- About Paul A. LaViolette
- Concerning a Technology That Could Help Avoid Another Columbia Disaster
- Decoding The Message of The Pulsars - Intelligent Communication From The Galaxy
- Earth Under Fire - Galactic Superwaves - Project Camelot Interviews Dr Paul LaViolette
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Volleys - A Coming Global Disaster
- Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami Caused by a Stellar Explosion 45,000 Light Years Away?
- Morphogenic Resonance or a Plethora of Galactic Center Disinformation?
- Superwave Theory and Subquantum Kinetics Predictions
- The Life Work of Paul LaViolette
- The U.S. Antigravity Squadron
Additional Information
- ¿Ha Empezado ya La SuperOnda Galáctica del 2012? - Exopolíticas y Una SuperOnda Galáctica
- Has the Galactic Superwave of 2012 Begun? - Exopolitics and A Galactic Superwave
- The Coming Galactic Superwave
- Cosmic Ray Volleys from The Galactic Center - And Their Recent Impact on The Earth Environment
- Forbidden Science - Journals 1957-1969
- Galactic Core Explosions and The Evolution of Life
- Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion - Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology
- The Cause of The Megafaunal Extinction - Supernova or Galactic Core Outburst?
- The Electric Charge and Magnetization Distribution of The Nucleon - Evidence of a Subatomic Turing Wave...
- Tracing The Origins of Subquantum Kinetics
- Cosmic and Earth Changes - LaViolette's Theory of Galactic Superwave
- Earth Under Fire
- Galactic Alignment in 2012 Feared to Cause Pole Shift 2008-2015
- Superwave - Project Camelot Interviews Dr Paul LaViolette
- SuperWave Theory - 2012 Earth Changes
Related Reports
- 2012 - Main File
- El Cinturon de Fotones - The Photon Belt - Main File
- Gravity and Antigravity - Main File
- La Onda
- Quantum - Main File
- The Message of The Pulsars - Main File
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