Utterance 628.
1786a. To say: O thou N.; O thou N.,
1786b. I am Nephthys; I am come, I lay hold of thee; I have put thy heart into thy body for thee.
Utterance 629.
1787. To say: Osiris N., I am come, rejoicing for love of thee, N.
Utterance 630.
1788a. To say: Osiris N., this source is in thee;
1788b. I am the water-hole; I am the flowing (or, overflowing).
Utterance 631.
1789. To say: I have assembled my brother; I have united his limbs.
Utterance 632.
1790a. To say: My heart is full of the place where thou art;
1790b. how harmful is thine odour, how bad is thine odour, how great is thine odour!
Utterance 633.
1791. To say: Thou art she who weeps for him.
Utterance 634.
1792 (N. V 474). To say: Osiris N., I have brought to thee ----
1793a (N. 474-475) -------------- thee, in which are spirits.
1793a + 1 (N. 475). Osiris N., I have brought to thee --------
1793b (N. 475-476). thou livest in ------- thy, with her.
Utterance 635.
1794a. To say: Osiris N., I have brought thee the eye of Horus which was in Tȝi.t,
1794b. this Rn(n)-wt.t, of whom the gods have fear.
1794c. The gods fear thee as they have fear of Horus.
1795a. Osiris N., Horus has put his eye in thy forehead, in its name of "Great-in-charms," (and so),
1795b. Osiris N., thou shalt dawn as king of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Utterance 636.
796. To say: Great Watcher, give me thine arm that I may cause thee to stand.
1797a. I have come [to seek thee]; I have come to protect thee;
1797b. I have avenged thee; I have not delayed to avenge thee.
1797c. Thou art alive; thou livest a life,
1798a. for thou art -------- thou art healthier than they.
1798b. The father of Osiris N. lives. Thou hast put the eye of Horus to thyself.
Utterance 637.
1799a. To say: Horus comes; filled [with ointment], he sought his father, Osiris;
1799b. he found him on his side in Gḥś.ti.
1800a. Osiris filled himself with the eye of him whom he begat.
1800b. O N., I have come to thee also,
1800c. that I may fill thee with the ointment that came forth from the eye of Horus.
1801a. Fill thyself with it.
1801b. It will assemble thy bones; it will unite thy limbs;
1801c. it will collect thy flesh; it will let thy evil sweat flow to the ground.
1802a. Take its odour to thee, that thy odour may be sweet like that of Rē‘,
1802b. when he ascends in the horizon, and the gods of the horizon delight in him.
1803a. O N., the odour of the eye of Horus is upon thee;
1803b. the gods who follow Osiris delight in thee.
1804a. Thou hast borne off their white crown, while thou art endued with the form of Osiris,
1804b. whereby thou art a spirit, more than the spirits, as Horus himself, lord of men, commanded.
Utterance 638.
1805a. To say: Osiris N., the gods have bound thy face to thee;
1805b. Horus has given his eye to thee, that thou mayest see [with it].
1806a. Osiris N., Horus has opened thine eye for thee, that thou mayest see with it,
1806b. in its name of "She who opens the ways of god."
Utterance 639.
1807a. To say [Osiris N.], take the eye of Horus, being alive, that thou mayest see with it.
1807b. Osiris N., thy face is opened by the light.
1807c. Osiris N., thy [face is illuminated] as the earth is illuminated.
1808a. Osiris N., I have given the eye of Horus to thee, as Rē‘ gives it (the light).
1808b. Osiris N., [put the eye] of Horus to thyself, that thou mayest see with it.
1809a. Osiris N., I have opened thine eye that thou mayest see with it.
1809b. Osiris N. [I have given to thee] the ointment.
Utterance 640.
1810a. To say: O Geb, thy son is Osiris N.;
1810b. make thy son live in himself; make thy son well in himself,
1810c. that he may not die, that he may not die.
1811a. If he lives, thou livest; if he is well, thou art well.
181b. Geb, be pre-eminent for thyself; Geb, be honoured for thyself.
1811c. Geb, [be a soul for thyself]; Geb, be mighty for thyself.
1812a. Thou art mighty; thou drivest out every evil thing which . pertains to Osiris N.;
1812b. thou [doest service of courtier] for life for (or, behind) Osiris N.,
1812c. that he may not die, that he may not perish.
Utterance 641.
1813a. To say: Osiris N., I have come with -------- I am Horus.
1813b. I have come, that I may speak for thee; I am thy son.
1814a. Osiris N., thou art the eldest son of Geb,
1814b. his primogeniture, his heir.
1814c. Osiris N., thou art he who dawnest after him;
1815a. the inheritance was given to thee by the Ennead;
1815b. thou art powerful over the Ennead, and even (over) every god.
1816a. --------------------------------------------
1816b. --- [an eye which goes] forth from thy head
1816c. -----------------------------
Utterance 642.
1817a. To say: Shu, thou envelopest all things within thine arms.
1817b. ----------- Osiris N., thou preventest that he escape [from thee]
1818a. ------------ of Atum who masturbated for thee.
1818b. Thou art ---------------------- his ka.
1818c. Protect him from ---------------------
Utterance 643.
1819a. To say: Osiris N -----------------
1819b. ------- he lives. Thou art a god; [thou art powerful over the gods].
1820a. [An eye has gone forth from thy head, like] the Great-in-charms, the Upper Egyptian white crown.
1820b. -------------------- great
1820c. śšȝȝ ---------------------- a thing gone out from him.
1821a. ------------------ thy
1821b. Thy ka stands among the gods ------------ thy ---- on earth.
1822a. O N --------------------
1822b. draw the ka after thee; [draw life after thee]
1822c. draw joy after thee; Osiris N --------------
Utterance 644.
1823a. [To say: Children of ] Horus, put yourselves under N.;
1823b. carry him lest he escape from you;
1823c. carry him [like Horus in the ḥnw-boat].
Utterance 645.
1824a. To say: Osiris, N., Horus has carried thee in the ḥnw -boat;
1824b. he carries thee as a god, in thy name of "Seker,"
1824c. as he carries his father.
1824d. Osiris N., [he unites himself with thee];
1824e (Nt. XIII 361). thou shalt be powerful over Upper Egypt as Horus, over whom thou art powerful;
1824f (Nt. XIII 361-362). thou shalt be powerful over Lower Egypt as Horus, over whom thou art powerful;
1824g. thou shalt be powerful, thou shalt be protected (in) thy body from thine enemy.
Utterance 646.
1825a-1 (Nt. 358). The Ennead has put thine enemy under thee,
1825a-2 (Nt. 358-359). as he spoke to (thee) in thy name of "Osiris N."
1825a (Nt. 359). Horus has made (thee) great in thy charms in thy name of "Great-in-charms."
Utterance 647.
1826a. To say: Osiris N., Horus has carried thee;
1826b. [he lifts thee up into] the ḥnw-boat, in thy name of "Seker."
1827a. -------------- thou art equipped with him;
1827b. thou shalt be powerful [over Lower Egypt as Horus], over whom [thou art powerful].
Utterance 648.
1828a. To say: Osiris N., Horus has given thee these four children of his,
1828b. that thou mayest be powerful over them.
1829a. [He said to them: "Put yourselves] under N.;
1829b. carry [him; not one of you shall escape]."
1829c. They came to thee;
1829d. they carried [thee; not one of them escaped].
Utterance 649.
1830a. To say: Osiris N., Geb has given thee all the gods,
1830b. that they may unite with thee. Thou hast power over them;
1830c. and they fraternize with thee, in their name of "Śn.wt";
1830d. they have not rejected thee in their name of ["The two ’itr.t-palaces"].
1831a. Osiris N., Horus has assigned them to thee, united (them).
1831a + 1. He has encircled for thee all the gods in the embrace of thy two arms,
1831a + 2. together with their lands, together with all their possessions,
1831a + 3. that they may do service of courtier, as thy "bodyguard."
1831a + 4. O N., thou art a great god;
1831a + 5. thou art great, thou art bent around like the "Circle which encircles the nb.wt."
1831b. Osiris N., behold, thou art avenged, thou livest; thou movest daily.
1831c. Osiris N., there is no discord in thee.
1831 d. Osiris, N., thou art the ka of all the gods.
1832a. Horus has avenged thee; thou art become his ka.
1832a + 1. O Osiris N., thou art a god, the power of all the gods.
1832b. An eye has gone forth from thy head like the "Great-in-charms" of Upper Egypt.
1832b + 1. He has given to thee as his eye in thy forehead as the "Great-in-charms" of Upper Egypt.
1832b + 2. An eye has gone forth from thy head (in) Lower Egypt.
1832b + 3. Thou dawnest as Horus, king of Lower Egypt; they are fraternizing with thee,
1832b + 4. in alliance with Horus, king of Lower Egypt.
1832b + 5. Thou dawnest as king of Upper and Lower Egypt.
1832b + 6. Thou art powerful over the gods, also their kas.
1832b + 7. O Osiris N., thou art the two souls, thou shalt not die;
1832b + 8. Osiris N., thou hast spoken; thou hast rejoiced, Osiris N.
1832b + 9. Thou hast a ba, Osiris N.; thou hast life, Osiris N.;
1832b + 10. thou art powerful; thou destroyest thine enemies, Osiris N.
1832b + 11. Horus, thou hast made peace (to be) with Osiris N.-
1832b + 12. peace be upon her.
1832b + 13. Thou hast put thy regard upon her.
1832b + 14. May peace be to thee, which he gives to thee, (to) thy head.
Utterance 650.
1833a. [To say]: ------- it is Osiris N., son of [Nut].
1833b. She caused him to appear as king of Upper and Lower Egypt in all his dignity.
1833c. [She caused him to appear as] Anubis, First of the Westerners, as Osiris son of Geb.
1833d. --------- gods, as ‘nd.ti, chief of the eastern nomes.
1834a. The earth [produces] N.; he shall be chief of the gods who are in heaven,
1834b. as Geb, chief of the Ennead.
1835a. His mother, heaven, bears him, living, each day, beloved of Rē‘,
1835b. with whom he dawns in the east, with whom he sets in the west.
1835c. His mother Nut is not void of him, daily.
1836a. He equips N. with life;
1836b. he makes his heart rejoice; he makes his heart sweet.
1837a. He settles for him the South; he settles for him the land of the North;
1837b. he destroys for him the fortresses of Asia;
1837c. he quells for him all the people, rebels, under his fingers.
Utterance 651.
1838. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, [to thy forehead] -----
Utterance 652.
1839a. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which I have taken from Set, (after) he had ravaged it.
1839b. -------
Utterance 653.
1840. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus -----[a libation].
Utterance 654.
1841a. [To s]ay: O N ---------------------------------
1841b. ------------------- braids of hair,
1841c. that he may pass when he comes.
Utterance 655.
1842a. To say: N ---------------------
1842b. --- thighs of the gods -----
1843-1. -------------------- N.
1843a (N. pl. 1575). Says Šsmtt, N. as a falcon comes forth as the eye of Horus;
1843b. (N. pl. 1575). an ’i‘r.t-serpent is coming forth like a falcon --
1844. -------------------------------------------
1845a. birds to the sky; birds to the earth, a feather of (?) N. a bird (?) --
1945b. he reaches heaven like divine falcons --- [Marsh of Reed],
1845c. the great uninjured star.
1846a (N. 577). To [slay ----------------
1846b (N. 577). gśp of N., gśp of the boat of Seker,
1847a (N. 577). going (?)--[in] the [lakes] of the jackal;
1847b (N. 577). N. makes (his) way towards you.
Utterance 656.
1848. To say: N -------------------------------------
1849. ------------------ to a message of the Ennead.
Utterance 657.
1850. To say: N. came -------------------------------
1851. --------- N ------ [First of the West]erners, upon his throne.
1852. N -----------------------------------------
Utterance 658.
1853. [To say]: -----------------------------------
1854a. The gods [caused] thee to prosper; they love thee.
1854b (N. VII 580). The gods wish these things for thee in thy name of "Ceaseless."
1854c. thou hast done ------------------
1855a. [He quakes under thee] as the quaking of the earth; he does not escape thee.
1855b. O, thou art more exalted I than he, in thy name of "He of the exalted land"].
1855c (N. 581). Spring thou upon him --- [life?] ---- bḫh n.k ----
1856a (N. 582) ---------------------- lifted up ---
1856b. ----------- [without thy separating] from him, without his getting away from thee.
1857a. Horus has placed for thee thine enemies under thee; health and wealth he has accounted for thee.
1857b. ------ he has cast down -----
1857c. -------------- this his eye --------------------
1858. Horus has filled thee with his eye in its name of "The enduring one."
1859 (N. 583). Horus delivered his eye from Set; he gave ---
1859 + 1 -----------
1859 + 2 ------------ in thy name of "Inundation."
1859+ 3 ---------- like --------------------
1859 + 4. --- in thee -----------
1859+ 5 --------- thou art powerful over ----
1859 + 6 ------- to thee --------------
1859 + 7 ------------------------------------
1859 + 8 ------
1859 + 9. To say: Osiris N ------------------ in thee
1859 + 10 -----------------------------------------
1859 + 1,. in (or, with) the eye ---