive, living in a
"Clean Sphere" deep underneath the Papoose Lake site at
Area-51 (this
should read "underneath the Papoose Mountain site").
In an effort to
ascertain its authenticity, I showed Dan a copy of the document,
with his signature on the last page. I also showed him copies of his
signature block obtained from his [now] estranged mother before she
moved out of Las Vegas. Dan demanded to know where I got the
document, went sheet white, started to sweat and refused to make any
further comment.
Comment from editor: This could be one of the prime reasons for all
the reported Alien Abductions or, Aliens needing human
DNA? Does
this pose a threat? Please see,
Former President Reagan on the
"Alien Threat?"
Annotations by M. McDowell,
B.S., M.A.
Here are some brief annotations with bearing upon the text of
document Q94-109A. Annotation regarding plating studies of aspirative samples: So essentially, each of the 100 original
sections of the biopsy material was plated and cultured - in other
words, grown into a mass of living tissue generated from that
particular section of the biopsy material.
This mass of tissue was
then subsplit into smaller sections, labelled alphabetically for
specialized analysis. Given the information contained at the
beginning of the report, Dan himself performed 275 individual
biopsies over a two year period. If you calculate the number of
biopsies he performed, multiplied by 100 (for the number of splits
made from the original biopsy material each time) you wind up with
27,500 cellular tissue cultures grown in that two year period.
take the number of subsplits for each (if they used an alphabetical
nomenclature, we should have at least 26 subsplits) and you find
that they cultured approximately 715,000 individual tissue batches
during the time of this study. Of course, that is only considering
this particular study. Let’s face it. 715,000 tissue cultures is
probably a conservative estimate.
There are most likely a great many
studies being undertaken at any given time, concerning Captive. In a
taped interview with Dr. Crain in 1994, he discusses this matter,
although he did not refer to this document by name or number. It
seems clear then, from this portion of the report that the original
study was conducted by the team operating under a ’blind’; in other
words, the scientists who performed the original study: k(lower-case)-24,
were unaware of the true nature of the samples. They didn’t know
that they were from an extraterrestrial biological entity, and as a
result, they could only go so far with their evaluations. Their own
chain of command was simply not willing to reveal the pertinent
information to their own scientists, some of the finest minds in the
country, who were gathered together for the specific purpose of
conducting highly classified research.
Given the fact that later sections of this document talk about the
back-engineering of alien tissue samples in order to correct a
problem, I have to wonder ’what method were they employing in order
to engineer the correction?’. Especially now, in light of the
continuation of this bioengineering process through the Lotus
Protocol, and Dan’s staunch refusal to provide his superiors with
the mathematical keys to the DNA and RNA base pairings necessary for
them to backengineer human genetic material.
However, the report does state that the team was eventually ordered
to use human cells (from a cadaver) to recombine with alien cells in
an effort to repair the genetic damage discovered as the source of
the biological problems under evaluation.
They used allogenic recombination, which resulted in allomeric
response (a localized result) however the systemic neuropathy
continued. Then they tried sequential plasmid recombinations using
bone marrow from a human cadaver only identified by a number and an
autopsy document. This yielded better results. In fact, the report
states that the introduction of the cell matrix inoculated into the
EBE produced a stoppage of the pathology over a wide area in the
body. It appears that Dan and his team resisted performing studies
involving secondary spermatocyte stock due to the clear 'cross
breeding intent’ implicit in the work.
However, he was compelled
under orders from his Commanding Officer to do so. He says that such
a line of investigation should be followed with the greatest concern
and hesitation. The leak of such success could cause a ’wild’ strain
that could be catastrophic to us as human beings. I believe that
this is what he was alluding to in the early portion of the report
when he said "While the writer must present the findings" indicating
a certain reluctance to endorse everything in the findings,
"it must
also be stated that the operating group members have made a
unanimous declaration that certain methods to alter the present
genotype should not be carried out."
This is unusual in the extreme - for a group of scientists on the
cutting edge of explorative technology to agree that something
(anything) should absolutely, positively not be done is so rare that
it deserves a great deal of thought as to why such a statement was
made. Their ethical objections may have put a halt to the
experimentation between 1994 and 1996, however the powers that
funded and authorized that research have never abandoned hope of
altering human DNA.
The new project, LOTUS is the latest attempt to
manipulate human DNA and RNA in ways which will be catastrophic to
humanity if they are allowed to go forward unchecked.
Continuation of Partial Detail from
Document Q94-109A (to see full content go to
above images)
".... The plating activities were
entirely successful at C/Sphere S.T.P., save K-24-16, K-24-36,
and K-24-81. Heightened osmotic pressure from excess colloidal
suspension was interpreted as the reason for cellular stasis and
death. Equal Combinations of pressurized
dictostelium-desoxycholate agar media, racemic to 10.000/100.000
(%) glucose-acetate medium produced the highest cellular,
figuilar, growth rates (1.000 generations per 26.302 days).
Nominal contamination-restriction protocols were followed (see:
Cross contamination protocol 6, N.R.L., Document Number
Q-93-016B., for procedural guidelines.)"
"Cellular preparations
were presented by the "E.B.E.-Cross-Contamination and Viewing
Protocols (Sections 1-4)", as approved, 2 April 1993 (N.R.L.,
Papoose Site 4, Document Number Q-93-016C.)
"The previous analysis (k{lower-case}-24)
of then ’.... cells of an unknown origin...’ yielded presumptive
declarations that such specimens were operating under different
methodologies than known terrestrial counterparts. That study
also attempted the same process of ’back-engineering’ the
cellular constituents, but yielded little more information than
the basic cellular morphology, organelle analogs, membrane and
communication patterns, and pathways of cellular constituent
biosynthesis. Study K(upper-case)-24 was deemed necessary, by
the authority structure, for the purpose of handling aspirations
of a fresher nature, whose in situ value would be known, and
wherein a clear purpose to the investigation would be open to
the operating group under the writer’s control."
"The order was interpreted, clearly,
as a study in the classification of neuronic dendritic repair
failure, the establishment of the probably mechanisms of such
failure, and the ascertaining of possible previous conditions
(conditions that would necessarily have been present for
acceptable evolution) when such repairs would have been
successful. Additionally, the operating group took the
opportunity to "back-engineer", together with theoretical
applications, a potential route of ultimate repair of the
dysfunctional system.
This report declares that the present
operating group fulfilled the aforementioned order, and was also
successful in positing the most likely route of genotype repair,
a pathway completely reparative to the present phenotypic
status. While the writer must present the findings, it must also
be stated that the operating group members have made a unanimous
declaration that certain methods to alter the present genotype
should not be carried out. This position of conviction is held
for moral and bio-ethical considerations, as such actions may
deter from the normal process of natural selection in the human
"Initial observations of
extraterrestrial microglian-like-analog neuroblasts {?}(MENB’s)
revealed an approximated morphology to all such extraterrestrial
cells, that being hypotrophic perikaryons (as opposed to
terrestrial counterparts), with a multipolar-type
generalization. The presence of an external and internal
cytoplasm, specifically herein defined as the neuroplasm (as
previously described in k{lower case}-24), was again presented,
with the organelle fusion being also demonstrated.
The neruofibrils were present, with a 1-to-1 terrestrial
relationship of neuroprotofibrils (c. 0.009 mm). It occurred to
the investigator that the neuroprotofibrils were selectively
anastomosed to nissl-like bodies, extending afferently from the
nuclear material, through the internal cytoplasm, then further
cementing to the exterior of the internal cytoplasm (the ’ground
substance" of the external cytoplasm); however, such processes
continued along primary axon units, but terminated at the
primary-axonic-dendritic-process juncture (where the exoplasm
sufficiently thinned allowing branching dendritic processes).
This finding led the investigation toward its ultimate
"At the point of neuroprotofibril
excision, the analog to the Incisures of Schmidt-Lanterman,
Neurokeratin-like networks, and solid Endoneruium,
cease. Cross
culturing revealed that selective culture necrosis was not the
origin. Further, such early terminations were found at highest
rates (38 hits per 50 units at 25,000 diameters magnification),
when adjacent to higher numbers of fibroblast-analogs, within
the endoneurium. This correlation extends to myroneural junction
regions, with a near 1-to-1 correspondence. Histologically, each
myoneural junction viewed, demonstrated excessive filament
depletion at the nominal axolemmal ridges, with high
concentrations of mitochondrial-golgi-analog(s) (MG) at/near
each synaptic trough’s Basal Lamina, along the sides of each
subneural cleft.
This demonstrations drew a conclusion of a
pathological process that may associate myocyte physiology,
fibroblast-analog response and/or mediation, membrane
interactions, and axoplasm response. This is where I usually say
-’hold it - try that in English please...’ but unfortunately Dan
was extremely unwilling to comment upon anything in this report
- with the exception of his signature on the last page.
I got out my science books, and hit
the library, but most of the scientific terms used in this
paragraph came with descriptions that were equally complex.
Suffice it to say that it appears that the EBE neural tissue (at
the point at which it was excised or removed from the subject)
appears to have only a modest similarity to terrestrial models.
And that cells which were cross cultured and studied (using
various magnifications and conditions) tended to show excessive
filament depletion at certain specific areas in conjunction with
the presence of a mitochondrial-golgi-analog cellular unit. In
humans, the golgi-mitochondrial cell structures facilitate the
biochemical release and storage of energy for later use by the
"A detailed analysis of membrane
activity was conducted, via freeze fractures (STM), separative
biochemistry (UCFG/MOA/MP), and selective histopathological
supravital staining (LM). [*See attached coding for machinery
references*] The results indicated that the hydrogen mediated
phosphorylation, as was presented in a Danielli model in
previous reference k{lower-case}-24, occurred at higher rates of
successful energy budgeting (5.000%, average, power) at those
areas where sub neural clefts were shortest.
Further, the
highest concentrations of mitochondrial-golgi-analogs were found
at the shortest of such clefts. This necessary proximity was
found at each analysis, and was therefore determined as part of
the pathological process. External membrane structure, showed
ion channeling at less concentrations, where the myoneural
junctions met the above criteria for pathology.
"Present channel varieties were
bordered by long chain (via MP/HPLC/GC/MS) glycoprotiens [IgA
equivalent at IUPAC tertiary top chain representation - NeuAc((2-6)...],
later coded (vial gel electrophoresis and PCR) specifically to
expressions from the Major Histocompatability Complex (MCH) at
locus HLA-Cw3(a), and seemingly selective to those ion channels
that disfavor membrane disequipibria, thus lack of net polarity,
and where protodesmosomes from the fibroblast-analogs
communicated to the sides of the subneural cleft areas/ That
fibroblast-protodesmosomal-analog association has not been
entirely explained."
"It appears that the protonated
phosphorylation complex, within the MG-analog, operating (as
best known) is rather more interwoven with voltage gated
membrane channels than previously thought. A classification
analysis was completed (via MP) in order to verify the mode of
regulation, the results of which demonstrated that the cristae-compartmentalized
electron transport system (bioregulatory parallel capacitors),
operated in a triad of spherical cristae, generating and
temporarily per serving at 7.100 X 10 exp (-12) uJ per cycle.
This was accomplished by reflux of hydrogen, via the
MG-associated Phosphoenylpyruvate Phosphotransferase-analog
(PEP-analog) active pump, and using glucose-6 phosphate as a
carrier, also found preserving energy within the system (passive
exothermic emission), within bio regulatory solenoid). The
minimal output of this system (passive exothermic emission),
within the cellular matrix under study, enabled G-proteins to
modulate voltage-gated calcium channels, and simultaneously,
internal lignad and kinase modulated varieties to act in
antagonism. It was the localized effect of this antagonism that
interrupted the potential sufficiently to begin collateral
elimination of synapses (following complete disruption of the
excitatory porential, at -75mV, and with K+ efflux), through
progressive acidosis, secondary to the PEP-analog’s output. This
was the agent of neuropathogenicity."
"Correlating to increasing age, from
interview with JR (Sigma authorized), higher rates of neuropathy
are found. Additionally, gene mapping has postulated a
correlation in the age-dependent expression of the lgA
equivalent to the organism-wide efficiency of receptor tyrosine
kinases (Q-94-109C/D). From that line of evidence, repair
processes were found altered, by a translational control
inhibition at pp90exp(rsk)-analog. Simply put, repair was
faulted, via increasing age, by insufficient specific protein
kinase levels."
"Attempts to rectify the problem,
val allogenic recombination, resulted in allomeric response. The
neuropathy continued. Human Subject #58-001 (refer to autopsy
Document Q-96-029) supplied bone marrow for sequential plasmid recombinations via electroporation. Sequential addition of
expression loci for pp44 superscript(mapk/erk2) yielded a
theorized alternate pathway, via pp70 superscript(S6K) kinase,
to translational control through S6 phosphorylation.
Transplantation of such cell matrix inocula resulted in
attenuation of the neuropathy, not localized, but over a
considerably wide area (2cu mm inoculum to 100 sq. mm
"Under order from the investigator’s
Commanding Officer, transgenic inocula, resulting from liposomal
fusions, were attempted using secondary spermatocyte stock, with
the same degree of success, however, the mechanisms of that
result remain unknown. Such lines of investigation, with a clear
’cross breeding’ intent, should be followed with the greatest
concern and suggested "hesitation", as the leakage of such
success could promote a ’wild’ contaminant species to further
the experimentation in an unabated fashion. The ultimate results
of such a possible genetic introduction into the human
population could be catastrophic."
"This report is respectfully
presented for consideration by Danny Benjamin Crain, Ph.D.
(Captain, United States Navy, N.R.L.) Working Group Leader,
Project Aquarius, R-4800, Papoose Site 4"
Updates by Bill Hamilton
10-09-02 Proceedings of the Journal of the Arizona/Nevada Academy
of Science "An Analysis of Tumor Cell Specificity" 1984 and "The
Role of Secondary Oxygen in Tumor Cell Recognition" 1985 by Danny
B. Crain.
Arizona Nevada Academy of Science
Science Interrogatory Dr. Dan Burisch replies to one of the
interrogatories regarding a question as to how he differed in
his views from the Intelligent Design theorists. The Last Letter
from Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch This message was a response by
Dan to
another member of the "Projects" and contains plain language
about his work, his thoughts, his contact with J-ROD, the
extraordinary Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, and
his beliefs as a person and a scientist.
I have recently completed a third interview with Dr. Dan Burisch
on a variety of subjects and I let him speak for himself.
Hopefully, many of you will see this interview in the future and
make your own decision since this area of UFO research is very
controversial. Dan spoke of his recent temporary deployment to
Dulce underground facility associated with
Los Alamos and
the request put to him to assist on a project involving a
retrovirus obtained from the alien genome (For viral
DNA in the
human genome please see Human Genome Bears a Virus Related to
HIV-1) and its use in biological warfare.
He said "No" to participating in
that project as he felt that it exceeded his ethical boundaries.
He stayed at that facility for about 48 hours. He mentioned they
had a little monorail that transported them on a level when
traveling any distance. He also used the word "tram". He was
returned afterward to Nellis AFB, Nevada. He spoke of those who
control the alien projects - Majestic and the
Committee of the
Majority having 33 powerful men (see, Scottish Rite Temple "the
Executive Chamber; the room in which the Supreme Council meets
in session. The room contains 33 seats, one for
each of the 33 members of the Council") who they answer to.
spoke of the road to catastrophe that we are currently traveling
down unless something is done to avert it (he confesses he does
not know what that would be). He spoke of another group beside
the Aquarius group that is known as STAAR (1) and how they
handle the milieu of ongoing alien interaction. He said we are
operating on a treaty basis with the Reticulans and that the
treaty is up for renewal on a 9-year basis and that is coming up
in 2003. He did not go into the details of this treaty.
He covered a fair amount of
territory in a 71-minute period. BJ was present and contributed
to the Q&A. Whatever one’s reaction will be to Dan’s statements,
whether disbelief, amazement, outrage, acceptance, or rejection,
one will find plenty of food for thought. Dan hinted that
perhaps they want some of this info to go out to the public. He
states his reasons for going public himself and why he believes
they have not deep-sixed him over his disclosures.
He won’t say
everything as more than once he had to ’think about it’ before
making a statement.