Eagles Unchained
Part 2
The Frenchman Mountain Experiments

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{Editors Note:
several more months went by without contact. Then, another message
made its way into my in-box, again from mj01@missilemail.com. It was
not from Dan……}
Subj: Fw: Fw: Fw: Fw: Relevant Dialogue - Part 3, 06-21-01
Date: 7/8/01 12:01:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mj01@missilemail.com (none none)
-----Original Message----
From: Mil/NS-Com/nontransferSent: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 10:44:09 -0700
Subject: Relevant Dialogue - Part 3, 06-21-01
During the Tracking Time #2834, a series of
objects (doughnut-shaped, varying in measurement on individual and
ratio scales, approximately 8-10mm {outer diameter} and 3-4mm {inner
diameter}) and "bar" shaped items (determined at approximately
0-20mmX0-2mm) were observed passing through the direction of the RCT
and into the RC. Once the items entered the RC, they appeared to
either disappear from or dissolve into that medium. Frame Advance
Mode on the "Sharp Video Cassette Recorder" was used to track the
anomalous items from the RCT to the RC. As they became blocked by
the opaque nature of the rim of the RC and as the items appeared to
momentarily disappear in the track, one cannot positively say that
they entered the RC medium and interacted with it. It is guessed,
however, that they did. This "guess" is based upon two pieces of
A. Velocity for the items, using Frame Speed and known RCT
dimensions, was calculated as "RCT to RC at approximately
72.34mm/s." Both morphologies appeared to move at the same speed. Both morphologies consistently
reappeared and both seemed to enter the RC at an expected and
predicted rate, following their exit from the RCT, and passage
through the opaque area. These "items" were not observed elsewhere in
the video recording.
B. As responses proceeded in the RC, at the
expected arrival times, those responses were very similar to those
recorded during SMR#01-08, that is we again observe" ...strands of
flowing, strobing, and pulsing light..." Additionally, spheres of
multiple and with instantaneously altering diameters (ranging within
very small fractions of a millimeter, i.e. 0.01mm) appeared to be
fed by the aforementioned light/energy anomalies. The toroid-like
objects also appeared to enter the RC and burst, revealing no
further activity. Many bar-like objects entered the RC and simply
disappeared. No "sparks" as observed in SMR#01-08, were found. It is
interesting to note that the clocked speed of the anomalous items,
in this experiment, was approximately 15.6 times greater than the
rate of the "spark" (4.64mm/s) in SMR#01-08.
The inference of "contact" with
Lotus, mentioned near the end of SMR#01-08, has been substantially
augmented as a result of this experiment. While we are not yet ready
to say that a portion of the Lotus, as this study would suggest the
"communicator" (Ganesh), has determined properties and a definitive
geometry, we are left with a qualitative impression that we are
being handed an ’invitation to the dance’. Therefore, the decision
has been made to intensify the direct examination of the gap between
an energy-stimulated organism and the Vishnu Schist, in an effort to
properly define the Ganesh.
On June 21, 2001, at 15:40
hours, a 24 Hour Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) Data Scan for a
North-South Antenna Array (ELFRAD_AMITY_SITE, Channel: AHN (N),
Sensor Latitude: 35.729, Longitude: - 80.806) was posted on
TARGET="_new"> " target=_new href="http://www.elfrad.com/SDR3.htm,"http://www.elfrad.com/SDR3.htm,
for a frequency of 1.618033Hz.
Thus far, preliminary reports
indicate a globally detected, variable amplitude, continuous pulse of
unknown origin. Any possible relationship between the Lotus research
(involving Golden Mean data) and this report of anomalous energy
bursts is being investigated. The 06/24/2001 Data Scan has been
attached to the end of this report.
Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. (Cpt. USN)
End Report...................................
Subj: Fw: Part 1, Paragraph 1
Date: 7/10/01 11:16:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mj01@missilemail.com (none none)
To: bjwolf007@aol.com
xxx I have finally got the complete messages without the filters. I
will use {the} mirror addresses that were not compromised. They will
be given to you in the best bunches I can.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 01:19:52 -0700
Subject: Part 1, Paragraph 1
{Editors comment: the portions that
start with “Relevant Dialogue” were written by Dr. Dan Burisch and
transmitted up the chain of command by Deb in her capacity within
the project. Her signature blocks reflect Psi Ops [Psychological
Operations] on some occasions, as well as Lotus Project Manager. It
should be noted that this information was broken up into several
parts to transmit for security purposes. Each paragraph was sent as
a separate email, and came to me out of sequence. For the purposes
of space conservation, have been reassembled them as best I can
without all the duplicate headers.}
Relevant Dialogue:
(For SMR 01-09)
On 06-21-01 (Summer
Solstice occurring at 00:38 Local Hours) at approximately 22:20
Hours we mounted the second video-recorded examination at the
Frenchman Complex Vishnu Schist. No separate audio recorders were
used during this evaluation; however, the audio was enabled on the
video recorder. The resulting tape was preserved under the label
"LOTUS 6/21/2001".:)
Part 1, Paragraph 2In this examination,
the Class IIIa Laser, emitting a red beam at 630670nm through a 2mm
propagation port was directed into communication with a clear (gemnologist
certified, see subset doc #3) cubic zirconium jewel’s culet. The
jewel (created as a round cut) was contained within a chamber,
semi-sealed with commercially available, clear, plastic wrap on
front and back, with the construction of the chamber originating
from the top of a small plastic baby-formula bottle (top cap plus
threaded flute-like cylinder). The crystal was superglued to the
front face of the reaction center, culet pointing into the interior
of the reaction center.
The crystal was attached to the clear
plastic-wrap face via a yellow plastic ring, with the
girdle-to-the-table of the crystal being contained within that
ring’s cylindrical volume. Two tubes (commercially available
rubberized-plastic glue conduits) were bored into the reaction
cylinder, one for the purpose of introducing flushing liquids (as
necessary with an attached 0.5ml insulin syringe without needle) and
the other to act as a conduit between the Vishnu Schist and the
Bacilus subtilis organisms being used. A small (approximate 1X3cm)
piece of synthetic sponge was placed over the bottom of the conduit
tube, but not blocking the lumen of the tube, to act as a hydrated
adhesive device between the test organisms and the schist. This
"wick" and underlying schist were hydrated with 3ml of 33ppt saline,
mixed from commercially available sea salts and distilled water. Two
steel wires were bored into the conduit tube (approximately 5mm from
the joining area of the tube and the reaction center, and they were
fed into the reaction center, with 5mm of same exiting the tube onto
the internal wall of the reaction center. The exterior portion of
the wires were attached to a fresh, commercially available, 9V
Part 1, Paragraph 4
Alkaline Battery "E" value: 9.40V Resulting "I" value: 11.75amps
Part 1, Paragraph 5 Black
Flushing Tube Length: 72mm Black Flushing Tube Diameter: 3mm
Black Flushing Tube Lumen Diameter: 2mm Black Flushing Tube Wall
Thickness: 1mm (0.5mm per side as laterally viewed) Black
Flushing Tube Lumen Volume: 226.08cu.mm
Part 1, Paragraph 6 Red
Conduit Tube Length: 72mmRed Conduit Tube Diameter: 3.5mm Red
Conduit Tube Lumen Diameter: 2.5mm Red Conduit Tube Wall
Thickness: 1mm (0.5mm per side as laterally viewed) Red Conduit
Tube Lumen Volume: 353.25cu.mm
Part 1, Paragraph 8
Crystal’s Yellow Support Cylinder Outside Diameter: 8mm
Crystal’s Yellow Support Cylinder Inside Diameter: 5mm (with
taper meeting crystal’s girdle) Crystal’s Yellow Support
Cylinder Height: 1mm Crystal’s Yellow Support Cylinder’s Total
Space Volume: 50.24cu.mm
Part 1, Paragraph 10
Bacillus subtilis Inoculum: Commercially Listed as 100,000,000.
per Teaspoon.Inoculum Volume: 1,500cu.mm (0.304 Tsp.) Inoculum
Load: 30,400,000 estimated viable organisms Estimated Viable
Organisms per cu.mm: 20,306.5 Osmotic Pressure Allowance:
118.4cu.mm from Expansion of Wrap (2,404,289.6 organisms)
{Editors Note:
once all the parts were sent, this email was generated It should be
noted that from the content of this email, it can be concluded that
Dan was being drugged intentionally, in order to keep him
-----Original Message-----
From: <snowbunny@iopener.net>
Sent: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 02:26:33 -0700
Subject: Please read first :)
Hi there. :)
I have sent the e-mails hopefully in the form that you
wished for the first section. Please advise me if I need to send
anything else to you. I will also have a couple more reports soon
from Danny to send to you. He is following the instructions well and
is being given the "quiet" medication. So far his thinking ability
doesn’t seem damaged. All the best, Gentlemen. :)
Debbie :)
{Editors Note: Is Deb actually bragging
about it? It’s monstrous and certainly argues for the fact that Dr. Burisch is a being held prisoner in his residence. Where are the
constitutional freedoms that we as American citizens have a right to
----------- Original Message -----------
From: <snowbunny@iopener.net>
Subject: SMR # 10 - Section 1
Date Sent: 08 Jul 2001 11:21 PM
Please note that the report that I sent to you on approx. June 12
was SMR # 08, the one regarding the Summer Solstice was SMR # 09,
and this report will be SMR # 10.SMR #10 (This will be sent in
sections for you)
{Editors Note: the data portion of this
email, like the others, was written by Dr. Dan Burisch and
transmitted through Deb to the command structure.}
"A SHORT NOTE, TO DATE: 07/05/2001
Bursts were given a label and analyzed as to their durations.
A. 07/02: 59.2300
B: 07/04: 38.4617 (occurring exactly 24 hours after
C: 07/03: 23.0783
In considering a Golden Ratio, A/B=B/C=1.618,
the following calculations were conducted: 59.2300/38.4617 =
38.4617/23.07831.53997 = 1.66657
Mean: 1.60327
Evaluating Against Nearest Fibonacci:55/34 = 34/211.6176 =
1.6190Mean: 1.6183
Differential Between Means (Data vs. Fibonacci): 0.01473
Differentials {noting data points always exceeding Fib (n)}:A vs.
Nearest: 59.2300 - 55 = 4.2300B vs. Nearest: 38.4617 - 34 = 4.4617C
vs. Nearest: 23.0783 - 21 = 2.0783 ______ __ ______Totals: 120.77
110 = 10.77
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: SMR # 10 - Section 2
Date Sent: 08 Jul 2001 11:33 PM
Golden Mean Group, found in Dispersion Data:1.617647059
(55/34) - 1.53997 (59.2300/38.4617) = 0.077677059
Percentage in
Group: 0.076Hypersea Group, found in Dispersion Data:1.66657
(38.4617/23.0783) - 1.619047619 (34/21) = 0.047522381
Percentage in
Group: 0.047Given the relationship between the Golden Mean Group and
the Hypersea Group, that being Phi (1.618) and phi (0.618) being
used to judge against the FBM results, there appears to exist an
affirmative correspondence of the ULF signal to the Lotus. I’ll take
the praise later.
"Lotus Phase Two: The Process to Open the Ganesh"
will be conducted in the near future.
the portal is open.
Without fail, the "reset device" MUST be completed by the time I am
ready to initiate. Do not forget that I cannot send it into the
stream without its boat. Years ago you asked me "Wannnnnna take a
ride?" A lot has happened since then. Confined, a problem for you,
and with a willingness to guide the sphere to its destination, I am
humbly requesting a ticket of passage on this grand ocean liner.
Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.
(Captain, USN, Ret.)"
"And the beat goes on..."
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: SMR # 10 - Section 3
Date Sent: 08 Jul 2001 11:45 PM
Quick Analysis of ULF Signal at 1.618033Hz; 07/02/2001,
35.729/-80.806: Approximate Measurement Conversion: 39mm = 60 min PREPARATORY CONE:
Duration (from 00:00:00hrs): 56.5mm - 69.5mmDuration: 19 min
59.9999988secUTC: 07/02/2001: 01:26:55.3846152hrs -
01:46:55.384614hrsET: 07/01/2001: 20:26:55.3846152hrs -
20:46:55.384614hrsPT: 07/01/2001: 17:26:55.3846152hrs -
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: SMR # 10 - Section 4
Date Sent: 08 Jul 2001
11:56 PMBURST:
Duration (from 00:00:00hrs): 70mm - 108.5mmDuration (59min
13.8461532secUTC: 07/02/2001: 01:47:41.5384614hrs -
02:46:55.3846146hrsET: 07/01/2001: 20:47:41.5384614hrs -
21:46:55.3846146hrsPT: 07/01/2001: 17:47:41.5384614hrs -
Anomaly Approximate Mean Amplitude: 15mmApproximate Mean Burst Size:
50mmDifferential: 35mm (Burst approximate 3.3 X greater than mean)
----------- Original Message -----------
From: Debbie B…. <snowbunny@iopener.net>
Subject: SMR # 10 -Section 5
Date Sent: 09 Jul 2001 01:03 AM
Follow-up ULF Spikes at Golden Mean:07/02/2001
(Times at UTC, PT times would be prior night at 1800hrs.)
Spike 1: 02:36:9.23 (23.5mm into hr.) Interval: 00:03:50.77
(2.5mm)Spike 2: 02:40:00 (26mm) Duration: 03:50:77
{Editors Note: DBCB stands for
Danny B Catselas Bursich}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: SMR # 10 - Section 6
Date Sent: 09 Jul 2001 01:18 AM
Follow-up ULF Spikes at Golden Mean:07/03/2001:39mm approximate = 1
hr.; Times are UTC, PT is 1900hr prior night. Spike 1:03:19:13.8
Spike 1-2 Interval: 00:07:41.5 (5mm)Spike 2: 03:26:55.9Spike 2-3
Interval: 00:02:18.5 (1.5mm) Spike 3: 03:29:13.8 Spike 3-4 Interval:
00:03:50.8 (2.5mm) Spike 4: 03:33:4.6Spike 4-5 Interval: 00:05:23.1
(3.5mm) Spike 5: 03:38:27.7 Spike 5-6 Interval: 00:03:50.8 (2.5mm)
Spike 6: 03:42:18.5
Duration of Burst: 00:23:4.7
{Editors Note:
added from a followup email, indicating that this information needed
to be added to this email.}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: SMR # 10 - Section 7
Date Sent: 09 Jul 2001 01:27 AM
Follow-up ULF Spikes at Golden Mean:
07/04/2001:39mm approximate = 1hr.; Times are UTC, PT is 1900hr
prior night. Precursor Spike: 03:07:41.5 (5mm from 03hrs. UTC Line
)Interval to Burst: 00:11:32.3 (7.5mm) Burst Start:03:19:13.8
(12.5mm from 03hrs. UTC Line) Burst Duration: 00:38:27.7 (25mm)
Burst Ends: 03:57:41.5 (37.5mm from 03hrs. UTC Line) Estimated
Average Precursor Signal Amplitude: 15-20mmEstimated Average Burst
Amplitude: 47mmQuick Observation: The signal strength appears to
attenuate for 8 hours following bursts.
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: SMR # 10 -Section 8
Date Sent: 09 Jul 2001 01:42
AMFollow-up ULF Spikes at Golden Mean:07/04/2001 (Times At UTC, PT
times are 1300hr. same date) Burst Started: 21:26:9.23 (17mm into
hr.) Burst Ended: 21:56:55.38 (at 20mm) Duration: 00:30:46.15 (37mm)
Burst Followed By: 00:01:32.31 attenuation (1mm) Attenuation
Followed by: 00:00:46.15 small spike (0.5mm) Small Spike Followed
by: 00:01:32.31 attenuation, which enters 2200 UTC by 00:00:46.15
then LOS.LOS continues until- 07/05/2001 (UTC times, PT would start
at 1600hrs):Spike 1: 00:04:36.92 (4mm into hr.)*************Total
LOS = 02:03:50.77*************Interval:00:01:32.31 (1mm) Followed by
2 spikes with a 00:07:41.54 interval (5mm), then a span of
relatively constant signal intensity of 5mm amplitude for
00:56:55.38 (37mm). Major Burst Span Starts: 01:10:46.15 and extends
forward, with numerous 50mm amplitude spikes.
Two images from the experiment on Frenchman’s Mountain which were
part of a videotape smuggled out of the project.
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: SMR # 10A
Date Sent: 09 Jul 2001 01:59 AM
07/07/2001 Quick Analysis of 07/05/2001 "Post Loss of Signal" Burst
A phenomenon is currently under investigation where a Loss of Signal
(LOS), for the ELFRAD ULF 1.618033Hz anomaly, occurred during the
period just prior to and after date transitions on
07/04/2001-07/05/2001 and 07/05/2001-07/06/2001. Following both
LOS’s, an evolution of signal occurred, wherein the larger nodes of
50mm amplitude burst were replaced by a higher generalized intensity
that was distinguished by sharp (less duration) 50mm spikes. Rather
than conducting a duration analysis, intervals between spikes were
Thus far, the time period from 01:00:00 UTC - 03:00:00
UTC (07/05/2001) has been detailed, as millimeters from the 01:00:00
line. Analyzed spikes were those equal or exceeding
30mm.01:00:00:6.5, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 9.5, 11.5, 12.5, 14.0, 19.5, 20.0,
20.5, 26.6, 32.0, 34.0, 35.0, 36.5, 39.502:00:00:41.0, 41.5, 44.0,
44.5, 45.5, 48.5, 49.003:00:00:87.0, 98.0, 98.5, 99.5, 102.0, 102.5,
106.0, 110.5
Differentials were calculated, to the
nearest 0.5mm.
{Editors Note: My source directed me to
look at the
ELFRAD website, which provided detailed graphs of ultra
low frequency sound waves that bounce through the earth. These show
in a graphic form the stuff that Dr. Burisch was referring to in the
previous series of communications.}
{Editors Note: This reverse image shows
a little more clearly the character of the waves in question.
Another trip to Frenchman‘s Mountain was being planned at about this
time, and the following email communications illustrate exactly what
Dan‘s feelings and attitude toward this expedition were, and also
show rather clearly the role that Deb plays as first the Lotus
project manager, and then later as the Commander In Chief
the overall project.}
----------- Original Message -----------From: <snowbunny@iopener.net>
Date Sent: 10 Jul 2001 09:24 AM
Good morning Gentlemen.
I and my staff hope that everyone is going well.
This letter is in two parts: what he wants and what I demand.
Danny requested that the following information be sent to you:
"The next scheduled trip to Frenchman will be on Friday, 20 July.
Run starts 0500 hours. Code: New Moon Rise! Code: Transit Sunrise! The
"boat" has been received and those near me have declared it
"seaworthy". Phase 2 is being rapidly prepared. While your last
message directed me to stand-fast at the great unconformity, I am
still VERY CONCERNED about the visibility from Lake Mead. The
05/31/2001 visit from Metro is still bothering me! Good God, I had
to leave the experiment, walk down the mountain, and cuddle up with
a badged kid that wanted to play "Clue". If I am in the middle of
Laser induction through the mirror, with communication underway, and
just "IF" the same thing happens... we could be in deep "S"... and
this "S" doesn’t stand for Shiva! I will follow orders, I have
little choice in that regard, but MUST voice my disagreement. Who
are we going to host next, teens with their first beer?
While the details of the run cannot be
seen from the ground level, our presence at the site makes us look
like white rats running up a dirt mound while being lighted up with a
10 million candle beam. Given that is the case at night, what of
this? We won’t be starting (formally) until civil twilight. Damn you
don’t you understand, we’re visible? Huh? I bear in mind your
posited thoughts that if we aren’t successful, it doesn't matter
anyway... but try for a moment to accept the possibility that an
angel of light, not a good one, like "S", and this "S" doesn’t stand
for Shiva either, may just have a stake in this... and that a REAL
GOOD SCREWUP may just reaffirm his stake and turn me into one (a
STEAK)! Give me a break! You deny my passage, make me visible to
steamed-up windows full idiots, just about send a fucking flare up,
then say: "GET IT DONE!" Huh? Any wonder why you hear me praying on
your tapes? It’s not for the benefit of the listening audience and
its not because I have seen too many reruns of "The Gong Show", it’s
because your paranoia is only exceeded by your delusions that nobody
could notice and nothing can go wrong.
Oh, fuck it! The most you’ll have to do is explain my toasty
departure as a reflection of light from Venus, desert swamp gas (?-
you’ll find some!), or the sound of excess chads of "unknown origin"
being manufactured into new parachute dummies, right? Keep screwing
with me! Remember, you egotistical assholes: L=V+G+S (your little
code name "Las Vegas" for it is just so cute...) and so far the only
part to this great equation we have is L=X+Ganesh+Y... and so far it
has only chatted with me. The only reason why I am
complying... THAT’S RIGHT YOU HEARD ME... THE ONLY REASON... is because
I understand the potential of the Lotus! It’s time for you to give a
little, or I just may slow down a little and increase your
"contrail" budget. How many pounds a day are you up to now?
{Editors Note: Deb followed this letter
up with a note of her own to reassure command that she was still in
control. Again she cites her “Rx” solution, in case he does not
comply. }
Gentlemen, :)
relax. He will comply with your wishes as far as the
procedure goes. I’ll make sure of that one way or the other "Rx".
Everything is going well, except this one little thing. He’s been
allowed this "magic circle" crap, where he got the idea I don’t
know. I like to stand by but when he does it I feel I don’t want to
be there and that’s not good for anyone. How are we going to stop
him from trying to go along with it if he really wants to? He
instructed his papers for this typed including "Invocations to
Angels" and "Invocation to the YHVH through Metatron and Sandalphon".
Whatever. Do you know what that’s about? I think we need security
there nearby. I have to demand that this praying thing at the
mountain stop now.:)
Have a good day. :)
{Editors Note: The tension was palpable
following Dan’s angry and frustrated words. The following was sent
to Deb and relayed to Dr. Burisch. The information from D1/MM1
indicates that Dr. Burisch will be shot if he deviates in any way
from his orders while on the mountain.}
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:27:48 -0700
Subject: Re: Quoted request by Burisch/response
Please advise Prof. Burisch of the following:> >
1. Personally monitor transmission
frequencies 406MHz-450MHz during the> experimental period.> >
[You will be advised of all ground-detected electromagnetic flux
anomalies and> satellite-detected optical/IR anomalies. You will
be advised of emergency> evacuation and containment procedures,
should the need arise.]> >
2. Use personal communication devices set at transmission
30.01MHz-30.56MHz and> 32MHz-33MHz, as we will communicate to
you (and as necessary) at the time of> experiment.> > [All
communications will be spread by COM1 and directed by MM1 to
prevent> interception.]> >
3. Containment and Laundry Units have been dispatched.> >
[Should such units be directed to intervene by authority of MM1,
your team is to> follow all instructions given by them at that
time. A BCL3 will be within short> hop and will transport to
BCL4/L5/R4808 if necessary.]> >
End of Message
{Editors Note: The following portion was Deb’s reply to
D1/MM1 after relaying the above message to Dan. Note how she
completes her signature block with her full name and title PsiOpSec
for Psychological Operations Security.}
Message given to Prof. Burisch, will advise if questions.
Deborah Burisch, PsiOpSec
{Editors Note: on or about the 15th of
July, 2001 the following series of messages were relayed to Dr. Burisch concerning the
upcoming experiment at Frenchman’s Mountain.}
> > >> > > ***TOP SECRET MAJIC EYES ONLY***> > >> > > Message from
MM1:> > >> > > Immediately advise Prof. Burisch that standby support
units will be> positioned at NAFB and will be chopper lifted to the
site should an emergency be declared.> We hope this meets his
expectations, as too many nearby personnel would be> obvious.> > >>
> >
2 COMSPECS will be deployed within 1Km and 3 SERTSPECS within
2Km.> > >> > > Tactical Rules of Engagement:> > >> > > COMSPEC #1
will act as your communications liaison.> > >> > > COMSPEC #2 will
support COMSPEC #1.> > >> > > SERTSPECS will be medium armed and
will be operating under a "weapons hot"> > > environment where UoDF
is a likelihood. > > >> > >
SERTSPECS are authorized to fire upon:>
> >> > > 1. All determined threats against you or other members of
your team.> > >> > > 2. You or any team member, should you or any
team member intentionally> disregard an order to:> > >> > >
> >
The terms "intentionally disregard" shall meet the
requirements.> > >> > > SERTSPECS will not provide evacuation.
MM1/DO1 will authorize and provide> > > evacuation under their
discretion.> > >
> > PROJECT LOTUS wrote:
> > >> > > ***TOP SECRET MAJIC EYES ONLY***> > >> >
> Debbie: Please be advised that our electronic surveillance has
> that Danny is currently equipped to deploy a small electromagnet
as part of his>
> > experimental procedure. We believe that is why he has sent no
protocol of
> his intentions. We believe that he intends to utilize the magnet
in an effort to
> slow these strange particles. He has also requested
the efforts of a containment unit. His request plus our surveillance
adds 2 and 2 for us.> > >> > >
Advise him: "2 e- BETTER NOT YIELD 2 gamma!"> > >> > > Advise him
that he must: "Immediately respond with the difference between> the
normal electromagnet voltage input and the voltage of the portable
>> > > Once the information is received, we’ll give a "GO!" or "NO
GO!" within 24 hours.
{Editors Note: That must be some kind
of surveillance he is living under. Dr. Burisch responded to that
communication with the following:}
> -----Original Message----->
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 01:38:46 -0700>
Subject: Re: LOTUS> > > >
""""No, gentlemen, I have no intention to "create" light... that was
God’s job!> :)
The difference that you will be looking for is +105.5V. I have
created the input poles> using iron screws. Nifty, huh? The voltage
that will be carried through the> critters will be direct from a
commercial 9V battery and the wires are equal to> the ones used on
the last trip....no excessive deliverable amperage, thank-you!> I
have calculated an excessive charge for that battery (9.5V) for the
purpose of> the difference. If I were to take the voltage at 9.0V,
then 115.V-9.00V=106.V,> therefore we are in a +/- error of 0.50V.
After I get the battery, I will take> an initial reading, then take
a second before application at the site to ensure> that my numbers
are within parameters. As for the "Rules".... Let me know at the>
site and my team will do WHATEVER directed. I have intention of
lighting a ’small’> tiki-torch prior to the run. This will act as
the dramatic beginning! It is my prayer that the high drama will end
at that point! :)
See you there...or more properly...you’ll see "ME" there!> Contact
will be established once set-up is complete, via freaks you listed.>
>> >
-----Original Message-----
From: <snowbunny@iopener.net>
Sent: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 00:06:46 -0700
Subject: Re: LOTUS
Prof. Burisch has been given this message, Gentlemen. Thank you.
Anything new, I will have sent to you.
Deb :)
Prof. Burisch: You are "GO"!
{Editors Comment: This note came from
my contact after the experiment took place on 7/20/01:}
Danny is suffering from exhaustion but is alive. He made a mistake
during the experiment and knocked an important piece of equipment
over and had to reset then came damn close to an explosion. Mrs. Burisch accompanied him to the site and observed……... The experiment
ended as a success with film, the lucky lad.
{Editors Note: An arrangement was made
with my contact to facilitate a drop of information. The place
chosen was the UNLV library — here were my instructions:}
GOTO: University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Lied Library Floor 2
Periodicals, near Government Documents
"International Journal of
Intelligence and Counter Intelligence "Volume 91966/67 Call
Number: UB 250 I577 Pages 350-351 Two Pages Inserted. One with
numbers and letters having to do with the Elfrad code. The other
with writing from Burisch.
If you have any idea what these things have to do with or mean,
please make a posting ……. so I can look in the right places for
the right things. He has stacks and stacks of docs and jottings.
His private but monitored number is 697-5971. The line is
monitored 24/7/365. At least you may be able to hear his voice
if the right person answers, if you’re interested in it. This is
his domestic residential cover address; makes him look the dull familyman. 3200 McLeod #162.
{My contact indicated that I should
consider talking to the following person who was the apartment
manager at Sun Chase Apartments. She has since been replaced with
another person, who appears to be military by her demeanor.}
Sandra Hull at Sunchase Apartments.
She quietly approached him
about his past with an offer to get him behind a black screen
with her close relative an executive producer at CBS. Out of
fear he walked away. He is also housed at Frenchman Mountain,
under the housing at the end of the Jeep Road then at 51. He is
ferried between the spots when needed. If your mind changes
{about publicizing this information}
make the overture. If it
doesn’t keep the information for posterity as it may be
important some day.
{Editors Note: The
Special Mission
Recitation (SMR) report was prepared some time after the
experiment…. my source was able to send me only the third and fourth
parts. They are as follows:}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: July 20, 2001 Expedition (Part 3)
Date Sent: 09 Aug 2001 08:56 PM
{Editors Note: the following text was
written by Dr. Burisch}
At approximately 3 minutes 39 seconds into taping, the system’s core
sensor dropped to 0.000nT, with a concomitant laser emission change,
requiring a physicist’s opinion. At approximately 3 minutes 40
seconds into taping, the video camera’s light, set in the "OFF"
position, turned on. The accessory Field Strength Meter’s (FSM)
data-screen instantaneously reported a rise to 206G. I felt a
sensation of "sinking downward" into the ground. The immediate area
was perceived as turning "black" with a great light emanating from
the reaction center. No unusual sounds accompanied the event. I
attempted to disengage the magnetic field with the use of my
"dead-man’s" switch, which failed. The FSM then read 230G. I
manually disconnected the wires, feeling warm waves passing through
my body. No pain was associated with that event. I have suffered no
known deleterious health issues as a result of the event, save some
moderate anxiety. Analysis of the video, during the time of the
energy burst, revealed an unusual spherical object on top of the
convex lens.
This object appeared to have emanated
(a) the breaking laser emission,
(b) the light/energy burst,
(c) the interaction between the reaction area below the lens and the
light/energy burst, or
(d) some combination of the former options.
The spherical object (initially with a beveled underside, then
progressing to practically completely spherical, and finally
presenting as "egg shaped" before compression through camera
motion), measured at first presentation as approximately 1.3mm in
diameter (yielding a 1.15cu.mm pure spherical volume), and possessed
a white coloration. As the burst-moment progressed, this object
appeared to be positioned alternately above an inverted triangular
(possibly pyramidal or prismatic) object then a rectangular solid:
both of indeterminate volumes and precise morphologies. These
objects possessed red-pink and white coloration. Below these
objects, appeared to exist a white plume of unknown nature. It is
entirely conceivable that the objects subordinate to the spherical
particle are actually details of laser light passing under the
spherical particle and promoting an optical illusion of another
The particle itself may be a "package"
of such light. Close analysis of the spherical particle revealed a
grayish capsule-like material surrounding the particle. The
capsule-like material presented as being beveled, producing the
appearance of cut-out areas with a close geometry to isosceles
trapezoids with the shortest base closest to the particle. The
nearest known analog to this formation would be that of stylized
halos around the heads of represented saints in sacred artwork, such
as readily found in Eastern Orthodox Catholic iconography. While
presenting in this form, the spherical particle appeared to have
small circular and ovoid areas (of various sizes, ranging from
0.05mm-0.1mm in diameter, note-refer only to original tape imagery)
about its observable "face". Due to the unusual issues involving
light and optics, I must request a digital analysis for a complete
geometry profile.
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: July 20, 2001 Expedition (Part 4)
Date Sent: 09 Aug 2001 09:06 PM
The further direction of this project will be determined after
follow-up studies, conferences, and debate. I believe that we have
sufficient evidence to "lay to rest" the question of whether we can
conclude the existence of the Ganesh, as part of the Lotus. What we
now require is to mate the known behavior and morphology to the
substance of a communication. A question left unanswered is, among
others, if the substance of a communication can be interpreted
without first establishing another piece of the Lotus. We must also
realize that such delineation of the nature of a communication, may
extend beyond our reach. We may never fully understand such subjects
as the relationship of the Lotus to Sacred Geometry. Time and
continued effort will establish the facts.
--------- End Original Message ---------
{Editors Note: following the July 20th
experiment, and before the formalization of the SMRs, it seems that
a lot of discussions and even arguments took place.}
> > -----Original Message-----
> Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 02:11:48 -0700 (pdt)>
Subject: Info>
> If Dan is serious about the theories, please have him respond. I
believe that we can put forth a method of argument resolution.>
--reroute t_s.nav.mil.mail
----------- Original Message -----------
From: Sprite Reroute
<X@anon.net>Subject: Re: Info
Date Sent: 24 Jul 2001 01:51 PM""
"Proceed with your idea.
{Editors Note: Concurrent to the
experimental results being analyzed, additional work was being done
with regard to the codes found within the ELFRAD signal…. And it has
a great deal to do with possible DNA code sequences, which in turn
has a relationship with the anomalous particles they detected during
the experiment done four days previously.}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: Info
Date Sent: 24 Jul 2001 02:11 AM""
"Very brief project update:
A. The ULF signal’s code is
now being reduced to the primary base strings. The template
started as 2112 (21||12) units with a 14 unit string primer
acting as a direct whole-number subtrahend to each of 14 units
in the total string (the minuends). Cutting through the numbers:
we have an anomalous DNA-like code that may conformationally
allow for a chimera of DNA-RNA, giving rise to the homo/heterochiral
rings. Ever imagine a code like A-T-C-G-U-...- | | | |
|U-A-G-C-A-...- ??? Impossible, you say? Not if you consider an
intrasupport structure with the 2-S’s. Don’t ask me to draw it
yet. I haven’t moved that far. Give me a couple of weeks. It
shall be done. I always new that ribose and deoxyribose had a
destiny to be on the NewlyWed Game. The tet/quart-forms will be
wild! Codons/Anticodons \\ Ex-Introns are also observed included
within the code. I’ll remember to duck if any of Watson’s family
comes to visit!
B. The Ganesh film is being analyzed. A spherical
particle has been identified above the reaction center’s lens
approximately 1 second prior to the tape being stopped. The
object may be up to a millimeter in diameter. If so, this would
allow for about 4.2 (4.188790205) cu. mm. of space. The
possibility exists for a great amount of information passage if
we are describing any kind of classically known item. The "Great
Sprite" believes that we may be observing an anthropic
form... putting it directly... ’an image of an entity.’ He is
making challenge to my interpretation of the Ganesh being (when
physical) demonstrative of platonic solid units, that when added
to the V&S components would give rise to a
Cube of Metatron. He
is indicating that he will research same and as I understand is
contending that the observed phenomenon is something quite
different from all previous experiences, not fitting within the
rubric of Ockham.
When scanning, it would be my suggestion
to either obtain the images by digital extraction from the computer
or get them directly from me. No matter who is right we have
evidence predicted from experimental procedure.
If L=S+G+V, and we can lock in the "G" from 07/20 and the "V" from
the ULF, the "S" may be a yield from "S=L (predicted)-G-V".
{Editors Note: my contact was aware
that Dan and I needed to have a face to face meeting if I was going
to believe what was being told to me via emails. He sent this note
mid-way through July which gave me some hope of actually speaking to
him directly in the future:}
Majestic is pressuring Debbie to let Burisch do some travel on his
own in Vegas. She doesn’t want it. She says that Burisch will get
himself into trouble. She’s completely mad in a world of he own. She
may have to but he probably won’t know how to reach you. The easiest
is for me to let you know if he’s on the town if I find out where.
The security people wouldn’t let her know. They can’t stand her.
I was eventually provided with a time and location, where Dan was
being permitted a brief unescorted walk. Security would be there in
plain clothes, but from what my contact indicated, they were not
overly concerned with him talking to me, unless he physically left
the area he had been assigned for his “walk”. So I took the chance
and went for a ‘walk’ myself. I ran into Dan who looked ill, and
deathly pale. He was wearing a khaki field hat, shorts, running
shoes, a t-shirt, and a large wrist-watch like device. I later
learned that it was a tracking device, in case he bolted. He almost
ran when he saw me, thinking that I was a hallucination or a ‘plant’
to confuse and disorient him further. I finally convinced him that I
was indeed the person who worked with him on Eagles Disobey: The
Case for Inca City, Mars and was his long time friend. He was
terrified of security’s response to seeing me talking to him.
We spoke for about 15 minutes, during which time he told me how he
was being kept as a prisoner at the apartment. Security was residing
at nearby apartments, and his entire apartment was monitored with
closed circuit TV, and audio recording devices. Even the time and
date on his wristwatch was changed daily, so that he would be
disoriented. He was being denied any outside contact with the world,
not even TV or radio. He asked me what month it was. When I told him
he sat down hard on a bench at the park, and shook. He told me that
he had been trying to keep his own tally of the days but he was off
by almost a month. The meeting concluded with Dan finding hope that
there might be a way to get free from his prison-like living
conditions, with the continued help of the inside contact who
approached me, and through my willingness to bring his situation to
the attention of the public, and senators and congress people who
were in a position to help.
{Shortly after this meeting, on 7/28/2001
another note came from my contact:}
I have a dubbed tape that Burisch had together; he makes dozens and
the accounting here is poor. It’s a “Holy Grail“ and it has parts of
three site trips and an audio recorded meeting. He puts these
together to bunch data together I believe. Some papers are also
available with a code. After copying I’ll make a drop when it’s
Date: 8/2/01 1:59:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time
To: bjwolf007@aol.com
{Editors Note: By some miracle, I
happened to check for messages before I went to bed that night, and
found the message at about 3 am. I threw on some shoes and raced out
of the house. When I got there the park was deserted. I went to the
appointed place and found a paper bag tucked under one of the
benches. I took it as quickly as possible and got out of the park.
When I stopped at a service station, part way home I took the time
to inspect the contents. There was a videotape with an orange manila
file folder wrapped around it. The manila file folder had shreds of
paper inside it.
When I played the videotape, I saw several distinct experimental
runs, one of which had Dan’s voice clearly audible in the
background. I took the next 14 hours and reassembled the shredded
papers, which had been intercepted and smuggled out. They proved to
be a series of notes made by Dan with several pages showing his
handwritten comments and signature. }
{Editors Note: Images captures from
this tape appear in sequence 1 — 7}
{Editors Note: On July 29, 2001
something extraordinary happened.}
Date Sent: 29 Jul 2001 01:19 AM
> Debbie:>
> Our systems crashed (For REAL!) at the base, then they were taken
over for 360
> cycles by a set of repeating code that we recognized as Binary,
once more. The message, when decoded reads:
> Danny needs to see this immediately. What
does this mean? If he doesn’t want to describe it, find out what you
can, quietly.
----------- Original Message -----------
Date Sent: 29 Jul 2001 01:19 AM""
This message is in keeping with Gen. 4:22, concerning
the ’Fruit of the Tree of Life’, which can provide ’life
indefinite’. This message is a clear warning to me. It is also a
bifurcate statement: 1. I must not partake of the Fruit of the Tree
of Life; which upon peril of my soul I will not! <and> 2. While this
statement does not prohibit others from observing the Seed, the
"Key" to the Seed of the Fruit of the Tree of Life is listed for my
eyes only. I will respect that, as well, and will not reveal it to
anyone. I am currently at the point where the key is to be
expounded, and the One that has ordered the revealing (better use of
the word is "revelation" but that makes me nervous) is aware.
key will be set in my version of code, and upon anyones
transgression into that code, I will cease operation. The code will
be set in a fashion that uses numerous personal devices, woven with
emotional triggers that no one (aside from myself and God) knows. In
other words, you’ll see the Seed, but that’s all! There will be no
proof provided to its construction map. I am anticipating in the
neighborhood of 39,916,800bp, and together with the potential
factorial once annealed, well -----Good Luck!
I will continue my work now. You will be advised of upcoming events.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 21:10:08 -0700
Prof. Burisch:
We seem to have little polite choice but to agree to
your posture. Please make all possible information available. Thank
you. MJ03
Your memorandum of understanding has been received, I acknowledge
your request and will comply with data being transmitted to you.
Cmd. Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. (USN)
...and the beat goes on!
{Editors Note: It appears that Deb was
finally compelled to allow Dr. Burisch to leave the apartment, as my
contact indicated Majestic wanted. But she is clearly not happy
about it, and this letter makes is clear that she is exercising her
authority to suspend all further trips.}
----------- Original Message -----------
From: <snowbunny@iopener.net>
Subject: Please read immediately
Date Sent: 30 Jul 2001 05:17 PM
Dear Gentlemen:
Danny was allowed a trip to the library today for some R/R. He
scanned some images and they came out pretty well. This is what
happens when he’s let out. At this point, I am suspending all
escorted trips to UNLV due to some nervy things that occurred there
today. First of all, I fully understand if it is "US" as in "our
group" that is observing, BUT I AM NOT SURE. About 20 minutes in or
so after Danny sat down at the scanning computer, a man in a
Hawaiian flowered shirt, Dark hair and eyes, (I will refer to him as
"flower man"), sat a couple of rows in front of him. You could tell
he was using his peripheral vision. I see this man almost every time
when we go on escorted trips there, but today he was pretty hot and
heavy on Danny’s every move.
After Danny finished at the scanning
computer, he moved a couple rows up. Danny looked at his images. I
was printing some info. off of websites to work toward helping the
sides in the coming "debate". Not long after he moved to that
computer, the "flower man" appeared again, and this time sat behind
Danny "pretending" to work on a computer. Danny completed some of
his work , went upstairs and noticed he was being followed by a
black male and a white male with gray hair/ mustache. They made it
extremely obvious that they were following him, and made Danny very
For all we know, they could be Russian, Chinese, Iraqi, terming it
nicely, or whatever. Danny said that he didn’t get the feeling that
it was "OUR GROUP", because out of all these years, he has known the
presence, but it was always very professional and better than his
surveillance skills. There was never a feeling of immediate pressure
in the field presence. He said that this group seemed very amateur.
As far as my feelings, when Danny came back downstairs, (I had
stayed at the computer to finish my research and printing), I
watched the white male with gray hair/mustache walk up quickly to
the end of the bookstacks, looking out over the computer room
slightly shaking his head, looking over to see him, and THEN HAVING
Danny then finished up, and left. Of course, the "flower man"
watched us as our group was leaving, and exited right after us. I
believe out of the north library exit, (not certain of this) as we
exited out of the front library exit. Danny at this point was very
shaken. We just don’t know who these people are. The presence was so
heavy that it was affecting Danny’s thinking, or ability to think,
due to the stressful conditions. He has told us that can’t think or
work under these conditions.
To top it all off, there was a white car that followed us all the
way from the university to about Burnham and Flamingo. At that point
I got a description of the vehicle. It was a midsize white vehicle,
NV/449KXM. There were 2 dark haired males in the vehicle, one about
in his 30’s, and one probably in his 50’s. They realized that they
were seen and they pulled over to make a left turn. That was it for
that. Whether it is related, who knows? I want to know right away!
Thanks Gentlemen.
{Editors Comment: Although his
opportunity to go out into public places was suspended by Deb, it
appears that his schedule at the Mountain did not suffer. Following
the unusual events during the July 20th experiment the decision was
made to “plant” several probes into the surface soil of Frenchman’s
Mountain to learn more about the strange power surge that took place
and created what could only be described as a massive vortex during
their last experimental run.}
Subject: PROTOCOL FOR PROBES 08-15-01
Date Sent: 09 Aug 2001 06:36 PM
Dear Gentlemen:
The date above is tentative because of my FUBAR schedule at work. It
sure changed after Mr. W. left us. I will notify you if the above
date changes; or, I will confirm with you if it stays the same. :)
1. Select Vishnu Schist Extrusion.
2. Dig Approximate 3.048dm
(1ft.) Deep Hole Next to Extrusion. (One Side of the Hole Must
Expose Subterranean Vishnu Schist.)
3. Open Research Box.
4. Remove
Test Probe.
5. Remove Safety Tape Seal, Exposing Diffusion Holes.
Place Test Probe into Hole, Top Up, with the Battery-Side-Down.
Completely Cover-Over Test Probe, by Refilling Hole.
8. Remove
Saturation Bottle with the Number Corresponding to Test Probe.
Open Saturation Bottle and Pour Contents VERY SLOWLY Over Filled
10. Close Saturation Bottle and Return it to Research Box.
Note Time and Location, Below.
12. Move to Next Site and Repeat
#1-#11, Until All 6 Test Probes Have Been Planted.
13. Once
Concluded, Close Research Box and Leave!
Contents of Test Probes:
test probes containing gelatin, distilled water, green food coloring
(propylene glycol) and Bacillus subtilis, and 3 that will contain
the same thing less the Bacillus subtilis. On the outside of each
probe, a small piece of synthetic sponge and a glucose emulsion test
strip will be attached as carrier tests.
DEB :)
{Editors Note: The location of the
experimental site was just East of Las Vegas, along Lake Mead Blvd.
About a quarter mile past the last homes and apartments going East
is a gravel cut-out where people can pull in to view the geological
formations unique to that region. This is where the probes were
planted. Please see photos on the following page.}
Image far left: aerial shot of East Las Vegas, showing Lake
Mead Blvd. moving from the city into Frenchman’s Mtn complex.
Image center: closer shot of East Lake Mead Blvd, showing
approx. location of experiment, just west of dirt ’jeep’ road.
Image right: photo taken from edge of Lake Mead Blvd. looking
up into the hills, where experiment took place.
In each photo, a highlighted circle isolates the exact location of
the experimental run.
{Editors Note: While this may appear to
be backtracking a little, the emails I got often came out of
sequence. It now appeared that there were going to be two separate
expeditions to the mountain to plant probes and take readings. One
scheduled for August 7 2001 and the other set for August 14th. They
were determined to gather more information about the ‘vortex’ that
happened on July 20th and the strange object/structure that was
observed just above the lens at the height of the process, as the
vortex destabilized the flux.}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: August 7, 2001
Date Sent: 03 Aug 2001 08:51 PM
{Editors Note: the first portion was
written by Dr. Burisch. The next paragraph was written by Deb.}
"""On Tuesday, August 7, 2001; a research trip will be mounted to
the Frenchman Mountain Complex. This trip will only be conducted if
the WSR-88D is at that time set in ’c.a.’ mode, and will be
initiated at 07:00 Hrs PT. This examination will be somewhat
different than others as I will require a field agent to conduct the
onsite issues. I will be monitoring the filming of realtime
geophysical data, as reported through public WSR-88D & GOES-8, and
with data from the back-up use BlackBird #161 and of our
magnetohydrodynamic & seismography equipment; we’ll be in a good
place to say something of the 07/20/2001 vortex.
The naked purpose
of this study is to attempt a profile of geophysical changes as our
baby "little Ganesha" is being actuated. This run will be conducted
using our favorite electromagnet system, scaled by 1/100. No, we’re
not looking to create a terrestrial-based bow shock! :/ The
step-for-step protocol has been formalized and passed by hand up the
chain. S-6 (Ole’ Smokey !) will be in charge with my direct
interaction being interpretive of this data relative previous
reports and to evaluate site wet-preps, to be taken by the agent.
It may come as a surprise to you but I am taking control
of the at-site test run! Danny has been told and is working himself
to death trying to put codes on the samples so I won’t know what’s
what. I get the feeling the sweetie doesn’t trust me? Hum! I’m hurt!
:) He has been yelling all day long but this one is going to be my
baby! The protocol isn’t too long and I can follow it. I will be at
the vishnu schist just prior to 0700 and will get it going on time.
Ole Smokey loves my smile and can’t said that he resist my pouty
I’ll keep you in touch. :)
Debbie :)
{Editors Note: In a follow up message,
Deb appears to be a little miffed.}
Subject: I can’t believe this!
Date Sent: 05 Aug 2001 10:33PM
I am so pissed off I can’t tell you! Danny has pulled a
real fun one on me and says that he intends to GO WITH ME when I run
the experiment on Tuesday morning. All of a sudden he gives me a fax
that gives him permission to "FILM" the first part starting at
0700hrs. so he can "ARCHIVE THE INFORMATION".
Exactly who gave him the permission? It is signed under Intel#62805
and that goes to MM1’s address so I can’t do a thing about it!
I wondered why he opened the data up to getting it under the
"precipitation mode". He intended to go all along! I feel like he’s
going to be staring over my shoulder and I don’t like it that way
I’ll tell you right now that I have no intention to even get close
to answering to him out there.
He’s going to stare at me and make me fucking nervous!
If he films the first part what is he going to do during the other
5/6 of the experiment from 0720hrs. to 0855hrs.? Roam around? He
says he will be checking farther up over the hill at the Vishnu
Schist on the other side.
Listen, I need somebody watching! He designed this fucking thing so
that the secure radio I’ll be carrying can be the only one nearby
because of frequencies interfering he says, and you already approved
that through OleSmokey. I took it to him and he says nothing he can
do. You being at Nellis doesn’t make me feel very comfortable to say
the least. I guess I am just nervous. I just didn’t expect him
along. I’ll do the job I demanded for.
Debbie :(
{Editors Note: Following the
experimental run on the 7th, the following report was sent. Although
he put a ‘smile’ at the end of his reply, does anyone else sense a
bit of impatience from Nav3…?}
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 17:58:36 -0700
Subject: Regarding 08/07/01
Gentlemen: Per Danny - There is an hour and 19 minutes missing from
the Intellicast Data (it jumps from 15:02 to 16:21 hours on the
tape). The magnetometer data is still good, we will hold onto the
data to evaluate it against the next run. I will do it again. I had
Debbie :)
----------- Original Message -----------
ubject: Re: Regarding 08/07/01
Date Sent: 09 Aug 2001 11:28 AM
Okay. Just send the protocol when it’s ready!
Nav3 :)
{Editors Note: During the planning
stages of the August 7th run and the larger project set to go on
August 14th, the discussions and arguments led to the planning of a
formal debate…....}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: Time frame for debate
Date Sent: 09 Aug 2001 09:41 PM
Dear Gentlemen:
You will see that the Proclaimed Resolution for
Adoption has been presented to you on a separate e-mail. I would
like to let you know that the time frame for this debate is the last
week of August to early September. This time is mainly needed for
preparation due to the imposition of changing work schedules.
Thank you -and have a beautiful evening.
Deb :)
{Editors Note: my contact indicated
that Dan’s code name for the debate was Pope.}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: Proclaimed Resolution for Adoption
Date Sent: 09 Aug 2001 09:35 PM
{Editors Note: Dr. Burisch wrote these resolutions which were
relayed up the chain of command.}
WHEREAS Project Lotus exists and the
Principal Investigator’s are Pope and Sprite;
WHEREAS Project Lotus
has been classified Top Secret (Compartmentalized) by POTUS in the
Executive Office of the President, for The People of the United
States of America, and is administered under that authority and
WHEREAS the current portion of the theoretical
Lotus (a
so-called Genesis Seed) under study, is presently called the "Ganesh";
WHEREAS the date of scientific data collection, incident to this
Proclaimed Resolution, is July 20, 2001;
WHEREAS a Video Tape
Recording of Collected Evidence was created, during the July20, 2001
scientific examination, which accurately reflects occurrences of
WHEREAS no image or images are contained on
the incident Video
Tape Recording which would be prudently construed as
"anthropomorphous", or an "angelic, supernatural, or paranormal
WHEREAS a "Judgment of Adoption" of this
Proclaimed Resolution would favor the position of Pope and a
"Judgment of Non-Adoption" would favor the position of
WHEREAS a "Judgment of Adoption" of this Proclaimed Resolution must
reflect a unanimous adoption of each of the aforementioned
{Note: Dan has a really strange sense
of humor. Perhaps this is just his way of keeping his sanity in
spite of the prison-like quality of his life…. These came to me out
of sequence.}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: " But...don’t send it to me! :/ "
Date Sent: 07 Aug 2001 10:30 PM""
I have concern over a very preliminary report that has
surfaced (pun intended) in a "Duluth News Tribune" internet article
by Sam Cook: "Mysterious Goo Baffles Biologists". The concern is
based upon a perchance notion that the "globules" could be
enucleated cells or synthetic coacervates, containing a prion or
viroid capable of creating the real life version of "The Blob!"
Please be advised that I have no empirical evidence and am only
setting in a concerned status. Given the world as we know it, who
else is for spending a little of the budget for our guys to quickly
determine if it possesses (a) any direct aggressiveness, or (b) a
tasty-chewy quality for Mr. Fish, just fit for a quick food chain
{Editors Note: to everyone’s surprise,
while plans were being made for a debate and experiments were being
moved forward by Deb, Dan decided to do something so against the
wishes of command that it’s a miracle that he wasn’t simply killed.
He must have seen through their ruse about how the base pair
sequences he was working on might be the key to rebuilding the
ecosystems of the world….. and all that stuff they figured would
secure his cooperation. He recognized their avarice for what it
really was, and from long association knew the ends to which they
would most likely put his information. What he did next took
My Contact stated:
Burisch has been ruffed up pretty bad. He has
done the unthinkable: look at the end of this passage. No one,
including me can figure how he did it but he did. He apparently had
the code set up as a twice removed replacement code, so he can’t
even remember the sequences.
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: SMR # 01-11 (Part 3)
Date Sent: 07 Aug 2001 04:01 PM
(A) The mathematical ties to
the FBM "Hypersea Group" and "Golden Mean Group" may be entirely
coincidental. Such correspondence was only found at the "one"
detailed SMR #01-10 time. No other matches, nor ones to the
"Viral Code Group" have been found. The hallmark of science is
the reproduction of data, although I would not fail the proof of
correspondence on that basis. As I maintain a certain conviction
(call it bias if you will) that linguistic alterations to
ancient sacred manuscripts remain irrelevant to the Divine
instruction, if one understands the intended spirit; I also
interpret this issue in nearly the same way. Putting it plainly:
this signal seems to bear the signatures of both human bias and
the processes of nature.
(B) The Impure Hand of a Human:
(i) Signal losses Without
Justification, such explanations are required in any
investigation with integrity.
(ii) Data Gaps.
(iii) Non-Cyclic
Data Structure Interposed Between Cyclic Streams.
(C) The Hand of Nature:
(i) The overall impression of the
signal is one of "natural origin". The Cycles and Burst
Structure appear to support this opinion.
(ii) The complex
nature, within the signal, at the analyzed points that readily
cause the number strings and possible RNA double helix, with
gaps that would correspond with long string U-U looping (when
groups of bases are put together using the arbiter), exists at
such a level of complexity to preclude human-origin.
The base signal is concluded to be of natural origin, with
possible human alterations to same (including the reality of
mechanical errors). While the nature of the signal, now possibly
"horded" by those feeling the necessity, is of great importance
to the Lotus Study, this researcher feels the necessity to view
the signal’s "forest" rather than its "trees", or better put: to
look upon the trees, rather than extending a hand for the fruit.
This researcher is of the opinion
that the apparent "offer" of a clear path to the Fruit of the
Tree of Life, that his eyes now perceive, is one of illusory
nature, designed to attempt negation of the Truth of Genesis,
and is as fleeting and as worthless as an aspiration to raise
oneself above the Stars of Heaven. To those reaches, the
structure of the signal shall be maintained in the Lotus data,
under the aforementioned SMR’s, however - I have undertaken to
completely destroy the strings of number-data, including the
resultant base pairs, and the primer formula to obtain them;
prior to anyone hearing or reading this report. I have done so
for the protection of humanity, in the acknowledgement of the
Supremacy of God’s Laws, and in the observable presence of the
Cherubim who stand guard between myself (only a man) and the
Tree of Life.
END SMR #01-11.
(Gentlemen: call me immediately please!
{Editors Note: According to information
from my source, the “powers” said that they had been capturing
information from Dan’s computer every time he hit ‘save’ so they
could re-create his work on the base pairs. However, if that were
true, then why would they complain that every time the biochemists
they had working on the project tried a combination, that it would
just ‘fly apart’ in solution……}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: Reply
Date Sent: 09 Aug 2001 12:58 PM"
So you say you have the base-pairs and have used them?
I have never struggled with your mandate to conduct surveillance
upon me, as it would do no good. I would have never suggested you
put the base-pairs together and begin some open experiment on them.
To me, that is irresponsible and unfortunately provides testimony of
"rushing in where angels fear to tread." Such actions justify my
actions of destruction. Here, not out of anger, ego, or any other
selfish notions, I must warn you in your actions! The ancient
manuscripts, never mind the cultural foundation, are explicit of our
Fall from Grace and it is within that tumbling we find
cross-cultural warnings after warnings. With data in hand I had the
power to play a self-appointed new age Adam, with aspirations of a
transition to "demigod". With data in your hands, I find myself with
the power of a self-appointed new age Eve, with ability to give
counsel as the Fruit is pleasing to the eyes. In either case,
cross-culturally, the stories are clear: both man (Ish) and woman (Ishshah),
both Adam (red earth) and Eve (the bringer of life) were cursed for
their transgressions against the Words of the Creator.
I am in firm and mortally unchanging conviction that in either case,
then or now, it is the likewise-cursed serpent that counsels the
willingness to transgress. As then with the prohibited Fruit of the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, where we now surely die;
with now the prohibited Fruit of the Tree of Life, which stands
guarded. Daniel once wrote from the vision: "And I got to hear a
certain holy one proceeding to say to the particular one who was
speaking: "How long will the vision be of the continual sacrifice
and of the transgression causing desolation, to make both the holy
place and army things to trample on?..." " (Dan 8:13)
if I can add up such a code, I can add two and two. We
are at the precipice of the mountain of human history, surely ready
to dash our feet upon stones. We are readying the preparations of
the Third Temple, in fulfillment of prophecies by Jesus the Christ
and John the Divine. Science is demanding the power over the Fruit
through amateurish cloning desires. Why are the pieces falling
apart? That’s easy! The pieces were given for my eyes to see.
Parents teach children, "Look with your eyes, not with your hands!"
Parents also teach that stealing is wrong! God has related such to
us in myriad manuscripts. Even societal values that pretend to be
devoid of "religious interference" have concocted rules prohibiting
the aforementioned.
So, why do people still have difficulty
with the word, instruction, command, or affirmation "No!"? I would
guess that we are to be left wondering and watching the pages of the
Revelation just stream by before our eyes without hope of control.
One thing that we can affect, however, is the content of our roles
through Free Will, that very thing once demanded. I am
determined to do just that! Therefore, your request to reconsider my
position has been granted. Your request to assist in the madness of
transgression is denied. I counsel you to cease touching what is not
yours or face what God and His Nature will do in reaction.
With all due respect, bother me no more with requests of
consideration over this issue.
Cmd. Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. (USN)"
{Editors Note: My source indicated that
the loss of Dan’s data had really upset the command structure, but
it did not derail the plans they had made for planting the new
probes. As the time grew closer, my contact suggested that I should
try to get photograph or possibly collect one or more of the probes
that were being prepared…. From the tone of this message written by
Dr. Burisch and forwarded up the chain of command, he seems very
unwilling to allow Deb, whom he refers to in the formal mode, to
handle the probe he was designing.}
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: Addition to Upcoming Tests
Date Sent: 11 Aug 2001 12:35 AM""
In addition to the 6 Test Probes now scheduled to be
implanted by O.S. via Ms. Burisch into the
Frenchman Complex Vishnu
Schist on Tuesday, August 14, I have designed a Biological Implant
Device to lure a communication from the Ganesh. This implant device
will in no way be handled by Ms. Burisch, and that is that! She can
do whatever she will with O.S. but this unit is to remain "off
limits" to all personnel but myself. I hope to trap and preserve a
particle exchange, by making a tasty gelatin and amino acid offer.
The device is designed, in the wake of the astonishing energy
conduction discovery of August 7.
As we know, the Vishnu Schist has
the quality of a dielectric, yet we received the now infamous
69.10mV reading, during which I was likened to a troll on the
outcrop. My loud protestations and threats concerning "my mountain"
have an explanation! I just don’t choose to provide it at the
moment! The device will be implanted in the same location where the
anomalous reading was received: the diagonal outcrop, higher and to
the east of the first level of the interpretive trail. This device
will be transient and buried as completely as possible, so no
requirement of protection is envisioned. It will be extracted on the
following morning, as the atmospheric-perturbative Test Probes are
being raised. The schematic will be sent with the next SMR. While a
9V inducement will be used, I will not use the electromagnet set.
{Editors Note: I was nervous about
going to the site, so I contacted my source inside the project to
ask for some additional information. I was also curious about some
terms I had seen in the emails, and who NAV3 was. }
-----Original Message----
From: BJWolf007@aol.com
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 03:48:57 EDT
Subject: ???
What is an Umbra document? And what does Nav3 mean? Can you give me
a ballpark estimate how far up the jeep trail is the area she’ll be
Subj: Re: ???
Date: 8/12/01 1:39:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time
To: BJWolf007@aol.com
An Umbra-Doc is a special flagged report that [goes] with a security
courier. It is called an “Umbra Ultra Top Secret“ and it has either
a “Blue Paper Report“ having to do with the N.S.C - MJ-12 decisions,
the ‘powers’, or an “ALPHAcom Keystone Report“; an “AKR“; from
Lake. [Nobody is] allowed to see the inside of an AKR. Danny has
gotten at least 20 to 30 of them…
Nav3 is Cmd. Bruce Chapman, he is deep NavIntel. If you want to know
more about him all I can say is that you could try the memorial log
for the Navy in lonesailor.org. Danny and him both are there. That’s
all I know about him. I have seen the map of the planting place and
it is right off from Lake Mead. It is not up the jeep road. At the
great unconformity there is a trail that goes right up the side of
the hill and it goes the same way as lake Mead. She is supposed to
be planting on the first level up and the second level up. She
should be mostly seeable from Lake Mead. But she can see you too!
Where Danny said he wrote it on the map and he should be seeable too
but way up the hill on the left if you are looking at the great
unconformity from lake Mead.
{Editors Note: Things got even stranger as we got closer to the
proposed experiment date. Dan sent a coded message referring to a
power source that had been isolated in the schist at Frenchman’s
Mountain. My source said that “He spelled the word habit as
and talked about Hebrew. Hebrew is written right to left. Could
habet be tebah? If it is…. Tebah means "ARK" in
Hebrew. Spelunking
is cave diving. Divided-baby means Solomon? Solomon's Cave? Elope=
steal away. Selop’ = Poles? Weren’t poles used on the ark of the
covenant? What have they found?”. }
----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: Notice of Information
Date Sent: 10 Aug 2001 02:48 PM""
This document is forwarded as an Alert of sorts. We have
come to a consensus that this project is diverting into two
separate (forgive the term) entities:
(1) the Lotus as the Seed, and
(2) the energy source that is being slowly excavated from the
ancient Frenchman Mountain complex. We have to speak in a sort of
code, even given the emplaced firewall due to the extreme nature of
the hypothesis at hand. It is entirely conceivable that the
spelunking thoughts of a divided-baby which have been recently
rising about the mountain lying down could be true, but the truth to
which we speak involves the one that has moved from the East and
could be habet forming as Hebrew is normally written. If so, we need
to point and wings of two elope-via-selop’ immediately reading the
same manner.
{Editors Note: This began a series of
studies concerning the power source that had been isolated in the
schist. Some thought it might be a hidden location for a religious
artifact while others, myself included, thought it might be an
artifact imbedded into the rock hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Later, those in power seemed to come to the conclusion that it might
be a portal, or star-gate of some kind which responds very
negatively to electrical or EMP stimulation — hence the eventual
name change from Project Lotus to Star Flower.}