Excerpt from "Virtual Government" by Alex Constantine from MindControlForums Website
joined the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, was a director of Eastern
Airlines and a trustee of Air Affairs, a quarterly international
journal. Laurance and his brother Winthrop mustered the
Air Youth of America, an aviation training program.
In the 1950s, he served on a panel that released a report penned by Henry Kissinger, International Security - The Military Aspect, calling for successive escalations in defense spending of $3 billion per year to 1965.
In 1973 he was named a director
of Reader's Digest, a fount of CIA cold war black propaganda. (To
indulge in a bit of necessary guilt by association, Melvin Laird,
a Digest officer, is also a director of SAIC, the "remote viewing"
sponsor.) Rockefeller is a trustee of M.I.T., a director of the Alfred
P. Sloan Foundation, Olin Mathieson, etc., etc.
A priority was placed on making the saucers faster, leading to experimentation with a number of rocket propulsion systems. Wind tunnel tests demonstrated the disks could easily slip through the sound barrier when the friction layer was drawn through a multitude of pinholes punched in the hull.
Normally, the layer of air that builds along an aircraft's surface slows it down.
The air pulling on the craft,
otherwise known as the buoyant layer, was eliminated in the saucer
design with suction along the entire surface of the vehicle, in place of
the conventional jet design. The pinholes sucked away the buoyant layer
and pumped the air through a thruster, like an ordinary jet.
author doesn't mention a visit to the British Air Force saucer section,
but if developments were shared with anyone, it was Laurance
Rockefeller, the most influential military aerospace scion in the
The most imposing is McDonnell-Douglas, founded in 1930 by a prodigy of aircraft design, James S. McDonnell of St. Louis.
McDonnell shares with
Laurance Rockefeller the taint of war profiteering. Periodic postwar
investigations of his aircraft company by the General Accounting Office
have exposed a deep, chronically overfunded well of fraud. In 1967 the
company merged with Douglas Aircraft, the primary subcontractor of
Western Electric, a subsidiary of AT&T.
He was a principal donor to the famed J.B. Rhine psychic research center at Duke University, a forerunner of Psi-Tech, and supported psychic experimentation at Washington University in St. Louis. Professor Rhine and his wife Louisa joined the faculty of Duke University in 1927 to explore the paranormal with Dr. William McDougall, chairman of the psychology department.
In a few years, according to Parapsychological Institute literature,
Among the key early supporters of the Rhine ESP center was Medtronics, a medical technology firm in Minneapolis. The connection is chilling in the context of forced human experimentation.
Bear in mind the horrors of the surgical table described by abductees, circled by "alien" doctors, when paging through the Medtronics catalog:
Another financial supporter
of the Rhine center was insurance magnate W. Clement Stone, whose
name was the very first on Richard Nixon's list of presidential
campaign contributors.