Voyagers, Vol.
I - The Sleeping Abductees |
by Ashayana Deane
Clear, accurate, directly transmitted
information from the Guardian Alliance regarding Extraterrestrial
visitation, the Zeta agenda, Keylontic Science, and Earth's future!
The Guardian Alliance is an immense group of beings residing within
a myriad of dimensional locations within the Space/Time Matrix. It
assists in the evolution, harmonization, and' integration, of
countless cultures within the Cosmos, including Earth.
Ashayana Deane has been personally trained by the Guardian
Alliance to bring to Earth the new (but ancient) science of'
KeyIonta - the science of light, sound, subconscious symbol codes
and base codes of matter. Volume 1 of The Voyagers series
provides the you need to understand the true nature of reality and
the seriousness of the position that Earth is in at this moment.
In this volume you will learn about...
- The Administrative levels of the Emerald Orden Melchizedek
- The benevolent Guardians and the self interested Intruders
- True humane origins and the on-going Hybridization Program
- The plight of the
Zeta Reticuli, and their plans for Earth
- Keylontic Science
- the science of dimensional reality
- The role of
awareness, emotion and intuition a Exercises to raise your
frequency and prepare for changes
If you value the Earth and those who live on it, you owe it to
yourself and to the future of this planet to read this book.
"Impressive and ambitious in its scope, Ashayana lays
out the whole story of Earth History and its potential futures
in narrative timeline. Woven through the facts is a compelling
inspirational story- the story we have written or ourselves and
which has everything to do with endings and new beginnings."
Ashayana Deane, formerly published as Anna Hayes,
has been personally trained through ritual physical contact
since early childhood by the Melchizedek Cloister Priests of Ur,
the ancient Founders Race Human "Grail Line",
which serves as charter members of the Guardian Alliance and
Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds universal service
organizations. |
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Voyagers, Vol.
II - The Secrets of Amenti |
by Ashayana Deane
On September 12,
2000, a global event of paramount significance occurred within
the covert infrastructure of the New Age, UFO and
Illuminati movements.
On September 11, 2001, in preparation for the first anniversary
of the September 12, 2000, event, the Trigger Event of the
WTC/Pentagon Terrorist Attack was launched as the
first step in the intended 2011 fulfillment of a hidden global
agenda that reaches far backward in time. Earth is poised at the
cusp of a "Great New Age," long predicted in Hopi
prophecies, the Mayan Calendar and
Biblical Revelation. Humanity will now determine whether
this New Age is destined to become a Free Age of Genuine
Enlightenment, or a New Dark Age of One-World-Order
dominion. |
The origins of our
contemporary dilemma and its SOUL-U-TIONS extend back into the
greatest secrets of the ancient past.
Yoyagers II,
2nd Edition, reaches from the heart of legendary Atlantis,
Lemuria and
Nibiru, through the
ancient Ascension mysteries of the
Ark of the Covenant,
the Great Pyramid, "Inner Earth," "Visitor" races, Biblical
Revelation and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates, emerging to
reveal the contemporary secrets of the Bermuda Triangle,
Montauk Project, the
Wingmakers Site, the
Philadelphia Experiment,
the New Age Movement, the 9/11/2001 disaster and over 10 years
of covert UFO
cover-up and Infra-sound
Scalar Pulse testing.
Revealing the truth of 500 million
years of 12-Tribe Human evolution-as directly translated from
the Ancient CDT-Plate Holographic Recorder Discs - the Forbidden
History of Humanity's Original Sacred Mission, and the coveted
Secrets of Amenti are now being returned to assist us in our
contemporary confrontation with destiny. In rediscovering our
Human heritage, which includes Visitors from the Stars, the
Checkerboard DNA Mutation, and the Secrets of the Templar, we
will also rediscover the REAL divinity within the "Human
Condition" and reclaim the Sacred Knowledge and Eternal Healing
Power that IS the Human Birthright
The sacred knowledge of the
"Signet RRT Technology", once used by Essene "Jesus Christ",
King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable, the Cathars,
Celtic-Druids, Incas, Egyptians, Maharajah and many Grail Line
"Indigo Children" Guardian Masters before them, holds the key to
our past, present and future.
The ancient secrets of the
Templar, "Sacred Sites", Time Mechanics, Merkaba, "Ascension"
and DNA, long sought but never claimed by the Knights Templar
Illuminati in their "Quest for the Holy Grail," reveal the true
Personal and Planetary Sacred Templar Teachings through which
Humanity can now begin to set itself free.
• Templar Maps. • "Who's Who" ID
Charts. • The Amenti Schedule
• Bio-Regenesis Inner Templar
Techniques for Conscious Evolution.
Emerald Covenant Speaker
Ashayana Deane has been
formally trained in CDT-Plate translation since childhood
through ritual physical contact with Melchizedek Cloister
Priests of Ur, the Eieyani Elder Human Founders Race Grail Line
record keepers of the Guardian Alliance and the Interdimensional
Association of Free Worlds Universal Service Organizations. |
To get this book "click"
Bloodline of the Holy
Grail |
by Laurence Gardner
From royal and suppressed
archives comes proof of the descending heritage of Jesus in the
West. In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner
casts penetrating new light upon the Grail Code of Service
and the venerated feminine element, abandoned by the Church in order
to forge a male dominated society. This unique work offers
revelatory insight concerning the descendant heirs of Jesus
and his brother James while, in documenting a hidden legacy
of the Messiah, it unveils hitherto guarded facts about characters
such as
Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea. Featuring all the
charm and adventure of Arthurian romance, this worldwide bestseller
has a cutting edge of political intrigue, which removes the
contrived blanket of established dogma to reveal one of the greatest
historical conspiracies ever told.
To get ordering information about this books "click"
Lost Secrets of the
Sacred Ark |
by Laurence Gardner
From the royal tombs of pharaonic Egypt, to the laboratories of modern
science, comes the extraordinary account of gravity defiance and
teleportation in the ancient world. The Book of the Dead
refers to a hyper-dimensional realm called the Field of Mfkzt,
which is now determined as a superconductive energy field of
high-spin metallurgy. Liaising with modern physicists, Laurence
has ascertained that mfkzt (known today as monatomic
gold) was the secret of the pharaohs' rite of passage to the
Afterlife, and was directly associated with the pyramids and the
biblical Ark of the Covenant, as revealed by
inscriptions at the Sinai mountain temple of Moses.
With the old science now
rediscovered, gold is fast becoming established as a logistically
placed source material to the detriment of its traditional value as
a currency reserve. As Laurence Gardner details, the advantages of
the revived technology are astounding, especially in the fields of
medicine and space travel, but the political and social implications
of IMF-approved national bullion sales could be very threatening if
not contained.
No reason is given in the Bible as to why the Ark
of the Covenant was so richly contrived. It is portrayed as
having awesome and deadly powers, but these are not satisfactorily
explained. There is, however, no mystery to the Ark. Laurence
Gardner explains that its story is wholly related to the
dynastic House of Gold - the Messianic bloodline of ancient
Grail Kings
from the Old Kingdom pharaohs to King Solomon and the descendant Royal
House of Judah.
What was the Ark of the Covenant? Where is the Ark? What
were its relationships to the Golden Fleece and the Philosophers'
Stone of Nicolas Flamel? In fact, what is the
Philosophers' Stone - and how does it work? By accessing
Rosicrucian, Templar and Royal Society archives, these questions are
all addressed and answered by Laurence Gardner in Lost
Secrets of the Sacred Ark - thereby revealing the long forgotten
secret of Royal Arch Freemasonry.
In the field of quantum mechanics, NASA
scientists have recently confirmed that matter can indeed be in two
places at once. It is now an established fact that, through quantum
entanglement, particles millions of light-years apart can be
connected without physical contact. Space-time can now be
manipulated; teleportation is becoming a reality; gravity-resistant
material is now heralded for air transport, and virtual science has
led to a greater understanding of hyper-dimensional existence. In
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Laurence Gardner reveals that
the keys to all this are:
(a) Mfkzt -
referred to by the Institute of Advanced Studies as 'exotic
monatomic matter', and
(b) the amazing
technology of Superconductivity - acclaimed by the Center for
Advanced Study as 'the most remarkable physical property in the
It is clear however, from
the documentary evidence of ancient times, that the attributes of
superconductors and gravity defiance were known, even if not
understood, in a distant world of priestly levitation, godly
communication and the phenomenal power of the Electrikus. |
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