Eagles Unchained
Part 4
After a long period of silence, several cryptic messages emerged
from the project. One indicated that there was a high level
telephone conference being scheduled between Dan and important
government figures, key to the issue of
Frenchman Mountain. I began
to have hope that contact had not been lost after all. A series of
hard copy images were smuggled out of the project, showing what
looked like blurry ink-blots, that corresponded to the shapes of DNA
particles under extreme light magnification. I eventually came to
understand several things about these photocopies of microscopic
1) that these
structures were observed when the ganesh fluid was brought into
contact with terrestrial cells. Some of the structures did not
bear any resemblance to terrestrial structures — and this had
Dan scouring through all kinds of microbiological texts at the
University Library on several occasions. He began to describe
these structures as “crossbridges” and they seemed to be
constructed out of hollow cells stacked one on another, like
buttons. (The hollow centers forming one long tube surrounded by
the cellular tissues of the ‘buttons’.) These cross bridges
seemed to reach from the ‘ganesh’ particles identified after the
experimental run, and extend into the terrestrial cells placed
there for the experiment.
2) that after a few moments, the cross-bridges
collapsed and broke down in the solution, leaving a star-like
mark where they had attached.
3) that the cross-bridges seemed to have conveyed
something into the terrestrial cells under examination. They
exhibited strange differences in the way that their nuclear
material behaved, including strange differences in the
properties of the DNA. In fact, upon close examination, the
terrestrial cell DNA appeared to have a third strand after being
affected by the ganesh particle.
Then an email was received, that
appeared to be a transcript of the telephone conference my source
had told me about. There are clearly portions which have been
removed prior to sending, as well as obvious name changes — but the
contents of the discussion suggest to whom Dan was talking - and it
appears to lead to the very highest levels of government:
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 22:45:39 -0800 (PST) From: "Star Flower" Block
Address Subject: Transcript
<<<append transcript<<<Transdate: 02 FEB 02 Transtime: 19:21:03:44 UTC
>>> Moderator: To com1 comply transcript t/s >>> Com1: Complied. C names in Op enforced. >>> Moderator: The elements being assembled, please > initiate conversation, gentlemen. >>> N CINC:
Eagle, I am bringing before you the >>> acting scientist responsible for the
L Project >>> as you have requested. This scientist has had
>>> a 15 year history with my unit and is the
>>> primary authority responsible for the
S Fl >>> Project. As I understand he is being summoned
>>> due to safety concerns surrounding the F’s Mt.
> operations. >>> Eagle: When I have my EPA Director coming to me >>> and saying we may have a problem, we have a problem. >>> N CINC: Yes, sir. Well, I can assure you that >>> the safety concerns are well in hand. As for
>>> the intimate issues, I defer to Flowerman and
> his position. >>> Flowerman: Mr. "Eagle", do you wish me to proceed with the statement? >>>
Eagle: Give it to me. >>> Flowerman: Yes, sir. >>> N CINC: Text prepared? >>>
Eagle: Don’t worry about that, give it to me, I don’t have the whole day. >>>
Flowerman: Yes, sir. Mr. "Eagle", it is first
>>> a great honor to be able to speak with you
>>> today. Since my beginning within M_-# I have
>>> had the distinct honor of having been assigned
>>> to some of the most interesting projects known to humankind. From the work of
Project Aq to the >>> sands of the
Iq desert, I have attempted to >>> Com1: Block text set... "...serve my country with the greatest effort and efficiency. I deeply hope that my latest assignment, in Af, has served the interests of the United States of America. For the past decade, I have been slowly formulating a thesis, bringing together the research of the greatest minds of humanity to attempt an answer to the ages old question of our origins. That formulation culminated in the
L Project, later named Project S Fl. In a nutshell, we have found the key elements to put together an
ancient virus that not only once seeded our beautiful planet, but whose integral parts still play an act of
continuous creation within the intricate web of life. That play, we believe, pushes forward the complexity found within the biosphere, to perfectly match species diversity to the other elements of our living world. This sounds wonderful, however, just as there exists subtle behavioral cues within child’s play, so to we believe that such also resides, hidden within the conjoined L. Being armed with the
most ancient DNA codes, having the power to manipulate the dance of the L; does not give us sufficient knowledge, the authority of its maker, or the right itself to conjoin, synthesize, or otherwise taunt it or its awesome powers. Our span of control exists within the narrow range of careful study. To do more, we risk humanity..." >>> Com1: End Block Text Set. Transcript comment
> lines 37-62 removed per M_1. >>>
Eagle: What about this wormhole I’ve been told about? >>>
Flowerman: The stargate, as I like to call it, has not been confirmed empirically. It has only been alluded to through
philosophical positions and the occurrences at W town... >>> N CINC: Mr. "Eagle", may I direct you to your briefing document, page 3? >>>
Eagle: I’ve read it. Continue, Flowerman. >>>Flowerman: Thank you, sir. Sir, I am a scientist by training. While I have sat theological seminary work, I feel that I would not be the one to...aah...place a seal of understanding on
the possible spiritual entity issues. >>>
Eagle: I appreciate your candor. N CINC, we need to have a session over that. God knows we need to be watched over! >>> Laughter >>> >>> N CINC: Yes, sir. >>> Moderator: Session has been sent to scheduling. >>>
Eagle: Well, thank you, Flowerman, for speaking so directly. We are watching your career in M_-# with interest and wish you great success in the future.
Your opinions and work here have been valuable. >>>
Flowerman: Thank you, sir. It has been my pleasure and honor. >>> Moderator: Flowerman is switched off. >>>
Eagle: N CINC, he is direct! >>> Laughter >>> >>> N CINC: Yes, sir, that he is! >>> Laughter >>> >>>
Eagle: Well, that’ll do me for now! >>> N CINC: Thank you, sir. Good to speak with you again. >>>
Eagle: You too! The rest in session? >>> N CINC: Yes, sir. I’ll have it prepared. >>>
Eagle: Okay. >>> Moderator: Eagle / N CINC are switched off. >>> Com1: I’ll set this in type. >>> Moderator: off! >>> End Transcript, Session TX13598.
Shortly after this, it was decided that a new experiment should be
undertaken to gather fresh particles, and then these particles
should be photographed and video-recorded as they moved, formed
cross-bridges, and interacted with terrestrial cells. A new
experiment was devised, involving a new stir mixture, a slide that
had a 10 micron groove cut into it, and a target of terrestrial
cells. The groove was cut into the slide to make it possible to
videotape a single ganseh particle as it moved toward the target
cells. The experiment was described as follows in Dan’s transcripted
notes, and sent to me courtesy of my contact within the project:
Subj: Re: Upcoming STUFF! Date: 2/10/02 4:32:22 PM Pacific Standard Time
This note is directed to you to announce my intention to produce Ganesh particles from Vishnu Schist samples. On Friday, February 08,
2002, at 10:00 hours the phases that follow will be commenced:
1: I will use the nominal 9V battery system in amino acid complex,
to attempt a lure for the particles. This system will be established
WITH an ancillary electromagnetic system and will, therefore, pose
Gauss threats. The production will be conducted through a small flow
system that will transit the particles through, onto, a microslide
(staged on the cinematographic microscope). Filming will be
PHASE 2: Should a positive result be obtained in Phase 1,
the Ganesh fluid will be placed into contact with either a
representative Cladophora or Spirogyra sample. This contact will
also be maintained under scope and will be filmed. The hopeful
production of cross bridges will be followed until observed
cessation of Ganesh activity. This could require a continuous
commitment lasting into the next day (Saturday, February 09, 2002).
This method is the only known way to document the entire Ganesh
Cross-Bridge process.
PHASE 3: Follow-up analysis and
CGI will be
conducted on the film in the weeks following the test production.
Details of Dan’s observations concerning the
Ganesh particles are
contained in the following transcripts of his communications with
the command structure:
Subj: Re: SGP#01-15 Part 1
Date: 2/10/02 4:33:02 PM Pacific Standard Time
This fact sheet is being transmitted in lieu of a standard report
and is to be regarded, for filing purposes as SGP#01-15. The original SGP#01-15 and its second copy, having been lost,
detailed two sections:
(1) Known and Unknown conformations of the
Ganesh particle/event and (2) Remote Viewing results from 8 sessions.
For brevity, this fact sheet will be detailed in an outline-type
fashion as the Command Structure remains intimately aware of ongoing
Ganesh Particle/Event:
A. Known and Hypothesized Process Steps-
Initial particle forms from void as amorphous, then enters into
spherical, cubic and kite-like forms.
2. Particle diverts into either
multiple vesicular or dual-to-multiple concavo-convex disk-like particles
that conform to each other in a "stacking layered" manner. The
dimensions of each disk is approximately 1.5 micron width by
estimated 3 micron diameter. The distance between each disk is
maintained at approximately 1 micron by unknown material. The disks
appear not unlike lenses.
3. In disk-like form, circular (approx. 1
micron) toroid-like objects form from the central sidevoid area of a
disk. These objects bear spokes with approximately 47 degrees
between them (at original image orientation). 4. In the multiple vesicular form, the occurrences detailed in #3
are believed to be observed in the next step, wherein a tube-like
object (precise geometry to be studied) extends from the void area.
The tube bears a deep furrow (depth to be determined) sinking down
into a conical terminus piece. Surrounding this piece are the
spokes, measured at 22.5 degree angles (at original image
orientation). The spokes appeared paired, directly across an
arbitrary diameter. At this measurement, exactly 16 spokes could fit
around the circumference of the tube. Only the paired ones have been
observed and the tube, posterior to the terminus cone, appears to be
layered with other spokes. Their number remains uncertain and will
require further examination.
5. From both disk-like and vesicular
forms, objects that bear a close resemblance to angelic entities
seem to be entering or leaving the voids.
6. Cross Bridges are
formed through unknown mechanisms. The morphology of the cross
bridges has been previous detailed.
7. The cross bridges perform
their functions. Their functions remain unknown.
8. Once the cross
bridge detach (their ultimate fate is unknown), an impression of the
star-like toroid remains in the cell wall of the algae or fungi. The
abbreviated Remote Viewing results will be sent in Part 2.
Subj: Re:
SGP#01-15 Part 2
Date: 2/10/02 4:33:11 PM Pacific Standard Time
This section will comprise a short detail of the known most relevant
issues from 8 Remote
Viewing sessions and an addendum concerning the Tiphereth and the
Holy Scriptures.> > > > Eight (8) sessions have been recently
conducted:> > > >
12/09/01 (1),
12/11/01 (3),
12/23/01 (3), and
12/27/01 (1).
12/09/01 (1) -> > This session contained the
hemisphere disturbance issue. As detailed in the session, the
disturbance subsided. The drawing of the disturbance correlated very
well with the 3D > morphology of a Ganesh cross bridge.> > > >
12/11/01 (1) -> >
Target: Star Map, Sirius on map identified and direction to Winter
triangle web site
> (attached). > > Impressions: Water identified. Triangle left open
in session where Sirius positioned on web > site.> > > >
12/11/01 (2)-> > Target: "Stargate" Navaho Petroglyph
from Texas.> > > > Impressions: Identified as "Entrance Web Light">
> > >
12/11/01 (3)-> > > > Target: Same Star Map as in (1), with
Orion identified.> > Impressions: Stated "Beautiful Stars". Stated
that> > (1) led to (2) which led to (3).> > > >
12/23/01 (1) -> > >
> Target: "Angelic Entity" from multiple disk-like
Ganesh form.> >
Impressions: "Reaching out, hands extended, big head, long arms."
This matches well.> > > >
12/23/01 (2)-> > > > Target: Same as (1)
except magnified image.> > Impressions: Identifications of 3
separate galaxies and the wormhole being intergalactically
> capable.> > > >
12/23/01 (3)-> > Target: "Angelic Entity" from
Fungal Star impression image.> > Impressions: Intragalactic wormhole
with Nebula...like Orion? It shows underground > tunnels...Mars?> > > >
12/27/01 (1)-> > Target: Generic Angelic
Entity Drawing.> > Impressions: 12/11/01 (3) target was Orion and
the statement "They want to learn from me."
> was said. In this session, the same statement is written and the
vertex (positioned bottom > right) of an angle composed of two rays is left open... the same
position where Orion was set > in the aforementioned Winter Triangle website.> > > > REQUEST: IN
> Addendum
Section:> > > > Please refer to the 10/16/01 Remote Viewing session
and judge the multiple statements
> clearly referring to "witnesses" against the relationship found in
greatdreams.com/treeol.htm > between 8-pointed stars and the
Gematrian meaning of "witness".> >
> > Please refer to the Briah and related Tiphereth to
Michael, then
to Orion in the Angelic
> Dictionary referenced in SGP# 01-14. > Submitted,
DBCB > Copy to Sheala
Subj: Re: SGP# 02-01
Date: 2/10/02 4:37:45 PM Pacific Standard Time
> > YEAR 2002
> > > SGP# 02-01
> > > Date: January 14, 2002
> > From: Rev. Dr. Danny B Catselas Burisch
> > To: Command Structure, Majestic
> > > > References to Cell Classification Report #’s (Hard Copies
> > > > N/A
> > > > References to "Other Reports and/or Citations" and #’s (Hard
Copies Retained):
> > > > SMR# 01-05
> > > > Relevant Dialogue:
> > > > This report is designed to set the general schedule for this
year. The Sanctuary of the Golden Petal, operating under Independent
Church Charter has closed out its reports for 2001. To date, 15
research reports have been filed, and 17 Remote Viewing sessions
> > been conducted (to be filed as part of the Petal Chat record).
> > > > Pursuant to approved directives, Petal Chat will begin
operating immediately. Further, a mixture of known and unknown
targets will be provided for Remote Viewing (and those other methods
wished applied) to Sheala. Concentration will be made on those areas
> > indicated on the Petal Chat informational guidelines, on file
(October 21, 2001). The first
> > Petal Chat target will be assigned
on January 17, 2002, as well as the request given to her to research
repetitive symbol/information strings as they relate to information
> > and communication studies. The latter issue directly
relates to the "G.ULF Base Pair Code".
> > An audit of records has been conducted. The purpose of the audit
was to
(a) set the direction for this research, for 2002; and
find those previously cited areas of interest, in the research, that
may have been neglected due to the onset of new findings.
> > Concentration, until November 2002, will center around
1. Completing/Documenting the full sequence of Cross Bridge
formation, dissolution, and possible information exchange (Jan.-Jun.);
2. Enhancing our knowledge of the nature of the Ganesh through
information gained from Petal Chat, and applying research protocols
as follow-up (Jan.-Oct.); and
3. Running the protocol of SMR# 01-05
> > > Once operations are allowed restart at the
Mountain Complex (November, 2002), the Electrical Mapping project
will continue, in an effort to begin rock
> > classification leading
toward Shiva expeditions. Further, long term cell culturing, leading
into Vishnu analysis, will also be considered at that time.
> > We will remain mindful of the alleged Ophanic Stargate, and will
allow some redirection of focus should newly discovered information
be germane to the Lotus.
> > Respectfully submitted by this humble servant of Christ,
> > Dr. Danny B Catselas Burisch
{Please see the following two star charts Dan produced several years
ago, which seem to indicate that an alignment may take place in
which could have a profound effect upon the Ophanic Stargate found
at Frenchman Mountain.}
{Editors Note: Shortly after this there was a change in the power
structure within the project. Deb was named the new Commander In
Chief over the StarFlower project. The note relayed to me with this
information is provided here for reference purposes.
Subj: Re: Little John Date: 2/19/02 9:48:16 PM Pacific Standard Time
Lt.Cdr. Hatcher has already been reassigned. A copy of this letter
has been redirected to him. Mrs. Burisch, please feel free to
contact us with concerns, comments, ideas, etc. The Committee of the
Majority, as the formed Majestic 12, wishes you to feel welcomed as
the new Star Flower CINC.
{Editors Note: as of 2/18/02 9:50:26 PM Pacific Standard Time the
information that Dr. Burisch continued to relay up through the
command structure concerning the dangers involved in perturbing the
Frenchman Mountain “gate” were answered. My contact sent me a copy
of the message that was relayed to Dan:}
The Committee of the Majority {has} acted upon the request to cease
chemical dispersal and electromagnetic stimulation of Frenchman’s
mountain. They have agreed to tailor the project so as not to
stimulate the possible Einstein-Rosen Bridge. In fact, they have
prohibited anyone from acting upon the possible stargate whatsoever.
That means that they have quarantined, for our people, the area from
receiving over 100 Gauss effective EM. That allows for normal
research to be conducted on the rock, but nothing of the magnitude
that could cause the gate to open. Anyone having equipment that
could raise the levels into the danger zone will be acted upon at
the site and turned away. Essentially, they have left open your
research but closed all others, aside from geological, ecological,
mining and standard military activity. The Committee has requested to
receive reports from you, regularly, until (or if) the StarFlower
(Lotus) Project is completed. Reports, from you, will be due every
four months, that is every Apr 01, Aug 01, Dec 01. You may decide
just to continue as you are doing (writing regular reports) then
give an information dump at the right time. It’s up to you. LJ
be reassigned and another liaison will pick up and distribute all
mail, including any future issuances.
{Editors Note: A detailed photographic study of the particle
formation from start to finish was scheduled shortly after this
message came through. It was to be carried out at the residence, in
Sun Chase Apartments, under the watchful supervision of security who
resided in neighboring apartments. The dangers of this procedure
were considered ‘acceptable’ for all those non-majestic residents
living in the vicinity. This Schedule was apparently written by Dan,
and then smuggled out to me, via internet. Prior to this, a
videotape and series of photocopies was dropped for me to pick up
from a source inside the project. Thankfully this drop did not get
intercepted. Although I had no idea what I was looking at, I had
reason to believe that this tape showed some of the cross-bridge
formation, and what took place inside a cell nucleus after the cross-bridges did whatever it was they did. I cannot comment to the
photos, but I am including them for reference. The following
communications seem to indicate that the work I now had on tape was
only the start of their inquiries about the ganesh particles and the
cross-bridges that seemed to form in their presence.}
Subj: Schedule
Date: 2/19/02 8:29:51 PM Pacific Standard Time
19 FEB 02 (Today)-Well, after 10 hours I am done with
calibrating the object-to-slide-to-microscope-to-reticle-to-video
camera. All of the dimensions finally equate and all of the angles
are measured. GLAD it’s over! This time I will have the entire cross
bridge process (from ganesh formation to final cross-bridge
detachment) and all of the necessary numbers!!!
20 FEB 02
(Wednesday) - I have on tap the nuts-and-bolts of the operation: crush
and preparation of Vishnu schist, spirogyra wash and elution prep,
amino acid mix and titration, light and electrical stimulation setup
and calibration, and camera speed check.
21 FEB 02 (Thursday)-In the
evening (ca. 20:30), I am scheduled to give a briefing at this
residence about Friday’s procedure. Afterward, I will be running a
test film on a filament of spirogyra, for galvanotaxis.
22 FEB 02
(Friday)-Final preparations set for evening’s test. Ca. 21:00,
consecutive ganesh particle production and control runs will be
23 FEB 02 (Saturday)-Ca. 00:00, ganesh particles will be
tracked to temperature suppressed and normal spyrogyra. Complete
interactions to be documented. Ca. 12:00, expected termination of
test procedure. Ca. 21:00, Post-Test equipment calibration check.
FEB 02 (Sunday)-Breakdown and storage of test equipment. Begin video
{Editors Note: it seems that
things went wrong part of the way into
the experiment. My source got the following information out to me.}
Subj: Early Run Termination!
Date: 2/23/02 12:16:58 AM Pacific Standard Time
{Dr. Burisch} was forced to terminate the run, a few minutes ago, as
his reaction background material began to blister due to excessive
heat. During the run, he did manage to film each stage in the Ganesh-to-crossbridge formation and dissolution. The only
unfortunate thing (aside from damage to the top of his desk) was
that he could only capture a single event series, plus control.
Perhaps he could have continued for a little while longer, but
should the containment field have collapsed, he could have been
either severely burned or placed in direct contact with the
experimental Ganesh particle (possibly under infective
circumstances). Neither possibility was deemed acceptable. While
this project is not destined under a single subject design, at least
he captured good data tonight.

Quoted directly from Dr. Burisch 2/22/02 10:38:21 PM Pacific
Standard Time
“ Ganesh production proceeding.
First finding: it emanates from the ‘quartz‘ and uses ‘hydrogen’ as
the gaseous carrier! Does this bring anything to mind? :)
I have it on film. During production a 21.7mV outburst occurs, this
wanes to 7.4mV, and pulses all the long. Cross-bridges now forming.
Ganesh particles attach to trichomes, then grow. Tubule inserts from
cross-bridge into trichome cell’s nucleus.”

{Editors Note: my contact sent me the following after the run was
Subj: Re: Electromagnetic Rings (EMR)
Date: 2/23/02 10:47:20 PM Pacific Standard Time
[He’s] dead tired after post-calibration, camera speed logging, and
first review. …. has the cells
becoming "revitalized" by the Ganesh ON TAPE!

{Editors Note: The comment made by Dr. Burisch that the first
finding was that it emanates from the quartz and uses hydrogen as
the gaseous carrier did bring something to mind. I recalled
conversations with him during the work on Eagles Disobey: The Case
for Inca City, Mars during which Dr. Burisch came right out and told
me that certain non-terrestrial biology was based on hydrogen. This
was later echoed in the document Q94109A in which Dr. Crain (prior
to his legal name change) outlined in great depth and detail how
non-terrestrial tissue was being sampled and studied to back
engineer its DNA.}
