William van den Heuvel
Update 1998-06-11
DavidBohn Website
(Extract starting on page 35):
Despite these displays of brilliance,
Bohm realized by the end of
the first semester that he could never fit into the Caltech
atmosphere or benefit from what the institute offered. The constant
problem-solving depressed him, and the pressures of quarterly
examinations seemed oppressive. Possibly he may even have suspected
that he was out of step with the mainstream of physics and was
destined to become a maverick, a loner, at odds with the current
trends in physics. As such, Bohm was really a throwback to an
earlier age, in which physics involved deep and quiet contemplation
of nature; when it was more concerned with discovering the
underlying order of cosmos than with making predictions and solving
practical problems. When he thought back to the golden age of Planck
and Einstein, or even earlier, to the age of Newton, Bohm could not
help feeling that physics had become small and the concerns of its
practioners petty.
To a physicist of the caliber of Richard Feynman, an area of physics
was interesting only if he could find a problem in it, and he raised
his art of problem-solving almost to the level of genious. While
occasions arose in his own research when Bohm was forced to solve
technical problems, he always distrusted abstract mathematical
proofs. After all, he would say, there are always unexamined
assumptions in any piece of mathematics, and the more complicated
the mathematics, the easier it is for undetected errors to creep in.
Rather than proceeding in a relatively mechanical or logical way, he
preferred to feel out the answer and see it in his mind before
setting down the necessary mathematical steps. It was as if his
problem-solving ability were guided less by logic than by a
combination of imagination and intuition.
While he was at Penn State, for example, he had been trying to
understand the theory of the gyroscope, the toy that intrigues
children because of its ability to remain in balance. Normally when
an object is pushed, so that its center of gravity moves outside the
point of balance, it falls. A gyroscope, however, does not fall.
Instead, its axis of rotation moves - that is, it precesses. Try to
push a gyroscope in one direction, and it will react by moving in a
direction at right angles.
Faced with explaining gyroscopic motion, most physics students learn
the various formulae, involving conservation of angular momentum,
and produce an explanation in a relatively mechanical and formulaic
fashion; but Bohm needed a direct perception of the inner nature of
this motion. Once he was walking in the country, he imagined himself
as a gyroscope, and through some form of muscular interiorization,
he was able to understand the nature of its motion. In this way he
worked out, within his own body, the behaviour of gyroscopes. The
formulae and the mathematics would come later, as a formal way of
explaining his insight.
From very early on in his scientific career,
Bohm trusted this
interior, intuitive display as a more reliable way of arriving at
solutions. Later, when he met Einstein, he learned that he too
experienced subtle, internal muscular sensations that appeared to
lie much deeper than ordinary rational and discursive thought.
Without explicitly knowing it at the time, Bohm had returned to that
ancient maxim "as above, so below", the medieval teaching that each
individual is the microcosm of the macrocosm. Bohm himself strongly
believed himself part of the universe and that, by giving attention
to his own feelings and sensations, he should be able to arrive at a
deeper understanding of the nature of the universe.
This particular skill remained with
Bohm throughout his professional
life. His colleague at Birckbeck College, Basil Hiley, once
"Dave always arrives at the right conclusions, but his
mathematics is terrible. I take it home and find all sorts of errors
and then have to spend the night trying to develop the correct
proof. But in the end, the result is always exactly the same as the
one Dave saw directly".
And another quote from a passage starting on page 68:
...That ability to touch preverbal processes at the muscular,
sensory level remained with him all his life. It was not so much
that Bohm visualized a physical system as that he was able to sense
its dynamics within his body:
"I had the feeling that internally I
could participate in some movement that was the analogy of the thing
you are talking about."
To give another example; the spin of an electron is far from the
spin of a ball in our everyday world. The ball is able to spin at
different speeds, but the electron, spinning about an axis that
points vertically up from the floor, can spin only in one of the
three states - called +1, 0, and -1. Quantum mechanics does,
however, allow for linear combinations of these spin states.
Common sense dictates that two spin states - say, spinning in
opposite directions around a vertical axis - will combine to produce
an intermediary spin around the same upwards-pointing axis.
theory, however, indicates that the resultant spin will point in a
new direction - spinning around a horizontal axis, for example. The
notion is so counterintuitive that physics students either apply the
formulae by rote or else visualize the electron in terms of
mathematical manipulations of equations, without reference to
anything physical. Bohm, however, found that he was able to
experience feelings within his body about the way two spin
components could combine into something that moves in a new
"I can’t really articulate it," he once said. "It had to do with a
sense of tensions in the body, the fact that two tensions are in
opposite directions and then suddenly feel that there was something
else. The spin thing cannot be reduced to classical physics. Two
feelings in the mind combine to produce something that is of a
different quality... I got the feeling in my own mind of spin up,
spin down, that I was spinning up and then down. Then suddenly
bringing them together in the x direction (horizontal)... It’s
really hard to get an analogy. It’s a kind of transformation that
takes place. Essentially I was trying to produce in myself an
analogy of that, in my state of being. In a way I’m trying to become
an analogy of that - whatever that means."
Again Bohm sensed himself
as the microcosm of the macrocosm and believed that
he contained the
laws of nature within his body.