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[Rubric for Chapter 125]
A spell for entering the courtyard of truth, praising Osiris at the head of the west. Words spoken by the Osiris scribe Ani, true of voice:
I have come here to see your beauties, with my arms raised in acclamation of your true name.
I have come here, when the cedar had not yet come into being, nor had the acacia been born, nor had the ground created the tamarisk.
When I enter the secret place, my words are with Set, my friend, and he approaches with me, his face covered, falling down before the secret things.
He enters the house of Osiris, and sees the secrets which are therein. The Council of the gates are as glorified spirits.
Words spoken by Anubis at his side, with the voice of a man who comes from Egypt:
He knows are ways and our towns. I am content when I breathe his odor, which is as one among you.
He says to me, I am the Osiris scribe Ani, true of voice in peace, true of voice.
I have come here to see the great gods. I live on the offerings which their kas eat.
I exist throughout the soul of the lord of Busiris, who lets me come forth as a phoenix according to my words.
I exist in the river. I have made an offering of incense.
I lead the way by the acacia tree of the children. I exist in Elephantine in the house of the goddess Satet.
I have sunk the boat of the enemies. I have sailed on the lake in the sacred boat.
I have seen the the glorified bodies in Kem-wer, and been in Busiris, where I was made silent.
I have given the god mastery over his legs. I have been in the house of he who is on his mountain [i.e. Anubis], and seen the one who as at the head of the divine shrine.
I have entered the house of Osiris, and removed the head-coverings which are there. I have entered Re-Staw, and seen the secrets which are there.
I have hidden and found the boundary.
I have gone down to the Place Where Nothing Grows, and clothed the nakedness of those who were there.
I have given myrrh of women with the dust[?] of the people.
But behold, [he] has spoken to me of himself. I say, your balance is above our heart.
Words spoken by the majesty of Anubis:
If you know the name of this door, say it to me.
Words spoken by the Osiris scribe Ani, true of voice in peace, true of voice:
"You destroy Shu" is the name of this door.
Words spoken by the majesty of Anubis:
Do you know the name of the upper leaf and the lower leaf?
"Lord of truth upon his feet" is the name of the upper leaf, and "Lord of might, binder of cattle" [is the name of the lower].
Then pass by; you know [these things], Osiris scribe and accountant of the offerings of all the gods and the lords of Thebes, Ani, true of voice, lord of dignity.