published by Markat
7 March, 2008
StrangeAttractor Website
For the past couple of weeks the
Internet UFO community has been abuzz with rumors of a secret
meeting held at the UN building in New York City in mid-February.
The meeting, alleged to have been attended by representatives from
most UN member nations, as well as ‘three US senators’, was called
to discuss the increased rate of UFO sightings and how best to deal
with their impact on the status quo.
Also at stake was how best inform the
public of the ongoing presence of our ‘neighbors’, as the ‘leaked’
statement referred to non-human extraterrestrial visitors.
The story was distributed via members of the
Exopolitics and
Disclosure movements. Both these
groups seek to force Earth governments into open admission of their
alleged contacts with advanced ET civilizations, the hope being that
they possess both the technology and the inclination to save
humankind from inevitable and imminent environmental and
geopolitical disaster.
the outline of the story so far and
a somewhat confusing graphical representation (below image) of what
little information is out there.

What follows is my initial take on the
material, and further along, an excellent dissection from veteran
UFOlogist and thinker
Jacques Vallee:
Beyond the fact that the sources for
this leak were flimsy at best (and quite possibly non existent),
and that the story was being promoted by groups with clear
spiritual/political agendas, my own suspicions were aroused by
the preconditions for ‘disclosure’.
Effectively these are global
economic, environmental and political stability by 2009. Given
the current state of world affairs (or the perpetual state of
world affairs) none of these conditions are the least bit likely
to be met before 2009, let alone 2009.
From the
original information release:
2009 was raised as the year when an
important change in official attitudes concerning the UFO
phenomenon could be made…
This indicated an important policy
shift were the study of UFO’s would be officially encouraged.
However, certain global conditions would have to be met for the
official opening. Most important appeared to be social stability
in G-8 countries and the maintenance of liberal democratic
systems in developing nations…
The meetings were very concerned about social upheaval from
continued UFO sightings and the testimonies of individuals
claiming to have first hand knowledge about UFO’s,
extraterrestrial life, and future global events. It was reported
that adverse public reactions to UFO sightings could have a
dramatic economic impact that could lead to recessions in some
For the intended subjects of this
information, the UFO/conspiracy enthusiast, this suggests not only
that geopolitical power and the potential for peace on Earth lie in
the hands of what is generally perceived as a foreign body – the UN,
already viewed with some suspicion by many Americans, especially
those in the UFO/conspiracy field – but that eventual communion with
the ETs, being the only force capable, within the secular mythic
imagination of the 20th and 21st centuries, of enforcing peace on
Earth (see The Day the Earth Stood Still, CE3K etc),
will also be dictated by the UN.
So, by preventing ordinary citizen believers from meeting and
greeting ET, the UN, or more likely another shadowy body that
controls the UN, are effectively perpetuating global instability and
appear not to have our best interests at heart.
Whether or not this was the intention of
the story, this may actually prove quite helpful for the American
government and their military, as it turns the heat surrounding
UFO disclosure away from them and onto the UN.
None of this is stated explicitly in the material being distributed
at the moment, but it is there in the discussions on Internet
forums such as
Open Minds. One poster was already
bringing that old bugbear
the Trilateral Commission into
play, raising the undying spectre of the sinister global power
elite, a distorted and greatly simplified reflection of
international politics that is as at least as old as John
Proofs of a Conspiracy (1797) and
the better known
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
This episode looks like it is shaping up
as a reprise of the conspiracy theories promoted by
William Cooper,
John Lear et al in the late
1980s and the early 1990s, whose fusion with the UFO mythology
brought us both the X Files and
David Icke.
It’s probably more accurate to say that
these ideas never left us, they’ve just been fermenting in a vat
stored in an underground alien base and are ready to be released
once more, more potent than ever before…
Of course, it’s entirely possible that there was a UFO-related
meeting in the UN building. It may have been small and privately
organized or it may have been something larger and more official.
But at this point in time all we have to work on are rumors.
Veteran ufologist and advanced thinker Jacques Vallee
provides this excellent (and far more succinct) breakdown of the
I would not get too excited yet
about this information: In our follow-up in France we could not
verify that Gilles Lorant (the alleged original source
for the leak MP) worked at the places he claims (CNRS has no
record of him) and we cannot get any clear answers to the basic
questions about this meeting.
At this point it sounds very suspect: another series of claims
with no support behind it, which can only contribute to make it
more difficult to get scientists to become seriously involved in
this field.
It seems to me this story is falling apart but the structure is
very interesting — along the lines of a psy-war rumor process:
You make up a really
intriguing story that seems very legitimate by including
respected names: UN, French Ambassador, DSK etc. and
precise dates.
You leave it full of holes
so that people will come up with questions, thus
revealing who is interested and why.
You imply great secrecy,
thus dangling new bits of mystery.
You slowly retract the story
(since a lot of it was made up in the first place out of
pure imagination) but you point to a legitimate-looking
person (Lorant) who was there.
The legitimate-looking
person (whose credentials don’t check out) “reveals”
more details but does not confirm the earlier story,
thus gaining additional credibility and “dangling” new
Legitimate journalists
reinforce the apparent story by trying to follow this
new trail.
You throw in new intriguing
names like Ted Kennedy and John McCain
through new anonymous sources “who could be in danger if
they revealed their names…” thus seducing more
recognizable researchers into revealing their interest…
You use the Internet to
circulate the whole mess to an increasing circle of
people, hoping to create a mass effect.
At that point, any official
denial of the story (or part of it) sounds like a
cover-up or skeptical reaction, enabling you to claim
that you are the victim of disinformation, etc. etc.
All very clever… It is much easier to
program human beings than to program computers!
Disclaimer: given the
often emotional climate surrounding discussion of UFOs, I feel it
necessary to state the obvious and point out that my skepticism of
the above rumors is not to be seen as a rejection of the wide range
of personal experiences encompassed by the UFO and its attendant
10 March update
From Robert Morningstar, one of the original
disseminators of information about the alleged UN briefing and
editor of
the UFO Digest site.
Hi, Everyone…
Since I am one of the sources of the information on the UN
Meeting, I reiterate that I have met with the source, a
military liaison diplomat, 3 times and I reaffirm that he
has presented me with official credentials/documentation
that have satisfied my own criteria for credibility, (which
are very high).
I am not a liar nor am I a hoaxer and I would ask that all
interested parties, instead of arguing with each other over
the merits of the story, in which so much time and energy
has already been invested, simply call or write to your
congressmen/women and Senators in the US and your
parliamentary representatives in Canada and Europe (UK/EU)
and tell them, don’t ask them, TELL them, ORDER
them to FORCE Disclosure. After all, you are their
“bosses”, they are not your “bosses.” They work for you, you
put them in office and you pay their salaries.
Thanks to all the people at Open Mind Forum for their
civility and intelligence in discussing this affair, pro and
con, and especially those who have taken the time to do some
excellent investigation and detective work on it. You have
my gratitude and my respect.
Thank you,
Robert Morningstar
Editor, UFO Digest
P.S. I have
given my word not to disclose the identity of the source and
I’ll keep my promise to him. I would add, looking back on
history, particularly in the case of the Watergate leaks, if
Woodward and Bernstein had caved in to popular pressure to
reveal the name of their source, he would not have been
called “Deep Throat” but “Slit Throat”.
So, let’s do something more productive together and put the
pressure on the politicians to get of their scared asses off
their seats and get some action going in Washington, DC.