by Steven M. Greer, MD.
Strategic Overview
Research shows that over the past 75 years a number of significant
breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have occurred that
have been systematically suppressed. Since the time of
Tesla, T.
Townsend Brown and others in the early and mid-twentieth century
we have had the technological ability to replace fossil fuel,
internal combustion and nuclear power generating systems with
advanced non-polluting electromagnetic and electro-gravitic systems.
The open literature is replete with well-documented technologies
that have surfaced, only to later be illegally seized or suppressed
through systematic abuses of the national security state, large
corporate and financial interests or other shadowy concerns.
Technologically, the hurdles to achieve what is called over-unity
energy generation by accessing the teeming energy in the space
around us are not insurmountable. Numerous inventors have done so
for decades. What has been insurmountable are the barriers created
through the collusion of vast financial, industrial, oil and rogue
governmental interests.
In short, the strategic barriers to the widespread adoption of these
new electromagnetic energy-generating systems far exceed the
technological ones. The proof of this is that, after many decades of
innovation and promising inventions, none have made it through the
maze of regulatory, patenting, rogue national security, financial,
scientific and media barriers that confront the inventor or small
Categories of Suppression
Our review of now-obscure technological breakthroughs show that these
inventions have been suppressed or seized by the following broad
categories of actions:
• Acquisition of the
technology by 'front' companies whose intent have been to 'shelve'
the invention and prevent the device from coming to market.
• Denial of patents and intellectual property protection by systematic
action by the US and other patent offices.
• Seizure or suppression of the technology by the illegal application
of section 181 of the US Patent law or other illegal applications of
national security provisions that result in the technology being
classified or deemed "of significance to the national security".
Note that these applications are illegal actions taken by rogue,
unsupervised individuals and entities who are working in collusion
with interests to suppress these technologies.
• Abuses by other regulatory or licensing entities, including but not
limited to rogue elements within the Department of Defense,
CIA, NSA, Federal Trade Commission,
Department of Energy and others.
• Targeting the inventor or company with financial scams, illegal
financial arrangements that lead to the demise of the company, and
similar traps.
• Systematic interception of funds and essential financial support
needed to develop and put into mass application such a fundamental
new energy source.
• A pattern of harassment, bomb-threats, theft and other shadowy
actions that frighten, intimidate and demoralize those inventing,
holding or developing such technologies; significant bodily harm and
murder have also apparently occurred.
• Inducements through significant financial buy-outs, offers of
positions of power and prestige and other benefits to the owner of
such technologies to secure their cooperation in suppressing such
• Scientific establishment prejudice and rejection of the technology
in light of unconventional electromagnetic effects thought to be not
possible by current scientific conventional wisdom.
• Corruption of scientific entities and leaders through clandestine
liaisons with rogue classified or shadowy private projects that
intend to suppress such devices.
• Corruption of major media entities and key figures through
clandestine liaisons with rogue classified or private shadowy
projects that intend to suppress such devices.
A small inventor or
company can in no way overcome such obstacles. Therefore, a
strategic plan and capability commensurate with these barriers must
be devised and executed in order for these new technologies to
Implications of our Success
SEAS defines success as the widespread adoption of these
new, non-polluting energy and propulsion systems so that the use of
oil, gas, coal, nuclear power and other earth damaging sources of
energy are effectively replaced. It should be noted that such an
undertaking will impact 4.5 trillion dollars a year in world
economic activity, replace the current geo-political order with one
based on decentralized abundance, and enable humanity to attain a
long-term, environmentally sustainable civilization.
It is safe to say that the advent of such new energy systems will be
the greatest technological, industrial, geopolitical and cultural
revolution in known human history. No aspect of life on Earth will
be unaffected by it - and this is precisely why such technologies
have been suppressed.
The cartels and interests that prefer to see the status quo continue -
even at the cost of environmental erosion, destabilizing world
poverty and the like - are very substantial. The idea that an
inventor or company can simply roll out such technological
breakthroughs as a traditional development and succeed is
preposterous. They will be stopped at one step or another unless
adequate funding, power and inter-locking strategic capabilities
exist to ensure success. In short, the normal business and
technological challenges to the successful release of a new
technology are dwarfed by the special circumstances and barriers
facing these new energy systems. The strategic plan, business plan
and leadership of SEAS are established to meet these
unique challenges.
A Plan for Action
Headed by CEO
Steven M. Greer MD,
specifically designed to lead and assure that new technologies
become widely known and applied. This means the simultaneous
orchestration of the following key strategic components:
• Identification and
rigorous independent scientific testing of 'over unity'
electromagnetic and electrogravitic energy and propulsion systems
(three independent lab tests are required to confirm results).
• Research and development activities to create end-use, commercially
practical and viable energy generation systems.
• Intellectual property protection and patenting programs in the US
and overseas that avoid triggering section 181 and similar actions
from the rogue national security interests.
• Scientific community education activities to create a core of
mainstream and respected scientific and institutional support for
this new science.
• Political and governmental education activities to create firm
support among political leaders, friendly government agencies,
regulatory entities and others; an associated PAC (Political Action
Committee) will need to provide support to those political leaders
and groups that can in turn create real political currency in favor
of these new energy systems.
• Offshore (non-US) redundancy of technologies, resources and
structural systems to ensure longevity in the event of catastrophic
actions against the company or technology in the US.
• Mass media and public support creation by professional disclosure of
the technology as soon as it is secured; such mass communications
disclosure of the technology entails enlisting a top five PR firm
and mass media release of scientific and government laboratory
findings in support of the claims of the technology. This plan also
requires the ability to complete a massive media buy of ad space in
the event that the media refuses to carry the story (we have sources
inside the media and the rogue national security structures that
have confirmed that the media has been and is controlled on these
and related issues and that it is prudent to plan for some degree of
media obstruction). It is important to recognize that some 70% of
Americans are concerned with the future of the environment and
sustainability issues and that this majority of the population can
become a powerful force of support should attempts to suppress the
technologies occur.
• Careful liaison to existing mass movement groups and institutions
that would naturally support the release and widespread adoption of
such new energy systems; these include environmental organizations
and agencies, anti-poverty groups and agencies, conservation and
energy groups, international development groups and agencies, etc.
• Out-reach to oil producing countries and interests to negotiate
performance-based inclusion of their interests in the dissemination
of these new technologies, thus 'hedging' the negative long-term
economic impact of these technologies on their core economic
foundation. The concept here is to make potential adversaries
interested allies - but with specific performance criteria that
would preclude the obstruction or 'shelving' of the technology.
• Education and development of further support within specific
national security, military and intelligence arenas already friendly
to the release of these technologies; a substantial level of support
has been identified and can be further cultured in support of the
safe and orderly release of these energy systems.
• Careful internal structural management of SEAS that
precludes the possibility of a hostile takeover or suppression of
the technology; the CEO and President,
Steven M. Greer MD has
controlling legal authority over the company and has a proven track
record of specifically not bowing to financial inducements, threats
and the like. For more than 10 years, Dr. Greer has been involved in
disclosing the most exquisitely sensitive information and has
consistently remained free of the influence of financial inducements
and threats - though these have occurred.
• The inventors of these technologies will be specifically insulated
from such threats and pressures, legal or otherwise, since the
technology will be assigned to the company via a professional
licensing agreement that protects the inventor; the inventor is
further assured that the device will be massively disclosed and
disseminated by a clause that allows the technology to revert back
to the inventor should SEAS not perform under specific
criteria within a specified time.
This brief overview
illustrates the depth and breadth of the minimum strategy needed to
move these technologies forward - and overcome the significant
hurdles that exist in the status quo. Such an undertaking requires
careful orchestration of all strategic components with adequate
funds to accomplish the task. The strategy cannot be dictated by the
level of available funds. On the contrary, funding must be dictated
by these strategic requirements, without which success is
impossible. A detailed Phase I business plan is nearing completion.
Three Phases of Existence
The objectives, planned actions, and budget for each phase of the
company flow from the strategic necessities of that phase.
Phase I
involves the identification and scientific testing and
verification by three independent, recognized testing groups of the
candidate technologies. Phase I will require up to
$500,000 in capitalization. Without solicitation, SEAS has
already attracted nearly one-third of that figure from wealthy
Once a bona fide energy generation system is identified and
triple-tested and is under license to the company, Phase II
begins. It is during Phase II that the technology must
be secured, intellectually protected, further developed and
disclosed. The strategic elements briefly outlined above must be
orchestrated during this phase, the culmination of which is the
massive public disclosure of the technology. This phase is estimated
to cost between $2 million and $20 million, depending on the degree
of development of the identified technology. Public figures in
business and politics have assured SEAS the necessary
funds for Phase II upon presentation of a tested
At the completion of the public disclosure of the technology,
will quickly move to Phase III, during which an IPO
and horizontal and vertical licensing activities will occur. We
estimate that in order to survive further suppression actions,
several billions dollars in capitalization will be needed during Phase III. It is during this Phase that the device
will enter mass production, distribution and application.
SEAS CEO Steven M. Greer MD has a vast
network of scientists, government contacts, political leaders,
public supporters, financial backers, friendly military and national
security contacts, media contacts and others to bring to this
undertaking. A substantial 'brain trust' has already been identified
and is ready to spring into action in support of these objectives.
These include Ambassadors, prominent celebrity spokespeople, major
media figures who have already agreed to help disclose the new
technologies- and many others. And millions of people know of his
work and can be marshaled to publicly support the objectives and
needs of SEAS.
It is our goal that these new electromagnetic technologies replace
virtually all fossil fuel, internal combustion and ionizing nuclear
technologies within 20-30 years. Obviously, this is the greatest
industrial re-tooling in world history and will require cooperation
among industrial, scientific, governmental, financial, national
security, international security, military and business groups. Our
business plan focuses on fostering such cooperation by making it
more attractive than opposition. Once the technology is
scientifically proven and disclosed, many companies will appear that
will assist in this technological revolution, and SEAS
will simply be a leader among many. We welcome this development.
SEAS will have associated with it a
substantially endowed foundation that will support international
humanitarian efforts and environmentally sustainable development
around the world, as well as world peace programs and other worthy
projects needed to ensure a peaceful and enduring future for