The Papyrus of Ani



Late keeper of Assyrian and Egyptian Antiquities
in the British Museum



Vignette: A hall, within which, on the left, Ani stands before two tables of offerings bearing libation water and lotus-flowers, with hands raised, adoring Ra, hawk-headed. Next are ranged seven cows, each one couchant before a table of offerings, and each having a menat attached to the neck: and a bull standing before a table of offerings. Behind them are four rudders; and on the extreme right are four triads of gods, each triad having a table of offerings bearing a libation vase and a lotus-flower (?).

Text: [CHAPTER CXLVIII.]. Saith Osiris Ani, triumphant: "Homage to thee, O thou lord, thou lord of right and truth, the One, the lord of eternity and creator of everlastingness, I have come unto thee, O my lord Ra. I have made meat offerings unto the seven kine and unto their bull. O ye who give cakes and ale to the shining ones, grant ye to my soul to be with

you. (6) May Osiris Ani, triumphant, be born upon your thighs; may he be like unto one (7) Of you for ever and for ever; and may he become a glorious being (8) in the beautiful Amenta."

[Address to the Rudders]: " Hail, thou beautiful Power, thou beautiful it rudder of the northern heaven."

"Hail, thou who goest round about heaven, thou pilot of the world, thou beautiful rudder of the western heaven."

"Hail, thou shining one, who livest in the temple wherein are the gods in visible forms, thou beautiful rudder of the eastern heaven."

"Hail, thou who dwellest in the temple of the bright-faced ones, thou it beautiful rudder of the southern heaven."

[Address to the four Triads]: " Hail, ye gods who are above the earth, ye pilots of the underworld."

"Hail, ye mother-gods who are above the earth, who are in the underworld, and who are in the House of Osiris."

"Hail, ye gods, ye pilots of Tasert, ye who are above the earth, ye pilots of the underworld."

"Hail, ye followers of Ra, who are in the train of Osiris."

Vignette: Ani standing before a table of offerings, with both hands raised in adoration. Behind him is his wife, wearing a lotus-flower and a cone upon her head, and holding a sistrum. and lotus-flower in her left hand.

Text: [CHAPTER CLXXXV. (?)] A HYMN OF PRAISE TO OSIRIS THE DWELLER IN AMENTET, UN-NEFER WITHIN ABTU, Osiris Ani, triumphant, saith: Hail, O my lord, who dost traverse eternity, and whose existence endureth for ever. Hail, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Prince, the God of gods who live with Thee, I have come unto Thee Make thou for me a seat with those who are in the underworld, and who adore the images of thy ka and who are among those who [endure] for millions of millions of years. . . . . . . . May no delay arise for me in Ta-mera. Grant thou that they all may come unto me, great as well as small. Mayest thou grant unto the ka of Osiris Ani [the power] to go into and to come forth from the underworld; and suffer him not to be driven back at the gates of the Tuat."
