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The United States is filled with
pyramids, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, artifacts and sacred grounds to
rival Egypt... The Cultures who preceded our modern society recorded
events and prophecies for the benefit of those who would follow.
Their messages and divine creations are
offered here for your interpretation...
Gamma Ray
Bursts and the Hopi Prophecies
Before the 60s, astronomers believed that the most powerful event in
the universe was the explosion that occurs when stars collapse near
the end of their life. The resultant supernova gives off massive
amounts of energy...However, with the improved drugs of the 60s,
astronomers were able to see all sorts of things.
They discovered something many times
more powerful than any supernova.
Gamma ray bursts (GRB)
burst into the astrophysics scene with an a roar,
"What the hell is that?"
For twenty-five years they didn't even
know where they came from...
"If the burst had occurred somewhere
in our galactic neighborhood, it would have been so bright that
night would've turned into day,"...In may 1997 the biggest GRB
was discovered.
It was huge. After 80 days, the
fireball's diameter was 10 trillion kilometers (6.2 trillion miles),
or 85 times the diameter of our solar system - more than 600,000
times the volume... But the cause is still a mystery...
So what might happen if one of these babies went off in our
galaxy?... About 15% of the spiral galaxies we can see have active
galactic nuclei. OR 15% are in their active phase that occurs after
a GRB. But, does our galaxy go active?... The solar wind pushed
cosmic dust out of our solar system and keeps it at bay. The super
waves of light, gamma and X rays that radiate from an active
galactic nuclei would create a global disaster...
If you agree with the evidence found in the ice cores, that our
galaxy experiences active galactic nuclei every 10,000 years or so,
then something is definitely coming...If our galactic center goes
active every 10,000 years and the gamma and X rays travel at the
speed of light, there are at least two sets of super waves heading
this way.
Can we know when they will hit?
Perhaps the solar wind can warn us...
messages may exist in some of the ancient cultures of this planet.
Enter the Hopi... The history tells of three worlds that came before
this one. Each one older than the previous. Each ended when the blue
star appeared. These indians say the blue star is about to appear
again. Based on the dust that lies between our solar system and the
center of the galaxy, an active galactic nuclei would appear as
a blue star...

Are the figures of
some petroglyphs pictures of "strange visitors"?
Native Americans believed in constellations in many cases they
believed in the same formations for stars that we do. Their
constellations seemed to be marked by the same knowledge that
western civilizations on the other part of the globe was aware of.
They call them by different names but the star arrangements were
very similar.
They believed in maps that have been drawn. That they existed at the
center of the earth or Turtle Island. [To the Anishinabe,
North America is Turtle Island.] That beyond them was the sky and
that beyond the sky were dimensional portals or sky holes as they
called them. Beyond the dimensional portals was an area that they
call the Ocean of Pitch, were the beauty of the night sky and
the galaxies spun out towards them. Beyond that were the boundaries
of the universe. And that set along the rim at the boundaries of the
universe were 4 different extraterrestrial groups.
They believed in Achivas (kivas) the sacred ceremonial places
to honor the earth. These are the places that
Shaman would go into the earth to do their most sacred
work. The reason that Achivas are built into the earth for
sacred work is because according to legend, at the destruction at
each of the ages of mankind the people that were pure of heart went
down into the buxom of the earth and there remained protected.
According to them they dwelt in the center of the earth with a group
of beings that they call
the Ant People.
Drawings of the Ant People are remarkable similar to the Grey aliens
of today - large heads - little stocky bodies - long spindly fingers
- in some cases 4, 5, or 6 digits. Some of these drawings have the
indication of telepathic thought waves coming from the beings' head
Early Dakota stories speak of the Tiyami home of the ancestors as
being the Pleiades. Astronomy tells us that the Pleiades rise with
the sun in May and that when you die your spirit returns south to
the seven sisters.
The Hopis called the Pleiadians the Chuhukon, meaning those who
cling together. They considered themselves direct descendents of the
Pleiadians. The Navajos named the Pleiades the Sparkling Suns or the
Delyahey, the home of the Black God. The Iroquois pray to them for
The Cree came to have come to earth from
the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood.
They believe that Mythic Mountain is actually the home of the
Kachinas. This mountain top is a sacred one. Being the home of the
kachina spirits it is the place where all of the large mythic beings
they honor in their rituals land.
"We come as clouds to bless the Hopi
people" is a quote passed from generation to generation.
There are some remarkable drawings that
appear to be luminous discs of light in the petroglyphs all
along the south west.
The Native Americans believed that the
home of the Kachinas was on top of a mountain where there
were great cloud formations.
Today we know that UFO's often hide in
what we call Lenticular Clouds... These are cloud formations
that resemble UFO's and are said to hide actual spacecraft. They do
not move along as most cloud formations but can linger in one place
for hours, often sitting 5 hours in one place.
They seem to be produced to conceal the
ships from the visible eye spectrum.
The Hopi
Indian UFOs
Hopi Indian legends tell of a sure certainty in the future that the
tribe's faithful will be lifted to other planets on the Day of
Purification. And they watch and wait for the UFO's that will
take them there.
The legend is borne of an ancient rock carving near Mishongnovi, AZ,
depicting a dome-shaped saucer object and maiden that has become a
core part of the tribe's religious beliefs. Elders in the Hopi
community have said they perceive UFOs as having a direct connection
with the old petroglyph drawing and the foretelling of
visitors from space who arrive for the Day of Purification.
On that day, "all wicked people and wrong-doers will be punished or
destroyed," said the Prescott Daily Courier in 1995. The
newspaper reported on a visit to Prescott by Hope Chief Dan
Katchongva, who with two others from the tribe came to
investigate "the rash of UFOs in the summer of 1970."
The chief told the newspaper that,
"we believe other planets are
inhabited and that our prayers are heard there. The arrow on
which the dome-shaped object rests stands for travel through
space. The Hopi maiden on the dome-shaped drawing represents
purity. Those Hopi who survive Purification Day will travel to
other planets. We, the faithful Hopi have seen the ships and
know they are true."
Chief Katchongva also told of
Hopi prophecies that say his people will be divided three times
before the True White Brother arrives to take the faithful away.
He said the first division occurred
in 1906, when Chief Yukiuma were driven from the old town
of Oraibi to Hoteville.
The second division, said the chief,
happened in 1969, when contact was made with a flying saucer
that whispered a message to the tribe.
The third division is said to be the
precursor of the Purification day, and until it arrives,
the chief told the newspaper,
But Chief Dan Katchongva won't
see the day come or perhaps he will. He's been missing since 1972,
lost to the tribe while walking to a valley where a UFO had just
been seen.
In September, 1993, it was reported to a UFOlogist in Salt Lake
City, Utah, that seven individuals, all prominent experts in their
fields (Doctors, Scientists, Geologists, etc.) had discovered some
ancient petroglyphs in a remote canyon southeast of Santa Fe
(adjacent to LOS ALAMOS), New Mexico, near the western edge of the
Santa Fe National Forest.
The researchers were absolutely
incredulous as to the subject-matter of the ancient pictures, as
they clearly showed representations of flying disks,
aliens and other similar representations...

Rare photos of
Anasazi Indian rock art
At the Ancient Ruins in West Central
Idaho along the Snake River, the story of Beings that came from
the Stars and a Galactic War was recorded according to
Indian Legend well over 30,000 years ago.
The petroglyphs depict the beings
that came, their interaction with the inhabitants of the ancient
city, and the war and destruction that ensued. We are shown their
ships which are curiously triangular in shape. Similar to
those that have been recently sighted over Colorado, Arizona and
California. We are also shown the portal through which the
Inter-dimensional Beings came.
You will notice how these correlate with
the Sacred Amulets entrusted to us that came from the
Mississippi River Valley...

The waging of war between the Star
Beings is recorded in this petroglyph. The Star Beings and
their counterparts, the two horned priests, are wreaking havoc upon
the inhabitants of the Ancient City.

Star Beings are
depicted here emerging from triangular shaped ships.
We see here a petroglyph of a
triangular shaped ship. We can clearly see the retro flares
representing the ship’s propulsion and movement. The figure inside
the ship represents the Star Beings.
Below the ship, we see the earth people.

To the left of the ship we see the
representation of the four peoples as is found in the Hopi
petroglyphs of Arizona.
This petroglyph is located on a
rock adjacent to the rock shown above. It depicts the two horned
Priest. It should be noted that the dumbbell shaped apparatus held
in his hand may represent an archtimeter.
Reference to this can be found in Alice
Bailey’s writings, as well as in the hieroglyphs of Egypt. These
tools are said to have wielded the power of life and death...
On the rocks in the area of this Ancient
Ruin, there is a patina approximately 1/2” thick. This patina could
only have been generated from an intense flash of heat, in excess of
2000 degrees. The pattern of which radiates out from a central
point, like a fan.
What was the source of this intense
heat? A laser beam?