Dr. Dan Burisch Meets With 2 "Outsiders"
Anonymous C. 4/7/2004 9:11 pm EDT
Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma:
Volume 5:)
Page 40
This is probably my only chance to help disclosure in this world, so here it
Date: 07 APR 04 From: J1 (Majesty/Directorate PD/SF, Washington, D.C.)
To: Dr. Dan Burisch, Director of Project Lotus (PD/SF) Ms. Marcia McDowell, Assistant Director of Project Lotus (PD/SF)
Re: Required Report to events alleged occurred 06 APR 04, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Time transmitted: 07 APR 04 10:26:01 UTC
Dan and Marci, I have read the report provided by a write-in
candidate for the Office of President of the United States, that person:
Sterling D. Allan. He has alleged that a meeting took place between
yourselves, he, and Harry Dschaak. Security Blue Team (N58/N61) reported
that their internal rovers confirmed that the two gentlemen interrupted your
pre-briefing meeting. They further confirm that both of you engaged in a
lengthy conversation with the two men, moving from position to position
within the hotel/casino. You are aware of the prohibition set forth,
concerning Mr. Deppeller. I am sending the report, as publicly posted on an
internet forum, for your perusal. I expect a response to the statements and
allegations therein, within this day's time.
Respectfully yours,

The following response was received from the residential/office desk of
Danny B Catselas Burisch, on 07 APR 04 20:00:00 UTC.
"Dear J:
This letter will act as an official response to the above statement as well
as the attached statement from, WallRace, assumed to be Sterling D. Allan.
As Director of Project Lotus I have spoke with my Assistant Director, and
she has approved this response in toto. As I have not the time to provide a
off-the-cuff reflection of the meeting, herein confirmed to have occurred on
the date set above, I will frame the response in reflection to the
statements made by Sterling D. Allan.
The statements by Sterling D. Allan will be
bracketed, and individual
responses will follow.
Section: [THE INVITE]
We have no comment, concerning the gentlemen's trip to Las Vegas, nor their
personal matters. Further, it would be beyond our scope of authority to
comment upon the whereabouts, actions, or intelligence as accumulated by the
security forces deployed to protect this project.
Section: [THAT'S THEM]
[Without hardly moving his head up,
Dan glanced up at us with a very gruff
look on his face as if to say, "Who are you, why do you know my name, why
are you here, I'm not expecting anyone."]
[Harry then said the pass code.
Dan said something in reply, "are you here
to talk about ____"? and we looked puzzled, which made them even more
Fill in the blank with the word, "germs."
Mr. Dschaak´s lack of immediate
response caused immediate concern. I expected to hear of a 'wild fire'.
[Harry explained that he is from GLP. Dan
didn't immediately register.]
I registered alright. I didn't show it, as I thought I was speaking with
Don Deppeller and I have given my word, as to what I have learned, not to do
that. I keep my word.
[Then Harry introduced me by name and said I was the one running for
[Then Dan made the connection of who we were, and the concerned look was
nearly washed completely off his face.]
Not until after the Don Deppeller issue was resolved. This
is inaccurate
only as to the order of events.
[He and BJ moved over to make room for us to sit down. I sat by
Dan and
Harry sat by B.J.]
[They said they were in a state of shock, as this was completely unexpected.
It showed in their faces, and did not subside for at least five minutes.
From then on, though, the ice was broken completely, and both Dan and
BJ did
not seem concerned in the least about us, but seemed relieved and grateful
to have us there -- someone from the outside.]
We remained concerned, but the level of concern was then dictated by the
subjects brought up by the gentlemen. For the first 5-8 minutes I said
little, as did the Assistant Director; Mr. Dschaak carried most of the
[We asked if we could tape record the conversation. They declined. I asked
if I could take a few notes, and they said that would be fine.]
I must confess, that the prohibition against same may have been
the origin of some of the later inconsistencies and inaccuracies.
[Nearly everything they said, they did so while half-way looking at the
other to verify that they were okay in doing so. BJ seemed to be the one
ultimately calling the shots in what could or could not be said.]
Per your orders, sir. The
Assistant Director indicated she was pleased with
my conduct.
[As Harry churned off a briefing of who he is, and what
GLP has been doing
in following his situation, and how much information they have been
accumulating and filtering, both Dan and BJ - right photo- commented on how astonished (and
glad) they were with how much information has gotten out.]
Inconsistent as to timeframe. Occurred slightly before.
[They were glad to learn how much of their book, When Eagles Disobey, has
been pieced together and posted in the GLP/Burisch library.]
[Dan commented that he really appreciated receiving
Harry's card the other
day, and that he has it posted in front of him at his desk.]
[When we explained that we were the ones who had come Saturday to
meet him at the library, Dan and BJ looked at each other and said, "that
explains it."]
[They commented that someone from he inside had to be setting these things
up, and you could see them churning a few names in their mind. Harry
commented that the person who arranged this said he(?) is not someone they
would typically expect, and that they "would crap their pants" if they knew
who it was.]
Accurate statement. In light of what we now know (i.e. defecation), yes,
[Our conversation covered a wide array of topics briefly. Without a tape
recorder and better background knowledge of what Dan is doing, my report
here will be admittedly inadequate and prone to misrepresentation of actual
statements made. I'm afraid I'm too rusty in my microbiology (2 years
graduate work in 87/88 and 95/96) to have been able to understand Dan as
well as I might have otherwise. What I will say, though, is that there is no
doubt in my mind that Dan is a genius microbiologist, versatile in other
disciplines as well, including psychology, anthropology, and eschatology. In
my humble opinion, he is Nobel Prize material; and I will not be the least
surprised if he receives it in the future.]
Response to statement, by me, alone:
The issue of misrepresentation has been
declared. Mr. Allan seemed to possess well beyond a rudimentary knowledge of
the biological sciences, and per his self declaration of some graduate level
study. He did demonstrate some difficulty with advanced topics. He is a very
bright man and knew sufficient for us to have a somewhat stimulating
conversation about techniques. During our conversation I did mention about
(O)verhauser (E)ffect (Spectroscopy Y) (ref CryEM involved with
Swegene and
their 4100/4100 CCD and nice liquid Helium stage machines :( ) ) techniques
used to elaborate protein (to ribbon) structures. We also briefly spoke
about topology issues and the use of (F)luoroscene (I)n (S)itu (H)ybridization
techniques, but not to any extent.
Genius- bullshit. he hasn't set next to me long enough to find out how
screwed up I really am! ; ( )
Nobel - Ya...well...tell the Illuminati about it. Borrrrrring!
[The three hours went by rapidly. Several times BJ would ask
Dan if maybe
they should wrap it up, but each time Dan declined, and once of these times
he said, "I'm having too much fun."]
[We moved between two locations about three times to get away
from loud noises and possible eavesdroppers. As we walked between locations,
I noticed that Dan has a scar running straight up the center of the back of
his head, about 1/4 thick, and about 4 inches long, starting at the top of
the neck and going up. Harry said he thought it went all the way to the
crown of his head, which was bald.]
4 Inches is about right, not to my crown - referring to the
craniotomy scar
from the early 70´s.
[Harry remembers his head as naturally bald. It seemed to me that it was a
shaved bald.] I am my own barber, thankyouverymuch!
[Dan is probably somewhere around 5´0" - 5´2" tall.
BJ is a little shorter
than me, at about 5´7". He looked very much like the photos I saw previous
to our meeting: particularly the one in which he is looking up from his
microscope as if to say, "who are you, and why are you taking my picture?"]
I am 5´6 1/4" and the Assistant Director is a towering (in respect to me)
5´8 1/4": our Maj records bear this out, down to the quarters.....hey that
gives us two quarters.......can we buy a pepsi?
[B.J. is very different from what I had imagined. She is very protective of
Dan, but very gentle. She used to work in surveillance, and said they could
see the time on your watch from about 300-400 feet up. They commented that
their security will protect, but not take proactive, aggressive measures. If
they are in protect mode, they might make it look like a mugger did the job,
to cover their tracks. Dan commented that a lot of the openness is at his
insistence. He needs an occasional break from the four walls of his office
and lab.]
Imaginings not commented upon, but accurate
[Sometimes all of us would be talking together, other times I would be
talking to Dan, while BJ and Harry talked to each other; and other times I
would be speaking with BJ while Harry spoke with Dan. It was quite the scene
as we would be carrying on independent conversations in such close proximity
to another conversation. But in all this, BJ kept half an ear cocked to what
Dan was saying, and occasionally would stop and focus, and make sure he was
not stepping out of line in what he was disclosing.]
She did her job.
[The one I found most humorous was when I was talking across the table to
one of them, while Harry, next to me, spoke across the table to the other.]
Humor is nice!
[As I think back now, we created a rectangle shape, with an x between, by
the shape of our conversation, which is the shape Dan drew while explaining
a stargate principle.]
Yes, it is funny how those things seem to happen? When angels are around,
they have their ways of sending their love.
[One of the first things Dan mentioned was that he would like to gain
immunity so he could speak before a Congressional hearing (and not just in a
library room as he did with Bill Hamilton - photo right) and divulge the information that
he has (e.g. [my summary] regarding his direct knowledge of and involvement
in man-made biological weapons, his first-hand scientific interaction with
an extraterrestrial at Area 51, non-willful human subjects of
experimentation, ET treaties, etc.). This was also one of the last things he
said near the end of our meeting.]
I stated that the only way for such
official disclosure to ever come from
me, would be with full immunity. The nature of such immunity would be
between me and counsel. If I am brought under such, and before Congress,
then we can talk (with your okay of course).
I have never said I have direct knowledge of the creation of
[When I asked him about his "disappearance," he pulled out his current NV
driver's license and set it on the table for us to see. He didn't seem to
think that his being a non-entity to the outside world was necessary, and he
even seemed to be put off that people would consider him anything other than
what he is: a living scientist in temporary lock-down for security
[Toward the end of our conversation, I remarked to
Dan that he didn't seem
to be all that upset about being in lock-down. He responded with a
round-about statement that it is a sort of love-hate relationship. On one
hand, the lock-down enables him to focus and get a lot done without
interruption. It also provides security from those that might try to thwart
what he is doing. On the other hand, he does not like the limits it places
on his freedom to do what he wants and go where he wants. Ultimately, he and
BJ would like to be out, but they accept their present state as a necessary
condition -- though they do not agree with all parameters involved. Come
March 15, 2005, Dan's report will have been submitted at the Masonic temple
in Wash. D.C., and he will be able to "retire," and go to a research
institute of his choosing.]
To the Masonic Temple? Our venue is a little more elaborate,
don't you
think? ; ( ) As you are aware from my declarative statement of a week ago, I
am not going to anything of the kind after my retirement. Retirement means
just that: retirement, thankyouverymuch! When asked about the retirement,
and possible location of same, I only shrugged my shoulders and responded,
"Well....." that was it.
[Dan and BJ clearly view the science
Dan is working on as being pivotal for
a better future for mankind. They are not at all pleased that there are
factions both on the inside and the outside that would use this technology
for anything other than to impartially improve life.]
Accurate with respect to humanity
[I mentioned that I believed that the
various prophecies did not describe certain outcomes, but rather were
probable futures to provide us with a warning, and that we can turn away or
mitigate certain outcomes by correcting our path. BJ rigorously agreed, and
said that this was precisely what they were about. I think she would agree
that a major shift in consciousness of the people in general was necessary
to go along with the scientific progress being made, or the scientific
progress would only result in greater destruction.]
Accurate. As to prophecy, given what I know of the Yellow Book, and DCTP--
we need leave this here as there are people transmitting this data to you,
not in the loop.
[They do not have high regard for those among their ranks who are only out
for their own survival and advancement. Dan said that some of the
were outright racists of the darkest hue, reminiscent of Nazi Germany --
trying to clean up the gene pool for the sake of a better outcome for them.
He spoke of the Illuminati and Luciferians as being one and the same, except
perhaps as a matter of semantics, "Luciferian" would refer to the religion
while "Illuminati" refers to a sect. These are not theoretical existences
but a matter of regular interaction in the case of Dan and BJ.]
Accurate, with qualification: they know full well that their actions will
not clean up anything but guarantee our destruction, with a collapse of time
lines leaving them. They will not prevail, as to this small project, so help
me God!
[I tried to pick BJ's brain to understand how their operation fits into the
U.S. govt. secret ops and Illuminati operations. I was not able to get that
one clarified very well. The best I can tell is that they are all kind of
mixed together in the same general team, the good and the bad, and it's not
always easy to tell who is who. They each serve each other's purposes, so
they put up with one another, but also are interested in seeing their own
agenda prevail as opposed to the agenda of the other faction.]
The Assistant Director was being obtuse? Never! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ! ! !
[BJ mentioned that funding has been a lot more tight since the clamp down on
$500 hammers...]
Those damned hammers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dan spent a few minutes explaining to me about the class A, B, and C
particles involved in the Ganesh particle (which theoretically is capable of
inducing healing and immortality). This was one of those conversations he
and I had while Harry and BJ were on another conversation. Harry said that
BJ commented to him, "their talking about science again," or something like
that, as if to say, "don't worry, he loses me too when he talks about that
Comment not necessary, but I seldom lose this Assistant Director: that is
why she was chosen.
[From what I could gather, the Class B particle
acts as a sort of wave guide
or channel for the Class A particle. He never got around to the
Class C
A little mixed up, but I am currently fighting with the designations for the
model, over these little treasures of quantum potential anyway.
class A particle is the primary Ganesh particle of life. It is
comprised of some protein components, as well as sugars and
(oligonucleotides? [forgot the other one; that word comes to mind]). He said
he has not done the gas chromatography and other assays to determine the
molecular composition of the particle. He said something to the effect that
he doesn't want to know, because he is getting too close to something that
he doesn't think the planet is ready for.]
I indicated that the GP's were composed of (best we can determine) an
electromagnetic 'substance'. The conversation quickly moved from the size of
GP's that I had with me on scratch images to the size of an amino acid.
Allan wish to make a comparison as to the differential. I basically
indicated apples and oranges as the length of an amino acid (in angstrom
units) is subjective in that side chains (R's) are present (dependent on the
type of amino acid, say one that possesses a R chain of an aliphatic
hydrocarbon). Moreover I suggested that if you wanted to look at amino
acids, look at weight, daltons. The size of the GP's range up
to 5 micrometers over largest diameter, which provides us with not a
subtle differential (between they and amino acids) but that to a whale
versus a flea.
[The class A particle luminesces (gives off light) when it is "active." He
told me the exact measurement range, but I can't remember the unit he used
nor the number.]
The Class A (GP) emanates from a portal that is luminescent. I advised
Allan concerning the 16.5mV area, but did not speak to wattage per surface
[He showed me several pages of several images each showing these particles.
The methods of taking the images were confocal, and polar illumination, and
Rineburg (I am not familiar with these, though confocal rings a bell).]
Indeed I spoke to the confocals, polars, and
[Before he launched into the description of the different classes of
particles, he talked about the tree of life, showing me two Egyptian images
on a page and speculating that before the "fall" there may have actually
been three strands in the DNA. I may not have understood him correctly. He
didn't elaborate on this, but stated it in a way as if to say, "if that
makes sense to you, then you're ready to understand it, if not, no big deal;
I'm not sure myself, I'm just venturing a good guess here."]
Reasonable accurate. My views on the Fall of Humanity are on record with
[He believes that right now is a time of a fall, and that the rogue
extra-terrestrials were involved in the first fall as well as this one, and
that this one is a sort of culmination of the first. I shared my belief that
we are now in a time when we will reverse the effects of the fall and come
back into the garden (which of course has spiritual as well as temporal
No comment required.
[He also mentioned that they have taken a "broth" of elemental components,
applied light, pressure, and vibration, and have produced cellular
structures -- the beginning of life. I asked if these cellular structures
included "nucleus, golgi, etc," and he said they did not -- just the
Mr. Allan spoke to the initial coalescence, under the
Spallanzani tests, and
they (in fact) were protocells. However, they did (in fact and as witnessed
by staff) move to a eukaryotic state. I did show Mr. Allan a number of protocells, stage 3 (under our rubric, newly functional eukaryotic) cells,
as well as the ABAB neurogenesis pattern of motor-neuron-analogs to
oligodendrocyte-analogs. We did not have the time to delineate specifics
involving the process of biogenesis or the particular morphological and
presumptive physiological occurrences.
[Later in the evening, he showed me a paper he was drawing from
Birshtein, et. al. called "DNA-wave Biocomputer" He also referred me to a
paper (/book?) called "Structure of Evolutionary Theory" by
Jay Gould,
regarding "punctuated equilibrium."]
I did so, in respect to
Mr. Allan indicating that he did not have a thorough
understanding of evolutionary theory, and so while indicating that the issue
of Punctuated Equilibrium will be a centerpiece component with Lotus Theory.
[He drew a stick drawing of a normal DNA molecule, and next to it drew a
stick drawing of a PNA molecule. I'm not sure why he was drawing these. He
was over my head. I'm not sure if it had to do with a marker method or if it
was being used as a building block.]
Mr. Dschaak had brought up a recent article concerning ongoing activities at
Los Alamos National (should read international) Laboratories. That article
mentioned the use of PNA's with respect to protocells currently under
investigation for technological applications. I drew a simplified DNA
backbone and a simplified PNA backbone to illustrate the differences. I
stopped short of a further explanation of functional differences as neither
would have benefited. Simply put, I spoke to the differences between the two
and the wonderful applications of PNA (ex. low copy mRNA capture, etc.),
which fall short of the creation of a functioning cell, let alone a novel
life form.
[Earlier in the conversation he mentioned that his assignment regarding the
J-rods had to do with repairing a genetic weakness in them in which their
nerve system is malfunctioning. He used the word "oligodendrocyte." He said
the mutation was causing them to not be able to regulate their body's
temperature, and that the ideal ambient temperature was colder than what
humans could withstand.]
The mention of the term oligodendrocyte was done in
the context of describing the ABAB neurogenesis pattern retrieved from the
Spallanzani dataset, not specific to in laboratory testing of the J-Rod. I
did, in fact, mention that the nominal in vivo AFP functions, and the
neuropathy associated dysfunction of same. We did not expand upon the other
symptomology of the pathology. (Hey, I made a rhyme!)
[Near the end of our meeting, I put a question to Dan something to this
effect: "I hear people talking about 'spiritual DNA' and
'cell memory.' To
me it sounds a little hokey and like housewife science. You are a serious
microbiologist. What's your take?"]
I know many scientists, some of them are housewives as well. They do as good
science as the guys. How serious of a scientist I am is dependent on
morality/ethics issues. To that extent, Mr. Allan and I did have occasion to
speak of the Tree of Life (as presented in mystic literature) and he
wondered if my objections to the use of Lotus as a technology were a direct
reflection of such faith based issues. In part, yes. In sum, no. I also made
it quite clear that the maxim of "primum non nocere" (ref First Do No Harm)
that I herald in this debate, is based within both Principle Based as well
as Utilitarian Based bioethics. In the first case, the subdivision of
non-maleficence trumps the potential for positive beneficence in such a case
where the ends would be said to justify the means. I will stand in the way
of using anything that could destroy everything.
[Before I had the question completely formed, both
Dan and BJ lit up. "As a
matter of fact, that was exactly why BJ (not sure if that was the name he
used for her) and I were getting together tonight -- to talk about that very
[He believes that he has come up with what may be an actual scientific proof
to back this up. This was the "latest and greatest" from what I could tell.]
We do. Evidence in the model will support our contentions.
[He drew four U shapes )V^( in a cross shape, with the opening away from the
center. He said that the remote viewers/intuitives had been seeing and
drawing this shape. He looked at me and said, "magnets" as if he was giving
me a hint for a possible breakthrough by someone, but did not pursue that
thread with me any further. He said he got to looking at that shape and saw
that it created a German cross looking shape if you draw lines connecting
the opposite ends of the Us. One section of this makes the shape of what he
called the "Olphanic stargate."]
I mentioned the
Cross Branchee' and the Assistant Director the
Cross. Indeed the Sri Yantra and the so called Ophanic Stargate drawings fit
[Sterling's notes/sketches from Dan's sketches/comments He then said he took
some Q-tips and glued them together into the shape of an octahedron, and
started moving it around in different orientations, and said that if you
shine a light through the octahedron in a particular orientation (which he
said would be obvious), that the shadow creates the "Olphanic Stargate"
shape. He then talked about (by allegory?) that the same phenomenon applies
in our DNA, that there is a spiritual reality that (sort of?) resides in a
(side dimension?).]
This is, in fact, what I had to do, for before the last week you
spend the money necessary to get me what I needed.
[When he was done explaining this, he was like a child that had just
discovered the most incredible thing. He looked at me to see if I "got it,"
but I think he got more of a "I wish I did, but I'm not sure I followed all
that." It seemed like a lot of leaps to me without understanding one step to
the next of his flow of logic. I imagine we'll be hearing more from him on
that one.]
I guess I have to tell you this early, J. The flow of logic was:
RV to
drawing: The dots were connected and that formed a 3D structure.
Drawing to
Geometry: the original drawing's form was rotated, spatially, to determine
what it would look like from other angles, then positively matched to the
shapes of the Sri Yantra and the Ophanic Stargate drawings.
Further, light
passing through the octahedron provides a shadow that perfectly overlaid.
This created a transitive logic sequence: If A=B and B=C, then A=C.
We now
have a positive match for the metaphysical relationship between the
Sri Yantra, a platonic solid, the same
solid's 3D form, and the Ganesh Particles
(as they maximize entry to our world via an octahedral crystal from from
a-quartz-after-b-quartz). We are but shadows of reality. Indeed we are the
shadow figures in Plato's Cave. This will be fully delineated in the model,
as well as the remaining 4 platonic solid's relationships.
[The next thing I asked him about was if he was familiar with the work of
Dr. Len Horowitz, who has exposed the laboratory origin of HIV and other nasties.]
[Here I could tell that I was getting into a sensitive subject with him.
When he talked, he did not come right out and say, "I did such and such,"
but he said, "let's take a hypothetical situation that there is a person
that did such and such," while clearly implying that he was that person.]
Implying is just that form of subjective understanding, sir. Subjective is
just that: subjective interpretation.
[Before he launched into the hypotheticals, he did clearly state that in
times past he had been involved in genetic engineering of bioweaponry for
the U.S. government, in which viable organisms were created that were a
product of the laboratory, and not natural environment. This is where he
wants immunity from possible charges of war crimes so that he can testify
openly about what he was involved with.]
That was derived from subjective interpretation. As said above, no such
declarative has ever been uttered from me.
[I asked him very pointedly, "how could you do this? Did you not perceive
the end result?"]
Close to accurate, but it was framed looser as a "wouldn't
someone see the end result" hypothetical, as I remember it.
[He replied something to the effect, "Do you think I could create something
and not know exactly what it is going to do? if it's going to be lethal on
one end of the spectrum, or if it is going to have a minor effect on the
other end of the spectrum?"]
Close to accurate, but it was intended as a specific answer to a
hypothetical. That is, should a person schooled in that deadly science/art
make something of that genre', they would clearly know the immediate
effects. This was not to say that they would be able to calculate the possibles, over time, within the biosphere. That would be ridiculous.
[As he said this, his manner of speech and body language was such that to
him it was as obvious as daylight that such a creator would know precisely
the outcome.]
See above. Yes, my body language should have changed in response to the type
of questioning.
[I was commenting to Harry latter that I wish I had challenged him on that,
because that seems like the height of human pride and folly to presume that
they know such things, when they can't possibly know just how it is going to
perform in situ.]
Should he have done so, and I wish he would have, I may have been better
able to explain myself as he obviously didn't understand the limited nature
of the reply. If meant in the manner that Mr. Allan perceived, he would have
been correct.
[As a side note, Harry then gave me an example of this very phenomenon in a
story that is currently breaking, and could be a bigger fiasco than phen
phen. Monsanto created a hormone, rVST that spurs the cow to give many times
more milk than usual. It turns out that it also causes children to go
through puberty at much younger ages -- like 7 - 8 years old; and that just
last month Monsanto issued a memo to the dairy farmers that they will be
cutting production to 50%, and that the farmers should begin cutting back in
their usage because supply is going down. What they didn't say is that their
milk is creating premature maturation in human children. This could put
Monsanto out of business if enough people catch wind of it.]
In this case, we are speaking to the very reason why I oppose the use of the
Lotus as technology. I appreciate this message bolstering my opinion. Within
context, this is much different than the implications surrounding the use of
biological weapons to kill people in war. This case presents an attempt of a
perceived dual benefit (higher corporate income and higher milk yield). In
the case of the use of biological weapons, it sets firmly in the realm of
intended violence, not benefit to human beings. A side note: I like milk.
[Speaking of Humility, I will credit Dan with at least knowing the
importance of humility. It came up early in our conversation. I think in
this instance, Dan went over that line into deep pride and denial.]
If deep pride is consistent with my above reaction to the statement, I am
guilty and have another thing to add to my long list of prayers, asking the
Almighty to help me (and everyone).
[In the "hypothetical" mode, he said, "Let's say there is a person who had
an opportunity to server his country by creating such a weapon [man-made
virus to target a specific outcome].
Would he do it 'for his country?' Yes.
Let's say that this person also is involved with creating such organisms for
the government but not for military purposes. Would he do that? Well, let's
just say that he imposes certain restrictive components so that . . .
[I don't know that he finished that thought. As I asked him about "restrictive
components" (not sure he used the word "component") he hinted at the idea
that there would be an element of the organism that would be limited by
availability of a particular reagent, and thus even though a viable organism
is produced, the ability to replicate it would be limited by that restricted
element, thus creating a breaking mechanism so that the thing would not get
out of hand -- or something like that; he was being pretty cryptic] Now
let's suppose that this same person decides to put his own ´signature´ --
something that other microbiology nerds would pick up, similar to what is
done in the computer programming world."]
I chose not to answer certain statements. That little issue of immunity keep
nagging at everything. Components, duh err what are those?? ; ( )
[As I engaged him in his statements, it was obvious that he was talking
about projects in which he was directly involved, and that he has a way to
prove that he created it. I commented to him that this would then enable him
to have concrete evidence when he goes before a congressional hearing. He
said, "yes," with a sort of imploring tone of -- 'when can we get this
Comment withheld. Talk with me in person.
[In other words, as he patched various sequences of
DNA together in
formulating these designer viruses, he included in the sequence a
"signature" that would show up in all the progeny. So the present form of
this virus could be taken by any university and be shown to have an
identifying "signature" that can clearly be tied to him.]
[When inducting him into the present position he is filling, his handlers
obliterated his records of ever having been a microbiologist. What they did
not count on was that this guy they were messing with had another way to
prove that he a microbiologist, and that he was involved in creating
designer viruses for the U.S. government.]
[I offer it as sheer conjecture that
Dan may have a similar trick when it
comes to the Lotus project and the Ganesh particle.
He'll be giving them
what they asked for, but they won't be able to do with it what they had
intended -- at least he hopes not; and that may be why he can in good
conscience continue with the project, with his positive applications in
mind, while being consoled by the notion that he has quietly sabotaged any
possible negative application.]
This conjecture is incorrect.
[My response to him, next time I meet with him, will be that the only
assurance that a technology will not be used for evil ends, is not found
inherent in the technology, but in the hearts of man.]
Yes, and to a great metaphysical extent, the
Lotus in found exactly there.
[As we concluded our meeting, we embraced each other with hugs. Both seemed
grateful to be receiving a hug from the outside world, and seemed to even
soak it in like a drink after being parched.]
Hugging is a good thing.
[They went one way, we went the other. We took our time, made a rest-room
stop. Harry wanted to wait longer, so we would not be leaving at the same
time. I prevailed by saying that we were not in any kind of danger. Security
was oblivious to our presence. As we walked up to our car, some 20 feet
away, we saw Dan and BJ getting into their cars, which happened to be parked
immediately opposite Harry's car. Dan joked, "Hey! stop following us."
Despite the good humor, we all continued forward as if we did not know each
other. There are probably nearly 1000 parking stalls in various spots around
the place we were at. And there were plenty of empty spaces everywhere, so
the probability of our parking so close together is very low, yet there we
Go back to Angel messages. : ( )
[We had a similar coincidence coming in. I was driving, and the car had
begun acting up (vapor lock?) nearly as soon as we came into Vegas. It was
getting more and more difficult to get the car going at stop lights. It was
acting like it wanted to stall. Finally, when we were at the destination,
pulling right next to the valet, the car stalled completely -- at our
destination. After a minute or so, I got it going again, and we parked it
where we could work on it. On a hunch, Harry said we would just let it sit.
When we came back to it, it worked just fine, and never repeated the problem
again on our several hundred mile trip home.]
When you are somewhere you are supposed to be: stop.
[Here are a few more items in a random order from our conversation with
and BJ.]
Accurate as to randomness.
[The recent heightened solar activity is having an effect of activating some
of the natural star gates. I didn't catch this one, but Harry said Dan and
BJ said that six of their staff and one child recently disappeared at the
Frenchman's Mountain stargate east of Vegas.]
The child was lost many years ago, before I was ever born. The Assistant
Director spoke of Staff, but as far as she can remember did not indicate a
[Dan said the man-made stargates are about the size of a 100 gallon barrel
and are filled with orgone(?) gas, and then charged around the perimeter.
There have been 90 of these made, and 60 have been reclaimed. One of the
main reasons for the war with Iraq is to reclaim some of these that Saddam
Hussein had in his possession. Also, the recent softening of Quadafi (sp?)
was most likely the result of a bargain that was made [my recollection of
this statement may be coming from a later conversation with Harry, not from
Dan]. ]
The center barrel is designed as such, rotating (as you know) within the
gyros. I mentioned ARGON gas, not orgone, but when I read
orgone I about
busted a gut! Thanks you, Sterling whereever you are! : ( )
[Dan recently was looking at a sun spot, and saw a half-cherub shape in it.
He said it coincided almost precisely with a cherub image he has in his
collection. He qualified this observation as "non-scientific" but notable.]
[He mentioned that the book/paper he is writing to report this
technology is not going to be in the typical academic format, but will be
more casual, as it draws from multiple disciplines.]
No, the previous ones
have been, but under the order of the 12, this will be as you have
requested: rigid. Apparently we had a miscommunication.
[One of the first things he said was to correct me when I used the word
"alien." He said, "There are no 'aliens,' they are all
of earth origin." I don't know if I buy that as a feasible blanket
statement, but it may be generally true.]
I said, I believe, "...as far as I am aware." To make such a blanket
judgment about our huge Cosmos would be nuts!
[When Dan and
BJ wrote Eagles Disobey, a guy named Robert Charles [I'm not
sure this is the correct name; Harry would know] who is listed as one of the
authors (or in the credits?), was most likely a CIA plant whose purpose was
to introduce statements that would introduce a "hokey science" element to
the book and give people reason to discredit it.]
Comment reserved, in this medium.
[There were 200 pages clay tablets that hold information about a wormhole
between this planet and ___(?) If I understand correctly, this set of
tablets was being transmitted via star gate recently, and when it came
through it was so hot they could not touch it; when they came back the next
day, MUFON was all over it (the latter part comes from a conversation later
with Harry).]
The Assistant Director indicates that the number 200 was not used. We know
the destination. : )
[BJ burned her fingers on something to this effect, and one the first things
mentioned in our conversation was that her fingers still hurt, and you could
still feel the raise from the burn. She showed her fingers to Harry, who
felt them.]
[Sheala Anderson, a remote viewer who challenged the (magi 12?) powers that
be was maimed (by them) to the point where she requires assistance. "Blood
was coming from her eyes," Dan said. "She is living in fear to this day,"
said BJ.]
She challenged an entity of undefined origin. She lost. She does not live in
fear, as I understand it, she lives in dementia.
[I told BJ my story of my
parent's dog Winnie, who was not afraid of
anything, and it was her lack of fear that protected her when dogs twice her
size would come charging after her to engage her in a fight. She would
ignore them, and keep trotting forward as if they were not even there. Tail
straight up in the air, head held high. "That's the posture we should take,"
I told her.]
Yes, and fools rush in where angels fear to tread. The posture this project
will maintain is "conservative."
[I got the feeling that she and
Dan almost enjoyed their captivity in a sort
of masochistic way -- like a battered wife who will not leaver her abusive
husband. Not that extreme, but there was a slight shade of it. How much of
the control being exerted over them is bluff? Certainly a human tendency
would be to enjoy all the doting -- good and bad -- as it creates a sense of
self-importance. Dan and BJ are human. Still, I will say that they are
generally refreshingly humble and down-to-earth.]
When bones break, the illusion of bluff falls to the past. We both
understand our duty, are able to understand the rigidity of our environment
(while vehemently disagreeing with some of it.), and find that there are
larger callings than ourselves. Where this goes, will be determined by God,
and not by a high-school level psychoanalysis.
[When Harry reported in his briefing to them that "there are a lot of people
praying for you," with hardly a second's hesitation, Dan retorted, "you
should be praying for each other." The impression was that he wanted to
deflect that kind of doting attention as being too much, and wanting instead
to make the point that everyone is equal in the sight of God, and we all
have a role to play.]
As I said to them during one of the computer intercepts at my workstation:
"For the Sake of Humanity tell the World!" I meant it. Peace to the World!
Pray. Not for me, but for each other. Wake up! Look what is happening around
you, around all of us.
[They see their work as very important, but not all-important. Others are
doing great things too.]
[The 7 months is not to write the book but the bibliography
(references/citations for the book).]
They were originally mistaken as to
the use of the terms "bibliography" and "biography." The entire model will
be done on your set timeframe, sir. The bibliography (Works Cited page) is
under control and the clerk is typing at this moment.
[They mentioned that they do not have any problem with
remote viewers
checking up on them and seeing what is going on. They invite it; and they
invite reporting of intuitive or other input that might be of assistance. He
said the best way to get that through would be to mail it.]
[They commented that Bill Hamilton started "showing up" like we did, and it
wasn't long before he was inducted.]
Neither of us ever stated that
Bill Hamilton was a member. As far as I am
aware he isn't. I did indicate that I asked his help with the issue of
biophotonics and Bohmian theory. As you are aware, he completed the request
in record time and I am integrating his work into the model. (If ever there
was a need for such a person to be inducted, it is now. I would relish
working with him.)
[I don't think Harry and I fit the profile of a suitable inductee. Too
independent and too open.]
Side Note: You put us there. This location has been approved for our
discussions. You know my position on this subject and, unless I know that
the person is from the enemy, I will talk with them. You know full well and
neither myself nor my Assistant Director are cowards, so we
don't run away
and hide. I have no idea, nor does the Assistant Director, as to who set up
this "interlude." I found the gentlemen engaging and full of heart. More of
us should be that way, no?
Dan Burisch cc/with approval: Marcia McDowell, Asst. Dir.