Sean David Morton
Delphi Associates News Letter
Dateline: 1559, Yorkshire, England
Ursula Sontheil reputedly was
born in 1488 in Norfolk, England.
From an early age she exhibited
stunning psychic gifts of foresight and prophecy. She was a contemporary of Nostradamus, but, being a woman, was not allowed his
level of education and lacked his medical and astrological training
and the forbearance of royal friends at court to nurture and protect
At the ripe old age of 24 she entered a difficult marriage to Toby Shipton.
She correctly predicted the dissolution of the Catholic Church under
Henry VIII, the fall of Cardinal Wolsey, the untimely death of
Henry's son Edward VI, the horrific reign of “Bloody”
Mary I, and
the ascent of Queen Elizabeth to the throne of England.
Many of her visions came true with shocking and specific clarity
within her own lifetime and then in subsequent centuries as she
peered down the corridors of Time to view the fate of Earth and all
She became the feared and revered prophet of Tudor England.
Her name
was spoken in low, hushed whispers, as if the very mention of her
name would bring the disasters she spoke of down upon the head of he
that spoke them. She eventually became known to serf and lord alike
Mother Shipton.
Like Nostradamus, to capture the public imagination and most likely
to also avoid persecution for the crime of witchcraft, she published
her prophecies in rhyme and verse. Still, she saved her penultimate
work for her later years just before her death. And so in 1559 she
published an epic poem for which she would become best known down
through the ages. She died in Clifton, Yorkshire, in 1561, five
years before Nostradamus.
This rare collection of Mother Shipton's prophecies was published
thirty years ago. They were found by a woman who painstakingly
transcribed them and managed to smuggle them out of the Mitchell
Library, in Sydney, Australia (now the State Library of New South
The originals were kept in a locked room, along with many
other volumes of prophetic writings deemed unsuitable for viewing by
the general public. In light of recent world events these rare
verses from Mother Shipton seem to have prophetic indications
for our times, but, of course, are open to interpretation.
My brief interpretations and explanations are in { }:
And now a word, in uncouth rhyme of what shall be in future time:
Then upside down the world shall be And gold found at the root of
tree All England's sons that plough the land Shall oft be seen with
Book in hand The poor shall now great wisdom know Great houses stand
in far flung vale All covered o'er with snow and hail.
{The advent of the printing press and the
mass distribution of books, a dearly expensive
rarity in her day, seemingly to herald an age of
knowledge and enlightenment even for the very
poor. But this also leads to the mass migration
into festering cites, leaving the great houses of
the countryside bare and forlorn.}
A carriage without horse will go,
Disaster fill the world with woe. In London, Primrose Hill shall be
In center hold a bishops sea.
{Motorcars and trains and their accidents, and the formation of the
Church of England by Henry VIII as its sole head.}
Around the world
men's thoughts will fly, Quick as the twinkling of an eye. And water
shall great wonders do, How strange, and yet it shall come true.
{Telephone, radio, television and the internet. The building of
massive dams and the harnessing of waterfalls, like Niagara, for
hydroelectric power which then lights the world.}
Through towering
hills proud men shall ride, No horse or ass move by his side.
Beneath the water, men shall walk, Shall ride, shall sleep, shall
even talk.
{Cities with canyons made of skyscrapers. Submarines, the
aqua-lung and SCUBA gear allowing man to work and even live beneath
the sea. Aquatic cities in our future, maybe.}
And in the air men
shall be seen, In white and black and even green. A great man, shall
come and go For prophecy declares it so.
{Modern aircraft. There have been many great men since
Mother Shipton's time. But she points to a great prophet that may be yet to
In water, iron then shall float As easy as a wooden boat.
Gold shall be seen in stream and stone, In land that is yet unknown.
{Ships made of iron and steel and probably a description of America
and its wealth. Certainly an accurate description of California in
the Gold Rush days.}
And England shall admit a Jew, Do you think
this strange? But it is true! The Jew that once was led in scorn,
Shall of a Christian then be born.
{Help in creation of Israel in
1948 by the British and the United Nations.}
A house of glass shall
come to pass, In England. But alas, alas! A war will follow with the work Where dwells the pagan and the Turk.
{Describes the building of a gigantic glass atrium in London called
The Crystal Palace for The Great Exhibition of 1851. It was a huge
iron Goliath with a million feet of glass housing over 13,000
exhibits. It was destroyed by fire November 30, 1936. The rest could
describe any number of British wars or adventures in the Mid and Far
East after that, and the massive expansion of the British Empire
under German Queen Victoria Hapsburg. The Afghan, Indian and Boer
These states will lock in fiercest strife, And seek to take
each other's life. When north shall thus divide the south An eagle
build in lion's mouth Then tax and blood and cruel war Shall come to
every humble door.
{Probably describes a war between the Northern &
Southern countries as above, describing joint US (Eagle) and British
(Lion) forces. It could also allude to the American Civil War.}
Three times shall lovely sunny France Be led to play a bloody dance.
Before the people shall be free Three tyrant rulers shall she see.
{The different French Republics. The
French Revolution under Robespierre, however
Napoleon had two successors, Napoleon II and
Three rulers in succession be Each springs from different
dynasty. Then when the fiercest strife is done.
England and France shall be as one.
{World War II - England & France
as allies}
The British olive shall next then twine, In marriage with
a German vine. Men walk beneath and over streams Fulfilled shall be
their wondrous dreams.
{Queen Victoria and
Prince Albert were German
Hapsburgs, who later changed their name to Windsor, supplanting the
rightful heirs of the House of Stewart. Post Second World War
For in those wondrous far off days, The women shall adopt
a craze To dress like men, and trousers wear And to cut off all
their locks of hair. They'll ride astride with brazen brow, As
witches do on broomsticks now.
{Craze in women to dress like men,
wearing trousers and cutting their hair, adopting various hairstyles
and riding horses, and bikes straddle instead of side-saddle (Nice
description J )}
And roaring monsters with men atop, Does seem to
eat the verdant crop. And men shall fly as birds do now, And give
away the horse and plow.
{Crop harvesting machines & tractors, and
the mass exodus from farms into cities}
They'll be a sign for all to
see Be sure that it will certain be.
Then love shall die and marriage cease And nations wane as babes
{Failure of marriages and divorce. Decrease in population
(in Europe) and wholesale abortion in America. Could be a future
time when birth rates plummet due to radiation, earth changes or
volcanic ash.}
And wives shall fondle cats and dogs And men live
much the same as hogs. {Sounds like a very female point of view here!}
Mother Shipton's next prophecies continue on the outer wrappings of
the scrolls.
I know I go, I know I'm free, I know that this will
come to be, Secreted this, for this will be Found by later dynasty.
{Describes how her prophecies written on scrolls will be discovered
at a later date after her death.}
A dairy maid, a bonnie lass, Shall
kick this tome as she does pass And five generations she shall breed
Before one male child does learn to read.
{For five generations
these scrolls will be held by a family of a girl and then the fifth
generation male child will learn to read and understand them.}
is then held year by year, Till an iron monster trembling fear, Eats
parchment, words and quill and ink, And mankind is given time to
{Nice description of a printing press, which “eats” papers,
“words” and ink. With the burden of manual copying of books removed,
this brings about a new age of learning and enlightenment when man
can devote more time to thinking.}
And only when this comes to be
Will mankind read this prophecy. But one man sweets another's bain
So I shall not have burned in vain.
{After the invention of the printing press her
prophecies will be printed and man will read this.}
Mother Shipton's next set of prophecies are found on a scroll in
another jar.
The signs will be there for all to read; When man shall do most heinous deed Man will ruin kinder lives; By taking them as to their wives. And murder foul and brutal deed: When man will only think of greed. And man shall walk as if asleep; He does not look - he may not peep And iron men the tail shall do; And iron cart and carriage too.
{The greed of modern man}
The king shall false promise make; And talk just for talking's sake. And nations plan horrific war; The like as never seen before. And taxes rise and lively down; And nations wear perpetual frown.
{False promises by politicians,
wars between nations, increase in taxes and perpetual tension among
Yet greater sign there be to see; As man nears latter century. Three sleeping mountains gather breath, And spew out mud, ice and
death. An earthquake swallow town and town; In lands as yet to me unknown. And Christian one fights Christian
two And nations sigh, yet nothing do. And yellow men great power
gain; From a mighty bear with whom they've lain.
{Volcanoes, earthquakes
(in unknown land - America?) destroying town after town, fighting
between nations. Speaks of a Chinese (yellow) - Russian (bear)
alliance against the west. Most of China's current weapons have come
in deals with Russia.}
These mighty tyrants will fail to do, They
fail to split the world in two. But from their acts a danger bred; An ague, leaving many dead.
{Failure of this
Russian/Chinese alliance, indication of war leaving
many dead. The word “Ague” means flu plague or epidemic of disease.}
And physics find no remedy; For this is worse than leprosy. Oh many signs for all to see; The truth of this true prophecy.
{No remedy in science for this
coming plague.}
Mother Shipton's
last prophecy:
In nineteen hundred and twenty-six Build houses light of straw and
sticks. For then shall mighty wars be planned And fire and swords
shall sweep the land.
{Mistimed prophecy for
World War I or WWII? Of
course she may still be correct, as this is the period of time in
which the NEXT great war is being PLANNED. In this same approximate
time-frame, Hitler and Rudolph Hess are in jail together writing
When pictures seem alive with movements free, When
boats like fishes swim beneath the sea. When men like birds shall
scour the sky. Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall
{Television ! Submarines, aircraft and then death through War.}
following are prophecies on our future:
For those who live the century through In fear and trembling this
shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens To bog and forest and
wild fens.
{After the 20th century is over, people will live in fear
and flee to mountains, dens & forests for refuge.}
For storms will
rage and oceans roar When Gabriel stands on sea and shore, And as he
blows his wondrous horn Old worlds die and new be born.
{The Last
Trumpet. The Biblical Revelation. The destruction of this
civilization and creation of a new one - the so called “End Of The
A fiery dragon will cross the sky Six times before the
earth shall die. Mankind will tremble and frightened be For the six
heralds in this prophecy.
{Appearance of a series of six comets and
a probable collision with earth as indicated in the Bible and by Nostradamus. In the last 20 years alone we have seen at least four
spectacular comets or “fiery dragons”: Halley's,
Kahoutek (a bit of
a dud), Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp. But it appears here that she is
referring to a SINGLE OBJECT that grazes the atmosphere before a
collision, like the near asteroid miss we had last week, looping
around us six times over seven days before a collision with Earth.}
For seven days and seven nights Man will watch this awesome sight.
The tides will rise beyond their ken. To bite away the shores and
then The mountains will begin to roar And earthquakes split the
plain to shore.
{After asteroid hits in the oceans, huge tidal waves
will strike followed by awakening of volcanoes and earthquakes.}
flooding waters rushing in, Will flood the lands with such a din
That mankind cowers in muddy fen And snarls about his fellow men.
{Tidal waves and wars continue.}
He bares his teeth and fights and
kills And secrets food in secret hills And ugly in his fear, he lies
To kill marauders, thieves and spies.
{Continuation of wars in spite
of disasters. The storing up of secret food supplies in underground
Man flees in terror from the floods And kills, and rapes and
lies in blood And spilling blood by mankind's hand Will stain and
bitter many lands.
{Continuation of the World War}
And when the
dragon's tail is gone Man forgets and smiles and carries on. To
apply himself - too late, too late For mankind has earned deserved
{War and natural disasters will abate for a brief period of
time after the dragon's tail of a comet or asteroid disappears from
the heavens. Peace will seemingly return but man's fate is already
His masked smile, his false grandeur, Will serve the gods
their anger stir And they will send the dragon back To light the
sky—his tail will crack. Upon the earth and rend the earth And man
shall flee, king, lord and serf.
{When peace has returned and man is
complacent, suddenly an even greater disaster happens. Could this be
symbolic of those who escape “The Pit” at the bottom of
Pyramid in 2005, only to be washed back into it by “The River of
Fire” between 2012 to 2014? Is this the famous 3 Days Of Darkness of
the Judgment day?}
But slowly they are routed out To seek
diminishing water spout And men will die of thirst before The oceans
rise to mount to the shore. And lands will crack and rend anew Do
you think it strange? It will come true!
{More earthquakes, floods
and death.}
And in some far—off distant land Some men—Oh, such a
tiny band Will have to leave their solid mount And span the earth,
those few to count.
{Survivors coming out from their hiding places
underground - the Biblical phrase “dead will come out of their
Who survives this (unreadable) and then Begin the human
race again. But not on land already there, But on ocean beds, stark, dry and
{Survivors start a new civilization, not on lands which are
poisoned due to war and nuclear radiation but on lands rising out of
the sea after the Great Tribulation.}
Not every soul on earth will
die, As the dragon's tail goes sweeping by, Not every land on earth
will sink, But these will wallow in stench and stink, Of rotting
bodies of beast and man, Of vegetation crisped on land.
existing lands will be littered with bodies of humans, animals and
burned vegetation, although all humans will not die during the
“Judgement Day”.}
But the land that rises from the sea Will be dry
and clean and soft and free. Of mankind's dirt and therefore be, The
source of man's new dynasty. And those that live will ever fear The
dragon's tail for many year But time erases memory You think it
strange? But it will be!
{Land rising from the sea will be clean and
free of all these and this is where the new civilizations will be
started. Slowly the memory of the disasters will fade away as time
passes and fear will subside.}
And before the race is built anew, A
silver serpent comes to view And spew out men of like unknown. To
mingle with the earth now grown Cold from its heat and these men can
Enlighten the minds of future man. To intermingle and show them how
To live and love and thus endow The children with the second sight A
natural thing so that they might Grow graceful, humble and when they
do The Golden Age will start anew.
{The arrival of
in their space ships who will enlighten the men starting the new
civilization. Children will be gifted with special (mental) powers
which becomes a naturally occurring phenomenon. Then The Golden Age
of man will begin again.}
The dragon's tail is but a sign For
mankind's fall and man's decline. And before this prophecy is done I
shall be burned at the stake, at One. My body singed and my soul set
free. You think I utter
You're wrong!
These things have
come to me
{Asserts that this
prophecy will come
true even though
people might think
of her prophecy as
So, how do we save the world?
It may now only
be possible to save
the WORLD, but
not our TIME.
Not our current
structure, or society
or civilization. Any
more than it was
possible to save the
countless people
and civilizations that
have lived and died
before ours.
The needless
suffering on this
planet is now so
immeasurable that it
pains the very universe
in a way many of
you who may lack
the focus, intuition,
training or ability to
tune in to the Creator
at Its Source, cannot
you learn the ability
to be centered and
still within yourselves,
and make the water of
the Earth your blood,
the stone your bones,
and the atmosphere
your breath, you can
hear Gaia weep.
It cries out for an
And there will be
an answer. Very soon
Our prophets
knew this time would
come, and wove their
awareness into our holiest texts. We now have split the seal on the
Great Mysteries. The Book of the Seven Thunders is being revealed.
We have stupendous Thinking Machines at our fingertips that have
cracked the very codes of Creation. From within the heart of the
enigma, fragmented words and exact dates spill forth from the Torah,
the Old Testament, the Hindu Vedas, that now seem to be giving us
warnings, cryptic though they may be, for those with the eyes to see
and the ears to hear.
The knowledge is burned within your genes, and
now seeps into the superconscious and haunts the dreams of all of
the people of the Earth.
I have long done what others have asked. What I felt was necessary.
What I thought was right. I have delayed it. Others have delayed it.
Teachers, healers and Masters have taken their students, friends,
family, and followers into the very center of the maelstrom. At the
eye of the hurricane we have used our bodies and focus and power to
act as golden shards of light to quell the tide.
Like sparking
acupuncture needles into the skin of Mother Earth, to adjust and
realign her energy, to force her back into balance so that
catastrophe might be averted and deflected time and time again.
Minute grains of salt can preserve a large quantity of food. Never
underestimate the greatness of the battle by size of the
battlefield. The fate of nations has rested on a few square feet of
But there are powers so much greater than myself, and so
much grander than all of us. Those powers do not see death as you
do. They do not exist in TIME. They have seen the universe die and
be reborn. Again and again.
Even so they mark the passing of a
sparrow with as much reverence as the passing of a world.
All that happens,
happens for a reason
So much of the past year has been focused on politics, economics,
terrorism and holy war, that we seem to forget, or have been
purposely led away from, the realities of the real dangers, both
geologic and astronomic, that lie in wait beneath our feet or above
our heads.
First let us look to the sky and to the past for the wisdom of
Mayans who were obsessed with TIME and the future.
MAYAN CALENDAR As I said before, global
meditations act to absorb, deflect, direct or transmit energy. And
just as a tiny acupuncture needle can be used to alter and heal the
electromagnetic system of the entire body, by bringing energy into
damaged areas, so can prayer direct and focus energy.
Sometimes the
location is important, like knowing the exact place to stick the
needle. But on other occasions, the TIMING is predominant, because
we can then ride, guide, direct and surf a WAVE of preexisting
So it was with the Harmonic Convergence of August 17th, 18th and
19th of 1987 and the Harmonic Concordance on November 8, 2003. Well,
coming up there will be another opportunity to GUIDE and DIRECT a
fabulously powerful vibration of LOVE down into the energy field of
the Earth. The meditations on these occasions will be on the rare
Venus passages in front of the Sun in the years 2004 and
is this? The most important reason is that we may already now know
of their critical importance based on the nature of these
astronomical occurrences and their place according to Mayan calendrics. Because the Mayan calendar, properly understood, is an
expression of the divine plan predictions and based on this calendar
we can make plans to utilize and direct this energy several years
into the future.
The solar eclipse of August 11, 1999 was the last eclipse of that
century, which moved from the Eastern United States, across the
British Isles, through France and Iraq to complete its path in
India. It created a dramatic Great Cross in the stable fixed signs
of the zodiac, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius, all of which are
found in the Book of Revelation, as the Angel (Aquarius), the bull
(Taurus), the lion (Leo) and the eagle (Scorpio).
My wife Melissa
and I traveled to visit relatives in Vienna, Austria, to see the
total eclipse. I wrote at length that the areas where the eclipse
touched would be torn apart by disaster and war, that this would be
the beginning of the “Crucifixion” of humanity, and the “True Cross”
within the hearts of all mankind.
So if we think in terms of what the cross symbolized, it was the way
of pain and death into redemption for all and new life. The Tibetans
call it the ultimate “Tong Len”, or to take in and give out, in
which Christ takes all the sin of the world upon himself, processes,
transmutes and transmogrifies that negative energy through the
meditation of the Violet Fire, and then gives His godly nature, all
that is divine about Himself, back into the world. It is the
ultimate message of Easter and The Passion.
The Great Cross in the sky occurred on
the tzolkin day 4 Ahau. The
Mayan Long Count was began in the year 3114 BC. If we focus on these
coincidences we may be alerted, not only to the increasing relevance
of the Mayan calendar in the years ahead, but also to the Return of
the True Cross.
On January 4, 1999 began the creation cycle of
13 tun, 360-day periods, designed to lead to the completion of
the ascension of humanity to a time-less cosmic consciousness and
currently we are in the beginning of the first of these tuns of
setting seeds for the future (among the Maya the
tun, the 360-day
year, rather than the solar year of 365 days, was the prophetic
year). Seeds are now set in a multitude of ways for what is to
follow in the progression of these thirteen tuns.
A seed is set by some now beginning to use the Mayan calendar as a
map of time for Revelation and another seed is set for the coming
emergence of Christ consciousness, a galactic Christ consciousness,
that will be carried by the True Cross. The two, the Mayan calendar
and the return of Christ consciousness, are related and in a much
more exact way than most people probably realize today.
Not many are
yet aware that the Mayan calendar is a calendar of the divine plan,
something entirely different from an astronomical calendar. The
Return of Christ Consciousness, that is to say the Apocalypse, is
intimately linked to the Return of the True Cross.
But the True
Cross is not a cross of planets or any other physical, astronomical,
objects, but a cross that will dominate not only our own individual
minds, but also the entire planet and the galaxy. It is a cross that
exclusively exists in the invisible universe but yet will completely
dominate the course of events in our earthly reality. This is a
cross of Yin/Yang dualities that will provide us with an entirely
new framework for viewing the world around us.
Although non-physical
by nature it will be visible to some as an inner cross or as a cross
in the sky, the Star of Bethlehem. This Holy True Cross will
increasingly make its presence known at tuns 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and
13 of the Galactic Creation Cycle that has just began. Since the
tuns with these particular numbers represents the periods of the
greatest moves forward in a spiritual sense, the pulses of light,
the days in the divine creation scenario of Seven days and Six
nights, which will now begin to alternate every 360 normal days.
In the past during days 1, 3 and 5 (corresponding approximately to
the years 1999, 2001 and 2003) our materialist consciousness
continued to dominate over the True Invisible Cross, whereas during
days 9, 11 and 13 the roles will become reversed, with the most
important breakthrough of the new galactic Christ consciousness
taking place in day 9, corresponding approximately to the
year 2007.
In day 7 (the year 2005) the True Cross reaches a balance with our
current materialist consciousness. The map of time thus created is
given by the Mayan calendar through the ancient tzolkin count
developed through an advanced resonance with the cosmos. In my view,
what the Great Cross during the solar eclipse in the first of these
Seven tuns of light heralds is the Invisible True Cross that this
divine scenario of creation carries. The incarnation of this True
Cross among human beings is what will give rise to the new
consciousness of Christ.
The new reversed Yin/Yang polarity is what
will give rise to a new way of viewing the world and relating to it.
In this emerging Yin/Yang duality the East and the West will switch
places, so that the light will now fall on the Eastern, wholeness directed, hemisphere. On an individual level the divine
light will favor the right, female, brain half and the qualities
associated with this, in women and men alike.
In all of my Spiritual
Remote Viewing seminars I first teach the differences between the
right and left hemispheres of the brain. That we are two brained,
bi-cameral beings. In fact the real mystery is how we evolved an
organ that we don't know how to work and that we only use ten
percent of. The left hemisphere, which is cross-wired to control the
right side of the body, can be related to the “Western Mind”, in
that it only exists in a realm that it BELIEVES is reality. It is
dominant, masculine and aggressive.
A four-dimensional world of
height, width, breadth and time.
All it is good for is measuring
things in a straightforward, linear fashion of what it thinks is
time. It uses the five senses of the body to gather information (how
far, how high, what color, taste and smell) and then uses that
information to make judgments of good or bad. First theory, then
antithesis and finally synthesis. In Western science we only know
the universe around us through what our machines tell us, and the
better the machines get, the more of the universe we see. It is all
geometry and mathematics.
The right side of the brain, controlling
the left side of the body, is passive, feminine and submissive. It
relates to the “Eastern Mind” of thought, meditation and experience.
It has no conception of math, it can't add 2+2, does not even
understand up, down, right or left. It is designed for outer space.
This side of the brain thinks in terms of pictures, symbols,
archetypes, color, emotions and music. It is believed that the
superior anterior (right, back) section of the brain is where
psychic power and intuition exists, because this part of the brain
functions in a quantum reality where there is no linear time.
past, present and future are all the same to it. It can sense when
certain events are going to occur, and then tries to communicate
that information to the “Conscious” side of the brain through dreams
(symbols, archetypes, pictures) when it is asleep and its guard is
It is this part of the brain that we have now managed to tap
into so successfully with
Remote Viewing techniques, and especially
with my system which is a combination of Western science and Eastern
meditation and exercises.
This new Yin/Yang polarity maintained by the True Cross will amount
to a new morality that bases itself on a larger perspective. What
effects our actions may have on the larger whole, as this is the
perspective of the right brain half that is now to be favored. This
emerging holistic morality, and the actions and ways of being that
will stem from it is none other than the Returning Consciousness of
Christ, and this returning consciousness will then be incarnated in
any human being who chooses to let this happen. Maybe this is the
true Resurrection as well.
If we choose to become carriers of this new Christ consciousness
what can we do to make this happen? We may of course continue along
old lines and just practice the morality that we may have
intellectually assimilated from the Gospels, but since this would
not necessarily lead to an immersion of the new ways of thinking by
our entire being it may falter as we encounter obstacles.
way would seem to be to seek, through meditation, to put ourselves
in resonance with the new Yin/Yang duality and then as a result,
become incarnations of the new consciousness in a complete sense of
the word.
It is also what the Age of Aquarius is all about. We are now
officially standing on the threshold, with one foot in and one foot
out. The Grand Man walks across the Milky Way, and tips the great
cistern filled with consciousness and bathes us. The WATER is
symbolic of this.
Even the symbol for Aquarius is squiggly lines of
electromagnetic force. And of course the consciousness is that of
ONENESS with all beings, selflessness and COMMUNITY and FAMILY
coming first. This is where the Venus passages come in, and
especially the first one occurring during seven hours on June 8,
Venus is the female planet of Love and Mars is the masculine planet
of War and Hate. We are of course smack dab between them. Is it any
wonder that these are the two most powerful forces on Earth? Love
and War? During the Venus passage the planet will pass across the
disk of the sun and create an eclipse, and by its very nature it
provides an ideal Cosmic Mirror. A Cosmic Mirror, held up for us by
Venus herself, for our own aspirations of developing a consciousness
of Christ. While prayer is all about TALKING to God, meditation is
all about LISTENING to God.
This is a meditative event and about listening to the new message,
the new imprint of the Cross, and to God's guidance for developing a
consciousness of Christ.
The Venus passage of June 8, 2004,
occurring shortly before the True Cross will become powerful enough
to balance our present materialist consciousness, will thus by its
very astronomical nature allow meditators to effectively assimilate
the True Cross in their consciousness, the new Yin/Yang duality
favoring a wholeness-oriented creativity and morality, favoring the
consciousness of Christ.
To alert people to this unique opportunity to have the consciousness
of Christ incarnate among us human beings is thus a crucial task of
the present. We may do this by disseminating information about the
importance of the meditation of June 8, 2004, but we may also do
this by organizing yearly meditations on June 6 (which is the date
of the second in this pair of Venus Passages occurring in the year
The reward for this will be purely spiritual and lies in the
joy of having contributed to the emergence of a new human being, a
human being who looks for the best of all and to serve the planet
and God's creation in its entirety.
There is a story in the Talmud about a king who became very angry at
his son.
The king ordered that his son be crushed under a huge
stone. But the prince appeared before his father, admitted his
mistake and repented before the kingdom. He wept at the king's feet
begging forgiveness, swearing that he had learned his lesson. The
people were also moved and a great roar went up that he should not
be put to death. This softened the king's heart and he took pity on
his son. But his word was law which he could not go back on. He had
already made his pronouncement and he could not be forsworn.
But then he had an idea. He had the stone that was to crush the
prince broken and smashed into pebbles. He ordered his subjects to
hit the prince with the pebbles, so his order would be carried out
and the prince's life would be spared. So it is with what is yet to
come. There are a number of asteroids headed towards us that have
our number. Some of them are already in a convoluted orbit around
Earth, and the symbology of
Mother Shipton could not be more
We would no doubt
have to sit powerless
as one of these great
rocks, looking like a
“Fiery Dragon” grazed
the upper atmosphere
coming closer and closer
with each pass before it
finally struck us.
In the Delphi
Associates Newsletter
article called
2002, Issue 91) we spoke
of the Golden Age for all
humanity beginning “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”
February 24th, 1987 the light from a supernova which exploded
160,000 years ago in the satellite galaxy of our Milky Way known as
the Large Magellanic Cloud, became visible from Earth. A
is basically an exploding super-hot star, usually a “Red Giant”. But
in this case it was a gigantic BLUE STAR, much older, hotter and far
more powerful.
This super-giant BLUE STAR, inside what is called
the Tarantula
Nebula, exploded and then imploded into a very dense neutron star
called a PULSAR. When stars become pulsars, it radiates energy at
precise intervals.
The star either pulses like a heart or SPINS,
with the radiation coming out only one side like a fantastically
huge light house keeping ships off the cosmic rocks. This supernova,
which made the front covers of every science magazine and newspaper
at the time, was named SN (Supernova) 1987-A.
It went on to exhibit
such unusual traits that it is currently under intense scrutiny by
the world astronomical and scientific community.
The US, Japan and
Russia recorded bursts of neutrinos in deep underground sensors at
the same time the supernova was observed. Neutrinos
are massless
neutral particles that travel at the speed of light.
Our Earth was
bathed, in fact saturated, down to its very core in this energy,
affecting every man, woman and child and every part of the
ecological food chain.
Since we rarely observe a supernova, and this one seemed to fit in
with the
Hopi prophecies of a BLUE STAR which would be seen before
the beginning of the great changes, Bible Code researcher Joseph
Noah searched the code to see if this radiation had some impact on
our body frequency.
He ran (SUBJECT: HUMAN/LIFE) and found in
Numbers 34:14 to 35: 20, revealed that the human life span is
increased by the Blue Nova Cosmic Ray in the coming Golden Age.
follow up Bible Code search:
“A cosmic ray from the Blue Star Nova explosion of
1987 is beginning a new race in 2011.”
How could a ray from the 1987
supernova initiate a new RACE 24 years later?
Remember that this
energy began to bathe us all only SIX MONTHS before the celebration
of the Mayan Harmonic Convergence in August 1987, and only 27 months
after the prediction in the sacred geometric timecoding of the
Pyramid of Giza which states that on November 30, 1985:
“Powerful spiritual influences will begin to IRRADIATE THE
ENLIGHTENED bringing them closer to spiritual and material
(physical) PERFECTION.”
In fact, according to the
Great Pyramid, it
is the “Coming to Earth” or physical manifestation of the Christ
Force that began to irradiate the Earth in November 1933.
But the bursts from the Blue Star Nova
(SN 1987-A) are coming in waves every
seven years, and are getting exponentially
more powerful each time they hit us.
There is no more
powerful symbology of the sign of Aquarius
than this. The Great
Man pouring out the
energy of the stars and
cosmic consciousness
is in fact HAPPENING,
LITERALLY, right before
our very eyes. Even on
the LEAP DAY, as we
are to LEAP forward
in our expansion and
The Bible Code
G O D / 2 0 0 8 / G I V E N /
P R O S P E C T / F I N A L /
“February 29,
2008 is the final prospect to be given God's Mark of Salvation.”
It is my theory that this same energy
bombarding us, energizing our endocrine systems and pouring BLUE
LIGHT into our pineal gland, amping up the hippocampus allowing
faster and more accurate transmission from one side of the brain to
the other, is also causing a great disturbance in our solar system
which may bring about our destruction.
In 1994 in
incarnation speaking from about 100 years from now, said that a
large asteroid would strike the earth sometime in the year 2027-2028
AD that would lead to the last seven year phase of destruction.
To quote from August 17, 1994:
“In our calendar it would be 7 years B.I. (Before
Immanuella) which
would be from our year ZERO back 7 or 8 years to [about] your year
2027 AD.”
NASA made it official with an announcement in 1998 that there was in
fact an asteroid on a collision course, scheduled to hit on October
28, 2028.
This made international news, only to be denied later as a
A small near-Earth asteroid (NEA), discovered March 15th by the
NASA-funded LINEAR asteroid survey, made the closest approach to
Earth ever recorded.

The object, designated
2004 FH, is
roughly 30 meters (100 feet) in diameter
and passed just
43,000 km (26,500
miles, or about 3.4
Earth diameters)
above the Earth's
surface on March
18th at 5:08 PM
EST (2:08 PM PST,
22:08 UTC).
On average,
objects about the
size of 2004 FH pass
within this distance
roughly once every two years, but most of these small objects pass
by undetected.
This particular close approach
is unusual only in the sense
that scientists know about
it. The fact that an object as
small as asteroid 2004 FH has been discovered now is mostly a matter
of perseverance by the LINEAR team, which is funded by
search for larger kilometer-sized NEAs, but also routinely detect
much smaller objects.
Asteroid 2004 FH's point of closest approach
with the Earth was over the South Atlantic Ocean. Using a good pair
of binoculars, the object was bright enough to be seen during this
close approach from areas of Europe, Asia and most of the Southern
Scientists were excited by the flyby as it provided them an
unprecedented opportunity to study a small NEA asteroid up close.
This is good news and bad news. The good news is that through the
LINEAR asteroid survey, NASA and government agencies are spending
more time, money and resources now taking the asteroid threat
seriously. They KNOW there are a swarm of these things headed our
way, and a great deal of information on this subject is being kept
from the public.
And what DOES leak out is later feverishly denied.
Forewarned is forearmed, and the more we know about where these
things are, gives us more time to do something about it.
The bad news is that an asteroid came within 26,500 miles of us, and
we only saw it five days before it flew past us.
Prophecy, and
especially the Bible Code, is filled with predictions of numerous
asteroid strikes from now all the way through 2027 to 2030 AD, which
have been documented by NASA and proving my predictions.

I believe the 7 year Blue Star supernova pulse is responsible for a
huge disturbance in the Oort cloud outside our solar system.
This has
sent a swarm of asteroids our way. Also that an asteroid strike on
Mars in 1998, blew it's moon Phobos out of orbit, and that it is now
erratically circling Earth, and may be The Wormwood star of
Revelation. In Revelation, the prophet John is shown the contents of
seven bowls that are cast down upon the earth.
Their contents
represent the holocausts that break out during the later days of the
Tribulation from 2005 to 2012 AD, with the worst of the world armed
struggle being from 2010 to 2012. It may have to take natural
disasters of gigantic proportions to stop us from being completely
destroyed by World War III.
Revelation describes stars falling from
the sky and the moon becoming red as blood and the sun becoming like
the sackcloth of ashes. Joseph Noah checked the Bible Code for this
possibility and ran the slid:
Noah then ran:
(SUBJECT: ASTEROID/ WORLD) found in Genesis 20:2 to
21:2, that reveals the prospect that seven asteroids strike the
world from 2010 to 2012.
(SUBJECT: POLE/SHIFT) reveals the first shift
is five degrees rotary measure southwest and that the third and
final shift comes in
2012. But the question is WHERE will these
asteroids strike?
find that a single asteroid breaks into three pieces and hits Utah,
Nevada and California.
Nine more pieces hit
the rest of the world
destroying most of
China, Russia and
the Middle East.
Remember the story
of the King and
his son? The more
godly we become,
the more mercy and
grace we deserve,
and the smaller the
pieces may be.
I have SEEN the technology
available to the military and the
secret government
Black Ops
programs at
AREA 51 with my
own eyes! I have seen everything
from a gigantic space shuttle
over 1200 feet long, to antigravity
disks that defy the laws
of physics. I just find it hard
to believe that people in control of this super advanced technology
would allow the previous scenario to happen.
With an antigravity
beam or device, you could alter the course of any object, no matter
how large. I mean they may be evil men with plans to enslave us all,
but even a slave master will fight to save his plantation. Even as
slaves and collateral I would think we would have SOME value. So as
dire as this scenario may be, it is still more likely that someone
will step in to stop it.
Here in North America there are four great threats that have lain
dormant for many, many years:
The Yellowstone Caldera
The New Madrid Fault
The San Andreas Fault
But as the
old Chinese proverb goes, when you build your house next to a
dragon, it should not matter that the dragon is sleeping.
he is going to wake up. And these snoozing dragons are about to
awaken with a major attitude....