Hello, I’m speaking with you from
Fort Monroe, Virginia. We’re also known as The Gateway to
We sit right next to a little town called Phoebus, Virginia.
Interestingly, they call themselves The Gateway to the New
Phoebus sits inside of Hampton, Virginia whose motto is First
from the Sea, First to the Stars.
My name is Henry McElroy, Jr. a retiring, former State
Representative from New Hampshire. Thank you for your attention
to this brief message concerning the world’s interaction with
both earth-based, and off-world astronauts.
The reason I am making this announcement is in the hopes of
encouraging better perspective to all who explore the universe.
Therefore, as a result, making a more valuable contribution to
humanity, for the benefit of all faiths, all races and all
Another reason I am here today is because I believe in the
foundational wisdom of our nation, which was laid down by our
founding fathers and because we know that highly advanced
knowledge and information can assist human beings in solving
various problems both in current times, and in our future.
When I was in the New Hampshire State Legislature, I served on
the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee. It
was, apparently, important that as a Representative of the
Sovereign People who had elected me to this Honorable Office,
that I be updated on a large number of topics related to the
affairs of our People, and our Nation.
As I understood it, some of those
ongoing topics had been examined and categorized as Federal,
State, Local development, and security matters. These documents
related to various topics some of which spanned decades of our
nation’s history. One of those recurring topics is the reason I
am addressing you this evening.
I would like to submit to our nation my personal testimony of
one document related to one of these ongoing topics which I saw
while in office, serving on the State Federal Relations and
Veterans Affairs Committee.
The document I saw was an official brief to President
To the best of my memory this brief was pervaded
with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of
the continued presence of
extraterrestrial beings here in the
United States of America.
The brief seemed to indicate that
a meeting between the
President and some of these visitors could be arranged as
appropriate if desired.
The tone of the brief indicated to me that there was no need for
concern, since these visitors were in no way, causing any harm,
or had any intentions, whatsoever, of causing any disruption
then, or in the future.
While I can’t verify the times or places or that any meeting or
meetings occurred directly between Eisenhower and these visitors
- because of his optimism in
his farewell address in 1961, I
personally believe that Eisenhower did, indeed, meet with these
extraterrestrial, off world astronauts.
I hope my personal testimony will aid the nation in its quest
for continued enlightenment.
I am honored to follow in the
footsteps of those who have come forward with their personal
testimonies - those who deserve the admiration of the American
people for sharing their accounts publicly, in an effort to
elevate our knowledge to a higher understanding of our
People such as:
Former Astronauts
John Glenn
Edgar Mitchell
Gordon Cooper
Buzz Aldrin
Former Presidents
Ronald Reagan
Jimmy Carter
Captain Bill Uhouse of the
United States Marine Corps
Lt. Col John Williams of the
United States Air Force
Co Phillip Corso Sr. of the
United States Army
Commander Graham Bethune of the
United States Navy
Along with:
I would also like to thank the
countries of:
…for also opening their files to the
citizens of their countries, and allowing them access to
information that is so very important to the evolution of
I thank you for allowing me this opportunity to have a small
part in doing the same, by sharing the information I have given
you today.
Thank you very much and I’d like to thank our communications
crew for helping us make this happen today.
And, I’d also like to authorize distribution of this video for
anyone who wants to use it for educational purposes.
Thank you.
“I like to
believe that people in the long run are going to
do more to promote peace than our governments.
Indeed, I think that people want peace so much
that one of these days governments had better
get out of the way and let them have it.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower