by Ellen Lloyd
October 15, 2006
RadiceCreations Website
"And the seven judges of
hell raised their torches, lighting the land with their
livid flame.
A stupor of despair went up to heaven when the god of
the storm turned daylight into darkness, when he smashed
the land like a cup"
The Epic of
Is it possible to predict the future by
studying the past? Our ancestors believed that destiny cannot be
Whatever is meant to happen, will happen. At present, many
of us are focusing on the year of 2012. What is so special about
that particular year? Will our current world be destroyed or will we
perhaps experience a transformation of some kind?
According to ancient records and beliefs, at least four marvelous
worlds have already been destroyed due to global cataclysms in the
past. During the last great cosmic catastrophe that occurred ten to
twelve thousand years ago, the cosmic body that passed the Earth
caused dramatic and severe climate changes. A poleshift led to the
extinction of millions of life forms, humans, animals, and plants on
The ancients studied the stars and the Sun because they believed the
future could be predicted by examining the past. It was considered
that time itself was linked to the cyclic movements of the Earth
through the heavens. Many advanced ancient civilizations developed
precessional calendars, which were 25,776 years in duration.
A precessional cycle comprises of the 2,160-year ages of the Zodiac.
The precessional calendars of our ancestors predicted the
destruction of the old world and re-birth of a new world, as well as
the return of the star gods.
The ancients' myths of the previous worlds are striking similar. Our
ancestors' calendars were also very advanced. This indicates that
the ancient people shared the same memories and must have received
their astronomical knowledge from the same source, the alien gods.
Let us take a brief look at what some of
our ancestors had to say about the past ages.
The Native American tribes wisdom of the past world epochs is
The Hopi Indians, an American culture consisting of
about 5,000 inhabitants living in Arizona tell of worlds, which have
all been destroyed by various cataclysms. Each of these worlds could
be considered as a cycle of civilization. According to the Hopi we
are currently living in the fourth world. The previous worlds were
brought to an end by fire, a pole-shift, and flooding.
The Hopi say:
"The first world was destroyed, as a
punishment for human misdemeanors, by an all-consuming fire that
came from above and below. The second world ended when the
terrestrial globe toppled from its axis and everything was
covered with ice. The third world ended in a universal flood."
The Aztecs were convinced that the world
went through several ages called Suns. Each Sun lasted a specific
time and at the end of the period, the world was destroyed in a
cataclysmic event.

The incredible Aztec
Sun Stone
is kept in the Museum of Mexico City.
One of the most famous and precious
Aztec artifacts is the great "Sun Stone".
This fascinating object,
which is a good proof of the ancients' astronomical knowledge,
represents the four great suns of Aztec history. The Aztecs believed
the world went through four creations and destruction's.
Each sun depicted on the Sun Stone is a
period identified with a certain event that ended it.
The Aztecs
believed the first world belonged to the giants who died because of
The second sun was ended by strong wind
and the third sun was destroyed because of quakes, storms, and rain
of fiery ashes. Finally, water ended the fourth sun, thus the Great
Flood. We are now living in the fifth sun, which is characterized by
great wars and diseases. It is said that earthquakes will end this
Another clue to the cosmogony of the Aztecs is a valuable document
called the "Codex Vaticanus". According to this paper, there were
four ages of the world preceding the present one.
The Codex Vaticanus offers the following history of mankind:
"First Sun, 'Matlactli Atl':
duration 4,008 years. Those who lived then ate water maize
called 'atzitzintli'. In this age lived the giants... The First
Sun was destroyed by water in the sign 'Matlactli Atl' (Ten
It was called 'Apachiohualiztli' (flood, deluge), the art
of sorcery of the permanent rain. Men were turned into fish.
Some say that only one couple escaped, protected by an old tree
living near the water.
Others say that there were seven couples
who hid in a cave until the flood was over and the waters had
gone down. They repopulated the Earth and were worshipped as
gods in their nations...
Second Sun, 'Ehecoatl': duration 4,010 years. Those who lived
then ate wild fruit known as 'acotzintli'. This Sun was
destroyed by Ehecoatl (Winged Serpent) and men were turned into
monkeys... One man and one woman, standing on a rock, were saved
from destruction...
Third Sun, 'Tleyquiyahuillo': duration 4,081 years. Men, the
descendents of the couple who were saved from the Second Sun,
ate a fruit called 'tzincoacoc'. This Third Sun was destroyed by
Fourth Sun, Tzontlilic: duration 5,026 years. Men died of
starvation after a deluge of blood and fire..."
The Aztecs called the fifth sun, "The
Sun of Movement".
This period in our history will end as a result of
the Earth's movement. Unfortunately, the Aztecs did not provide us
with any date of the ending of the current world.
The Mayas, who were excellent astronomers, developed a calendar
based on the cycle of the Pleiades. According to the Mayas, time
operates in great cycles of creation and destruction. These cycles
have duration of 5,125 years. The Mayas predict that the end of this
world will begin at the end of the next great cosmic cycle, on
December 21-23, 2012.
There are of course some objections to these claims. For one thing,
we cannot dismiss the possibility that although the Mayas were great
astronomers, they could have miscalculated the date. A number of
people, including some of the Mayan elders believe that the year
2012 is not a doomsday date, but represents rather a time of
During this transition period, our world will
experience environmental destructions, wars, and many Earth changes.
The year 2012 should be considered as a date of re-birth, the start
of the "World of the Fifth Sun".
Interesting to note is, how could the Mayas have possibly known what
the conditions would be like at this point in our history, as we
head towards December, 2012?
According to Hindu beliefs, everything has an end and a new
beginning. Nothing is eternal, not even the gods themselves. Time is
cyclical, and the creation is a continuous re-creation process. The
Vedic scriptures divide the history of humankind into four epochs,
or world "yugas" (ages).
The first world epoch, the Krita yuga,
which was most perfect of all ages lasted for 4,800 divine years.
One divine year corresponds to as much as 360 human years. Thus, the
Krita yuga lasted 1,728,000 human years.
The gods' extremely long lifespan was
often considered a sign of immortality.
In the Bible it is written:
2 Peter 3
The next world epoch, the Treta yuga
lasted 3,600 divine years, meaning 1,296,000 human years.
followed the Dvapara yuga. This era lasted 2,400 divine years,
864,000 human years. The Hindu people believe that we are currently
living in the yuga of "Kali", the Goddess of Destruction.
During the
various epochs, all the worshipped yuga deities have a different
color. Do the colors merely have a symbolic meaning, or has our
planet, during every world epoch, been assigned to an
extraterrestrial being, a god, whose primary task was to control and
guard the Earth?
This present age, the Kali yuga will be the shortest of all the four
ages. It will last only 1,200 divine years, 432,000 human years.
Characteristic for this world age are natural disasters and
tyrannical rulers.
Some cultures count with more than five previous worlds. For
example, we learn from a Hebrew tradition called "Shmi Tot" that
life on our planet has been destroyed six times before. We are
currently living in the seventh creation.
A Jewish legend tells:
"Nor is this world inhabited by man
the first of things Earthly created by God. He made several
worlds before ours, but he destroyed them all."
Each of the previous worlds was
destroyed in a cataclysm. The Jews believe that the world exists in
cycles, each lasting seven thousand years. The ending of a cycle is
considered a transformation.
The ancient Greeks on the other hand had accounts of five different
races, which inhabited Earth during various ages.
One of the greatest problems with the calculation of the approaching
end of the world is the fact that the starting points of world
calendars differ. The Jewish calendar begins at the supposed date of
the creation of the world, 3,761 B.C.
The Greek calendar starts 776
B.C., when the first Olympiad began. The Roman calendar begins 753
B.C., this is the date of the foundation of Rome. The starting point
of the Islamic calendar is 622 A.D., the year in which Mohammed left
Mecca, and the Christian calendar begins with the birth of Jesus
This means that those who believe that the world will end 2012
should consider what this year means in relation to the various
world calendars.
An ending brought to our world caused by a celestial body is also
described in the Holy Bible.
Revelation repeatedly refers to a
cosmic catastrophe and Ezekiel tells that during the End of Days
fire and brimstone will fall from the skies, and there will be great
earthquakes, plagues, and wars.
Revelation 6:12-14
6:12 And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and there was a
great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair,
and the whole moon became as blood;
6:13 and the stars of the heaven
fell unto the earth, as a fig tree casteth her unripe figs when
she is shaken of a great wind.
6:14 And the heaven was removed as a
scroll when it is rolled up; and every mountain and island were
moved out of their places.
The Bible does not provide us with a
date when this disaster will occur. The only warning we have is that
these events begin with the return of anti-Christ.
We know that human evolution passes through a serious of amazing
transformations. Worlds are destroyed on periodical and cyclical
Our present world and we, humans are a bridge between past
and future, as I explain in my book Voices from Legendary Times
When will the next cycle
When will the
extraterrestrial kingdoms return to Earth?
When will the alien gods
visit us again?
The key to our future lies
hidden in the past?