July 29, 2010
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On November 8, 2009, the SyFy television network (in association
with NBC News) broadcast a major two-hour television Special,
following the Hyperdimensional research currently being conducted by
Richard C. Hoagland and the Enterprise Mission into "the Physics
Behind 2012."
The research is exploring "potential catastrophic
events" that Earth might encounter in
2012... specifically, because
Hyperdimensional Physics; Hoagland was both a key participant, as
well as a Consulting Producer, for the "2012" SyFy Special.
On November 21- Special to the Secrets Conference - Hoagland
presented "the rest of the 2012 story..."
Extraordinary new information, not broadcast in the show -
including, new images from NASA's just-completed, baffling, "LCROSS
unmanned lunar mission" - verifying his startling research
discovery of a fundamental link, between NASA... John Kennedy... and "2012!"
Leading to the crucial question:
what does President Barack Obama
Hoagland's startling presentation also includes explicit,
first-time, official government documentation - discovered by
Hoagland this past summer - revealing exactly "who" ultimately
ordered President Kennedy killed... and "why."