December 2, 2012
YouTube Website
Spanish version
A feature documentary exploring a positive spiritual perspective on
the events which will follow December 21, 2012.
The film investigates,
...and much more.
The film is loaded with amazing revelations of the current times we
live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci,
spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and much more. The documental is
shot entirely in Full HD, illustrated with high end animations and
includes original music by Jonathan Kent.
Take the time to watch this excellent film for a better
understanding on how we have entered into a phase of "super
consciousness" and why it is so important right now to follow your
love and passion in the months and years that follow.
The shift is already happening.
All that is needed from your end to make
the transition easier is the love for yourself and others.