by Eric Julien
June 25, 2006
SaveLivesInMay Website
Exactly one month ago, occurred the most
incredible exopolitical operation ever undertaken on Earth: an
extraterrestrial threat led to a pullback on the part of human
beings! Thanks to men of good will, millions of lives were spared.
“The giant tsunami did not occur. Eric Julien was wrong.” Other than
narrow minds whose language denotes, at the very least, a crying
lack of intellectual honesty, many rushed to conclusion on the
morrow of May 25, while simply forgetting the content of my
writings. This was not a prophecy, nor a prediction, but
an alert.
The giant tsunami did not occur because the the alert was heard!
If I did use the term prediction, it was only after explaining that
it was conditional. At the end of my first article[1]
entitled “May
25 2006 – The Day After!” posted on April 11 2006, the
following is clearly mentioned:
What is delirious, actually, is
the blanket of silence and misinformation which has prevailed
for sixty years on the extraterrestrial subject. What is
delirious is the nuclear war that certain leaders, or advisors
to leaders, prepare for us in the name of peace! We are coldly
informed of a preventive war using nuclear weapons, these having
been trivialized and reduced to the rank of conventional
weapons, in the fight against nuclear weapons!
Consequently, a preventive attack seems
to have been the option chosen by certain extraterrestrials, using a
celestial object, mysteriously broken up in 1995 to minimize its
effects. It should strike the earth around May 25, 2006, as a
warning shot. Unless, naturally, the leaders reverse course. This
will depend enormously on you and of the actions you will undertake
to convince them!
Yet precisely on May 25, 2006, «Divine Strake», which had been
presented as the American test of a “conventional” weapon with a
resulting mushroom cloud (nuclear perhaps?),
was put off
indefinitely[2]! The
initial test had been set for June 2nd, 2006; then on May 10th it
was postponed until June 23 at the earliest[3].
Finally, it was “cancelled” on May 25th, 2006 (put off
indefinitely). It is useful to read the comment given last March by
James Tegnelia, director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, who
indicated that it would be,
“the first time in Nevada that
you’ll see a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas since we stopped
testing nuclear weapons”.
The Reuters story noted that the last
U.S. atmospheric test took place in 1962.

Several questions arise. Why did a
committee of protestors, among whom a Democratic senator (Harry
Reid) and the activist leader Pete Litster, come together to
denounce the test which involved 700 tons of ammonium nitrate and
diesel oil, these components duly declared by the National Nuclear
Security Administration?
Why is a “nuclear” administration
handling conventional weapons?

Brought up was the possible radioactive
fallout from old tests sites which are located… eight kilometers
away from the planned test site u16B! One hour’s hike. Is that so
Why not then simply choose a
conventional weapons test site?
These are not lacking in the U.S.! Is
all this straightforward, or is there, behind these negotiations
with civilians, a more troubling reality? See below for a map of the
test site. There is no one for miles around.

Darwin Morgan, spokesperson for
the National Nuclear Security Administration, announced clearly and
without any ambiguity the purpose of this test:
“the initial goal of the test is to
evaluate the shockwave effects on deeply buried tunnel
structures (…) Pentagon leaders have expressed concerns
regarding potential enemies building either deeply buried
bunkers containing chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or
command structures which are difficult to destroy with current
In the run-up to the test, all eyes were
on Iran. One need not be a great scholar to guess that this test was
meant to finalize the preparations for an attack against the country
which has been accused, for months, of secretly developing nuclear
weapons in its underground installations.
A short animation
created by the Union of Concerned Scientists, clearly explains that
the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP) is the
indispensable type of weapon for efficiently destroying deep
bunkers. The scientists state it clearly, only a nuclear weapon can
destroy deep bunkers, and this under the best of conditions…

In any event, Divine Strake is a
curious name. A strake is a piece of metal or wood which is used to
channel the flux of air or water in the direction of travel of an
aircraft or vessel. In what way could it be divine? Is this not
simply an echo to Divine Strike, the name that the “terrorist”
Al-Zarqawi[5], head
of Al-Qaeda, gave to hurricane Katrina to define “God’s avenging
hand” over the USA?
Happenstance had it that the
Union of Concerned Scientists published
an article[6] on this
type of weapon (RNEP) in May 2005. Here is the introduction:
“The Bush Administration has again
requested funding from Congress to research a new type of
nuclear bomb. The Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP) is a
nuclear weapon that would burrow a few meters into rock or
concrete before exploding and thus generating a powerful
underground shock wave. Its hypothetical targets are deeply
buried command bunkers or underground storage sites containing
chemical or biological agents.”
I recommend reading the site with
regards to
bunker-busting weapons[7].
One discovers, for example, a map of the risks of radioactive
fallout. The countries in light gray are severely affected 48 hours
after an explosion on the Esfahan site.
(click below image)

According to numerous recent studies,
the RNEP is not always efficient in destroying numerous existing
underground sites, but it would certainly bring about the death of
millions of people. This is not all. A
March 2004 document[8]
outlines a five year budget of 485 million dollars for this type of
weapon, to start in 2005.
Is the Divine Strake test tied to the RNEP? The website
gives a clear response:
“The DIVINE STRAKE full scale test
is planned to be a large-yield, buried burst detonated at the
Nevada Test Site. Divine Strake would appear to be associated
with the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator RNEP, or possibly the
B61-11 Earth-Penetrating Weapon, a fact that is obscured in most
press coverage.”

Knowledgeable parties will say that the
Divine Strake test is announced as being a non-nuclear simulation
(using an ANFO emulsion) of the mechanical effects (shock wave) of a
nuclear weapon adapted to bunkers. Despite the fact that 700 tons of
ammonium nitrate and fuel oil cannot be transported (or dropped) by
any aircraft known on Earth, some confusion has been sown. For
example, a Boeing 747-400 (the biggest civil aircraft in use) weighs
a bit more than 400 tons fully loaded, of which only 115 tons is
payload. How many trucks (or helicopters) are needed to bring
together 700 tons on an inaccessible mountain top (see one of the
above illustrations)? This is why many believe that Divine Strake is
in fact an atomic bomb.
In addition, site u16B (zone 16 of the tunnel network of the former
nuclear test site) was chosen for its geological (and radioactive?)
characteristics. However,
globalsecurity.org affirms that
u16B was chosen among a large number of other U.S. government sites.
Nothing therefore prevents the selection of another location, apart
from technical “details”… or (perhaps) the nuclear character of the
test itself.
The common factor in all this is the planned use of nuclear weapons.
Divine Strake is the cornerstone of the attack preparations against
Iran, for the current arsenal of bunker busters is not sufficient to
penetrate to the depth of the Iranian nuclear installations. What
the former Nevada nuclear test site and the nuclear Iranian bunkers
have in common is the radioactivity which can subsequently be
ascribed to them following a powerful explosion; this in spite of
the “harmless” use of a weapon seen as “conventional”, associated
with a likewise “conventional” test which uses an ANFO emulsion.
Imagine for a moment the loathsome effect which the use of a nuclear
weapon would have on worldwide public opinion, especially in the
wake of the scandalous absence of weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq. Imagine that the world’s policeman becomes the world’s
terrorist, and you can measure the stake involved in media
dissimulation of the Divine Strake test, which even involves a
budgetary review benefiting from certain advantageous arrangements.
One should remember that the U.S. stopped testing bunker-busting
weapons fourteen years ago![10]
The balance between the great world powers is in the hot seat. The
immediacy of the U.S. menace with regards to Iran (the media of
course pretend the opposite) can be overlaid on the increasing
preoccupation with nuclear politics in the U.S. A March 2006 article[11]
by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press entitled “The
rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy” says a lot regarding
America’s will to dominate other nuclear nations, something which
could render the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty null and void.
Various national defense experts[12]
are quite conscious of this trend.
It is curious to note that on the National Nuclear Security
Administration website, the post of administrator in charge of
non-proliferation is left vacant![13]]
See the “NNSA
Leadership” box at top right of the home page or box HERE
MAD, or Mutual Assured
Destruction is said to be losing more and more of its
pertinence. The Russian atomic arsenal is reputed to be aging, while
that of China remains minuscule. Hence, in place of this equilibrium
of terror would succeed American primacy. The authors of the article
“The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy” declare that,
"the ability to destroy all of an
adversary's nuclear forces, eliminating the possibility of a
retaliatory strike, is known as a first-strike capability,
or nuclear primacy.”
Accordingly, nuclear weapons would
figure no longer in a logic of mutual neutralization and a strategy
of dissuasion, but rather in a logic of domination made effective by
their use in theaters of operation. Divine Strake is actually
the tree which hides the forest. Given that the majority of the
world’s nuclear installations are in underground shelters, on may
understand that a new weapon apt to destroy deep bunkers is of a
nature likely to increase international tension, something which
Divine Strake[14] did
not fail to do.
A massive and surprise attack, carried out “preventively” by the
U.S. against multiple targets could then eliminate the entire
nuclear arsenal of other nations in just a few hours. Let us not
forget that “preventive strikes” are at the heart of a new official
doctrine aiming to protect U.S. interests abroad. Nuclear weapons to
eliminate the nuclear weapons…belonging to others? Terrifying, but
strategically and militarily ideal.
In addition to elaborating new doctrines, the United States are also
pursuing technological improvements. The Los Angeles Times published
an article[15] last
June 13th on the rivalry of American laboratories in their race
towards developing a more “reliable” nuclear weapon! The author of
the article, Ralph Vartabedian, notes that the recycling of
nuclear warheads, while contributing to the reduction in the number
of warheads, also increases significantly the “quality” of the
bombs, namely their destructive power. This program was approved by
the American Congress in 2005. The alternative, given the
obsolescence of nuclear fuel, would be a definite abandonment of the
power of the U.S. within the next fifteen years. This is unthinkable
for many.
However, Sidney Drell, former director of the Stanford
Linear Accelerator Center and former advisor of the Department
of Energy, remarked,
"if anybody thinks we are going to
be designing new warheads and not doing testing, I don't know
what they are smoking".
For his part, Philip Coyle, former
Assistant Secretary of Defense and former director of the Lawrence
Livermore Labs, affirms in the same article that if the U.S. were to
break the moratorium on nuclear tests, then Russia, China, India and
Pakistan, to say nothing of Great Britain and France, would also
follow suit.
It is easy to understand that the initiatives of the United States
in nuclear matters might lead to a new arms race, with improved
efficiency in massive destruction as a bonus. Divine Strake is more
than a symbol; it is the turning point of human destiny. The
extraterrestrials have shown for decades their preoccupation with
the use of nuclear weapons, not because these constitute a danger to
us, but rather, to them.
For the extraterrestrials affected by the space-time collateral
damage of nuclear weapons, the threat is enormous! The military know
this only too well. For nearly sixty years, they have had
overflights and neutralizations of nuclear sites by UFO’s. Case
studies on the matter abound in UFO literature. But one essential
scientific key was missing to understand this obsessive behavior:
Absolute Relativity (see
The Science of the Extraterrestrials).
A new arms race will provoke more than just waves of UFOs, but
instead will bring about an open and terrible conflict for humanity.
The warning of May 25th has been heard. It was timely and temporary.
What will be the true nature of upcoming political decisions? While
affirming that the U.S. remain far ahead of other nuclear powers,
Steve Henry, nuclear arms advisor to U.S. Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld, offers this curious commentary:
“it is hard to say what kind of a
threat we will face in the future”.
It is in fact difficult to admit it…
What can be done to counter this announced escalation? What can be
done to avoid our being received as brutal and nihilistic
adolescents in the family of cosmic civilizations?
It is not uninteresting to learn that 40% of Americans believe that
a sequence of events leading up to the End Times is already underway[16].
When one knows that the human power of visualization in itself
causes events, no one should be surprised that these might occur in
a near future. To those 40% of Americans, add all the others across
the world – Jews, Moslems, Christians and other beliefs – convinced
that their Messiah will arrive within the next two years to combat
the “enemy”. But perhaps they do not imagine the real nature of this
Messiah. Could it be extraterrestrial?
In a forthcoming article, I will develop the details of this saga of
May 25th 2006. Certain truths will be re-established. We will
understand what really took place (alert of the authorities, comet
fragments, giant waves in the Atlantic) and how the
extraterrestrials intervened, hence demonstrating the relation laid
out here between ET’s and nuclear matters. The essential in this
article is to remember that there are two principal groups of
extraterrestrials: hostile and benevolent.
It is our own bellicose behavior which leads the hostile ET’s to
combat us. Because we persist in remaining a danger for them,
because the media remains indifferent to both ET’s and, worse yet,
to the danger which our nuclear weapons pose to their realms, the
threat of a “natural” catastrophe grows daily. Before the end of the
2006 summer, perhaps within a few days, earthquakes, volcanoes and
giant tsunamis will be at the crossroads of history. You have just
had the evidence of a genuine exopolitical action. Yet we
can, once again, avoid the worst.
Spread this article around. You will then be participating in a
global reassessment for cosmic peace. From now on, to keep one’s
feet on the ground, it is best to turn to the Heavens!
see also