By Guy Cramer
Before the events of September 11, 2001, the thought of American
Military being given the authority to shoot down American civilian
airliners loaded with passengers over U.S. territory was inconceivable.
Now this and many other measures are necessary for the safety and
security of the nation.
The attacks were aimed not only at people, government and military but
also on the economy, which in the long run could end up harming the
entire world. Extreme measures were taken to minimize the initial
damage to an already fragile economy; closed U.S. markets, a surprise
interest rate cut of half a percent prior to the markets opening, an
extended share buy back program for companies. These measures didn’t
stop the initial five-day decrease on the Dow of 14.3%, the
which lost over 16%, and the S&P 500 lost over 11%.
As the global population remained cocooned in their houses to watch
the newest developments on TV, retail stores already battered by
reduced consumer spending began watching the doors hoping for
customers to return but to no avail. Companies already suffering
before Sept. 11th saw the events of the 11th as a freebee, “blame
current problems on the attack”, this reasoning fooled a few but most
people who follow the economy noted that many company problems were
already present before the 11th.
Were the events of the 11th going to pancake the global economies?
Luckily on Monday Sept. 24th within the first half-hour of the U.S.
markets opening a massive geomagnetic storm increased the positive ion
ratios while at the same time decreasing the negative ion ratios to
levels I have not seen since the beginning of SuperForce.com in
January 2000.
We are surrounded by air that contains both positive and negative
ions. |

"click" on photo |
By breathing in different ratios of ions; animals, insects, fish and
people are greatly affected both physically and mentally. The full
moon increases positive ion ratios, which accounts for the strange and
aggressive behavior noted by Police and medical services. Studies show
that 75% of the population is noticeably and adversely affected by
positive ion ratios, while increased negative ions tend to have a
calming influence on these same people.
SuperForce.com has shown with a special ion ratio algorithm capable of
predicting these expected ion ratios months in advance that ion ratios
also have a major influence on stock market mentality in that
increased positive ion ratios generally reflect increased stock
markets, while increased negative ion ratios coincide with decreasing
markets. Positive ions cause irrational behavior (greed) and
ions lead to level headed decisions (caution).
This storm peaked quickly but had not fully dissipated by the end of
the week, while negative ion ratios returned to normal the positive
ion ratios were still increased substantially from normal.

"click" on photo |
beginning on Monday Oct 1st, 2001 the storm returned at precisely 9:30
AM (the same time the major U.S. stock Markets open!)
Positive ions increased while negative decreased! Two extreme
geomagnetic storms in two weeks that both started at precisely the
time the Stock Markets opened for the week, wow what a coincidence. |
I had posted a paper on Sept 24th explaining the storm titled Saved by
the Storm. The title reflects my feelings that this geomagnetic storm
occurred at precisely the perfect time to stop the downward market
trend. I recalled the promises by top officials that they would
protect the economy and stabilize it. I recall others, on Friday Sept.
21st after the worst week for the Dow since the great depression, that
they knew things were going to turn in just a few days. The confidence
they spoke with appeared to signal the end of their careers, as
economic followers foresaw no way to put the brakes on the market fall
so soon.
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a
congressionally initiated program jointly managed by the U.S. Air
Force and U.S. Navy.
The HAARP complex is situated within a 23-acre lot in a relatively
isolated region near the town of Gakona, Alaska. It consists of 180
towers, 72 feet in height, forming a "high-power, high frequency
phased array radio transmitter" capable of beaming in the 2.5-10
megahertz frequency range, at more than 3 gigawatts of power (3
billion watts).
Military applications of HAARP include long-range ground penetration
radar, over the horizon radar. It may also be used as a beam weapon as
some of the patents suggest. However, of the 12 main patents applied
to HAARP the four following are of great interest to my field of ion
U.S. Patent 4999637: Creation Of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above
The Earth
U.S. Patent 5038664: Method For Producing A Shell Of Relativistic
Particles At An Altitude Above The Earth's Surface
U.S. Patent 4686605: Method And Apparatus For Altering A Region In The
Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, And/Or Magnetosphere
U.S. Patent 4712155:Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial
Electron Cyclotron Heating Region Of Plasma
Unnamed military personal suggest the
HAARP system is capable of
behavioral influence of which I am in total agreement, with these four
patents and the research I am aware of on air ions and people.
This behavioral influence is not difficult with such an array. By
increasing positive ions within Earths atmosphere, HAARP could
duplicate the detrimental effects of the full moon while creating the
sentiment necessary to increase global stock markets and increase
consumer spending.
The military has suggested that HAARP has been inactive, but given the
low cost of construction and importance of such an array, I would
expect that a number of duplicate yet secret HAARP sites exist around
the world. The Russian equivalent “Tesla Towers” which produced the "Woodpecker
signal" were operating in the early 80’s were probably capable of
similar tasks.
Using HAARP to alter the atmospheric Ion Ratios would have been
difficult prior to Sept. 11th 2001 as the side effects from increased
positive ions in the air could lead to liability issues if HAARP was
determined to be the source.
Side effects from positive ions winds (such as the Chinook wind in
Calgary and the Santa Ana winds in southern California) compiled by a
Swiss meteorological report in 1974 are as follows:
Physical side effects: Body pains, sick headaches, dizziness,
twitching of the eyes, nausea, fatigue, faintness, disorders in saline
(salt) budget with fluctuations in electrolytical metabolism (calcium
and magnesium; critical for alcoholics), water accumulation,
respiratory difficulties, allergies, asthma, heart and circulatory
disorders (heart attacks approx. 50% higher) low blood pressure,
slowing down in reaction time, more sensitivity to pain, inflammations,
bleeding embolisms of the lungs, and thrombosis.
Psychological side effects: Emotional unbalance, irritation, vital
disinclination, compulsion to meditate, exhaustion, apathy,
disinclination or listlessness toward work (poor school achievement),
insecurity, anxiety, depression (especially after age forty to fifty);
rate of attempted suicide about 20% higher, larger number of
admittance's to clinics in drug cases.
Expected Russian testing of the Tesla Towers resulted in increased
suffering from migraine headaches and other strange maladies. Homicide
rates also increased as well as cases of suicide and depression.
Given the events of the Sept 11th, the weakened economy, the lack of
economic stimulus, a HAARP system may have been triggered twice to
increase positive ion ratios while lowering negative ion ratios which
in turn controls investor sentiment by trigging the greed response
which causes people to ignore bad news and buy stocks, which props up
the markets and thus save the economy from recession or depression.
Given that the American public has no real opposition to the U.S.
shooting down civilian airliners that may pose a larger danger, I
would suspect that there would not be real opposition to using HAARP
to prop up the economy in the short term.
HAARP searching for hidden Terrorists
Using HAARP’s ground penetration ability, HAARP might be scanning the
mountains of Afghanistan to locate habited caves or underground
bunkers which terrorist cells are using. This would allow British and
American Special Forces within Afghanistan to pinpoint secret
locations and hidden bases.
Ground penetration use of HAARP could account for the geomagnetic
disruptions of the ion ratios, the precise timing on each Monday
morning Market of Sept. 24th and Oct 1st open indicates economic
propping via HAARP.
I don’t know for certain if these geomagnetic storms are due to
and can only speculate about this, or other similar artificial means
to be the cause as the timing appears to be to good to be true, also
the fact that negative ion ratios decrease while positive ions
increase is also suspect, as were some of the remarks made in
confidence that the economy was going to turn when it did. The
president and others have stated numerous times that they will use all
resources available to them to fight terrorism and stabilize the
economy. HAARP is capable of doing both.
The technology is there, it is capable of accomplishing what I have
stated and if I were in the decision making process and understood
this potential, I would agree with this particular use.
It is true we have experienced a great deal of solar and geomagnetic
storms over the past year, which provides great cover if HAARP or
similar technology is being used.
How strong is HAARP?
If it was indeed HAARP that was used to influence the ion ratios, did
it override all natural variations?
The SuperForce.com charts below show the expected trend (blue line)
for the week of the Sept. 24th – 28th and the actual outcome (white
line) for the Dow, NASDAQ, S&P 500 and
TSE 300. The pattern still
exists, so if HAARP was used, it increased positive ion ratios but did
not override the expected pattern. Thus we have higher than expected
gains for this week.
"click" on photos
Dow Jones Ind. |
S&P 500 |
TSE 300 (Toronto) |
Considering HAARP has the potential to disrupt most global
communications, the task of interfering with global ion ratios would
be simple given the entire power output.
If you knew the Government had a cost effective way to stabilize the
economic slump by triggering a particular human behavior with some
side effects would you support it?
Absolute Power Absolutely Corrupts
As HAARP was congressionally initiated I would recommend that the
United States Congress, Senate and President consider limitations to
the use of HAARP for events such as the Presidential election. I
showed in a paper that the polls leading to the election indicated
that 24% of the U.S. Presidential Vote was swayed by the Ion Ratios on
different days (I don’t suspect HAARP was used during the Election
2000). To have the power to control the Ion Ratio so it is in your
candidate or political party's favor, the day of the election or the
months leading to the election when polls influence people is not a
fair way of conducting an election. With election reform sweeping the
US, limitations on HAARP during this period unless it is a matter of
National Defense, will indicate that the government is in favor of
fair outcomes.
Other countries such as Canada need a way to establish random or set
election days, as the US does, so a Head of State can’t call an
election on a day months in advance that would be beneficial to their
party, after finding out what the predicted ion ratios are for a
number of potential election days. This doesn’t include using
but a form of consulting with the SuperForce.com algorithm.
www.SuperForce.com predicts natural ion ratios;
HAARP is an artificial
source to manipulate these ratios. In times such as these, artificial
control may be necessary. Therefore, now that we are aware of the
power of ions on our decision-making ability, guidelines need to be
drawn up on how and when to utilize HAARP technology so this power
doesn’t corrupt our officials.
Reference Papers: