by Gregg Prescott
September 13, 2014
In5D Website
Spanish version

Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing).
For thousands of years
the Schumann Resonance or pulse
(heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military
have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980
this resonance has been slowly rising.
Some scientists believe that it is
rising faster than we can measure seeing as it is constantly rising
while measuring.
This is from a member of the Physics Forum:
"The universe is expanding;
interstellar distances are becoming greater and greater.
How does the relationship between
space, time, and the speed of light compensate for this? Changes
in interstellar distances are measurable. The speed of light is
constant and is measurable.
But what about Time itself, can
changes to time be measured? Or is that a paradox within itself?
How can we measure a potential change in Time itself if it is
changing while we are trying to measure it?
For example, hypothetically speaking, if you are trying to
measure how much a yard stick is decreasing in length against a
second yard stick that is also decreasing in length at the same
rate as the first one and if everything else around you
(including yourself) was shrinking at the same rate than you
would never confirm that such a change actually did occur.
So if we look at the relationship
between space, time, and the speed of light; if space is
measurably expanding and the speed of light is still constant,
can Time be speeding up?
No wonder they say, 'the older you get, the faster time goes
by', if they only new.
Humanity continually strives to make
its vehicles, technologies, and processes faster yet we never
seem to have enough time or wish we had more time, doesn't that
make you wonder."
Why is Time Speeding Up?
January 30, 2007
More and more frequently people are
suggesting that time is speeding up.
We hear people saying things like,
"I never seem to have enough
time to get everything done anymore" or "where has the time
gone to".
The years are certainly flying by
faster than ever and there is a scientific reason why time is
speeding up.
There are also a number of reasons
why we are changing so rapidly and it is all related to time
speeding up. Human beings are becoming more consciously aware
and people are being drawn towards spirituality and personal
development in greater numbers than ever before.
Why is this happening?
Scientists discovered many years ago that the earth gives off a
pulse. This pulse or frequency which has been likened to a
heartbeat has been stable at approximately 7.8 cycles per second
for thousands of years.
However, since around the year 1980
the earth's heartbeat began to speed up. The most incredible
thing is some scientists believe the earth will actually stop
rotating when this pulse reaches 13 cycles per second.
When the earth stops rotating on its
axis it is believed that it will remain still for around 3 days
and then start spinning in the other direction.
This will cause a reversal in the
magnetic field around the earth but what will happen after this
point is unclear. At this point you are thinking one of two
things. Either you are thinking this sounds pretty amazing or
you simply cannot believe it.
I'm kind of in the middle myself, I
think it's hard to believe but I'm prepared to keep an open
mind. Since I have become interested in spirituality I have seen
wonderful things happen in my life and because of this I believe
almost anything is possible.
It is due to this increasing pulse rate that we feel as though
time is speeding up. Why do we "feel" as though time is moving
faster than it used to be? The reason is what we once perceived
to be a period of 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours.
Our clocks still move in seconds,
minutes and hours and still click over a full day in 24 hours
but due to the earths increased heartbeat, we perceive it to be
only two thirds as long or a perception period of merely 16
As far fetched as all this may seem, a number of reports suggest
that we will reach this critical mass or zero point It is due to
this increasing pulse rate that we feel as though time is
speeding up. Why do we "feel" as though time is moving faster
than it used to be? The reason is what we once perceived to be a
period of 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours.
Our clocks still move in seconds,
minutes and hours and still click over a full day in 24 hours
but due to the earths increased heartbeat, we perceive it to be
only two thirds as long or a perception period of merely 16
hours when the earth stops rotating, very soon.
From my research into this phenomena
and the changes I can see happening in my body and mind as well
as what I see happening around the globe, I believe as do many
others that we are now moving into the 4th dimension. The fourth
dimension is where our thoughts will manifest almost instantly.
This period of life on earth is
where our good and bad karma will come back to us almost
This is why so many people, although
perhaps unaware as to why, are becoming consciously aware and
turning towards spirituality and away from materialism and
greed. We are feeling the urge to not only do the right thing
for our own body and mind but we are more willing to help others
than ever before in history.
The growth rate in awareness is off the charts. What once took
years of reading, learning and watching to become more
spiritually aware may now only take a year or even months. There
is so much more information than ever before on spirituality
available in books and on the internet that is serving to
accelerate our learning and helping us move away from the
darkness of fear and towards the light of love.
As we feel the need to change our
direction in life and release our bad habits we are starting to
meet others who feel the same way and collectively we are
helping each other. We are realizing that we are part of
something greater than our individual self and this further
accelerates our spiritual evolution.
We are leaving the Age of Pisces, a destructive and oppressive
period and moving into the Age of Aquarius, a period of We are
leaving the Age of Pisces, a destructive and oppressive period
and moving into the Age of Aquarius, a period of love and peace.
This is a difficult time for many people as they struggle to
come to terms with what is happening around them and what is
happening to their mind and feelings.
The key is to let go and trust in
this natural process of change and not to fight your feelings.
As we move closer to the fifth dimension and as time speeds to
an all time high, our thoughts, feelings and intentions will
manifest into our reality in the twinkling of an eye.
What this means effectively is that
those of us living with thoughts of fear and trepidation, will
manifest just that into their lives causing untold pain.
However, those of us feeling happy
and positive will manifest only love and peace. This is a
difficult time for many people as they struggle to come to terms
with what is happening around them and what is happening to
their mind and feelings.
The key is to let go and trust in
this natural process of change and not to fight your feelings.
As we move closer to the fifth dimension and as time speeds to
an all time high, our thoughts, feelings and intentions will
manifest into our reality in the twinkling of an eye.
What this means effectively is that
those of us living with thoughts of fear and trepidation, will
manifest just that into their lives causing untold pain.
However, those of us feeling happy
and positive will manifest only love and joy into their lives.
It's all about choice, and it's your choice to make, nobody can
make it for you.
As we continue through this exciting period of history the
entire world will change along with everyone in it. Eventually
we will be forced to release our fears, there is no other way.
Fear will cease to exist and the greatest causes of fear, being
time and money, will no longer be a part of our existence.
This is an exciting period to be
alive so I'm going to go with the flow and enjoy the ride, I
hope you'll join me.
Gregg Braden on the
Photon Belt and Schumann Resonance
Gregg Braden is currently
traveling around the United States and in the media, telling of the
scientific proof of the Earth passing through the Photon Belt and
the slowing of the Earths rotation.
At the same time there is an increase in
the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann
Resonance). When the Earth stops its rotation and the
resonance frequency reaches 13 cycles we will beat a zero point
magnetic field.
The Earth will be stopped, and in 2 or 3
days it will start turning again in the opposite direction. This
will produce a
reversal in the magnetic fields
around the earth and so forth.

Gregg Braden is currently traveling around the United States and in
the media, telling of the scientific proof of the Earth passing
the Photon Belt and the slowing of
the Earths rotation.
At the same time there is an increase in
the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann Resonance).
When the Earth stops its rotation and
the resonance frequency reaches 13 cycles we will beat a zero point
magnetic field. The Earth will be stopped, and in 2 or 3 days it
will start turning again in the opposite direction.
This will produce a reversal in the
magnetic fields around the earth and so forth.
Geophysical Condition #1 - Earth's
Rising Base Frequency
Earth's background base frequency, or "heartbeat," (called Schumann
Resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically.
Though it varies among geographical
regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per
second. This was once thought to be a constant; global military
communications developed on this frequency.
Gregg Braden found data collected by
Norwegian and Russian researchers on this; it's not widely reported
in the US.
(The only reference to SR to be found in
the Seattle Library reference section, is tied to the weather, and
Science acknowledges SR as a sensitive indicator of temperature
variations and worldwide weather conditions, Braden also believes
the fluctuating SR may be a factor in the severe storms, floods, and
weather of recent years.)
Geophysical Condition #2 - Earth's
Diminishing Magnetic Field
While earth's "pulse" rate is rising, her magnetic field strength,
on the other hand, is declining.
According to Professor Bannerjee
of the University of New Mexico, the field has lost up to half its
intensity in the last 4,000 years. And because a forerunner of
magnetic polar reversals is this field strength, Prof. Bannerjee
believes that another reversal is due.
Braden believes that because these
cyclical Shifts are associated with reversals, Earth's geological
record indicating magnetic reversals also marks previous Shifts in
history. And, within the enormous time scale represented, there were
quite a few of them. While earth's "pulse" rate is rising, her
magnetic field strength, on the other hand, is declining.
According to Professor Bannerjee of the
University of New Mexico, the field has lost up to half its
intensity in the last 4,000 years.
And because a forerunner of magnetic
polar reversals is this field strength, Prof. Bannerjee believes
that another reversal is due. Braden believes that because these
cyclical Shifts are associated with reversals, Earth's geological
record indicating magnetic reversals also marks previous Shifts in
And, within the enormous time scale
represented, there were quite a few of them.

Possible Outcomes
Time will appear to speed up as
we approach Zero Point. A 24 hour day will seem to about 16
hours or less. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or "heart
beat" of Mother Earth) has been 7.8 cycles for thousands of
years, but has been rising since 1980. It stops at 13
Zero Point or the Shift of the
Ages has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of
years. There have been many shifts including the one that
always occurs every 13,000 years at each half of the 26,000
years, Precession of the Equinox.
Zero Point or a flip of the
magnetic poles will probably happen soon, within the next
few years.
It is said that after Zero Point
the Sun will rise in the west and set in the east, approx.
Past occurrences of this change have been found in ancient
The Zero Point flip will
probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything
we think or desire will instantly manifest. This includes
love and fear. Our INTENTION will be of utmost importance.
Most technology that we know
will cease to operate. Possible exceptions could be
technology based on so called "Zero Point" or free energy.
Our physical body is changing as
we approach Zero Point. Our DNA is being "upgraded" to 12
strands. A new light body is being created. We are becoming
more intuitive.
I have been tracking the daily Schumann Resonance and
have seen it as high as 8.50.
You can find the daily Schumann Resonance
here. It is on a Russian
website and is translated into English. Just click the "Frequencies"
link on the left hand side of the page.
As Mother Earth rises in frequency, she presents us the opportunity
to do the same with her. Try to find the time to connect with nature
or to meditate while consciously making that same connection.
A friend of mine gave me a great idea to do while meditating:
Envision that you are hugging the
entire planet. Send Mother Earth as much love as humanly
possible and you will make that connection!