From Transylvania to Tunbridge
’The Fair Folk’
Members of the Scythian Royal House were said to be of great beauty
and wondrous to behold. We remember that they practiced selective
breeding and that only the fairest and most pure could be selected
as queens and kings.
Tall in stature and with the palest of complexions and the reddest
of red gold hair, framing faces in which were set eyes of emerald
green, these beings were magnificent to look upon admittedly, but
beauty isn’t just skin deep, only to the fool.
Beauty is a condition of the psyche and where those who have
suffered a life of stress and tension, of bitterness and regret are
concerned, we should not be surprised that they age quicker or look
uglier, more mean of spirit that those whose lives have been led in
truth and grace.
Added to their stunning symmetry, the Elves were naturally
transcendent of spirit and their queens and kings were insulated
from the common round of nuisances and petty concerns by minds which
were bred for deeper matters.
Add then an inner state of being whose grace and equilibrium is
reminiscent of the grace of the gliding swan, to a physical form of
beauty attained by centuries of selective breeding, and you obtain a
being whose elegance and poise is nothing less than otherworldly.
Indeed the swan in fairy culture, though representing an anatomical
and physiological condition within the fairy brain, also represents
that very serenity of being that that neuro-physiology effects
within the fairy mind and is consequently seen manifestly in the
visage and deportment of that race’s queens and princesses and kings
and princes, the swan maidens and swan knights of legend.
From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells
In folklore such intimations of beauty come down to us in stories of
elf maidens who, in reflecting such poise and charm as could only be
manifest in enlightened beings, are portrayed as swans on the
evening waters of moonbathed lakes who enthrall the onlooker and
captivate his soul forever.
A perfect example of such eulogized beauty is the story of the
Leanaan Sidhe, an Irish female fairy who has developed in literature
as being partly muse and partly vampire. She represents the state of
grace and perfection of the Elven Princess.
Memory however prompts those who tell of her to relate that her
embrace is death. In Transylvania she is Stregoica, In
Greece she is
the Lamia; in Persia, Arabia and Israel she is
Lilith and An, and
just outside Tunbridge Wells she is ’La Belle Dame Sans Merci’,
immortalized in Keats’ poem of the same name.
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Oh what can ail thee, Knight at arms,
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has withered from the Lake
And no birds sing!
Oh what can ail thee, Knight at arms,
So haggard and so woe begone?
The Squirrel’s granary is full
and the harvest’s done.
I see a Lily on thy brow
With anguish moist and fever dew,
And on thy cheeks a fading Rose
Fast withereth too -
I met a Lady in the Meads,
Full beautiful, a faery’s child
Her hair was long, her foot as light
And her eyes were wild -
I made a garland for her head,
And bracelets too, and fragrant Zone
She look’d at me as she did love
And made sweet moan -
I set her on my pacing steed
And nothing else sa all day long
For sidelong would she bend and sing
A faery’s song -
She found me roots of relish sweet
And honey wild and manna dew
And sure in language strange she said
I love thee true -
She took me to her elfin grot
And there she wept and sigh’d full sore,
And there I shut her wild wild eyes
With kisses four.
And there she lulled me asleep
And there I dreamed, Ah Woe betide!
The latest dream I ever dreamt
On the cold hill side.
I saw pale Kings and Princes too
Pale warriors, death pale were they all;
They cried, La belle dame sans merci
Thee hath in thrall.
I saw their starv’d lips in the gloam
With horrid warning gaping wide,
And I awoke, and found me here
On the cold hill’s side.
And this is why I sojourn here
Alone and palely loitering;
Though the sedge is withered from the Lake
And no birds sing -
John Keats
In England, during the 1300’s this vampire maiden was to be found in
the Home Counties and her name, the ’Maid of Kent’ pins her down as
being, according to John Ferguson, the Countess of Salisbury who, at
a summer ball in Calais was said to have let slip her Garter, which
King Edward III retrieved with haste and, lifting the accoutrement
into the air, pronounced "Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense".
As to her wandering around near Tunbridge Wells when the unfortunate
knight-in-armour (from her point of view an early attempt at
perfecting the art of tinning fresh meat) met her, she like him was
returning from the Calais festivities when he must have caught up
with her on the leafy track that has now become the famous A21. We
will catch up with them in a minute.
Scholars once dismissed Professor Margaret Murray for several
things, one being that the Garter incident elicited an over-reaction
from Edward if the Garter was of no ritual significance. But however
scholars may dismiss the incident, the question will not go away.
In a period not noted for its moral rectitude why would the King
bother threatening anyone in connection with their possible attitude
towards an item of women’s underwear? Murray has already pointed out
exactly how significant the Garter actually is and has given
numerous instances to support a concept that goes beyond mere
theory. There was no point in making a song and dance about the
Countess’ Garter unless the item had a dangerous connotation
attached to it; which indeed it had.
The Garter or Gartier, was a small, buckled belt worn by women
around the top of the left thigh or just below the left knee on men.
Apart from being a menstrual badge and a semantic symbol of the womb
and the Grail, it was also a representation of the serpent eating
its own tail. The Garter therefore was the alchemical symbol of the
Orobourus, the serpent who, in consuming itself, has become a
Dragon, a vampire. Here we will remember the opening prose at the
beginning of this collection of essays.
The Garter was the ’witches belt’, the Devil’s badge and a dynastic
emblem of the fairy race that descended from Lilith and Cain, who
were the enemies of the Church and Mankind, according to the church,
if not according to the fairies themselves.
The subsequent founding of the Order of the Garter by Edward III, to
be followed in 1397 by the re-emergence of a Dragon Court in another
related Angevin line under King Sigismund of Luxembourg, made both
orders Garter and Dragon institutions using the orobourus as their
The Garter as the alchemical orobourus is still an emblematic
component of the old Angevin Imperial and Royal Dragon Court today,
under the Grand Mastership of its Vere head, a senior heir of the
senior Houses of Anjou and Lorraine who is himself a gartered knight
of the Orcadian Clan Donnachaid, which demonstrates the ubiquity of
the Garter symbol amongst the ancient families. The Garter denoted
rank in later witchcraft which, as we have seen, originated as
The Orobourus, the reptilian symbol of completeness is the
the serpent that encircles and spirals to create an inhaling vortex,
a black hole that draws all energy and life into it.
Sumaire is pronounced shimmarie as we have seen, and in being
reminiscent of the word shimmer it suggests a relationship with that
word which means to glow radiantly as with a light that had the
power to fascinate perhaps.
It is a pertinent meditation when one remembers that from the dawn
of time the Elven Gods were called the Shining Ones. Here there is
also a relationship with the words Shaman and Shamanism, a practice
rooted in Northern Asia, the homeland of the speakers of ’Ar Sidhe
Cantu’, being the Sundered Elven Tribe who went east.
Like the legend of the fascinating allure of Fairy Gold, the
Sidhe and the Countess of Salisbury appeared so beautiful as to
disarm their prey with an enthralling inward glamour of glowing
radiance. Having disarmed their victims thus they drew either the
blood or the life force or both from them, leaving them to wander
forever, as Keats suggests, like living corpses in vain pursuit of a
love and beauty so splendid, so transcendent and so complete.
Fairy fascination is a universal theme which in this respect
suggests an innate ability to hypnotize people, though this isn’t
the whole story. In the tales concerning people’s encounters with
Elphame, there is a quality of transcendence about their narratives
which will be dealt with later.
Love on a Four Lane Blacktop
The element of translucence and light that is attributed to fairies
can also be found in the stories relating to the shamans and
of Eldorado in South America where these individuals are also
referred to as the ’Shining Ones’ which is a common epithet, as we
know, for the Elves of Eurasia.
Jesus is said to have manifested this capability in the presence of
the patriarchs and such an ability is closely connected with the Qabalah in its numerous manifestations and variations.
Both Jesus’ mother Mary and his wife Mary Magdalene were called the
’crystal wombs from whence shined forth the light of god’, a
description which suggests strongly the Tantric and
concept of Starfire.
We return to the eulogized dual carriageway on the outskirts of
Tunbridge Wells - the A21 - and our tired but patiently waiting traveller, the
’Maid of Kent’, the Countess of Salisbury and the
packed lunch she nestles so lovingly to her pale and perfect
breasts. In her role as the vampire, we also find her, like the
Leanaan Sidhe, described as a fairy lover and, as the
Garter Queen,
a witch into the bargain.
The Garter intimates that she is of the Dragon Clan and hence we
have the Fairy, the Witch, the Vampire and the
Dragon in one unitary
identity manifest in a vision of fatal and deadly beauty who, in
this instance is shagged out and nursing a serious hangover, after a
week long knees up in Calais and a murderous crossing back to
England on the overnight ferry.
We will leave this Shamanka to ’Steal The Edge’ and leg it,
consigning her portion of Corned Beef to wander the Earth looking
for her and the return of his mortal soul. "You should have read the
instruction manual first sonny, contrary to the guff in the Gothic
Novels and Moving Pictures, true love is how vampires are really
made. Next time round - breathe in The Breath of Ravens and run for
it, dummy". We will move on.
Such characters as the English Countess of Salisbury and the
Irish Leanaan Sidhe in historical accounts are sometimes remorseful and
cursing of the nature that condemns them to utter loneliness,
sometimes they are unrepentant, predatory and without remorse.
It depends upon the motivation of the chronicler as to who does and
feels what. It has been pointed out that the Knight in the poem,
which Keats obtained from a far earlier source, might have
transcended himself but looked the way he did purely to outsiders,
whilst living in an entirely different dimension himself.
Having said that, the pain is all too real and the act of ’stealing
the edge’ by Dragon Princesses is actually what does awaken the
Vampire in the Fairy. It is doubtful in the very rare instances
where this still can sometimes happen, that these females know what
they are doing, but instead they act archetypically, like their
ancestors, as an unconscious but necessary catalyst in a process of
spiritual development which, for anybody’s money, could lose nothing
of its impact by being a bit more gentle. One might imagine that
seven years of living hell and a hunger unquenched by Raw Steak,
Pastrami or Carlsberg Special Brew is much too much to have to pay
for enlightenment.
However, the author amongst others has always insisted upon a
biochemical basis for magic and transcendant states and the
psychobiological basis for such phenomena, including vampirism and
the enlightenment that is its concomitant can be explained
scientifically, without relying on such old favourites as Iron Decifiency Porphyria or on any of the other nonsenses that outsiders
have suggested.
’The Shining Ones’
If you are a cheery Elf and you have managed to avoid the excesses
of behavior and perception brought about by contact with your
female counterparts in Elphame, you might qualify for the epithet of
’Shining One’, you most fortunate of all jammy bastards. If you have
realized to any extent that you are of the Clan, you will know that
from the very beginning the fairies were called the ’Shining Ones’.
This stems from the Sumerian era when ’The Controllers of the Fate
of Men’ were known as both
the Anunnaki and the Anunnagi, the former
meaning "those who are manifest when Heaven meets Earth" and the
latter meaning simply ’Shining Ones’ or Star Children. The two mean
the same thing and refer to the nocturnal habits of our ancestors as
much as anything else. These habits are directly related to the
production and maintenance of certain hormones, which then relate to
the core meaning itself.
In particular the epithet ’Shining One’ was appended to
Shamash, brother of Erishkigal, Queen of the otherworld.
Shamash was
the Uncle of Lilith and was also called the ’Prince of Justice’. The
fairies from very early on were hotly in favor of law and order, a
trait which manifested itself in an attention to detail in social
and legal matters that has earned them, as vampires, a reputation in
later centuries for being pathologically meticulous.
In Transylvania it is said that if you dropped grain in front of a
vampire, it would stop to count the individual seeds, thus
facilitating your speedy escape from danger. We may put this down to
the pithy waggishness of peasant sarcasm, but we note the point all
the same.
Shamash was therefore of the family of Sumerian Ubaid Gods who sired
Cain and Kali Azura, and the race of Dragon Kings who were the
keepers of the ’Tablets of Destiny’ or Fate. In their turn
Cain and Lilith Luluwa were the father and mother of the fairies, the
Grail Queens and Kings of the Dragon race so hated by the Church.
The ability to ’shine’, a phenomenon which can still be subjectively
experienced, is the result of a transcendent, balanced state of mind
related to certain processes connected with cellular rejuvenation.
The ability is rare enough and is an innate genetic capacity
manifested in the outworking of certain ’shamanic’ exercises related
to ’climbing the Tree of Life’.
Gentry is a word which specifically means ’of the blood’ and is
derived from the Latin gens. In this case, as in all cases
strictly used to mean ’of the fairy blood’ or of the Dragon family.
By misuse the word gentry has become related to a class or station,
particularly in British society, and is erroneously associated, by
attribution to the characters within that class, with a style of
behavior and a code of conduct that bears no resemblance to
historical actuality.
In its most basic sense the words gentleman or gentlewoman, in
British society, refers to individuals who are associated with, gain
status through and erroneous recognition from, their support of a
hierarchical value system which was established illegally by the
Church through the Tudor usurper Henry VIII, under the auspices of
the earlier Roman doctrines of temporal supremacy expounded within
the fraudulent Donation of Constantine.
However, the British establishment, either through its Courts of
Protocol, College of Arms or its academic or judicial
establishments, has no legal or legitimate customary right
to recognize or refute anybody or anything and their qualification,
via such institutions, to determine who is or is not royal or of the
blood is non-existent as they are not ’of the blood’ themselves.
However, their blanket refusal to recognize any European title
whatsoever has some redeeming element to it. The House of Vere
doesn’t recognize anyone else either! Including the Crown, its
of St. James and its College of Arms. Why should we. Who are they
The British and European Hierarchies have their roots originating in
the class of roving tinkers and tallymen who, during the early
medieval period, established fixed warehouses in towns and
eventually became settled merchant traders within these population
Although to watch their antics in decades past it would seem as if
they would wish to give the impression that they were nobility,
their blood lineage and manners are not those of true nobility or
A prime example of the concept of nobility being affected by the
merchants can be seen in Renaissance Venice which, for all its
splendor and seeming nobility, was no more than a fancy but rather
damp giant warehouse, run by self elevated tradesmen who called
themselves ’Patricians’.
Today Britain is run by these exact same sort of people. The
descendants of warehousemen and Norman thugs sit in the House of
Lords, another damp riverside warehouse, and call themselves Peers
of the Realm.
In 1998 the transient public servant Mr. Blair wished to scrap
hereditary privilege and replace the hereditary peers with new
lords, doing exactly this in November 1999. Seventy-five percent of
the old lords obtained their hereditary titles from ancestors who
were the settled merchants who had bought their titles from impecuniary monarchs like
Henry VIII or James VI, whilst the
remaining twenty-five percent are descended mostly from the bully
boys who accompanied the usurping bastard William of Normandy, who
was only recognized by his own nobles under the duress exacted upon
them by his father.
The remainder of the entourage present at the Hastings debacle
comprised of Flemish and Breton Nobles some of whom had lived in
England for many years. Assessing the risk of backing their friend
Harold Godwinson they resigned themselves to the unpleasant but
inevitable fact that he would lose and went along to ensure that the
ignorant Norman buffoon didn’t give away their English lands to his
marauding henchmen.
Amongst these was Eustance de Vere, Jarl of Essex and brother-in-law
of Edward the Confessor. On Harold’s death, Vere was pronounced
of England by the Witan. This made Eustace’s right to the English
Throne unquestionable under Saxon Atheling Law, especially when
compared to that of an illegitimate invader who was so frightened of
Eustace that he took hostages prior to the invasion, in order to
ensure Eustace’s complicity.
The de jure Kingship of England has, therefore, descended through
the Veres for over 800 years and in 1560 Edward de Vere gave the
Tudors a timely and friendly, though somewhat esoteric reminder of
this fact.
No one wanted William de Normande and all he did in seizing the
throne of England was commit an act of theft and treason accompanied
by torture, rape, murder and yet more theft and treason. And what
will the ’new lords’ be if this Blair person gets his own way? More
scrap dealers, bully boys and warehousemen, elevated in payment for
their political sycophancy and installed as party Yes-Men. Why
bother making the change, what’s the difference?
The codes of conduct and styles of behavior developed down the
centuries by these misfits and usurpers have come to be thought of
as the manners of the ’gentry’. Such etiquette and standards of
behavior are, however, rather of the nature of a complex set of
rules and protocols which have evolved from the necessity for these
individuals to reinforce to themselves and each other their sense of
identity. This need is born of the insecurity of the usurper and the
poseur, and the party games were initiated to ensure that those who
refuted such mores or refused to adopt them were ’excluded’.
In recent history one of the Mitfords was said to have assisted in
the development of a list of such styles of speech, patronage and
behavior which one of her nephews published in a book entitled ’Noblesse Oblige’, which this author has perused.
Within its pages were lists of the ’U’ and non ’U’ words,
affectations, preferred schools, clubs and so one which, by their
patronage or utilization by others, would enable the fake
aristocracy to determine whether any individuals they encountered
were ’our sort of people’, ie whether they were ’U’ or non ’U’,
meaning ’Upper-class’ or ’Non upper-class’. What a cheek!
Particularly when one knows full well that the Mitfords were related
to the Guinness family.
Situations similar to the foregoing represent yet another example of
how the chattering classes, the sons and daughters of arriviste
tradesmen masquerading as gentry, hide behind their sham rituals and
their money, hoping that, as the years drift languorously by, people
will forget that they were all descended from market traders whom
the Scythians, the real Nobility and Royalty, hated for being liars
and cheats.
When asked, Mitford said that the book was just a joke. Surprising
then that these ridiculous social rules were rife amongst her ’class’ before she wrote them down and that they were indeed used to
determine whether one was fit company for their pseudo-aristocratic
’society’ or not.
Today sociologists are doing exactly the same thing by using
classification numbers to determine one’s social status. One could
be anything from say - an A1 category "social unit" - all the way
down to a G3 and these numbers are appended to one according to
one’s job and income.
For instance, hilariously enough and for no good reason the author
can think of, a film star is an A1 "social unit", whilst a
is something like a G2. In terms of social value and input one would
have thought that the dustman would have been somewhere up in the
high B’s at least, by quasi-Marxist sociologists’ standards.
If film stars went on strike for six months would you suffer more
than if dustmen went on strike for six months? Of course not. If
dustmen took the same amount of time out the country would be
swimming in bacteria and disease. If film stars went on strike, you
would just watch repeats on the telly or buy a talking parrot or a
performing monkey. What difference is there in terms of skill or in
terms of social contribution, after all?
Whether they are Marxist or Weberan sociologists or whatever, they
are the worst manifestation of middle-class attitudes, because it is
only the middle classes who would differentiate between themselves
and other classes and this is how you know that they aren’t
The ancient gentry knew the value of a person’s contribution to
society and respected the person for making it. The true gentry
weren’t above grabbing a shovel when the need arose and mucking in
and mucking out with everyone else.
Only the elevated tinkery would expect someone else to do the work
and only the tinkery would think that, because they had risen so far
in their own estimation of themselves, the world owed them a living.
The Elven Queens and the Dragon Kings, the
real gentry of history,
had no particularly complex hierarchy with which to stratify or
differentiate rank amongst themselves, they simply knew that they
were all of the fairy blood and were thus equal. This is apparent in
both the social structures of the d’Anu of Eire and the
Royal Danes
of Scandinavia as late as 900 AD.
Under the present scheme of things where the medieval feudal system
has been built upon over the ensuing centuries by the succession of
various dynasties of tinker royalty in Britain and
Europe, we can
see this insulating, snobbish mentality at work with its ’layers’ of
rank, determining ’layers’ or ’degrees’ of nobility or royalty. In
the Merovingian and Pictish Danaan cultures, one was a king or
princess and that was that. All shared the Sang Real and the
San Graal. Whether you reigned or not was immaterial.
Nowadays we have a system where the British throne is occupied by
the descendant of a foreign family almost arbitrarily selected for a
task in which, to all intents and purposes, they find themselves
merely an impotent figurehead. Under this individual there is
stratified a complex series of ranks, orders and accolades which,
historically, were anyone’s for the taking, as long as they had
money; and which today you can still buy into at the lowest rung by
paying the College of Arms Eighteen hundred English pounds.
If you can prove to them that you have "made a contribution to
society" either and at the least, by getting a university degree or
by having been trained to kill people, a nice coat of arms is yours
for the asking. You will then be an official Esquire and henceforth
(though not beforehand, one assumes) you will be considered to be "A
Gentleman" because you have a pretty piece of paper saying as much.
In Ireland the Chief Herald’s Office formerly issued applications
for armorial bearing upon which it was stipulated that the
supplicant must be considered by the Chief Herald to have reached
"The Portal of Gentry".
How can anyone ’reach the portal of gentry’ ? How can there be a
’doorway to blood’? This is yet another instance where language is
eloquently engineered to become completely ineloquent nonsense.
Every year the arguably unqualified monarch dishes out knighthoods
and orders, to worthies who are chosen at the fawning whim of some
transient, jumped-up public servant, mainly to self seeking
individuals who have been thought to have made a ’contribution’ to
Many of these knighthoods go to prancing luvveys, football managers
and industrialists - although both the former have already been paid
a more than adequate amount of cash for their dubious and
ineffectual contribution - whilst the latter who likewise have also
been paid adequately for their self seeking contribution have also
assisted, by their greed, in turning the planet into an orbiting
swill bin.
Why are these people being rewarded for serving themselves and how
can they possibly be thought of as behaving like ’gentry’, when the
most that they do is produce useless consumer junk, infotainment and
pollution? They have got rich by creating jealousy, envy and enmity,
and through the media their dissemination of double standards has
created a level of moral confusion which has inevitably led to
further social and economic division and environmental damage. And
for this they get a knighthood already?
Two of the most atrocious investitures recently went to a grocer’s
daughter and the head of a country whose government refused, for
forty years, to recognize their nation’s responsibility for the
treatment of civilians - whom they used in chemical warfare tests -
and prisoners of war whom they forced to work to their deaths in
military building operations.
Firstly, how can a grocer’s daughter be thought of as suitable
material for inclusion in an order that was so strictly intended for
those of the royal blood and secondly how can the most hated enemy
of the British people in recent history qualify either?
The Most Noble Order of the Garter, already trashed down the
centuries by its association with a motley assortment of
pseudo-royal dynasts who had no right to belong to it, let alone
confer it on anyone else, had reached it lowest ebb when those two
individuals were granted membership.
The Order of the Garter was and still is an Angevin and hence an
Elven bloodline institution and on the death of Richard III
therefore, all rights to continue to own the Order of the Garter
died out in his line and by the laws of Sovereign inheritance the
Order then belonged to the senior heirs of the House of Anjou.
No subsequent House has the right to give the order to anyone, let
alone to a jumped-up bourgeois tradeswomen or a war criminal. The
French used to say that the British were a nation of shopkeepers. It
would appear that the British are a nation of shopkeepers reigned
over by a shopkeeper.
The Most Noble Order of the Garter is Britain’s premier
Order of
Knighthood, in fact heraldically speaking it’s actually the second
in rank after the ancient Caledonian Dragon Court that spawned it
but who’s quibbling. The very word ’knight’ stemming from the Saxon
cnecht means ’to serve’ or a ’servant’.
When, in the name of God, Karaoke accepted, did Hirohito do anything
to serve the interests of the British people and when did he, or the
Grantham woman deserve to be invested with Britain’s most senior
rank of knighthood?
To direct Her Majesty to give out such degrees, either to pay off a
favor to a fellow member of the bourgeoisie, or suck up for
diplomatic reasons to a nation simply because it now has a bit of
cash tucked away, seems to me to be the worst manifestation of the
bourgeois mentality yet to be witnessed, especially when the present
dynasty, it could be argued, appear to have no historical right to
give the Order out in the first place.
Her Majesty’s son Prince Charles - who has a brain - has publicly
lamented the decline in standards in the English Language for years
and the author tends to share his concern. How can anyone ’become’ a
gentleman, a member of the gens - the Sangraal? How can a piece of
paper instantly make one into a member of a separate race.
There is no indication in the small print that - in reality - one
would have to undergo a class-transplant at genetic level, so how
can they have the nerve to assume that they have the power to create
or change a species, simply by issuing a bit of calligraphised
toilet paper and without having the toadying supplicant to the altar
of snobbery undergo a series of radical medical procedures that
don’t even exist anyway?
Have the British establishment perfected the art of
Transubstantiation I wonder? Are they too alchemists who can turn
human lead into Fairy Gold? This is yet another example of
middle-class arrogance: the idea - typical of Americans in
particular who though, it must be said, inherited it from the
British - that if you have the money and the mouth you can buy the ’goods’.
However, race is not a saleable commodity, whatever any College of
Arms of questionable authority might say or imply, and whether one
is of the gentry or not, it never was and is still not a matter of
social standing or social badges, any more than real kingship is
about ’rule’ or wearing tin hats and dead weasels. Vermin in Ermine?
The real ’gentry’ or to give them another familiar epithet - the
Lords and Ladies - were just that. They were by blood alone, the
members of a genetic strain, the Dragon and Grail families - the
Fairy Blood.
One could not and cannot ’become’ a member of the gentry any more
than one can ’become’, by initiation or otherwise, a ’witch’, a
’vampire’, a ’magus’, a ’dragon’, a ’fairy’ or an ’elf’.
All these are names which described the ’gentry’ and the latter -
elf - is a word which originates from albi meaning a
white or ’shining one’. From albi derives the French
Cathar name Albigensian
(Albi + Gens) meaning - ’of the elven blood’ - et quid erat
The Pharisees
This curious and delightful name for the Elven race is a common
English rural folkword probably created by the addition of an extra
syllable to the word fairies, thereby making a double plural suffix.
Pharisees is simply Fairies-es, a bit like Tolkien’s double plural
’pocketses’ attributed to his character ’Gollum’ in Lord of the
A more obscure possible origin for the Pharisee epithet however, may
be found in the nature of the Elves themselves. Some of their
families were from mixed Pictish and Merovingian bloodlines, and
where the latter is concerned, it descended from Jesus and had a
Pharisaic origin. The word Pharisee itself stems from the Hebrew
parush meaning ’separated’ which by blood the Elves indeed were.
In this particular context we should also remember the Celtic Church
which was Nestorian and Pharisaic in its doctrine and structure. The
Celtic Church supported the Fairy bloodline of Jesus whilst also
having strong Druidic associations, to the point in fact where Jesus
himself was considered to have been a Druid and a
Magus by his
British kinsmen - the Elven Pendragons.
The Plantagenets
According to their own account of themselves and the accounts of
subsequent chroniclers and historians, including Professor Vivian
Green, the Plantagenets were descended from the
fairy race.
Certainly they shared a common Scythian trait when riled, and that
was a vile temper!
The Plantagenets, whose name was thought to derive from
’planta-genista’ - the ’plant of generation’ or ’Tree of Life’ -
used a sprig of the Broom, the ’plantagenista’, as one of their
earlier family badges. The seeds of the Broom plant are
hallucinogenic and were a well known part of the witches’
pharmacopoeia throughout the Dark Ages and the Medieval Period.
It was said that the Plantagenets had two ancestral grandmothers
named Melusine, one the daughter of King Elinus of Albany and the
other the daughter of Baldwin du Bourg, King of Jerusalem.
In the first instance the Plantagenets derived their name from a
princess named Plantina (possibly derived from Plantanu or
Planta-Anu) who was actually the younger sister of Maelasanu des
Scythes or Melusine McLean and this obviously means that the
Plantagenets were not actually directly descended in the male line
from Melusine herself, who in a matriarchal Pictish system of
inheritance, was the senior daughter of King Gille Sidhean of
Albany, and the heir of her mother Queen Pressina or more formally
The Queen Bruidhe-Anu des Scythes.
Melusine certainly was the matriarch of the Angevin or
dynasty, but her senior heir and the first Count of Anjou was
de Vere, not Tortolf de Rennes, making the Plantagenet dynasty
descending from the younger sister Plantanu, a junior branch of the
Imperial and Royal House of Vere.
The Veres left Anjou in 800 AD and the
Comite of Anjou was divided
and at length settled upon the heirs of Tortolf, thereby giving the
erroneous impression that they were the first and therefore senior
branch of the Angevin family which, according to the records, is
simply not the case.
The second Melusine was in fact called Melisend, so the
Plantagenets had no direct male connection with any
Melusine at all, despite the
attempts of subsequent royal genealogists and amateur historians to
make it so. Nevertheless the Plantagenets, our younger
Vere cousins,
were still of the Blood Royal and they were still of Elven Stock,
and the discrepancies in their story seem to add to, rather than
detract from, their claims or the claims made for them.
The popular, chronicled descent claimed for the Plantagenets from
Melusine was in fact via a cadet female Vere line - that of
Ida de Vere - a member of another junior branch of the Vere family,
specifically the Imperial and Royal House of Vere of Constantinople
and Jerusalem. Ida de Vere was the aunt of the inaugurator of the
Knights Templars, the Swan Knight Godfroi de Vere de Bouillon and
the ancestral granddaughter of Prince Maelo de Vere d’Anjou and his
mother - the much coveted Princess Maelasanu McLean de Vere des
Scythes - via Adolph de Vere de Guisnes.
The Plantagenets could however claim a line of unbroken male descent
from the late 800’s until the sad death in 1485 of Richard III -
argued by some to be the last true King of England. This junior
branch of the family managed to survive for about 600 years, which
isn’t a bad innings. Since then the British have suffered a
succession of nondescript church puppets who, out of generosity, one
might call eighth-breeds at best.
With the death of Richard III the Garter died out in the junior
Plantagenet line and became, as a dynastic family Order of the House
of Anjou, the legitimate property of the already Gartered Imperial
and Royal House of Vere of Oxford, (the legitimate kings of England
by the will of the English people themselves) later to descend to
the Scottish and Irish Branches, the latter whose seniority, on the
death of the Vere Clan Chief, Lord Adrian Hope-Vere -
Laird of
Blackwood - became confirmed in 1973.
Melusine’s father Elinus or Gille Sidhean was a descendant of the
Ulster Royal House of the Uilidian, the Fir Bolg druids. Her mother
was a bruidhe or judge-poetess of Pictish royal descent from the
Bruidhainn or (by Roman error) Cruthainn remnant of the
Tuadha d’Anu
or Tuatha de Danaan, as they are sometimes mistakenly called.
These were the Aes Dan or Aesir Danaan, the
Elven Gods of Eire and
the Lords of the Calle Daouine of Caledonia or Northern Pictavia.
Melusine was a Dragon Princess, a Lamia, and we will tell her story
The Plantagenets or Angevins became, after their demise, a much
sought after bloodline to be descended from, as if it were
implicitly understood that real Dragon blood made real queens and
kings. Queen Elizabeth the First, the great granddaughter of a Welsh
farmer and Margaret, Countess of Anjou, had broom pod motifs sewn
onto one of her gowns in celebration and assertion of her Anjou
She is known to have had two coronations, the first and most
important of which was a pagan, ’fairy’ coronation held in public on
the Mayday prior to her Church investiture as queen of England.
Following this event Edward de Vere, 17th earl of Oxford, staged the
Windsor Stag Ride incident and killed the beast before the Queen as
a gentle reminder of who the real Kings of England and the Greenwood
Even today the biographers of the present constitutional Heads of
State of Britain proudly boast of that family’s Anjou descent and
the author supposes that we, the senior heirs of the senior branch
of that dynasty, should be flattered, despite the fact that such a
descent is tortuous in the extreme and traces a line therefore, that
looks as crooked as a donkey’s hind leg.
Boasting something like 2000 connections to Edward III, who was only
a member of a junior Anjou line, this originally German farming
family is outranked in terms of blood even by the Spensers whose
daughter, the late Princess Diana, could claim 4000 connections to
the same character. Furthermore, one geneticist recently working
with the blood samples of German royal and noble families couldn’t
find one whose male line reverted any farther than the early 16th