by David Talbott
Thunderbolts Website
Dec 31, 2004

Credit: "Squatter
man" images below gathered by Anthony Peratt
Plasma scientists
are now comparing electrical discharge formations in the laboratory
to rock art images around the world. Results in 2005 should confirm
that immense and terrifying plasma configurations were seen in
the sky of our ancestors.
For over three decades
Anthony Peratt, a leading
authority on plasma phenomena, concentrated his laboratory research
on the unstable formations that develop in high-energy electrical
discharge. He recorded the evolution of these configurations through
dozens of phases. Some of the most elaborate discharge forms are now
called Peratt Instabilities because he was the first
to document them.
But Peratts most recent work has taken him in a new
direction, and the results offer a remarkable link between plasma
science and things once seen in the heavens. In September, 2000, in
response to communication with David Talbott, Peratt
became intrigued by the striking similarity of ancient rock art to
the discharge formations he had documented. Suddenly he was seeing,
carved on stone by the tens of thousands, the very forms he had
observed in the laboratory. The correlation was so precise -- down
to the finest details -- that it could not be accidental. The
artists were recording heaven-spanning discharge formations above
In his investigation of rock art themes, Peratt concentrated
his field work in the American Southwest and Northwest,
but he also gathered data internationally. For his on-site study he
used GPS longitude and latitude positions, always noting the
orientation and field of view. A team of about 30 volunteers,
including specialists from several fields, assisted Peratt in
the investigation, and he has since gathered more than 25,000 rock
art images.
The illustrations of one interesting formation the squatter man
shown above -- are taken from Peratts recent paper in "Transactions
on Plasma Science" of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, in December 2003. Peratt states
his conclusion forthrightly: The recurring petroglyph patterns
"are reproductions of plasma phenomena in space".
Peratts findings are particularly significant in their
contrast to traditional explanations of rock art. The majority of
rock art authorities, particularly those with primary interest in
Native American sources, argue that only images of the sun,
moon, and stars reflect actual celestial phenomena. Apart from such
associations, most authorities claim that global patterns do not
exist. Rather, they tell us, the ancient artists projected onto
stone the subjective content of shamanistic trances. Peratts
investigations say the opposite, and they confirm dozens of patterns
of rock art that occur globally. Through massive labors, some
apparently taking whole lifetimes according to Peratt, the
artists recorded immense discharge phenomena in the heavens.
The squatter man configuration
depicted above occurs when a disk or donut-like torus around a
linear discharge column is bent by magnetic fields induced
by intense current flow. From the viewpoint of the observer, the
edges of the upper disk may appear to point up
(forming "arms") and those of the lower torus may
appear to point down (forming "legs"). The underlying
hourglass pattern, with many subtle variations,
occurs around the world.
To appreciate the evolution of this discharge configuration
it is essential that one visualize it three dimensionally, as
illustrated by the idealization above. The graphic image on the
upper left utilizes a tonal gradient to indicate the structure of a
translucent plasma discharge, where this structure would not be self
evident in a rendition carved on rock. The key here is to
recognize that rotating the configuration on its axis would not
change the basic form or appearance to the observer. This fact
will not be evident, however, in a simple carving on rock. To make
the point, the accompanying image converts the illustration into
black and white, which represents the way the configuration would
likely appear in a stone carving.
Our idealization shows slight variations between the upward-pointing
and downward-pointing components, consistent with common variations
in the laboratory and in rock art. The upper champagne glass
form results from a distortion of a disk as the edges curve upward.
In the warping of the disk below, the downward curvature is
interrupted at the extremity, which bends outward to create a squashed
bell appearance. The rock art images shown above include other
variations as well. Sometimes, the arms and legs
of the squatter man are horizontal, while at other times
they are more squared than in our graphic representation, but both
variations are characteristic of intense plasma discharge.
Our idealization of the hourglass discharge form accents the
visual relationship of the two symmetrical dots or circles to a
transparent doughnut-like torus, viewed edge on. But many other
nuances of such discharge configurations must be taken into account.
The warping of the upward and downward extremities of the hourglass
form can occur in almost limitless variations. To illustrate the
extent of the variations anciently recorded, we offer two
interesting examples in the upper right frame of the montage above.
The first, closely tied to the more elementary squatter
man formation, includes the two dots to the right and
left of the torso. The incongruous additional pair of legs also
accord with observed patterns in the evolution of Peratt
instabilities, which typically send out stacks of arms
or legs in the very fashion depicted. Even more bizarre is
the accompanying squatter man whose head is replaced by the body of
a duck. But this pattern too, particularly widespread in the
Americas, is no accident according to Peratt.
If Peratts conclusions are correct, then only a few thousand
years ago the terrestrial sky was ablaze with electrical activity.
The ramifications of this possibility will directly affect our
understanding of cultural roots. What was the impact of the recorded
events on the first civilizations? What was the relationship to the
origins of world mythology, to the birth of the early religions, or
to monumental construction in ancient times?
There is reason to believe that rock art will illuminate a
critical turn in human history. There is also a provable
connection to the evolution of mythical archetypes. Archaic
rock art depictions came first, but were followed by an outpouring
of conceptual elaborations, as ancient artists gave imaginative
expression to the celestial forms and events that inspired the
myth-making epoch. Both the rock artists and the myth-makers had
true perils on their minds. The rock artists recorded and the
myth-makers interpreted electrical events in the sky, as plasma
discharge sequences moved through discrete phases, some of celestial
beauty, others intensely violent and terrifying.