by Ed Komarek
ExopoliticsBlogs Website
I would like to suggest that a tribunal
similar to the one now in effect in regards to crimes against
humanity in the Hague be created to investigate and prosecute claims
of crimes against aliens and claims of alien crimes against earth
humans. Such a tribunal might also be expanded to include earth
human to earth human crimes in cases involving the extraordinary
alien-earth human situation.
This is an issue that involves all of
humanity and as such I believe that the UN would be the proper
authority to investigate and prosecute. Until such time of public
disclosure, secret classified tribunals staffed by people of
conscience, should vigorously investigate and prosecute claims of
alien - human crimes and work to see policy implemented that
protects the civil liberties of both aliens and humans involved in
secret classified activities.
I would like to suggest that I believe that only a small fraction of
earth humanity and small fraction of alien life is responsible for
crimes incurred and being incurred in the past and present. The
evidence suggests that a ongoing low intensity conflict between
earth humans and other extraterrestrial life forms on and about
earth is real. The
secret elite factions who are violated the civil
rights of aliens and humans in secret ET programs to shoot down,
capture, interrogate, torture and murder aliens need to be
identified, isolated, defanged and then prosecuted.
In this paper I would like to concentrate on the importance of
holding the few humans and factions responsible for alleged alien
crimes responsible and accountable for any and all crimes against
aliens that have taken place in the past and into the future.
of us realize that America's image around the world has been
severely tarnished. I would suggest that the same has been the case
in regards to alien life in our cosmic neighborhood. Crimes against
aliens even if they take place in secret and out of the public eye
are crimes nonetheless and give all of earth humanity a black eye.
If the evidence now emerging is true, American and other militaries
around the world are involved in crimes against aliens that could
make earth civilization a pariah civilization in regards to the
celestial neighbors for a long time to come. Do we want to be a
designated a North Korea, a terrorist society by the rest of the
cosmic neighborhood, leaving us no choice but to associate with
other terrorist alien civilizations?
We all are responsible if we unknowing or knowingly allow criminals
to control, dictate and implement dangerous and unethical policies
at the highest levels that involves the abuse of our neighbors. Most
of the German nation did not know about the concentration camps till
after the war ended, because the abuses there were highly
classified. As a whole society they were held collectively
accountable by the rest of the world because they should have known
and made it their business as good German citizens to know.
There are some of us within the military and intelligence community
that would have us give blanket immunity to earth's citizens that
have abused aliens or other humans in regard to the alien matter. I
believe a more partial immunity with some consideration for times
and conditions would be much more just and applicable. Criminals in
our courts rarely get consideration for the often despicable things
that have happened in their past that led them to become criminals.
It would seem that only the elite
criminals get special consideration as in the latest pardoning of a
high level official convicted of perjury. What this does is create
two different rules of law, one for the elite and one for the
ordinary people. Of course this then leads the average citizen to
lose of confidence in their leaders and in government in general.
The rule of law must apply equally to all regardless of social
status, race or other considerations.
Remember, just because you don't know or don't want to know of any
atrocities occurring does not mean that they are not occurring. It's
your responsibility as a good citizen to be vigilant and not go into
denial when evidence surfaces. You are responsible as a human
citizen and a citizen of your country to immediately investigate
even the hint of wrong doing. Many Germans were aware of the rumors,
smelt the smoke but instead of investigating chose our of ignorance
or fear to deny the rumors to their detriment and the detriment of
the German society.
Today disclosure is happening with facts and rumors everywhere in
abundance throughout the Internet and elsewhere that atrocities
against aliens have been and are being committed. Today billions
perhaps trillions of dollars of taxpayer monies have been pouring
into Star Wars exotic weaponry by the out of control military
industrial complex.
Is this really a missile defense shield
or are the weapons being developed to enforce a new version of
manifest destiny?
Has a dark vision in America's history
been resurrected within the military industrial complex that now lay
claim to the earth, its surroundings, the solar system, the galaxy,
and the universe regardless of the claims other races have on the
earth and the rest of the universe.
You as a citizen of earth and earth humanity have not only a right
to know, but you have a obligation to find out the truth. A good
citizen's responsibility is to discover and promote truth and not
hide you head in the sand and blame others for any atrocities that
have or are now happening in regards to alien life. We suffer now
and will continue to suffer as individuals and as a society for the
destructive actions of elite classified factions involved in alien
In the end when disclosure become public
knowledge will you be as the propagandized German citizens who were
marched through the concentration camps to see the truth of their
ignorance and inaction.