by Brandon Turbeville
April 16, 2012
ActivistPost Website
As tornadoes complete their march through America’s heartland, and
earthquakes rattle the planet, questions as to the nature of these
events are being raised anew, particularly among those aware of the
capabilities of HAARP technology.
Indeed, the more one understands
about the levels of technological development achieved in the upper
reaches of government and elitist corporations, the more one is
forced to question what previously could be taken for granted as a
natural occurrence.
Nevertheless, the very concept of "man-made weather" is simply
much for many stuck in mainstream tunnel vision to grasp.
Admittedly, those of us not actually involved in the project, as a
result of overwhelming secrecy and blatant refusal to divulge any
real information on the HAARP system, are left to much speculation.
Some individuals may claim that
HAARP is incapable of producing
large-scale events. Others, however, find a way to blame virtually
every natural disaster on the technology. In the end, the truth
likely sits somewhere in between.
Regardless, there are individuals who have done amazing amounts of
good research regarding HAARP with very little resources at their
disposal. Obviously, these researchers have developed their own
terminology and designation for the anomalies surrounding weather
and HAARP events.
Specifically, terms like “Scalar Squares,” “HAARP Rings,” and
“Stairstep Patterns” have become accepted nomenclature for many who
follow the HAARP system and its effects on weather patterns and the
These terms have become highly used in HAARP-related videos on
YouTube and, unfortunately, are the subject of much ridicule by
those still ignorant of scientific advancements.
More often than
not, the very concept of using these types of “patterns,” or even
the technology itself, is rejected as tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy
However, the folks at
Sincedutch have produced a paper published in
the journal Geophysical Research Letters by researchers working on a
grant presented to Stanford University by the Office of Naval
Research regarding the efficacy of a new type of ELF/VLF wave
This new method of wave generation - using HAARP itself
- is called “geometric modulation” due to the use of geometric
patterns for wave generation.
As the paper entitled, “Geometric modulation
- A more effective
method of steerable ELF/VLF wave generation with continuous HF
heating of the lower ionosphere,” states, geometric modulation is a,
“new method of ELF/VLF wave
generation... involving the scanning
the HF heating beam in a geometric pattern without modulating its
In the second section of the paper designated “Experimental Setup,”
the researchers describe the three main types of geometric
modulation patterns used which are subsequently labeled:
line-sweep, defined as “where
the heating beam scans back and forth along a chosen
azimuth, completing a full back and forth scan... in one
ELF/VLF period”
sawtooth-sweep, defined as
“where the heating beam scans along one chosen azimuth,
completing one sweep across the path in one ELF/VLF period
and starting back at the initial end”
circle-sweep, defined as “where
the heated beam follows a circular pattern with some
As Sincedutch
points out, these
designations closely parallel those being used in the alternative
media/research communities.
Interestingly enough, the terms provided
by the independent researchers were largely gleaned from radar
signatures, which might explain why the terms are so similar without
one side being privy to the other.
The name might be slightly
different - i.e.,
HAARP Rings = Circle Sweep
Scalar Squares = Square Waves
Stairstep Patterns = Sawtooth Sweeps,
...but the pattern
remains the same.
This demonstrates, among other things, that many independent
researchers have been on target for some time, even as the
mainstream has attempted to demonize and ridicule them into
One other interesting piece of information provided by this paper is
the reasoning behind the use of geometric modulation in the first
According to the researchers,
Furthermore, since amplitudes of
ELF/VLF signals generated via modulated HF heating as observed
on the ground are roughly proportional to total HF power
delivered to the ionosphere [Barr and Stubbe, 1991], with some
variations resulting from a saturation mechanism at these power
levels [Moore et al., 2006] the 7-11 dB enhancement exceeds the
6dB enhancement that would be expected by simply doubling the
power of HAARP.
Translating this information into
English simply means that geometric modulation is capable of
significantly enhancing the HF power projected into the ionosphere,
not merely upping the power of the HAARP station itself.
As the paper states in the “Conclusion,”
Near HAARP, GM is less effective
than AM below 2kHz, but more effective above 3 kHz. For long
distance observations, GM consistently produces substantially
stronger signals than AM for ELF/VLF frequencies above 3 kHZ, by
as much as 7-11 dB.
In addition, GM can lead to the creation of
an unprecedented ELF phased array, capable of directed radiation
at different azimuths within the EIW.
Again, this means that geometric
modulation, given the right circumstances, can be used to
drastically increase the ELF powers of HAARP and such related
The paper cited above was published in 2008. However, projects such
as HAARP are not quite as new as many might think. I have said
before in many of my articles that if the general public is made
aware of any new type of research, then the truth is that the
technology they are being introduced to is now obsolete.
We can
safely assume that HAARP and projects like it are at least 50 years
ahead of what many so-called “conspiracy theorists” take them to be,
much less the mainstream commentators (where they exist).
After all, keep in mind that the paper cited in this article
actually cites a previous study where ELF/VLF wave generation was
demonstrated in a HAARP-like experiment of its own...
That study
took place in 1974.