January 18, 2007
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Simply put the earth is in trouble BIG trouble.
From over
fishing of our oceans and depleting fish stocks to dangerous
low levels
From toxins,
emissions and pollution entering and chocking the atmosphere
and making the hole in the ozone layer bigger and causing
more harmful sunrays to penetrate through then their should
be, Thus warming the oceans, melting the ice, and
threatening animals environments
From rainforest
being bulldozed down to create grazing land for cattle and
commercial development thus destroying natural environmental
structure and animals habitats, animal species going
extinct, and more.
These problems are
caused by humans and humans only; it's scary, it really is, and will
only serve to get worse if the human race takes an apathetic
attitude towards the planet it ultimately needs to survive; your's
and my planet.
We are dependent on the earth's biodiversity for survival and
without it were in big trouble.