SiriusUFO Website
A meteor
that entered into the atmosphere and that would possibly
wreak havoc on earth was broken into pieces and rendered
ineffective by a UFO before it hit.
Extraordinary development about the case of unidentified
luminous objects that was witnessed and reported by
several pilots on November 1, 2002 in Turkey |
A meteor that entered into the atmosphere and that would possibly
wreak havoc on earth was broken into pieces and rendered ineffective
by a UFO before it hit.
The incident which could be considered as one of the most prominent
events in history of mankind, was witnessed by a total of 6
different airliner crews (4 in the air, 2 from the ground) and
several people from the ground and was filmed by an amateur camera.
This historical event which discloses the reality of the existence
of extraterrestrial life has been subjected to in-depth analysis by
our research center for 15 days.
The details about the incident, written testimonies by pilots and
the other witnesses involved, drawings. animations, video footage
and the analysis of this incident.
The details of the sighting witnessed by a total of 6 different
crews, the reports that were submitted to our research center and to
the flight safety department by pilots are as follows:
DATE: November 1, 2002
TIME : 05:30 - 05:45 local
ALTITUDE: between 22.000 and
36.000 feet
LOCATION: between Afyon and
1. AIRLINER (The Airliner
which was nearest to the UFO fleet)
Sun Express Air - Flight No: 590, Boeing 737-800
Capt.Pilot : Ercan Eken
First Officer: Sinan Yilmaz
Please find below the written reports by the Captain and the
1st officer.
2. AIRLINER (The aircraft
following the first)
Sun Express Air - TC -SUA B737-800)
Capt.Pilot : Yilmaz Atli
First Officer: Bulent Demirturk
Please find below the written reports by the Captain and the
1st officer.
Captain: Salih Gonuc
First Officer: Fatih Aksoy
Please find below the written reports by the Captain and the
1st officer.
Hapag Lloyd Airliner
The pilots of this aircraft reported the UFOs that were also
picked up by their radar to air control and they asked for
Capt.Pilot : Muhsin Aktar
He has witnessed the incident at Antalya Airport together
with his crew as he was preparing for departure for
Antalya-Stutgart flight.
Please find below the written reports by the Captain .
Capt.Pilot :Vedat Gurbuz
Cabin Supervisor : Bilge Yilmazturk
Stewardess :Hatice Inceler.
Please find below the written reports by the Captain and the
(click on numbers to get
detailed information)
On November 1, 2002, at 26.000 feet between Afyon and Yalova,
after flying 10 nm in the direction of Yalova, a bright light
caught my attention. It looked like an aircraft with its
headlights on (at times, aircrafts switch on their headlights
when they have close passes). I recalled the view of
Hale-Bopp, because this light was leaving trail behind it. I
asked to first officer Sinan Yilmaz what this thing might be. He
said it might be an aircraft with its headlights on. I said "its
altitude might be 41.000 feet in this direction, but it appears
to be higher". The course of flight of the object we saw was
about 060 degrees.
When the object got closer, I saw a flashing light. As I was
trying to figure out what it might be, I saw several steady
lights. Then the light which I previously presumed as headlight,
started to change and get smaller. As I was trying to find a
plausible reason for that, the object approached and got the
position of 12 o'clock.
10 or 15 small objects, when measured taking the distance into
account, about the size of a Boeing 747, were flying at 1-2 nm
distance between them. This lasted for about 1.5 minutes. As
they were getting out of sight, we reported these UFOs to air
control at 5.44 local time.
Ercan Eken
Date : November 1, 2002
Time : 05.44 UTC
Location : Turkey, 15 nm Northwest of the city of Afyon
Subject : UFO Sighting
I, Sinan Yilmaz, was the first officer in Boeing 737-800
aircraft of Sun Express Airlines, flight No: 590, departing from
Antalya for Salzburg, Austria. We took off at 03.38 UTC from
Antalya with my colleague Captain Ercan Eken in charge of the
aircraft and headed towards North in comply with our route. We
ascended up to 36.000 feet and we engaged autopilot. After
passing our checkpoint over Afyon we made a turn of 360 degrees
towards Yalova. At exactly 05.44 UTC, where we were at a
distance of 15 nm from KFK checkpoint, our Captain noticed a
huge light to the left hand side of the plane. Our conversation
was as follows:
Captain Eken: "Is this an
1st Officer Yilmaz: "Yes, it looks so"
Captain Eken: "What altitude is it flying at?"
1st officer Yilmaz: "41.000 feet I suppose"
Captain Eken: "Why has it switched on its lights?"
1st officer Yilmaz: "I don't know"
We kept watching it while it flew at
higher and stationary altitude from right to left. We then
realized that it was not a conventional aircraft but certainly a
UFO. As a matter of fact, I saw 10 or 15 constant lights flying
very close to each other, and there was a blinking bright white
light underneath. These white lights were leaving yellowish
trails behind them. Then they started to move away from each
other. We observed them for about 40 seconds until they
disappeared, so I concluded that they flew faster than the speed
of light.
I'm 100 percent certain that the object I saw was not a
conventional aircraft, an asteroid or a comet. It was definitely
a UFO.
Best wishes,
Pilot Sinan Yilmaz
To the Attention of Mr.Haktan Akdogan and other officials
concerned. 5.11.2002
As we spoke on the phone today, I also spotted those strange
objects on the same day like the other pilots flying over Afyon.
That day (November 1, 2002) when we were 50 miles away from
Afyon, our first officer warned me about a blinding light
looming from left and I attempted to disengage autopilot fearing
that it might strike us. It took the strange object to fly from
one horizon to another about 100 seconds. During its fly-by we
had a chance to observe it. We also called the cabin supervisor
in to watch.
The object which appeared to be a mass first, when it came in
front of us, splitted into units just before it vanished into
the horizon to the right. I was so excited that I couldn't take
any picture in that moment. But then, I was able to picture the
trails they left behind at 10.000 feet.
Best regards,
Yilmaz Atli
On November 1, 2002, we took off from Antalya at 05.29 for
AYT-DRS flight. As we were climbing up to 24.000 feet, at 22.000
feet and 20-30 nm from Afyon, just before dawn, in the direction
of 10 o'clock, we spotted a mass of light moving from West due
East. Originally, we couldn't understand what it was. As we were
watching its movements we thought that it might be an asteroid.
But then, taking our previous observation into account, we
thought that a shooting asteroid would dissolve in atmosphere in
1-2 seconds. As time passed, we noticed that the movement of
this mass of light was quite slower and the mass was too
enormous to be an asteroid. It flew away in a straight direction
of West-East in a minute.
When it got closer to 12 o'clock, we realized that it's quite
unlikely for this thing to be an asteroid. From the reddish
colour emerging from it, we thought that it might be an airplane
in some state of emergency or even about to crash . When it came
to the position 12 o'clock, we saw a mass of red light in front
of it, small light formations stretching back behind it and one
more blinking light on its rear edge as if it were the beacon of
an airplane. This thing was definitely not an airplane or an
asteroid. It was something like glowing light formations moving
together in a bigger mass of light. When it came to 1-2 o'clock
position, the mass of light disappeared and the small bright
formations moved away. Then they dissolved casting lights. In 5
minutes we saw the trail the object left behind and were able to
take picture of it with a digital camera.
My personal view is that this was certainly not an asteroid.
Considering what I've observed in the direction of 12 o'clock I
can say that they were unidentified bright objects and
formations flying together.
Bulent Demirturk
Pilot, First Officer
On November 1, 2002, 14 minutes after we took off from
Antalya Airport for Munich at 03.30, when we reached to 30 nm
from Afyon, at 30.000 feet, a light approaching from West caught
our attention. At first, considering that it was an airliner
drawing near to us, we started to look out the window with
extreme interest. As it got closer it got bigger allowing its
huge mass to be seen. After looking at each other with amazement
we kept observing the large mass in a stunned manner. This mass
was 10.000 - 15.000 feet higher and 2-2.5 times faster than us.
At first sight it appeared like a single mass, but as it came
nearer we saw a huge mass (with a larger light compared to
others) in the middle surrounded by tens of plane-like objects.
I, first thought that they had been carrying out some kind of
fuel transfer in the air. But that wouldn't be possible with so
many airplanes.
We couldn't grasp what was happening. We asked to the radar
station in Ankara if they picked up any signals. They said they
had not seen anything on the screen. Sun Express pilots also
stated that they had seen UFOs. There was no signal on military
radar indicating presence of an unknown object as well. The
interesting part of it was that the mass of light vanished
suddenly as if it eavesdropped on us.
What was peculiar to the object was that the front side was
brighter and bigger, there was a number of light formations on
both sides and it extended to the back in cone shape.
Best regards
Fatih Aksoy
Pilot, Inter Air
On November 1, 2002, just before boarding at Izmir Adnan
Menderes Airport, we observed 4-5 flying object due Afyon with
trails behind them.
Time of sighting: Between 05.40 - 05.50
Vedat Gurbuz, Capt.Pilot
Bilge Yilmazturk, Cabin Supervisor
Hatice Inceler, Stewardess
Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects
I've been working for an airline company located in Antalya
as a captain pilot. On November 1, 2002, when we were preparing
for departure from Antalya for Stuttgart at about 05.35-05.40, I
spotted a flying object that we couldn't identify.
Below is how the incident happened in details:
We had completed all preparations and were waiting for the
passengers to come on board. When I stepped into the cabin to
confirm and make sure that everything had been done for
take-off, one of our cabin attendants called and said "Captain
could you come over, there's something I like to show you". Our
plane stood towards West. When we had a look towards
North/Northwest, I saw that bizarre flying object. I couldn't
estimate how high it was flying.
It was faster than an airplane but still slower to be a shooting
star or asteroid. It was more like a ball of fire leaving trails
behind it, flying from West to East. As it was getting out of
sight, its glow was phasing out. It then disappeared into the
horizon. I observed this object for about 30-40 seconds.
I think it became observable 15-20 seconds before I spotted it.
I then learned that some other colleagues had watched the same
object and what they saw confirmed my observation.
This is for the information of officials concerned,
Best regards,
Muhsin Aktar
FROM: Sukru Celik
TO: Sirius Research Center/Mr.Haktan Akdogan
SUBJECT: The strange object I observed on November 1, 2002
I reside in Antalya but, I work for a hotel located in Bodrum
Turkbuku as General Manager for the season 2002. My wife and my
children reside in Antalya/Manavgat. For that reason, I travel
between Bodrum and Manavgat every 2-3 weeks. I set out for
Manavgat on November 1st, 2002.
At 04:59 I took a break for breakfast. Then I took the
precipitous Kale road. I was driving very carefully and slowly
because I always had problems with traffic control points. When
I was driving downhill around a place (I can't remember its
name) near Gazeller district, I saw a marvelous shooting star
that made an angle of 90 degrees down to the ground. At exactly
the same time I watched that magnificent view, I saw a cluster
of light moving on my right.
I tried to comprehend what was happening. What I saw was
violating the laws of physics.
As an environmentalist, I felt upset supposing that it was an
airplane about to crash into the forest. But then, I realized
that there was no sound of explosion or smoke of a blast. When I
saw the object keeping its position at a certain altitude, I
thought it might be an asteroid. But the way it moved was
refuting any explanation that crossed my mind. If it were an
asteroid it would crash onto the ground with an extreme speed.
It kept its altitude violating the laws of nature and then moved
away rising slightly from the right. The lights emitting from
the object and its passing like it was burning up the sky got me
more excited, but I had to keep control of the car and I slowed
down. I was driving down the road when the object -whatever it
is- disappeared.
I couldn't figure out what it was. Some friends warned me that I
might face cynical attitudes. So I kept silent until I heard the
news on November 7th, 2002. I got a few newspapers and read the
news about the same I object I saw.
I observed the object until it disappeared hovering from right
to left. If I were to describe it:
1) There was no sound
coming from it. Assuming that I was driving at 1000 meter
down the hill, it was above 15-20 degrees from my eye level
and 180 degrees parallel to the ground. It moved from the
left to the right over me and disappeared rising up into the
sky on the right.
2) It was flashing lights. The friction it caused in
the air could be easily seen. It appeared to be burning up
the air around it. The heat over its center was quite
visible. If I were to describe it, it was similar to the
heat rising from hot asphalt. It lit up the sky, probably
because of the friction. The lights behind it were red-hot
color and the interesting part of it was that those
ambiguous red-hot lines were keeping the same altitude
against the law of physics and disappeared in the air. There
was no trace of smoke.
3) The outer edges were getting more reddish while
there was a clear red center in the cluster right behind the
main white center.
4) In front of the object, there was a white circle
center that made up only %5 of the whole view of the object.
That was not extending like an arrow but it was lying right
in front of the object. It was also very bright white.
5) It was rubbing the air pushing it towards back in
elliptical shapes.
6) It was flying as tranquil as an eagle but hovering
at great speed.
The explanation by an astronomer on
the sighting is ridiculous. The astronomer claimed that it was a
technologically advanced firework that could rise up to 41
thousand feet or it was an asteroid. How could an asteroid move
at 180 degrees parallel to the ground and disappears climbing up
in the sky violating the laws of physics. Why doesn't any
astronomer or scientist come up and take this case seriously. I
assure you there is something we don't know of and scientists
are trying to explain it with some rubbish instead of facing the
Best regards,
Sukru Celik
Hotel General Manager
Attention to Mr.Haktan Akdogan and the officials
I perceived a line of light
speeding down the sky to be a shooting star.
This light which appeared to be
a shooting star first, suspended in the air then changed
into a mass of light shining incredibly bright. It was
something that I can't even dream of. It got tremendously
bigger and started to hover magnificently in the night sky
heading the hills. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I was
fascinated by the scene.
I noticed some kind of
energy-light motion at the back side of the mass. (It was
functioning like the exhaust of a car).
I could see the circular lights
resembling to light bulbs on the object.
It left traces of smoke like an
airplane leaves behind. That trace remained visible until
There was another star-like
light flying over that mass.
It disappeared over the hill
no:8. Front part of the object was disappearing in an
extremely straight way. When the mass got out of sight, I
saw strobing lights right over the hills. (it was like
you're exposed to light after darkness). Then I observed the
red light no:7 again and it also disappeared to the left
making circular motions exactly where the mass vanished over
the hills before.
I would say that the incident I
observed early in the morning on November 1st, at about
05.30-05.45 (it lasted 3 or 4 minutes) impressed me very
much. Now I more frequently ask to myself whether there is
an extraterrestrial life out there. If they exist, I'm sure
they possess more advanced technology than us.
Hayriye Oztuzun
Hasan Huseyin Yavuz, a local imam (prayer leader) in
Kutahya-Altintas claims seeing a UFO. Yavuz, imam of the Konak
Mosque, stated that when he was going to the mosque for prayer
early in the morning, he spotted flashing bright lights in the
"I saw luminous objects looking like long minarets. They
disappeared into the direction of the city of Usak".
Another witness Ulvi Sarikaya, residing in Altintas, also said
he observed the same bright objects.
"A little while before the
prayer-call we saw a number of objects in the sky. The
objects then formed a cluster of yellow light. It was
glowing all around. I wouldn't believe if I didn't see it
with my own eyes."
Press "oynat" to
start viewing
This amazing images were taken by Halil Yalcin at 5:38 AM on 1
NOVEMBER 2002 while driving with his wife Emine Yalcin between
Balikesir and Susurluk.
UFO Rounded With a Circle Version
Meteors burn up and scatter in
mesosphere between 70 and 100 kilometers altitude. But in this
incident we are talking about 15-20 objects that were 30-40 m in
size and that had reached 40.000 feet. As a rule, such meteors
must have hit earth wreaking great havoc.
Meteors can not fly horizontally and
they hit the ground at least at an angle of 45 degrees in comply
with the laws of gravity.
Logically, meteors never have lights
pulsating in a regular way like those observed in our case.
One of the claims that has been put forward by some circles is that
the object was the 2002-050b decay that broke up from Soyuz rocket
launched on October 30, at 03.11 heading International Space Station
The empty rocket body weighs 2350 kg,
2.7 m in diameter and 6.7 m long. (We are confident that examination
of the footage and the related reports will help them change their
A rocket fragment 2.7 in diameter
and 6.7 m long would have burned up and scattered in mesosphere
between 70 and 100 kilometers altitude.
Let's we suppose that it had kept
its original size (by miracle) until it reached to 40.000 feet.
How can we explain its splitting into 15-20 pieces, each 30-40 m
in size and they were still so bright?
And how did this piece fly
horizontally violating the laws of gravity?
The rocket debris was traveling
256,000 feet from southeast to northwest, and the UFO was
traveling between 20,000 to 40,000 feet from west to east.
Simulations of the UFO's flight in
front of the airliner clearly show that the UFO and the rocket
debris were different objects, traveling in different directions
and heights
Rocket debris was traveling
southeast to northwest, the same general direction as the
airliner, thus it could not have flown across (intersected) the
airliner's path. The rocket debris was at least 229,000 feet
above and traveling in the same direction as the airliner. Harro
Zimmer, reports the "satellite" (debris) was at 78+ km, and 78
km converts to 255,905 feet.
And finally how come another
luminous and flashing (in a regular way) object appeared behind
6 different crews with profound experience on aerial phenomena have
stated that these objects were flying independently in horizontal
way, were 10-15 in number and as big as a Boeing 747. What's
important is that there is no contradiction between the statements
of different crews.
Naturally, no meteor can keep its size that big at 40.000 feet
altitude in atmosphere. If the objects had passed through the
mesosphere without splitting off it would have caused a catastrophe
on earth.
No meteor can travel horizontally. If they were ordinary meteors
they would have vertical motion at an angle of 45 degrees in comply
with the laws of physics and gravity.
As one can see on video footage there is a luminous object up there
blinking in a regular way twice a second. This point was also
mentioned in the reports of witnesses.
Initially, a huge meteor enters into the atmosphere down to the
45.000 feet and then a UFO with flashing lights getting it under
control using some kind of high-frequency energy field and flying it
a while horizontally, splitting it into two pieces first and
smashing it in final stage, making it completely ineffective before
hitting earth.
All this process can be seen on video footage, animations and
illustrations . It is also covered in the written reports by the
How can we explain that such organizations like NASA and NORAD
failed to spot these objects. There may be two reasons for that.
Either they covered it up to avoid sparking panic among people or
extraterrestrial technology made it invisible using some kind of
energy shield. One of these can possibly explain the fact that the
objects had not been picked up by any radar.
What's important is that this historical event was witnessed by many
credible people, documented and filmed at the same time. The
evidence is clear.
We, Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center, would like to express
our gratitude and thanks to all the pilots and flight crews and
other witnesses for their contribution and cooperation in bringing
this very special event to the
knowledge of world public opinion.
Eyewitnesses say that they saw an UFO hovering above the exploded
reactor Sixteen years have passed since the disaster at the
Chernobyl nuclear plant on April 26, 1986. The explosion happened at
1:23 a.m. Tons of radioactive products were emitted into the
atmosphere. The machine shop of the plant was gripped with fire, and
the fire was about to move on to the third power-generating unit of
the plant. Firemen managed to extinguish the fire several hours
later. Many of them died later of radiation exposure.
Much has been written about the Chernobyl disaster, both in Russia
and abroad. It seems that the physical nature of the tragedy has
determined, as well as the people who were responsible for it. The
fourth power-generating unit was supposed to be repaired. Yet,
before shutting it down, the administration of the plant decided to
perform several experiments. Steam delivery was cut to one of the turbogenerators in order to discover the period of time that
electric power would still be generated due to the rotation of the
rotor. The experiment was not well-organized. There was another test
conducted simultaneously: the study of turbine vibration.
They started decreasing the capacity of the generating unit at 1
a.m. on April 25. The emergency cooling system of the reactor was
shut down at 2 p.m. This was supposed to stop the reactor.
However, the Kievenergo energy company did not know anything about
these tests. An energy control officer did not allow the fourth
generating unit of the plant to be stopped. These were the
prerequisites of the tragedy. Many people are still suffering.
The explosion was very large, but, luckily, it was a thermal blast.
The fourth power generating unit was basically destroyed by
overheated steam. There was no nuclear explosion. Roughly 180 tons
of enriched uranium were in the reactor. If a large blast had
happened, half of Europe would not currently be depicted on any
There are many theories to explain such luck. One of the theories is
that there was help from an Unidentified Flying Object. When
troublesome events started to occur, some people saw a spaceship
hovering above the fourth generating unit of the Chernobyl plant.
Eyewitnesses say that an UFO was there for six hours and that
hundreds of people saw it. People started writing about it only two
years after the catastrophe. Of course, such event appeared in
magazines on ufology. As it is generally believed, serious people
don't read such magazines and journals.
Here is what Mikhail Varitsky had to say:
"I and other people from
my team went to the site of the blast at night. We saw a ball of
fire, and it was slowly flying in the sky. I think the ball was six
or eight meters in diameter. Then, we saw two rays of crimson light
stretching towards the fourth unit. The object was some 300 meters
from the reactor. The event lasted for about three minutes. The
lights of the object went out and it flew away in the northwestern
The UFO brought the radiation level down. The level was decreased
almost four times. This probably prevented a nuclear blast.
Three years later (on September 16, 1989), the fourth
power-generating unit emitted radiation into the atmosphere. Several
hours later, a doctor saw an object in the sky above the Chernobyl
plant. Doctor Gospina described it as "amber-like." She said she
could see the top and the bottom of it as well.
In October of 1990, a reporter from the newspaper the Echo of
Chernobyl, V. Navran, was photographing the machine shop of the
Chernobyl plant.
"I photographed the top of it,
including a part of
the hole above. I remember everything very well; I did not see any
UFO. However, when I developed the film, I clearly saw an object
that was hovering above the hole in the roof."
The object looked
like the one doctor Gospina saw.
The Saga of Flying Objects