by Bernard Haisch
UfoSkeptic Website
"The U.S. government secretly hired
hundreds of private companies during the 1940s and '50s to
process huge volumes of nuclear weapons material, leaving a
legacy of poisoned workers and contaminated communities that
lingers to this day. From mom-and-pop machine shops to big-name
chemical firms, private manufacturing facilities across the
nation were quietly converted to the risky business of handling
tons of uranium, thorium, polonium, beryllium and other
radioactive and toxic substances. Few of the contractors were
prepared for the hazards of their government-sponsored missions.
Thousands of workers were exposed to dangerous levels of
radiation, often hundreds of times stronger than the limits
of the time. Dozens of communities were contaminated, their air,
ground and water fouled by toxic and radioactive waste. The
risks were kept hidden. In some cases, they have remained so."
So began a lengthy expose revealing a
major government secret that involved thousands of
individuals. It was published in USA Today on September 6,
2000. The truth had been successfully kept secret for 50 years. If
the reality of the UFO phenomenon were known within one or
more deep black special access programs, why might it too be kept a
secret from the public? This question was posed to a well placed,
highly educated, former intelligence officer who at several points
in his long career with one of the agencies had been briefed and
asked to assist in evaluation of certain UFO material.
I obtained his reply through an intermediary.
"The elite involved in
the black programs are among the smartest people
on the planet, but even so remain deeply puzzled by much of what
they've learned. They tend to regard the public with disdain,
like undisciplined and unruly children incapable of handling
information of extraordinary complexity. While officially
supporting democracy, the black program elite
in reality espouse a kind of benevolent dictatorship or
enlightened oligarchy by those, such as themselves, who have
earned the right to know and to make decisions in the best
interest of civilization, to which the ordinary person,
being lazy and easily distracted, is not motivated or qualified
to contribute anyway. The average American cares more about the
Super Bowl than about life elsewhere in the
Universe. The intellectual mentors of those with
clout and power are Plato and Machiavelli, not
Aristotle and Jefferson. Over the past 50 years, the
highest courts have accepted and upheld the precedence of
national security over the First and Fourth Amendments.
So even if the public wanted to know, that would not constitute
a legal need or right to know. The elite are doing their
patriotic duty by trying to control the situation within the
established rules of national security."
My impression is that, if the above is
true, there may be more involved than simply the knowledge that
intelligent beings exist on other planets, and that some
are able to come here to observe us. I think that at this point in
our development, most of the world's cultures could accept such
information without catastrophic societal consequences. I conjecture
that what is at stake has to do with the possibility that reality
may be far more complex than our modern scientific notions of space
and time and matter. Mystics might be quite happy with
other levels of reality, but for civilization built around
commerce and technology entirely grounded in physical
reality, news of other realms that intelligences beyond our own may
be adept at manipulating could be quite disruptive. Too great a
shock to our collective reality could lead to chaos, and this
justifiable fear could be a rationale for decades-long secrecy. On
the other hand, the facts, whatever they prove to be, will have
to come out sooner or later, and the global problems facing
humanity and the ecology of our planet argue -- in my view -- for
access to whatever new knowledge there might be for us to use.
Perhaps "disclosure" did once pose an unacceptable risk, but
there are good reasons to think that the opposite is true
today. Moreover the current administration would appear to
offer an especially friendly environment for any disclosure coming
from the military and/or intelligence agencies.
While some of the individuals read in on deep black programs
may be among the smartest on the planet, so are many scientists. (I
do have a bit of a prejudice here.) If deep puzzles exist, why are
the vast capabilities and talents of the mainstream scientific
community not brought to bear on them? The problem, I believe, is
that the view of reality of modern science is extraordinarily
blinkered. In my 12-year tenure as editor of the Journal of
Scientific Exploration, I was often dismayed at the
unwillingness, sometimes amazingly hostile unwillingness, of
mainstream scientists to consider what seemed to me credible
observations of psychic functioning, or the ability of mind to
control matter under certain circumstances, or evidence that we are
beings of transcendent consciousness incarnating into physical
bodies, not merely short-lived products of biochemistry. I have the
impression that we may be confronting intelligent
consciousnesses with vastly more developed abilities to
control and shape physical reality. Modern science has painted
itself into such a materialist reductionist corner that it
could not, at present, deal with that. Having set itself in such
opposition to what it disparagingly labels "the supernatural"
it would have a very hard time coming to grips with a reality in
which the natural and the supernatural are just the red and the
violet ends of a vastly rich spectrum of creative potential for
consciousness to use (see
The Metaphysical Interpretation).
In conclusion though, I must add the disclaimer that perhaps I am
over extrapolating from the things I have heard, or that seem
plausible to me. I am accurately reporting what I know, but I cannot
guarantee that I have not been misled -- accidentally or
deliberately -- or perhaps have fooled myself.
See also
On Materialism as Science Dogma
by Prof. Neal Grossman.
(There is a
strong hint of a much richer potential reality in the mathematical
ideas of Goedel and Turing -- two of the most
influential mathematicians of the 20th century -- and,
most recently, in the discovery of the infinitely long, utterly
incalculable number called Omega by theoretician
Gregory Chaitin who took up
over 20 years ago where Turing had left off -- see also the
New Scientist article
The Omega Man, by science
writer Marcus Chown. As Chown puts it:
has shown that there are an infinite number of mathematical
facts but, for the most part, they are unrelated to each other
and impossible to tie together with unifying theorems."
In other words,
mathematically, there is no single, preferred set of fundamental
truths. The mathematics that describes our reality is just one
archipelago of self consistent postulates and theorems in a
limitless ocean with infinite islands bearing no relationship to
ours. Since physics is described by mathematics, this may imply that
what we perceive with microscopes and telescopes and particle
accelerators as ordinary physical reality is also but one tiny
subset of an infinitely greater reality. Alternate realities
created by other consciousnesses could be equally real yet
radically different from ours.)