Scythians and Druids
The Tocharians depicted in the cave shrines of Takla Makan
are red
haired and wear the same conical hat, sometimes called a Phrygian
cap. A variant of this was worn by Mithras, the intermediary god
adopted by the Persians and featured in the Indian pantheon of the
In monarchical dualism he is depicted as balancing the forces of
increase and decrease, represented by the gods Ahura Mazda and
Ahriman and some classical authors identified him with Jesus Christ.
His headgear is also depicted as the hat worn by gnomes and dwarves.
Accompanying the depictions of the Tocharian Lords in these cave
temples are examples of the language attributed to them - Tocharian
A script - which looks remarkably like one of the scripts that
Tolkien attributes to his Elven peoples. That the
Tocharians are
Scythian-Aryans themselves means that the devotional language used
by their High-Kings and Queens might justifiably be called an Elven
language, the tongue of Tolkien’s Sundered Elves of the East.
The second Gaelic word for ’vampire’ is Sumaire, which is pronounced
shimarie, with the accent on the middle syllable - shim AR ri. Sumaire is translated as ’vortex’, meaning a whirlpool or spiral, a
labyrinth: a sucker, a reptile (serpent or Dragon).
There is a clear link here with Sumeria and Anu’s mother
Tiamat, the
Dragoness of the deeps, and with Anu’s children Samael and
the forebears of the fairies. Various pictures of the latter two
depict them as entwined around a tree, often the tree is Lilith
herself, with Samael as the serpent or dragon resting in her
branches as in Hebraic Iconography where Lilith is the Tree of
knowledge in the Garden of Eden.
The Sumerians appeared first in Mesopotamia in 3500 BC. Prior to
their emergence they were preceded by the Ubaid migrants from what
is now southern Romania, from Carpathia and
Scythia, who had fled
south to escape the Black Sea flood of 4000 BC. Dated to about
5000 BC, archaeologists working in Tartaria in the
Ubaid territory of Transylvania, discovered
a ’tepes’ or Rath under which they found a
Buried amongst the ashes were the human remains of a cannibalistic
sacrificial victim and two clay tablets. On these were inscribed the
name of Enki (Samael), the number of Anu -
60 - and the image of a
goat, Enki again, and a Tree - Lilith. In Hinduism
Siva is the
Goatherd of the Mountains.
The pictographic nature of the inscriptions convinced the
archaeologists that the language was the forerunner of Sumerian and
so they called it proto-Sumerian. Making it fairly obvious that the
Sumerians were originally Ubaid Overlords from Central Eurasia.
Sadly however, because a bunch of right-wing Hungarian nationalists
then claimed Sumerian roots by virtue of a discovery made in a
backyard they had only recently overrun, subsequent to the discovery
in the 1960’s and the attendant madcap claim, no academic would give
the proto-Sumerian theory house room, not wishing to
accommodate the
views of a collection of neo-nazi cranks and quite rightly so.
What a group of Mongoloids thought they had in common with the
race the author doesn’t know. Having invaded the region as the
Magyar at so late a period in history the author fails to see how
any claim to Sumerian or proto-Sumerian origins, that an isolated
group of Hungarian lunatics might make, could possibly hold up under
even the most cursory scrutiny.
Nevertheless the author also finds the attitude of those academics
who opposed the definition to be obstructive and misleading,
especially as it is now conclusively proved that the culture
responsible for the production of the Tartarian clay tablets and the
Rath structure was Ubaid - the founders of
civilized Mesopotamia
and, as it turns out, the Overlords of the Indus valley
Mohenjo Daro and Harrapa where
Ishtar reigned as Queen.
Further east of Transylvania similar discoveries were made in the
Ukraine or greater Scythia and the peoples who had settled the area
were named after their dwellings, which in Russian were called
Kurgans. They were mound houses exactly the same as the
tepes of
Tartaria and the Tells that the Ubaid built all the way down through
Anatolia to Al’Ubaid and Sumeria.
To the Kurgan peoples, obviously the red-haired Aryan or proto-Aryan
(if you must) horse lords, was attributed the invention of the
chariot whose axle dimensions were copied on all horse drawn
vehicles right up until the Victorian period, when they were
incorporated into the axle width (4ft 8½ ins) of the standard gauge
railways still in use today.
The influence that vampires have had on European culture should not
be dismissed! They inspired modern wheeled transport, invented
tourism in a big way and lent their images and their dress to the
lids of every shortbread tin you’ve ever seen.
It seems fair to suggest, given the wealth of archaeological and
anthropological evidence, that the Sumerians or Ubaid
as we should
call them, along with the pale-skinned and red-haired Lilith and her
descendants, were the early Elven, Aryan-Scythian Dragon Overlords
of what we know now as Transylvania and Greater Scythia.
This particularly in the light of the discoveries of bat winged,
serpent-god statuary found in Dacia and Tibet (not too far from
Takla Makan!) which is said to date back at least 5000 years,
putting it into the period of the emergence of civilization in
Such figures we would readily identify as the Dragon or, in
Gaelic -
The Sumaire - whilst the Kurgans/Tells/Tepes that these early
Transylvanian/Scythian Sidheans or Ubaid occupied were clearly
duplicated in the Irish Raths of the Danaan, such as Newgrange with
its spirally engraved stones, the Ziggurats of the
Sumerians and the
Pyramids of the Egyptians.
Whilst these ancient structures bore the marks of the sumaire, the
spiral labyrinth or vortex design, thus
emphasizing the creachaire -
sumaire theme of the Dragon -
witch - Vampire - Overlord
theme, the Egyptians too adopted the labyrinth and used the
spiral as a hieroglyph which they termed the ’Mer’, a symbol of irrigation
associating it with water and, via weir spelt Vere and
rendering Muir, returning once more to the Egyptian Mer - the fish
trap or fish-woman trap, the enclosure of the mermaid, the maze or
labyrinth and intimations of the wild hunt. (Muir and
Mhaior name
variants courtesy of Dr. Hugh Vere).
So at long last, having trudged through the backwaters of obscure
knowledge we can now say that we know exactly who and what the
Vampire was and is. A very rare individual, a God-King amongst the
race of human kings, the Vampire descends from the supernatural
Dragon Royalty of Sumeria back to the Ubaid Overlords of what was to
become known as Transylvania and Greater Scythia.

The Vampire: the
Dragon King or Queen was an Archdruid, a Witch
Queen or King, a Fairy Princess or Prince amongst the
race of Elphame. Consequently the Vampire, the
Fairy, the Dragon and the
Witch were all the same individual and far from being the characters
of fable they were in fact very powerful, very real beings whose vampiric natures and rituals sustained their
transcendent vision which in its turn maintained their positions as
the overlords of mankind.
These gods of flesh and blood were the only gods that ever actually
existed: Myth, however, transformed them into the ethereal deities
whom we are conditioned to think of as Gods now, and who came to be
worshipped worldwide. Nevertheless flesh and blood they were and
their bloodlines descend to the present day.
The Druids
The word Druid is said to be Greek in
origin and, as ’drys’: means
’tree’. Some authorities like to think it means ’oak tree’
but no evidence exists to confirm this irrefutably. As we shall see
later druid is also related to ’dru’ meaning ’run’ in
Sanskrit and to Drys
meaning a Wren - specifically the Goldcrest -
one of the birds most
sacred to the Druids. For the present however, we will concentrate
on the Greek version of the word.
Though the Druids are associated with groves and, as some will
insist, with oak trees, it is feasible to suggest that in the light
of their Sumerian and Ubaid origins, the druids as
priest kings of
the Dragon, were connected specifically with the Tree of Life and
the Tree of Knowledge, rather than with any mundane or temporal
Accepting this we may further suggest that, as priests of these
pre-eminent Trees of Life and Knowledge, they may be further
identified with those magicians and scholars whose Transylvanian
descendants, the Scythian Aryans or Sumerian Anunnaki - the
God-Kings - were instrumental in establishing the Chakric system of
Hindu and Buddhist Tantra and Hebrew, Arabic and Greek Qabalah whose
magical systems, as we all know, contain a glyph called the Tree of
Generally speaking this Tree, a system of pathways both macrocosmic
and microcosmic in nature, links the various subtle energy
which are said to exist both in the universe, as levels of density
and emanation relating to the manifestation of cosmic power and being,
and in the human body - on the microcosmic level - as energy centers
corresponding to the glands in the endocrinal system. In
Qabalah the
spheres which do not relate to the glands may be seen as points in
the meridian system adopted by the Chinese. On another level, the
Qabalistic Tree of Life is a genealogical chart of the Gods.
The magical Tree is a universal symbol. As in the early
depiction of the Tree of Life; the abode of Lilith, many of the
subsequent Arabic, Indian and European Holy Trees share common
attributes. All have residing in their topmost branches some form of
In Tantra it is the swan, whose head rests within the
Ajna Chakra
which corresponds to the pineal and pituitary glands and the
corpus callosum. In Welsh druidic lore the bird is represented as the
eagle, a typically shamanic, totem bird which symbolizes the
ascendent spirit. Here the eagle is the god Lleu (in Ireland he is
the Danaan king Lugh), the father of the elven Llewelyn kings of
In Arabic Sufism the bird is a peacock whilst in
Viking lore the
Sacred Tree Yggdrasil has at its base a coiled serpent by a pool and
in its highest boughs the bird of the released spirit
accompanied by
a white hart.
What a deer is doing up a tree is anyone’s guess, but have a stab at
it and I’ll tell you later. Yggdrasil is called the Axis Mundi and
is seen as the tree which contains within its branches and roots the
nine worlds of the Viking philosophical system, including their
version of the Hebrew Qlipphoth or underworld. Immediately the
similarity between it and the Qabalistic and Tantric Trees becomes
quite apparent and this is no fluke.
In actual fact the druid’s most sacred tree wasn’t the oak, it was
the apple tree, linked to which is the blue boar, both of which came
originally, it was said, from the Otherworld. For this reason the
Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden was always depicted as the
apple, but could be interchanged with the pomegranate for reasons
which eventually will become apparent to the hardiest and most
persistent reader.
The Mistletoe Bard, whom we will encounter later, cut the golden
bough from the Apple prior to descending into the underworld. Where
it has been suggested that the berries of the mistletoe represent
the sperm of the Great Oak God (Jupiter/Thor/Jehovah/Enlil) and thus
his fertility and life-force, this isn’t in fact the case.
The Mistletoe grew mainly on Apple trees which, as we shall see, are
exclusively female. Therefore the berries of the Mistletoe represent
the female and consequently the Goddess’ fluid, not the seminal
fluid of a male deity.
The boar is sacred to both Mars and to Arduina or
Diana. This link
between the apple and the boar, and the boar and Mars and Diana or
the Moon is identical with the association between the Apple Tree of
Eden as Lilith (of the Moon) and Samael the
Serpent or Dragon who
embraces her. Essentially the symbols of the Boar and the
Dragon have become interchangeable.
The Blue Boar is a druidic symbol of office and the
Dragon is a
symbol of bloodline descent, a clan badge of the druidic race. In
the Scythian Dragon Tribe the individual totem animal badges vary
from region to region and reflect the local fauna and the status of
the clan or sept. As an example a high or archdruidic family badge
would be the boar, whilst a junior sept of that clannad would have
as its totem the hedgehog, which is rather amusing.
The symbol of Samael the Serpent reclining in the Branches of
Lilith’s Apple Tree in the Garden of Eden actually depicts the
concept of the Dragon eating the fruit itself. This can also be
found slightly more abstractly but conversely and paradoxically more
graphically at the same time, in the Tantric equivalent of the
serpent entwined around a female figure.
As the apple is also the favorite fruit of the boar in the wild, it
is doubtless that the adoption of the Boar as a badge was because of
this and further, that the identification of the boar with the
dragon was through their mutual, actual and symbolic love of what
the Irish druids called the apples of red-gold. The
boar was also
called Le Solitaire and for this reason has links with the
which will be dealt with later.
The Apple Trees - either Lilith or her descendant scarlet
priestesses - bore the fruit which symbolized the sephirah and the
glands of the female body. These, the apples of red-gold, produce
the enriched virginal womb blood that was consumed by both the male
and female druids - the Boars in the Orchard and the
Serpents or
Dragons in the Trees. Red-Gold is also the
Tantric Kaula term for
womb blood: the Rtu or first flow of the womb.
In reinforcing the Uber-Oupire link - the identification between the
witch (druidhe) and vampire - it is worth taking a look at the totem
system of Mithraism, a close cousin of druidism. In the
initiatory grades there are 7 degrees.
The Highest is the Dragon and the penultimate is the
wolf. Also
included is the Raven and with variations across Europe these
animals, along with Swans, Geese, Bears, Vipers, Hawks, eagles and
so on, served as the tuadh or kingdom emblems for the
Scythian groups.
In Romania however, these grades with their animal totems or badges
make up the degrees or conditions of vampirism. The most potent
vampire is the Dracoi or female Dracoica, from whence the
House of Drakul obtained its name, meaning ’Satan’ or
’Dragon’ whilst Drakulea or Dracula means
’son of Satan’ or ’son of the Dragon’.
Lying at a close second place comes the Stregoi or
female Stregoica,
a being that manifests itself as either a wolf or a raven. We can
see where this is leading, can’t we?
The Stregoi or Stregoica represents both the Morrighan or
the Valkyrie and the Werewolf or Verewolf, which is simply
manifestation of the vampire. Typically and especially where wolves
were in short supply, the werewolf was represented variously by the
Bear and the Fox; and elsewhere by the crocodile (the
Sobekh of
Egypt - patron and protector of Royalty - whose fat was used as the
Messach or anointing oil of the pharoahs, the
Messiahs or priest
In this neck of the woods it was also common to replace the werewolf
with the Panther who was sacred to the lunar goddess
Diana and also
to Bacchus. Panther
was the clan name of
Jesus, and much earlier,
the Ubaid priests wore the skins of Panthers as their totem animal.
The Panther’s feeding ritual involves it opening the jugular vein in
its victims neck and drinking the blood prior to eating the carcass.
The association between werewolves and the moonlight which drove
them loopy, according to fable, is repeated and reinforced by the
traditional belief that witches (aka vampires) were sacred to
and worshipped her by the light of the full moon. The link between
the full moon and the vampire of the Gothic Romance is also well
represented in tradition.
The reason that moonlight drove werewolves round the twist and
elicited devotion from witches was because the full moon was seen as
the menstrual moon that signaled the impending flow and was
worshipped particularly by the witches of Italy and the surrounding
These ladies were called Strega, that is the Italian name for a
witch and rather than worshipping the full moon they were
celebrating what the moon and Diana stood for - food for the soul -
the blood of virgins! Give it a chance - it isn’t as gory or
unsavory as it sounds.
This was the secret foundation for the High Romance and Courtly Love
that initiated the exoteric Medieval Romantic Movement itself, so
don’t get judgmental or picky. If you are health conscious and take
supplements like HRT you might as well know that it comes in many
cases either from the urine of Mares or French Nuns - yes the author
did say: Nuns. It’s official. So don’t start turning your nose up at
a bit of harmless but nevertheless profitable genital snogging. Its
a lot more fun than taking the piss out of Catholics. Most of the
As Melatonin was the primary hormone extracted in the
blood rites of
Diana it’s your choice: would you have preferred the blood of
beautiful virgins, romantically celebrating and giving joyously of
their feminine power and status by moonlight then, or the urine of
papists - in a pill - now? One type of melatonin is live whilst the
other is stone dead and useless - guess which is which. And
Melatonin is only the beginning of the story.
In addition to the Dragon Court’s research into DNA, over two years
ago the author who, many years ago, was the first to pinpoint the
potential chemicals indictated in the precise hormonal makeup of the Holy Grail and Grant’s Starfire phenomena (which information he
subsequently passed, in part, on to
Laurence Gardner), also
commissioned the assay of various organic fluids in order to
discover and prove the presence of a range of these vital
psychotropic and restorative chemicals discharged by the human
female system.
These included oxytocin, prolactin,
melatonin, seratonin, adenosyne
triphosphate, dopamine, telomerase and
retinol. The results of these
assays should be known soon. Richard Dufton had also been working
independently on identifying the same chemical presences for some
years and when he and the author met in 1995 they began to work
closely on the Melatonin basis for the Holy Grail. Out of this joint
research the author discovered the wider implications of the
discovery and restructured the Kabalistic and Tantric systems with
precise chemical indices for each sephiroth or chakra.
The association between Scythian Totem beasts, Romanian animal
vampire types and Mithraic grades of Initiation indicates clearly
that vampirism, far from being random or opportunist, was in fact
part of an ancient system of elven rites manifest in
Tantra, Mithraism and Druidism.
Having said that the symbol of the panther and the werewolf were
apposite, as the Scythian warrior nobility were a tad bloody-minded
at times and Roman reports from the early part of the first
millennium state how the Pictish Danaan had been witnessed eating the
flesh and drinking the blood of their defeated foes following
victories in battle.
Undoubtedly this was a corruption of earlier ritual practice as we
shall see later. Certainly going out and ’eating Italian’ had a
unique and disturbing meaning for the Roman soldiery of the day, as
the Ninth Legion in Albany discovered to their cost. Drinking the
blood of friend or foe in battle was a common practice in Eire and
Scotland, the former in remembrance of fallen comrades, the latter
to obtain the strength of the enemy. Contrary to Royal Vampirism,
the whole point of Martial Vampirism was to clog your arteries with
someone else's adrenaline
Another ritual familiar to those who have read Stoker’s Dracula was
the hauling of soil from the Scythian homelands in boxes. The
Scythians initiated this practice with the idea that the earth was
the source of sovereignty and power and that ones soul was linked to
ones homeland.
This isn’t entirely daft because we are what we eat, and what we eat
affects the ’soul’ (biochemically derived and mediated collection of
responses and attachments called ’ME’, the ego, personality or
whatever, dependant for its existence on the continuity of the
mind-brain interface) through the body, both body and soul being
inextricably linked as they are. What we eat comes from the land
where we are born and so the soil of ones country and its inherent
sovereignty and identity literally flow in the blood that courses
through one’s veins.
Up until the last century, the displaced Scots who
traveled to
America would slip a little soil from their former Crofts into the
soles of their boots in order that, wherever they went they would
always be walking on the earth of their homeland.
The Scythian Overlords brought the dragon culture with them as they
traversed the many regions of Europe and finally settled in the
British Isles. All their kings, indeed all Scythians
of the royal
caste were dragons, particularly the druids and their high kings
were called Pendragons or chief dragons and were picked by their
druidic peers from druidic families.
Variant spellings for the name Druid include ’Draoi’
- thought to mean Dragon - which is close in spelling
to the Romanian ’Dracoi’ and ’Dracoica’ which, if
related to ’Drys’, associated with wood nymphs or tree
spirits, suggests that the ’Drys’ or ’Dryads’ were
the female druids who were symbolized by the apple tree of Lilith
whilst the ’Draoi’ or ’Dracoi’ - the highest degree of the male
druids - were represented by the serpent entwined in the branches of
those apple trees.
The Priestess Queens and Priest Kings, as we have seen, dwelt in the
holy places, the royal Raths that served as both temple and tomb.
These subterranean palaces mimicked the the Bergs or mound houses of
the Scythians’ ’proto’-Sumerian ancestors, who originated in
Transylvania and Carpathia.
Similarly the Mithraic underground temples resembled places like
Newgrange, in that they had an aperture above the doorway that
allowed a shaft of sunlight into the building. This ray would hit
the back wall of the temple where, in the case of Mithraic rituals,
there were placed figurines, the sequential illumination of each in
its turn, as the day progressed onwards, would tell an initiatory
story, bathed in the dying light of the midwinter sun.
Beneath the doorways of various of these buildings have been
discovered the remains of headless corpses whose skulls would have
been secreted within these Sidhe Mounds. Their functions were to
serve as Guardians of the Portals, spirit defenders of the power and
sanctity of these shrines - the dwellings of the Dragons - the
Goddess-Queens and God-Kings incarnate.
The cult of the severed head, as part of Celtic
religious practice
originated with the druids and therefore the Scythians. Examples of
the head as the seat of the soul and the source of mystical wisdom,
a bestower of gifts or cornucopia finds expression both in the
legend of the head of Bran the Blessed or Bendigaid Fran,
of Britian, retold in the Mabinogion; and the Trial papers of the Templars, who owned a head which was said to speak words of
transcendent wisdom. This head, along with that of Bran, have both
been cited as being aspects of the Grail with whom both Bran and the
Templars were connected.
The Knights Templars restructured by Baldwin of Bourcq in 1118
appended to their name "and of the Temple of Solomon" whilst the
original Order of Templars, a Vere foundation which emerged in 1100
were called "Guardian Princes of the Royal Secret". However the
original Temple Guard was founded 1500 years earlier in Jerusalem.
A close examination of the ’Song of Songs’ attributed to Solomon
will reveal to the reader certain esoteric references to the Grail.
It has been further revealed that Solomon’s bloodline had Scythian
Dragon origins and therefore connections with the Cult of the Head.
That a head, said to be that of the Magdalene, successor to
to turn up in the inventory attached to the Templar trial papers
should therefore come as no surprise.
The Scythians believed that the head contained the immortal soul.
Descartes, writing in the 1600’s, was of the same opinion and
elaborated by asserting that the seat of the soul was the pineal
gland. Others, writing later, have suggested that this organ is the
mediator of inspiration and the translator of intuitive or cosmic
In Indian Tantric Yoga the Pineal is the physical seat or anchor of
the Ajna Chakra which also corresponds to the Pituitary as well. In
this philosophy the Pineal is symbolized as being the head of the
swan, whose body comprises the various areas of the rest of the
brain. As we have seen, the dove and the Raven also
fulfill this
symbolic function.
The Pineal Gland is specifically associated with
Grail Lore and
closely aspected to manifestations of the Grail in the forms of a
Cup, a Stone, a Cauldron, a
Well, Mere or lake; a
fountain, (such as
that found in certain kabalistic rituals) and an underground stream.
Within the theme of the severed head we also find the dressed head
of Llewelyn, King of Gwynedd, which was severed from his body and
garlanded with Ivy (sacred to Bacchus) before being dispatched to
Edward I following the victory of his armies over the Welsh in the
Some two hundred years later, on his death in 1477, Prince Vlad
Draculea’s body was taken to an Abbey he had built on an Island in
the middle of a lake in Smyrna. Such a sanctuary has distinct
Arthurian overtones and associations with the Isle of Avallon, upon
which there was also built an abbey of the quasi-druidic Celto-Scythian Church.
This replaced the early Rath temple, grove and sanctuary of the
Morganas, the ladies of the lake who were the
Swan Maiden-Valkyries of the Scythian world, vampires
and head hunters. In such
sanctuaries headless corpses, as we have seen, were placed as portal
guardians and it is in just such a condition that we discover that,
according to local tradition, Draculea’s head was removed from his
body and his corpse was buried beneath the stone flags beneath the
doorway of the Abbey’s chapel.
A similar incident is reported to have occurred with the
establishment of the Celtic Christian Shrine on the Island of Iona.
Here it is St Columba who is said to have severed the head of one of
his disciples and buried the blood drained corpse beneath the
doorway of the chapel.
The blood of the victim was then consumed as a eucharist in
thanksgiving for the monks’ safe arrival to the island. Here we can
see that early Christianity was indeed tied up with the cult of the
head, as was the collateral Johannite Cult of the Baptist, who
himself was a sacrificial king of Dragon descent.
Draculea’s name means son of the Dragon as we have seen, and his
burial replicates the Scythian burials in the Holy-Royal Sidhe or
power mounds found in Eire and Scotland. In
Draculea’s case there
are a number of symbols associated with him that connect him
directly with the Scythian druidic tradition.
Furthermore these symbols, some of which we can also find,
surprisingly enough, in Stoker’s novel, lead to the conclusion that
Stoker knew a great deal about his subject. Much of the information
in ’Dracula’ the novel, is of an esoteric and highly
specialized psycho-biological nature, which does not detract from or conflict
with, but rather elucidates upon, the character of the Draculea of
Bram Stoker was a close friend and associate of the Welsh magician
and writer Arthur Machen who wrote numerous works, including a paper
on the alchemical significance of the dragon and a novel on the Twllyth Teg - the
fairies of Wales.
It is a common device to convey esoteric knowledge via the medium of
supposed fiction and it appears that both Stoker and Machen involved
themselves in such ventures. Stoker was also acquainted with
Aleister Crowley and MacGregor Mathers, both of whom were leading
lights in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Machen and
were members of this organization which, it is said, had its roots
in the ancient Rosicruciana Anglicae.
Oscar Wilde was one of only four people associated with
The Golden
Dawn and the later breakaway group: the Ordo Templi Orientis headed
by Crowley, who himself undertook to perform the rituals leading to
the accomplishment of a variant of the ancient "Mass of the
The amazing Jack Parsons, OTO., attempted it in the 1940’s and
joined Wilde in succumbing to the ruin and degradation that
accompanies it. Jack died in an inexplicable explosion in the garage
of his home in California.
Whilst Crowley accomplished the rite and walked away virtually
unscathed, eventually dying of old age in Hastings, Wilde’s fate is
known to all. Having said that ’Death in Hastings’ has none of the
romantic je ne sais quoi of say, ’Death in Venice’, or even Paris.
Perhaps Wilde, vilified as he was, had the better of it after all,
at least in terms of style!
It has been suggested that Stoker was either a member of the
OTO or
the Golden Dawn and it would appear that the cohesion and integrity
of the symbolism in his ’Dracula’ must therefore point to Stoker
having a source of esoteric information far more informed in
historical and alchemical terms than any that he might have
obtained, as it has been suggested, purely from the folklore of
Romanian peasants or from contemporary literary sources.
Historical accounts of Prince Draculea’s life confirm that he was
born in and became Prince of Wallachia, not Transylvania. In linking
Draculea with Transylvania however, Stoker suggests to the reader
that the origin of the vampire tradition was indeed linked to the
Ubaid Homeland.
Recent research has uncovered the fact that Draculea did indeed,
like his Scythian Warrior ancestors, drink the blood of his impaled
and decapitated victims. Decapitation is distinctly a Scythian
practice and although it has been suggested that Draculea learnt the
custom of impaling from his Turkish captors, this practice had been
used as a punishment by the Aryans of Persia as early as 500
Although Stoker has Dracula impaled and decapitated at his castle
when in fact Draculea was beheaded at the Abbey where he was buried,
Stoker is rightly attempting to associate Dracula, via these
rituals, with an entire vampiric cultural tradition of which his
character was destined to become the definitive archetype.
This is no bad thing because the picture of Dracula and his
accoutrements and behavior is not far from the actual truth of the
matter. The finer details of the novel confirm that Stoker was
probably being prompted by others in the writing of this work, which
contains secret information that is still generally unknown outside
certain circles.
It was generally thought that the only way to kill a vampire was to
impale the body through the heart, in order to pin the wandering
body to the earth, remove the head and cremate the remains. At that
time cremation was forbidden in Christian Europe because it was
believed that the bodily remains should be left intact to rise again
on the Day of Judgment.
Obviously the Church thought that reconstituting the fetid and
rotting remains of sinners on the Last Day would be a doddle for
God, whereas he would be powerless to reconstruct the former human
being from a handful of dust. Typically stunning christian logic in
action here.
Cremation was practiced by Hindus, a race of people originally
extracted from the Aryan Horse Lords. Considering this as a funerary
practice in relation to decapitation and impaling, which was
reserved as a royal punishment in Persia, perhaps the peasant
memory, prompted by the church, recalled the link between royalty
and these rituals and thence assumed that the only way to kill a
vampire who was, after all exclusively a member of the Fairy or
Royal Race, was to put the body through a series of ritual
processes, some of which had been variously, components of Scythian
royal sacrificial or funerary practice.
Royal decapitation we can see in the stories of Bran and
and although Celts buried their common dead, we might suggest, given
the earliest evidence from Tartaria and other later sites, that
Royal Scythians, like their Viking and
Hindu cousins, cremated the
sometimes decapitated remains of their sacred dead, depending on the
requirements of specific ritual necessity. Perhaps to the peasantry,
impaling was seen as poetic justice in dispatching one assumed to be
of a race for whom impaling was a common punishment.
We have seen that impaling was thought to nail the body of the
vampire to the earth and perhaps where the body wasn’t burnt,
impaling was considered sufficient to keep in its grave, the body of
one belonging to a race that the crows in cassocks said was so
terrifying and seemingly so indestructible.
It will be remembered though that many of the stories concerning
vampires were contrived by the church to encourage the flock to
remain in fear for its life and thus faithful to its only means of
protection and salvation, the fat scheming pervert in the black
It was immaterial to them that vampirism was rarely committed against
outsiders except when they were opponents in war. Nevertheless the
vampire scare went on longer than the witch craze and was just as
effective in keeping the poor peasant in bondage to the evil
doctrines of a lying church.
As a Scythian custom, impaling would have been as common in
later Turkey, where the Cult of the Head thrived in
Roman times; as
it was in Persia where it was reserved for one royal in particular -
Bress - who betrayed his brother Darius following the successful
invasion by Alexander.
Essentially Stoker’s Dracula is as much a part of the
Grail Cycle as
the Druidic stories of King Arthur and of Eschenbach’s
In these stories as in most Druidic teaching fables, the
delighted in presenting material that could be read on several
different but related levels which often have hermetic, macro and
microcosmic components.
In particular where Stoker is concerned, an extract from Solomon’s
’Song of Songs’ features in a couple of obscure lines in his
and these directly refer to the central alchemical theme of the
Grail Cycle and put the seal on the book as being an esoteric work,
rather than just simply a Gothic novel.
Historically Draculea himself attended the ’Solomon School’ in
Hermannstadt, an alchemical, hermetic college that taught magic to
the sons of Royalty. Two other schools like this existed in Europe,
one was in Toledo in Spain and the other was said to be in
Transylvania. At the ’Solomon’ only one person per class ever
graduated, or ’rode the Dragon’ as it was termed.
Fanciful christian theory says that the rest of the students ended
up with Satan in Hell! Reminiscent of a Druidic
’Bangor’ or
university, the ’Solomon School’ finished Vlad’s education and
fitted him to become a Dacian counterpart of the British Pendragon,
with all the brutal wisdom of his fairy ancestors and predecessors
who, as God-Kings of the specifically intermediary, guardian-class
of Anunnaki deities, were inhumed in the same manner that
himself was laid to rest.
Draculea the prince of Wallachia was little different in actuality
from the Dracula character of Stoker’s novel. This Sacred Prince, a
Hermetic scholar and initiate, a student of magic, Magus, Witch Lord
and Dragon Prince, counterbalanced the bloodlust of his forebears
with a refined knowledge and advanced practice of Grail procedure
which, shining forth radiantly from the pages of Stoker’s little
masterpiece, echoed the teachings that the historical Draculea would
have received at the ’Solomon School’: teachings and encountered in
the Dragon Court of which he was a member, teachings which were held
in common by Archdruids, Alchemists, Tantric Yogis, Hermeticists
and Qabalists alike, each discipline originating from one ancient
Tradition in Sumeria and Transylvania - the heartlands of the
Dragon Kings and Queens of the Sacred Danaan Peoples.
In Draculea’s day christian kings sent their sons to christian
universities but still, true kingship, the Sobekh or
Messiah kingship, symbolized since antiquity by the
Dragon or Sacred
Crocodile, required that the true kings’ sons learnt priest-kingship
and in Draculea’s case, this education was still clearly of a
Druidic nature, even as late as the 15th century.
In the Celtic British Isles after the Romans decamped, Princes were
required to become priests or druids and as late as 660
AD we can
find references concerning the education of the Merovingian Prince Dagobert at
Slane University in Ireland where, up until the year
664 AD, Celtic, Druidic Christianity still held sway.
In those days and as late as 751 A.D. Kings still came exclusively
from the King Tribe who supplied much of the Celtic world, as well
as Eurasia, with Draconian offspring to serve as Royal Priests. This
King Tribe, the Arya or Sidhe - the
Scythians - included the
Merovingian dynasty who, although it was an amalgam of
Egyptian and Aryan blood, it was also closely related to the
and Scots Royal Danaan and the Druidic castes integral to these
Houses still educated this dynastic progeny up until the Carolingian
usurpation and the ascendance of the Church of Rome in 664
Gradually at first the Roman church replaced the true royal, elven
blood with its own bloodless puppets and made christian education
the norm for the sons of the new christian kings and nobles whom the
church had created. The Solomons of Hermannstadt, Toledo and
Transylvania became the hidden leftovers of an ancient, originally
druidic educational system which necessarily went underground and
became the subject of myth and fairytale, along with the bloodlines
it once educated openly.
The Dragon Colleges produced the ’Uber’, the
Overlords who, in
Britain were called the Pendragons and
in Transylvania the ’Dracoi’ or ’Dracoica’ - the
’vampires’. Only the highest graduates of the
Druidic bangors would be thought of as true men or women of power,
true Sidhe or Fairy Royalty and thus it was only the prince who
’rode the Dragon’ who could be said to fit the same criteria for
inclusion in the bloodline of the vampire, the witch and the
families - The Dragon Kings.