Eagles Unchained
Part 5
Photo Report - Cellular Information
{Editors Note: my contact sent me the following after the run was
Subj: Re: Electromagnetic Rings (EMR)
Date: 2/23/02 10:47:20 PM Pacific Standard Time
[He’s] dead tired after post-calibration, camera speed logging, and
first review. …. has the cells
becoming "revitalized" by the Ganesh ON TAPE!
{Editor’s Note: This was just the beginning of the cellular
information that eventually was provided to me from within the
project. It seems that Dan is in the habit of making videotape
composites of his work for archival purposes. This process usually
results in several tapes full of edited bits of experimental runs —
one such tape made its way into my possession with accompanying
notes about what was contained therein.}
(The arrows below point to Ganesh particles that were being produced
from ground quartz crystal from the Vishnu Schist. The dark object
is a portion of quartz. As it was described: the particle was
liberated from the rock.)

These three photos (below) show the gas bubble as it grows out of
the quartz, holding a Ganesh particle inside. These gas bubbles may
be the ones that were described forming with hydrogen gas. The
videotape clearly shows them growing, and taking over the other
bubbles which popped.

Ganesh particle is visible above arrow.

A cluster of Ganesh particles as they form in the gas.

Still one more view of a Ganesh particle.
This next series of images was taken from the section of the tape
identified as “Particle to Cell” Transformation. It appears to start
out as a particle, then extends dark ‘feet’ into the surrounding
areas. These ‘feet’ seem to dent in, and the surrounding area is
affected. Later it becomes differentiated into a nucleus area and
surrounding structures. Later in the series the nucleus begins to
show distinct structural changes.


This next group is taken from the section identified as “Cross-Bridge”.
This appears to be a cross-bridge, formed of many cells which came
into being from the quartz, to gas, to cell process. The Cross-Bridges seem to attach to the spiro cells which were placed in
the experimental solution. (As you can tell from looking at these
images, they were taken from a videotape of the microscope data
smuggled out of the project.)

When the cross-bridge structures collapse, then do so in a rapid
motion, falling away from the side of the spiro cells.
After the collapse of the cross-bridges, portions of the tissue
vibrates, almost shudders rapidly, then pauses before vibrating

Changes began to take place rapidly in the nuclear portion of the
new cells, as well as portions of the target cells. The Ganesh
particle cells were having an effect on terrestrial cells.
