5 June 2008
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ProjectCamelot Website
Dan Burisch Update on
Status of Timeline 1, variant 83
From: Dan Burisch
Subject: Re: Timeline 1 variant 83
To: "Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan" <support@projectcamelot.org>
Date: Thursday, June 5, 2008, 5:12 AM
As an addendum, and something you can also make public if you
like, is the disparity in accuracy - the changes from the
accurate older accounts to the changes now underway as we are in
the transition and have made "changes" ourselves.
My early comments, based in direct
experience, second and third party comments, unrelated reports,
Looking Glass Data, data from the Orion Cube, and from the J-Rod
have played out, since with the following hits, and those who
have followed my truthful account can do the matchings to my
earlier quotes if they want.
Let's parse it out, shall we? (We
won't even get into "Deacon's" and Uhouse's reports about
Looking Glass, at this juncture, as it further confirms but is
The Rense/Caltech issue
being directly involved with the Iraq war
Solar Flares to be one component near 2012 of the T2
Einstein-Rosen Bridges used
by the
Time Travelers:
Wormhole" Could Make Objects Invisible
Are Wormholes Tunnels for Time Travel?
Origin of J-Rods and Orions
being a split in Humanity to a short group and a tall group
Asthenosphere and mantle
destabilization and rotation during T2's geophysical
catastrophe. Magma and water behind it, after being
perturbed by energy hitting earth -
3-D model shows big body of water in Earth's mantle
The energy hitting earth in
#6, and directly related to the Sun?
Mystery hum puzzles geologists
Earth’s Hum Sounds More Mysterious Than Ever
The Hum - A Legacy from Nikola Tesla
The "possibles" are communicated to the Clintons. Hillary is told
what could be the highest probability T1 variants "future(s)." She
and her husband publicize her knowledge of the possibles, and her
defiance of it, this way in June 2007:
We made big noise about it on our forum. (People must have missed it
or were snoozing?)
I was impressed, as were many. Marcia and I even endorsed her, me
especially because she was willing to run - even after knowing
"something." Then comes the end of 2007, after all this stuff was
coming to light.
On September 27, 2007
questions like these were being asked:
"So why wouldn’t Hillary put Obama
on the ticket?"
Hillary was the Democratic Heir
I was "busy" elsewhere, at the time, and later reported to you what
was up, that was was observed winning, and other "things" happening.
I also reported that we entered the Shar, the time of crossing (that
of transition) in early October, 2007. I reported, privately, about
the Third Rail, and that we were then trying to push the events away
from the accuracy as somewhat evidenced in #1-#7, above.
The Clintons continued forward, then the Heir Apparent slipped away,
and not just by the votes.
Changes were happening.
(03/08: what happened in Bosnia?
Must have been just a "gaffe"... a really eloquently stated...
three times stated... well remembered... detailed... stated by
someone who knows that file footage exists... "gaffe!" I have a
plethora of emails from around the world from people who seem to
remember something about a pesky sniper!? ...but that isn't what
the video shows (now), is it?
I tried to assure people, on the
forum, who had written that "just because they don't remember it
the way the video shows, it's okay..."...but some people must
have missed that or were snoozing?)
Okay, now, anyway, here we are with it
really starting, right at the time of the transition, October, 2007:
Dan Balz's Take -
Clinton Slips Social Security Questions
In that same timeframe, I am on the phone with a close friend,
speaking to her in the area of Dubai. I advised her what was
observed about Pakistan and others advised her that what I was
saying was correct: that the PPP was not seen in power in any
probables observed by the Looking Glass where it was seen a nuclear
war erupted between Pakistan and India, following the
destabilization by an idiotic attack on Iran by order of President
Bush and advice of Vice President Cheney.
Of course, that would
Pak/India war would promote the entry of China into India (2010-11),
and the confrontation by the United States after President Hillary
Clinton was... ahem... no longer President... and everything which
would follow. My friend returned to Pakistan, and was the ultimate
blood sacrifice which allowed an important change in power
What also happens right in this timeframe? A certain National
Intelligence Estimate is released, by none other than the Director
of National Intelligence, Retired Navy Vice Admiral John Michael
McConnell. That pressure caused a political sway against a near term
attack on Iran - the near term attack seen by the Looking Glass for
A little timeline can be seen below: (from
HistoryCommons Website)
October 7, 2007:
US Intelligence Community Will Attempt to
‘Slow Down’ Administration’s Push for War with Iran
NBC correspondent Howard Fineman says that the US intelligence
community will release “three different reports” in upcoming weeks
to “slow down” the administration’s push for war with Iran.
“The intelligence community over the next few months is going
to come out with three different reports on Iran about internal
political problems of Iran, about the economy, and about their
nuclear capability. Those are going to be key to decide what the
Bush administration is going to do, and it’s the intelligence
community I think trying to slow down what the president, most
particularly the vice president, want to do in Iran.”
In fact, the intelligence community will release a
National Intelligence Estimate in December that concludes Iran
stopped working on a nuclear weapon in 2003, and is not a danger of
having a nuclear weapon until at least 2013 (see December 3, 2007).
October 20, 2007:
Bush Says Global Leaders Risk ‘World War III’
Unless Iran’s Nuclear Program is Stopped
George W. Bush warns that world leaders are risking World War III
unless they work to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Bush
makes his remarks at the White House, remarks timed to coincide with
Russian president Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran.
Russia has in
recent weeks warned the US about moving too quickly towards a
violent confrontation with Iran over its nuclear program; Bush, Vice
President Dick Cheney, and other Bush officials have responded by
escalating their rhetoric towards Iran (see October 21, 2007) and
requesting funding for weapons that could be used against Iran’s
nuclear facilities (see Mid-October, 2007).
“We’ve got a leader in
Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel,” Bush says.
“So I’ve told people that, if you’re interested in avoiding World
War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them
from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”
fact, Putin and Russian officials have repeatedly said that Iran is
not building nuclear weapons, Russia has pledged to continue helping
Iran develop its nuclear power technology, and Russia has led a
coalition of Caspian nations who vow to prevent the US from using
that region to launch any attacks against Iran.
[Daily Telegraph,
December 3, 2007:
National Intelligence Estimate Finds Iran’s
Nuclear Weapons Program Halted Since 2003
The Iran NIE. [Source: Office of the Director of National
Intelligence] The newly released National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)
for Iran’s nuclear weapons program concludes that Iran stopped
working on nuclear weapons in 2003, and that the program remains on
hold today. The Bush administration has repeatedly claimed that Iran
is on the verge of acquiring nuclear arms, and has intimated that it
is ready to attack that nation to prevent such an event from
happening (see October 20, 2007).
Interestingly, the administration
has tried to have the NIE rewritten to more suit their view of Iran,
an effort spearheaded by Vice President Dick Cheney (see October
2006). The findings of the NIE are expected to have a large impact
on the negotiations between Iran and several Western countries,
including the US, aimed at pressuring and cajoling Iran into giving
up its nuclear energy program.
The NIE, an assessment representing
the consensus of the US’s 16 intelligence agencies, finds that while
Iran’s ultimate ambitions towards becoming a nuclear-armed power
remain unclear, Iran’s,
“decisions are guided by a cost-benefit
approach rather than a rush to a weapon irrespective of the
political, economic and military costs.… Some combination of threats
of intensified international scrutiny and pressures, along with
opportunities for Iran to achieve its security, prestige, and goals
for regional influence in other ways might - if perceived by Iran’s
leaders as credible - prompt Tehran to extend the current halt to
its nuclear weapons program.”
The NIE says that even if Iran were to
restart development of its nuclear weapons program today, it would
be at least two years at a minimum before it would have enough
enriched uranium to produce a single bomb. The report says that Iran
is more likely to develop a nuclear weapon by no earlier than 2013,
“because of foreseeable technical and programmatic problems.”
report flatly contradicts the assessment made by a 2005 NIE that
concluded Iran had an active nuclear weapons program and was
determined to create them as quickly as possible.
“We felt that we
needed to scrub all the assessments and sources to make sure we
weren’t misleading ourselves,” says one senior intelligence
[New York Times, 12/3/2007; Director of National
Intelligence, 12/3/2007 ]
There is no official word as to why the NIE has been publicly released by the White House when it so
transparently contradicts the stance of the Bush administration, but
Cheney implies the decision stems from a fear that it would be
leaked anyway:
“[T]here was a general belief that we all shared that
it was important to put it out—that it was not likely to stay
classified for long, anyway.”
[Politico, 12/5/2007]
The NIE is
compiled from information gathered since 2004; one of the key
intelligence findings is from intercepted phone calls between
Iranian military commanders indicating that the nuclear program has
been halted (see July 2007)..
The DNI acted, and thank God he did!
Of course, in my personal
focus, all that was overshadowed, just 24 days later,
when my friend
I hope that I have come some way, in this more detailed response, to
answer your original question. I can say that I feel the present
flux and the possibility for peace is better than what was observed:
multilateral nuclear war. (That was the "no free lunch" I had
mentioned for all these years, in the trade off from a T2
catastrophe where 4-5 billion would die.) I feel that any "unknown"
accompanying the possibility for peace, is a better option than
certain war.
God Bless us and keep us, and may we find our own paths - paths we
create in peace for ourselves.
Meeting with Dan Burisch on 10 December, 2007
Dan had been incommunicado and unavailable during most of the latter
half of 2007, during which time he had been called back 'inside' to
participate in a project of considerable National Security
importance (see
here for Marci McDowell's public statement
about Dan's 'sabbatical').
After he was released from his duties, we
met with him for several hours... and were told an amazing story.
We have kept this fully confidential (for reasons which will become
obvious as you read on). The information contained intelligence data
about probable future events which was gained through a high-tech
investigation into possible and probable future timelines.
The device used was known as the Orion Cube.

The purpose of the project was to establish whether or not the
danger from Timeline 2 - in which the 2012 pole shift was set to
occur, according to information communicated from time traveling
future humans - had been averted.
Those familiar with Dan's testimony in our previous interviews (and
summarized here) will know that it was learned from the future
humans that it was
Stargate and
Looking Glass technology that had
precipitated the catastrophe by amplifying the energetic effects
from micro-wormholes encountered as the Earth journeyed through a
particular region of space (which, on this timeline in which you are
reading this page, we are approaching now).
The Looking Glasses and Stargates have now been decommissioned or
destroyed. In theory, all was well - but this had to be checked.
The project had two outcomes:
It was confirmed that
the 2012 catastrophe had been
Given (1) above - i.e. that that we were now on
Timeline 1, not
the disastrous Timeline 2 - the rest of the project was devoted to
recovering data about probable events on this new, untraveled
timeline. The most probable sequence of events, among a large number
of potential variants, was evaluated to be variant 83.
Timeline 1 - variant 83
T1v83, as it's known, did not contain good news for you and us, the
citizens of the world.
For this reason we did not publicize any of
the information, assuming that it was highly classified. Because -
and this is important - this bad-news variant now seems to be
changing, we have sought permission from Dan to publish what we can
of this - because it offers a message of hope and understanding.
Dan's enormous credit, he has agreed.
Here are the details:
What was seen was that Hillary Clinton - most interestingly, with
John Kerry as her Vice President - would win the White House in
November 2008. The
Bush Administration, however, would before then
launch a
nuclear strike against Iran, the escalating repercussions
of which would cross over into the new administration and also
precipitate a major economic collapse.
Geopolitical events thereafter would continue to deteriorate with
strike by Pakistan against India
an attack by China against India
and finally a nuclear exchange between the US, Russia and China
then it would be 2010, so these events do not all occur at once.
What follows is then what is new.
Mike McConnell, the Director of
National Intelligence and old MJ-1 - and who is a good man (in Dan's
words: Majestic's moral compass) - was so incensed at the current
administration's glee at the prospect of Iran attack that he
instructed his intelligence apparatus to publish the
Intelligence Estimate (NIE), in which it was stated that Iran presented no
nuclear threat. This was the first major change in variant 83.
Shortly after that, Benazir Bhutto herself was assassinated. Benazir
was party to the findings of the 2007 project and was fully briefed
about variant 83. Her personal mission was to avert the Pakistani
nuclear strike, and in variant 83 it had been seen that she was very
politically active - although unsuccessful.
We do not know this as fact, but we feel that readers may draw their
own conclusions about why she might have been 'eliminated' shortly
after the publication of the NIE. It must be remembered that there
are many factions and individuals behind the scenes that WANT these
foreseen events to transpire.
Most significantly, since her death there is now a coalition
government in Pakistan which in itself may be sufficient to avert
the strike against India. This is another departure from variant 83.
In our long conversation, Marci McDowell likened the publication of
the NIE to nudging an aimed rifle barrel so that the metaphorical
bullet (i.e. the predicted outcome) would instead hit another
target. Readers will have noticed that there have been political
attempts in certain quarters (not only within the US!) to straighten
the rifle barrel again. But this does not appear to have worked...
so far.
This might be premature at the time of writing (10 April 2008), but
it does look as if
Barack Obama - not Hillary Clinton -
may be the
next President.
If so, this further departure from variant 83 may be
the most significant of all.
We all co-create our world
So this is a message of hope and informed optimism. It seems that
the bad-news variant 83 has already been broken. What new variant we
may now be on, we do not know - and possibly no-one does.
But here's what's critical to remember, always: we are not just
passengers in a world where the events are determined by others,
while we just helplessly and passively watch the outcomes as so much
TV. We are all involved in the process, and - as we have remarked
many times - are all responsible for co-creating our future.
We all vote on the world we will experience, whether consciously
aware of this or not. It is in our view critically important that
people are informed about the games being played, the hidden
agendas, and what is at stake. This is the entire mission of Project
Now we have published this, none of us, duly informed, can be
unconscious any more.
So here is our request of you, personally:
NOT permit these foreseen events to take place.