Lloyd Pye
December 17, 2003
Christmas and New Year's greetings to all, wishing you and yours the very
2003 has, without question, been the best year yet for the
Project. After four years of struggle, we finally received the necessary
help from England and private contributions to get the skull's DNA tested by
a topnotch ancient DNA laboratory. There were some ups and downs in that
process, but ultimately we learned that we are on a solid track to prove
beyond doubt that this amazing relic does indeed come from a once-living
being who was not entirely human.
Boiled down tightly, the year's highlights were these:
(1) To test the
DNA of normal human bone, it is put in a chemical bath that
reduces it to its constituent elements in a few days. Nine months later a
small part of the Starchild bone has not and will not dissolve in that
chemical bath. This is, obviously, indicative of something highly unusual
about at least that part of it.
(2) When the bone was treated like stone rather than bone, it was analyzed
and its mitochondrial DNA was recovered. This is the DNA that resides
outside the nucleus and passes down from females exclusively. The Starchild's mtDNA was that of a typical Amerindian female, which fits well
with our theory that the Starchild was one of the legendary "Starchildren"
created by impregnating native women with the seed of Star Beings, however
that improbable seeding might have been arranged (naturally or by external,
in vitro means).
(3) The critical test was for nuclear DNA, which analyzes the chromosomes
and tells about both parents. If the Starchild did indeed have an "alien"
father, this is where it would show up. However, the geneticists found that
the primers they currently have to use are not yet sophisticated enough to "grab"
the Starchild's nuclear DNA for replication and sequencing. They are
confident that in another year or two the primers will be sufficiently
advanced to do this task, at which time we should find out for sure exactly
what the Starchild is or isn't.
(4) While we wait for the advanced
primers to come online, other compelling
tests are available for analyzing the bone and its chemistry. We should
definitely try to determine why it won't dissolve in chemicals that quickly
and thoroughly reduce normal human bone, and why it seems to be much harder
than normal even though it is half as thick and weighs only half as much.
Obviously, something is very aberrant in such bone.
(5) If the bone chemistry should come back highly anomalous, or even
moderately anomalous, it would make the wait for the primers a heck of a lot
easier for everyone who follows this case closely. Also, it would focus the
kind of attention on the Project that we've been unable to secure up to this
point. It NEEDS to be done!
Given the above five points, where are we now? Basically, at a crossroads.
We can (1) continue the struggle and move forward with the testing of the
bone chemistry; or (2) do what we're doing now, waiting for the time to pass
until the DNA primers become developed enough to do what needs to be done
with the nuclear DNA.
This is exactly where we were, in fact, in September, at the time of the
last update, when I made the same plea for continued support to get the bone
chemistry analyzed. However, at that time I was still weighing options and
had not settled on a definite plan of action, so I was unable to be specific
in outlining what I wanted to do and what I required to do it. Now I'm clear
on what seems the best course of action for us and what needs to be done to
accomplish our goals.
It goes as follows:
I need to go to Japan to get the bone chemistry analyzed. Recently I asked
Marie Ueda, whom many of you know from her regular attendance at
conferences, to take some time during a recent visit to Japan to determine
the situation over there regarding interest in the Starchild. She tells me
there is indeed interest in it among the Japanese UFO community, and that I
should go and make personal contact with them. If I do that, she assures me,
I would be able to make my way around the country with their guidance and
support, thereby greatly reducing the language difficulties I always assumed
would prove fatal if "English-Only" Lloyd went. With her advice in mind, I
am now prepared to go and do it myself rather than foist it off on someone
To the best of my knowledge, the top lab in the world for what we need done
is the Kureha Special Laboratory in Iwaki,
Fukushima Prefecture. That's
about 200 kilometers northeast of Tokyo. What I need to determine is whether
or not we can trust the results of any analysis we get from them. This was
no different during the long struggle to find the proper DNA lab. Just
because a lab exists, that doesn't mean we can trust any result they give us.
If one person working on the analysis has a private agenda that is strongly
antithetical to what we're trying to accomplish, we're toast. Such tests are
too easy to sabotage. We might as well not even try it.
If you, the regular readers of these updates, collectively decide to support
this effort, I will go to Japan to secure the backing of leaders of the
Japanese UFO community. Then I will go to the Kureha Lab and meet with the
people in charge. I will explain our special needs regarding the Starchild
and determine if they can give us the level of wholehearted support we know
is required. If we can all get on the same page, we will strike a deal and
they will tell me how much bone (and money!) they need to do the tests we
require. I will then return to the States, go to where the skull
is being
kept under close watch, supervise the removal of the proper amount of bone,
get that bone safely and securely to the lab, and the tests will be
If you care to inform yourself about the Kureha Special Lab to see what
they're about and what services they offer, go to
If you don't want to go to that much trouble, here it is in a nutshell:
preparation of bone and tissue samples
(2) measurement of bone mineral
(3) measurement of bone density
(4) measurement of bone
strength [very important to us!]
(5) bone morphological analysis
(6) bone histomorphometrical analysis
These tests won't be quite as definitive as
the nuclear DNA test we have to wait for, but collectively they could
produce results that would put the Starchild on the world map as THE relic
with the strongest chance of proving itself to be of other than Earthly
origin. In my opinion, that makes the trip to and through Japan more than
worth the difficulty and cost. But it's up to you.
Another hot iron in the Starchild fire is a major article I've written for a
new magazine called "Phenomena" --(view the cover at
www.phenomenamagazine.com) -- which will be on newsstands in the U.S. (all
Barnes & Nobles) and Britain (Watkins Books and
WH Smiths) in mid-January.
In that article I sum up where things stand now after five years of laboring
to get the Starchild recognized by mainstream science, and to get it
analyzed such that no one can successfully argue with the results, whatever
those results might be. If anyone reading this wants or needs to see the
article before making a contribution to the Project, please
contact me
and I'll send you its text via email. Otherwise, be on the lookout for it in
January -- "Phenomena." It's a good article in a good magazine, as is my
other favorite, "Nexus", also topnotch. (For those
with any interest, the "Nexus" website provides access to my three major
articles on the
Intervention Theory of origins, of both life and humans.)
On another front, let me mention the excellent series of UFO documentaries
the Sci-Fi channel has completed to analyze the famous UFO
sightings/landings at Roswell, Kecksburg, and most recently, Rendelsham
Forest. All three have been hosted by Bryant Gumbel, a New Orleanian from
way back. If anyone reading this knows how to get in touch with Bryant or
with any of the producers of the Sci-Fi show, please let them know about the
Starchild Project and direct them to the website,
Who knows? Maybe they'll decide to do a show about the skull. I realize
Hollywood's wheels grind with glacial slowness, but they have to start
grinding somewhere. Any help any of you can give us in this regard will be
greatly appreciated.
This is the time of year when certain fortunate people find they have a need
to donate money to any of various tax-exempt causes or funds in order to
drop themselves into a lower tax bracket. If you or anyone you know with an
interest in what we're doing is in that position, please be aware that a
significant contribution to the Starchild Fund can easily be routed through
the tax-exempt portion of the
Truthseeker Foundation in San Diego. The
Truthseekers have been extremely generous and helpful with our efforts to
get this challenging work completed, and they will provide all the
documentation necessary to qualify a donation as tax-exempt.
Testing of the bone chemistry is a group decision you all will have to make,
but make individually. The famous British scientist
Rupert Sheldrake
believes in something he calls a "morphic field," in which living things far
removed from each other somehow tap into a kind of omnipresent "feeling"
that guides many of their actions. Monkeys on one island learn how to wash
certain types of food before eating it, and soon monkeys on a distant island
with no possible means of contact begin to wash the same food, too. THAT is
the result of a morphic field at work. I hope and assume the same will apply
in our situation.
When I announced in a previous update that the nuclear DNA analysis wouldn't
happen for another year or two, contributions to the Starchild
Fund dried up
virtually overnight. The morphic field spoke and I listened. I went back to
work doing my own research in preparation for writing my next book,
which--by the way--I intend to have completed in 2004. Now I'm asking that
morphic field to speak again.
My best guesstimate is that I'll have to spend anywhere from one week to two
weeks in Japan doing what needs to be done. Given the high prices of
everything in Japan relative to the US or Britain, two weeks there could go
as high as $5,000 counting the flight to and from New Orleans. Strictly a
ballpark figure. And that's not counting the testing costs, which I won't
know until we determine what we need versus what we want. This is nowhere
near as serious as the money needed to do the DNA testing, but it
nonetheless has to manifest from somewhere, somehow, at a time of year that
is the worst possible season to ask for such donations.
It's your call, folks. I don't know how else to say it. In the past I've
been criticized for being too low-key and matter-of-fact in these updates by
not stressing the importance of the things I describe. Okay, let me try to
that's clear enough.
I stand ready to go and do the work if you want me to. However, if
collectively you all decide not to support this effort, if the morphic field
stays silent, I'll remain stateside and wait along with the rest of you
until another year or two grinds past. On the other hand, if the response is
positive and strong, I'll go to Japan in the latter half of February. That
should give me enough time to do all the advance planning such a complicated
trip requires.
As always, if you decide to contribute you can use PayPal if you have access
to it, or make checks (in dollars, please, if overseas) to The Starchild
Fund and send them to:
Lloyd Pye
The Starchild Fund 6805 Veterans Blvd. # L-3 Metairie, LA 70003 USA
However it goes, I want to thank you all for being such staunch supporters
of this fascinating effort to solve what I honestly feel is the most
important scientific mystery in the world today. You are among the few who
know enough about it to even quibble with my opinion, but I'm sure we can
all agree this enigma NEEDS to be, and MUST be, investigated as thoroughly
as possible until it is resolved, finally, once and for all.
Thanks for listening, and have a GREAT New Year!!!!