Part 3
The following are real publishing credits of Maynerd Most. They are
not precisely along the line of his claims, but he has dug them up
and provided evidence.

1983 - Crescent Observer article about reggae by "M. Most" copyright
by Wyrd Trips, Ink
 1984 - North Davidson Dispatch
1985 - Shakespeare festival on the 500th anniversary of the death of
Richard III in 1485 - promotional brochure
 1987 - Triad article and Piedmont article
 1990 - Style article
Keep in mind that Maynerd Most publishes on the internet, on his own
website and on the websites of his friends. He has also had some
modest input in other internet publications, all of which he claims
are proof that this report is a "smear job."
Well, we are not questioning what he has done since his appearance
on the Laura Lee show - just what he used to launch himself on the
stage of "expert status," all of which was false.
Here is a chronology put together with Maynerd Most’s own
statements, a few comments from others who knew where he was and
what he was doing. He sure does get around! He’s a regular Doug and
Dave of occultism and expert status!
1966- I may have mentioned that my early exposure to all of this was
through a group of exiled leftist writers (John Dickson Carr was
probably the best known) living in Greenville SC of all places. They
were also keen Theosophist and that’s where I first stumbled onto
Burgoyne and the HBofL material. Not unusual, they had everything,
including a bound collection of the Proceedings of the SPR. I was
their mascot writer wanna-be from age 14 through college and later
in some cases. Along the way, I met many people who only later when
I watched the movie Reds did I realize were famous. One of these
guys was an actor leftist science fiction writer by the name of
Fritz Leiber.
1971 - In the early 70’s, I spent some time at Eckard
College/Florida Presbyterian and the adjacent St. Pete beach. I
still have nightmares about SS check day at that huge department
store downtown.
1971 -In 1971, at Fla. Pres. College, now I think it is Eckard
University, out at St. Pete Beach, a group of us experienced
repeated UFO sightings, and some other rather strange experiences,
as well as the most overwhelming sense of evil and imminent
destruction that I have ever felt. Then again, a decade (1981?)
later in the aftermath of the Greensboro debacle, Reagan’s election
and the YIPie fiasco at the inauguration I was conned into coming to
Clearwater for a vacation that resulted in my being arrested for
burglary. After a week in the Pinelas County jail, my family managed
to get the charges dropped. I guess I had more resources than they
figured, because the rest of my friends from that period are either
dead or still in jail on various charges.
1972 - winter quarter 1972, I was off to Oxford for a six week
Shakespeare intensive, and then another six weeks working on the
crew at the Shakespeare Festival at Stratford. ... 1972, I was 19
with an extremely high IQ (that would mean he was born in 1953, not
52 since his birthday is in May. ) I ended up in Amsterdam where
four months later I was arrested and given a quick trip home by the
State Department.
1972 - Between 1972 and 1976, I read everything, and I do mean
everything, that had anything at all to do with what I thought was
my quest. I went back to school, graduate work in Medieval History,
and by 1978 was sure I had figured it all out.
1973 - December 1973, I officially graduated
1977-78 In the winter of 1977-78, I was in grad school in history
and classical studies at UNC, working part time as a freelance
writer, including books reviews, etc, for the Psychical Research
Foundation at Duke, part of FRNM of the Rhine Foundation. ... Grad
school in the mid seventies[...] I switched from English to History,
got out of undergraduate work and then went on to psychology ...
Left to pursue magickal studies.
1978 - I met a group of "magickal" folk who were looking for a
guinea pig. My freelance rock’n’roll journalist career was in a
slump, grad school was going nowhere, and frankly I missed San Fran
and the high life. Like a fool, I signed on. Three years later
(1981) I fled to North Carolina with my sanity hanging by a thread.
(Where did San Francisco and the "high life" come from?)
1979 - By the summer of 1979, my basic magickal training was over I
was sort of assigne to write a novel about Aleister Crowley,
and the more unsavory aspects of WWIIs black magick. I was paid for
it, although it took until 1981 to see print, and then in heavy
bowdlerized form. To do this, I was "given" access to every bizarred
Nazi document in existence. One of my friends in the group even got
me access to the archives in Washington to look up certain strange
practices of the SS.
1980 - Back in 1980, I had the opportunity to follow around the UFO
researcher who had first broached the whole Hanger 18 thing, Ray
Fowler, for the Whole Earth people. They wanted proof of a gov.
cover-up, but all I found after 3 months was that Fowler had been
part of some gov. experiment, but it looked more like a Psy-Op
project. I wrote the story, from the point of view that the aliens
may or may not be real, but some portion of the gov. is going out of
its way to make us think that they are. Needless to say, the Co-Evo
Quarterly, spin- off of Whole Earth that commissioned it, refused to
print it. I stood my ground, refused to re-write and change
conclusions, and so got fired. I ended up back in North Carolina.
1980 - Three years later (all of which time spent in magical
training) I fled to North Carolina with my sanity hanging by a
1980 - I hopped on a bus and escaped to North Carolina.
1981 - By the time Hyatt found me, eight or nine months later, I was
too deeply entrenched to remove easily. I played drug causality and
pretended not remember anything and I suppose that helped. Anyway,
they left me alone after that. In fact, all of this scared me so
bad, what it said about me I mean, that I went into therapy and
before the decade was out was a therapist myself. I rationalized
what the weird people had said as fantasy and wish-fullfilment
role-playing, enhanced by substance abuse, all around, and my own
criminal nature projected outward.
1981 - three years of therapy with
Dr. Margaret McCoy
[We have information from an informant that
Maynerd Most was
actually a patient in the State Mental Hospital]
1980 or 81 - (1981?) later in the aftermath of the Greensboro
debacle, Reagan’s election and the YIPie fiasco at the inauguration
I was conned into coming to Clearwater for a vacation that resulted
in my being arrested for burglary.
1983 - Crescent Observer article about reggae by
V. M. Most
copyright by Wyrd Trips, Ink - A travelogue, "get the tourists in to
spend money filler type article."
1984 - I wrote a book, unpublished, called the White Indian Myth. It
bounced around among publishers for a while, and the basic story was
optioned for a movie, which also never happened. But in the course
of my research, I turned up something truly strange. --Documented
evidence, including archeological finds, of a Celtic group in
central NC.
1984 - North Davidson Dispatch article about the Town creek Indian
mounds. Written as a "travel guide" to drum up tourist business.
1985 - After a period of emotional recuperation, (from the magical
training) I got a job at the Shakespeare Festival -- use that
classical education! -- and began to write again. Fairy stories
mostly, and one book on the white indian myth. Shakespeare festival
publication on the 500th anniversary of the death of Richard III in
1986- The day after Easter in 1986, I was sitting under a crepe
myrtle bush in High Point NC meditating while I waited for my car to
be fixed.
1987 - A year later, I was leading a Harmonic Convergence event. -
Triad article - a local "film rag" . Oddly, in the image of the
page, a photo has been blanked out and a piece of the masthead
inserted in the place. WHAT was in the picture? Piedmont article:
another "encourage the tourists" attraction description.
1988- I was a therapist doing deep hypnotic work on trauma
1987 and 88 - I was a facilitator for a Melchizedek group that
focused on the Keys of Enoch
1988 - Back in 1988, Barbra Marciniak and I were part of the same
newage/magickal group called the Order of Melchizedek in NC. The
group was about to start some save the world type project involving
traveling to remote places and anchoring the Blue Light (K-Marts
specials for everyone!). Egypt was the first stop and BM came to me
for a Tarot reading on whether she should go or or not. The
indicator of the reading was the death card, crossed by the devil.
She freaked, and I must admit, I had no pleasant way to interpret
that kind of sign. She wouldn’t stay for the rest of the reading and
left in a huff. A couple of months later, we’re in the Great Pyramid
doing our hoodoo with the Great Guru, when BM starts to shake and
passes out. She’s sick the rest of the trip, having some truly
bizarre episodes. [...]
1989 - And then, just as my practice got going in the summer of
1989, [working at Duke Diet clinic?] I met Dr. Andrija Puharich. Dr.
P. was in hiding on the Reynolds family estate in Devotion North
Carolina, and he felt that they were closing in. I suppose that the
fact of one of his benefactors took a swan dive off a hotel roof in
Tampa had something to do with that. I had followed his work from
the late ’50s through the late 1970s when he seemed to drop off the
map. I was ready to hear anything the man had to say. Over the
course of that summer, we became friends, mainly, as he liked to say
after a few shots of good vodka, because I reminded him so much of
Ira Einhorn.
1989 -A year after that I was leading the service for a hundred
people on Bell Rock in Sedona while the Berlin wall fell.
[One wonders how Most could have been hanging out with
Puharich AND
be in Arizona at almost the same time.]
1990 - my practice exploded, - I was gaining credibility with the
Bowman Gray Med School’s MPD clinic, and all was looking bright.

Duplex apartment (at right) occupied by Most during time he claimed
his "practice was exploding."
[From an informant: The above is a lie. "Maynerd" was living on
poverty row in a house at 21 Devonshire. He was involved with L**
H**. She use to own W**** in Forsyth Co. Her family were the ones
that funded what was Charter Hospital (a private psy hospital) in
Winston, N.C. Charter has now been taken over by Bowman Grey
Hospital and L** sold Wellsprings years ago. Maynerd was a "friend"
of L**’s and they worked together on W**** (a new age type of
retreat). There was a falling out, L** tried to terminate relations
with Maynerd, but he wouldn’t let her. He set her property on fire
and destroyed her possessions. After a scandal, W**** was sold due
to community opposition and problems with a non-profit and Maynerd
was run out of town.]
1990 - Style article - Says nothing about him being a therapist
which you would expect it to say if, as he claims, his "practice
exploded." It is another tourist guide type thing about Pilot
mountain, building temples, UFOs and Bermuda Triangle. He says: "I’m
part of the blue army. We’re the rescue squad."
1991 - Two years later, I was in India, Nepal and Tibet, collecting
Vishnu and Shiva initiations and following in the footsteps of Padmasambhava.
1993 - An old friend that I knew had intelligence connections called
me up with a strange story. He thought that if anybody might have a
clue what was going on, it would be me. A friend of his wife’s,
going back to Pentagon days, had gone crazy and started accusing
everyone of being a satanist and under mind control. Her husband had
had to take their kids away from her and she was on the run, calling
them from phone booths along the highway. Could I help?
She called me the next day from a phone booth in Maryland, and we
talked enough to convince her that I would take her story seriously.
So she hopped in her car and drove straight through to
Winston-Salem. She got to my office around six and we talked to
midnight, when she left to hide somewhere, she wouldn’t say where or
how, and then came back the next day and talked for another four
hours or so. Then she got in her car and left. I never saw her
again, alive. ...A few days later I got a call from a detective in
Memphis who wanted to know if I knew anything about her. She had
been found dead in a motel room under suspicious circumstances and
she had my card.
1993 - October I got the following letter. It had no heading or
letter head and bore a Las Vegas postmark. Hi Vince, Good to hear
from old friends, what they’re doing and all, isn’t it? We’ve been
admiring your work, and we must tell you that we couldn’t be more
pleased. Doubt you would have been so effective even if you had
taken our offer. Christopher I fell into a months long Sherlockian
funk, that fortunately coincided with our several moves so I had
time to think as I packed and unpacked endless boxes of books.
My new partner (Dr. Jean Templeton) and I worked out a plan. She
would take the professional flack and work within the emerging
treatment community to get the word out and to find more cases so we
could see if my sample was skewed or accurate, or even if the whole
thing was another form of mind control. I went to work on the
technical end looking for therapies and gizmos that would aid in the
recovery process. We worked at it until early 1997,
1995 - Three years after that, I was initiated into the Sufi order
in Luxor, met the Dalai Lama and received the Kalachakra initiation.
(What about the trip to Nepal, India, and Tibet in 1991? Or are
there two trips to collect initiations?)
1996 - We invoked the Ophanic angels of
Dr. John Dee, back in Sedona
on Bell Rock. Then, I plunged into alchemy and
Fulcanelli. In the
next few years, some truly interesting things are scheduled to
happen involving the Grail and Nostradamus.
1996 - Alvin Wiley says: I didn’t meet VB until 1996 when he was
hanging out in Boulder with Dan Winter. I told him about Hendaye and
the Cross and my visits to France. I funded (with my own money) a
research trip to France. He told me that he would pay me back for
the trip but that was 3 years ago and I have yet to receive a cent.
1996 - On Wednesday, April 24th, 1996 I was in Tampa, the book says
University of Tampa, but all I remember is a large and funky 1890’s
hotel deep in downtown, doing a seminar with my partner Dr. Jean
Templeton for a group of therapists and psychs on early childhood
abuse and our light and sound entrainment procedures for treating
it. that was my last seminar with Jean. She went off to Masters and
Johnson that summer and became famous for our technique. I manned
the store while she was gone and then that fall I decided I had had
enough. I started pulling back on clients, keeping only those that
were willing to do the work. By early ’97 I was officially retired.
1997 - [Re therapy practice] everything fell apart due to heavy
pressure on my partner. Psychic attacks, Love Bite vampires and
office break-ins forced a change. I went into semi-retirement,
retreating to Mt.G.
1998 - From: "wiolawa72" .luke gato had a sacred geometry
denver in 98 and stan said he would sue the participants because of
dan..[...] conference michael heleus..etc....[...]well
it wasnt till a little later that dan brought holt to my house.. and
holt set up an assassination plot.. headed my way with drunvalo...then
dan had vincent and his wife do a ritual with sekmet at bell rock in
sedona. all nite and a crowley exericise in futility to the ophanim....
i didnt like that they were using my timeshare.... [...]
ron holt was drunvalos major jackass assistant.. and he is married
to lyssssa royal.. yerka..was the czech.. who funded drunvalo.bought
him a million $$$ house temple.whatever in prescott.. drug money
king.. also funded hoagy... all that is a long story.... i got out
of the assassination attempt thanx to dennis banks of aim.. police
also trying to get drunvalo.. coca...etc..yes he is a snake.... sedona
is headquartersfor much nwo shit..
1999 - March - in France with
Alvin Wiley sez VB
1999 - in "real" life I’m a therapist working with severe childhood
trauma, sexual abuse, etc. Takes up a lot of my time. (What happened
to being retired in 1997?)
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