by Earl L. Crockett
January 27, 1998
TheMilleniumGroup Website
1.0 The Background
The wake up call for many of us came in the form of a wondrous
celestial visitor that entered our Solar System circa 1992. In late
1996, and early 1997, "it" began to intrigue and enchant us with
spectacular night sky displays. At that time only one high
resolution photograph had been released from the Hubble Space
Telescope. That is still the case today.

7 AU
1 AU = 149 597
870.691 ± 0.030 km
We were captured by this immense self luminous visitor spiraling
towards us at a stunning speed of 95,000 miles per hour. Who, in
their wildest imaginations, had ever seen or heard of anything like
this before? We hadn't, our friends hadn't, our families hadn't, yet
when we asked those who are supposed to know of such things we
received a most surprising, and matter-of-fact, "It's just one of
those. Yea ... maybe it's a little bigger, but nothing that unusual".
And every single inquiry to an official government source about this
wondrous object included the same tag line ending response of, "Don't
worry it's not going to hit the Earth". We never asked.

"The Winged Messenger"
12 Inch Scope
1.3 AU
We did our very best to learn the scientific theory describing these
"things;" the accepted knowledge from which doctoral degrees are
gained, tenured professorships are awarded, and billions of tax
dollars are granted. We "learned" that they were composed of ice and
dust which would "break apart in your hand." We read on to find that
they only illuminated, and became visible, when their "ices" began
to melt at about 1 1/2 to 2
AU from the Sun.

"The Cosmic Bow Wave"
16 inch Scope
1.4 AU
We were puzzled, and confused, about our inability to match the
official theory with our observations. We were told that one "must
have degrees in astronomy, chemistry, physics, etc." before being
able to understand such complicated matters. "Go out in your
backyard and enjoy the show. We'll handle the science."

"The Arcing-16 Dynamo"
12 Inch Scope Outbound
1.3 AU
We researched back a few years to see if that would help our
comprehension. We heard that another one of these "things" had had
an encountered with Jupiter in 1994.

Shoemaker-Levy 9
July 1994
What we learned was that a "dirty snowball", of 4.5 to 5.0 km in
diameter, had been captured by Jupiter, and that it had broken into
about "11 to 22" separate pieces of 1/4 to a 1/2 km across. The size
of these pieces of dusty ice where later revised upward to diameters
of 2 or 3 km. Please do not be concerned, we couldn't get the math
to work on this either.

Jupiter Under Attack
July 1994
Press releases from those who "know" said that these icy pieces
would evaporate in Jupiter's atmosphere, and that the actual events
would be faintly visible to the experts. The impact of the first, or
-A-, "piece of ice" turned out to be visible with a good pair of
binoculars; July 19, 1994. -A- produced a crater impact signature on
Jupiter a little larger than the 8,000 mile diameter of Earth, and
the force of the explosion was calculated by NASA to be equivalent
to the detonation of:
214,285 each, 20 Megaton Nuclear Fusion Bombs
There have been no explanations whatsoever in the intervening 3 1/2
years. We left this little excursion into past matters with more
questions than when we started.

"The Italian Hitchhiker"
16 Inch Scope
We watched with fascination as the two major media events, intended
to divert attention from the true nature of our approaching stellar-like
visitor, where carried out with impeccable timing, and execution. We
listened to the effectiveness of the campaign roll off the tongues
of our friends. We quickly learned the virtue of silence. Put it on
the Internet. Let those who can see read. Let those who can hear
listen. We did, and 5 million have come; and are still coming.
2.0 The Search For Answers
Einstein once remarked that "viewing" the domain of subatomic
particles, the quantum, was similar to looking at the face of a
clock, seeing the hands turning around the dial, but never being
able to look around in the back to see the mechanism. Dealing with
this object named Hale-Bopp, and the response, or lack thereof, from
the official science community has been a similar experience. It is
important to remember, however, that quantum physics was not
hindered by this problem, and has been outrageously successful in
developing the advanced technology we enjoy today.
They overcame the
need for Newtonian certainty by observing the effects, or
appearances, and then assigning probabilities or potentias to the
outcome. We must do the same.
2.1 Appearances
The very first strangeness regarding Hale-Bopp information occurred
in November 1995 when major observatories, world-wide, suddenly
stopped releasing all high resolution photos.
7/95 |
13 |
0 |
8/95 |
52 |
0 |
9/95 |
31 |
0 |
10/95 |
34 |
0 |
11/95 |
0 |
0 |
12/95 |
0 |
0 |
1/96 |
0 |
1 |
2/96 |
3 |
97 |
3/96 |
0 |
675 |
4/96 |
2 |
133 |
5/96 |
1 |
5 |
136 |
911 |
When protests were made, the official explanation was that all
Principle Investigators (PI's) working under NASA/NSF funding (that
means everyone) had a one year proprietary period in which to
conduct their research. The PI's, including those at the Hubble
Space Telescope, were in no way obligated to turn over any photos,
of any resolution, for one year. The fact that Hale-Bopp would have
passed by and been long gone from view by the end of one year made
no difference. It has since been revealed, however, that the "one
year proprietary" PI rights provision is simply a ruse of secrecy.
PI's have never had the right to release any information, at any
time, without the explicit written approval of NASA; after the
formal submission of a disclosure request by the PI's.
This condition prevails today regarding any and all scientific
information relating in any way whatsoever to space or satellite
data research. The disclosure provision is enforced by research
grant conditions, Presidential National Security Directives
published and unpublished, and the ominous and real threat of
supra-constitutional action against governmental employees and
contractors by the convert squadrons of "intelligence" forces
maintained by the US Military, the National Security Council, and
the National Security Agency. And, no it's not possible to tell them
apart. "They" are just there waiting in the wings, and everyone
right down to the janitor knows it.

The Non-Release Release
The continued outcry for photographs of Hale-Bopp from the Hubble
Space Telescope (HST) finally resulted in the release of the photos
shown above. Once again, however, the information being "officially"
presented provided many more questions than answers. A quick glance
above shows a remarkable degradation of resolution between the
oldest, and the newest, photos.
The October 1996 photo is easily
300% smaller than the October 1995 photo, and the accompanying
information does say that all of the photos have the "same field of
view;" i.e.. astronomical distance across the frame of the photo. In
addition, Hale-Bopp had shortened the distance between it and Earth
by a conservative factor of 3 during the intervening year. Therefore
it is reasonable to conclude that the 1996 photo has been degraded
in resolution by a minimum of 600% for reasons unknown at the
present time.
We would also like to point out that the HST has been widely
publicized as having a resolution 100 times greater than any ground
based facility. When we compare the HST photos to the stunning Earth
based telescope photos above, the mystery only deepens. And "The
Winged Messenger" and "Cosmic Arcing-16 Dynamo" photos, presented
above, were taken with a modest 12 inch scope as compared to the 6
meter, and greater size, observatories that NASA controls throughout
the world. Yet to this date, we have not seen one single photo from
all of Nasa's observatories, or satellites, that compares to the
detail and resolution of the photographs generously given to the
world by Dr. Ian Griffin, Astronaut Memorial Observatory,
Clearwater, Florida; a private institution.
2.2 Now You See It, And Now You Don't
As the informed public began to focus in on Hale-Bopp through the
wonders of the Internet in late 1996, a curious phenomena began to
repeat itself. A photo or other information would be "discovered" on
an official institutional web site, it would be communicated and put
up on a private web page with appropriate links to the original
site, and when you went back a few hours later the information was
no where to be found. A word-to-the-wise message was quickly spread
to "save" anything of importance to your own hard disk.
The official explanation of the discovery of Hale-Bopp was, and
continues to be, a simultaneous sighting and reporting by two
individuals, in and from two different locations, on July 23, 1995.
This coincidence is a first in the recorded history of comet
One intrepid private researcher had a different idea about how, and
when, Hale-Bopp was "discovered". His premise was that Hale-Bopp was
just to large and bright to have been previously "missed" by large
observatories; for so long of a period of time. He set about a
methodical search of Internet posted observatory photos taken in the
direction of the constellation Sagittarius; Hale-Bopp's inbound
path. He struck pay dirt at the Anglo-Australian Observatory in a
photo dated April 7, 1993. He posted a notice of the existence of
the photo, and it spread like wildfire over the Internet.
The next
day the photo disappeared from the observatory page, and a day or so
later the observatory issued a statement to the effect that no such
photograph had ever existed. And that the claim was an "Internet
hoax" spawned by the irresponsible "public"; i.e.. you and me. It
was "just another example of the poor quality of science education
in the USA;" another of the often repeated statements made by
"official" science regarding those expressing interest in Hale-Bopp.
Well it turned out that our wise researcher had in fact "saved" the
photo in question. He posted the photo along with a detailed
description of the validity of the presence of Hale-Bopp as proven
by the use of a known, commercially available, computer generated
star map software program. Again, the information spread like
wildfire. After a week or so had gone by, the observatory issued
another press release stating that they had "found" the photograph;
that is, the one that had previously "never existed". They also
admitted that the April 7, 1993 photo did in fact include an image
of Hale-Bopp. There was, however, no mention of the circumstances
surrounding the "now you see it, now you don't" disappearance of the
photo from their web page. And they concluded by saying that they
had simply "missed seeing the image of Hale-Bopp" when the photo was
originally taken.
Once again, an "official explanation" left us with deep and
fundamental questions. Astronomers no longer look through telescopes
as in the days of Galileo, nor do they search over photographs for
hours on end with large magnifying glasses; visually comparing their
recent photos to printed star charts in the search for the treasured
anomaly that will potentially lead them to fame and fortune. They
use computer star map programs, just like the amateurs, except
theirs are much more sophisticated, and they are run on massive
super computers.
The basic process is as follows: You sit in front of a computer
screen showing the real-time image from the telescope, and verify
the accuracy of your subject target area by comparing the screen
image with the aforementioned star map program. Once things match
you "push the button" and your predetermined observational program
takes over. The results of the observation are taken by digital CCD
electronic plates that automatically record and compile virtually
hundreds of images over hours of time.
The resulting single image is
then computer compared to the very same star maps mentioned above,
and all "anomalies" i.e.. those things that are not supposed to be
there are popped up on your screen automatically. The obvious point
is that the entire purpose and design of the system is to find
something, anything, that has never been seen before. To "not see"
the very thing you're looking for, adds one more puzzle to our
growing list.

2.3 Little Green Men
By this time it is well established in the public consciousness that
the term "Hale-Bopp" is quickly followed by the word "kook". What is
not well known is that the appellation "kook" seems to have come
prepackaged with the appearance of Hale-Bopp. As early as November
1996, prior to any general public knowledge regarding the presence
of Hale-Bopp, or its visible appearance in the night sky, official
web sites such as JPL, and NASA funded observatories, were uniformly
carrying stories or comments under the heading of "Little Green Men
And Other Such Nonsense About Hale-Bopp".
The stories all went on to
say that "Hale-Bopp won't hit the Earth", and they all concluded
"Its just a comet". Included with the "Little Green Men" theme were
stories about historical "comet hysteria", the "irresponsible medium
of the Internet", and the precedent for "millennium madness". Why
these otherwise highly scientific organizations seemed to have been
compelled to communicate such matters is puzzling.

Ollie's Best 6 Foot (72 inch) Scope 1.4 AU
In addition, extensive explanations were posted about the "fairness"
of the one year proprietary condition on all Hale-Bopp data; at a
time prior to any real protest. These laments always included "how
hard the Principle Investigators (PI's) had to work on planning
their observations," and that "it takes extensive amounts of time to
convert the raw data to acceptable photographs, and to do good
research." There was, of course, no mention of the fact that the
PI's, their staff, and institutions were being paid huge amounts of
taxpayer generated money to do this very same work. The stories also
failed to mention that the PI's were using observational
instruments, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, that have, and
continue to, cost billions of dollars in public funds. And, in what
seems a final "insult to injury" from this point in time, we were
told that "astronomy was a serious science", and that the provision
of "pretty pictures to a public that would forget them by the next
day is a useless waste of time."

12 Inch Scope 1.4 AU
2.4 The Morning After
December 1996 and January 1997 were particularly frustrating times
for followers of Hale-Bopp. Amateurs in the Southern latitudes were
beginning to produce photos of HB that showed a huge object. It
didn't take the proverbial rocket scientist to figure out what kind
of images were being taken with the HST, and with the major
observatory telescopes. What was also missing was any official
government web pages devoted to the subject. There were, however, a
growing number of private or personal home pages. What was noted at
the time was that one particular "home page" seemed to be listed on
all governmental and major observatory web pages as a recommended
"link" along with the designation "The Official Hale-Bopp Home
Page." The "how, why, and who" of this "Official" nomenclature has
never been determined.
Hour upon hour of frustrating time was spend by many surfing the web
for information. The small bits and pieces that were found were
quickly fired through the net for all to share. On the morning of
Wednesday January 22, 1997, your reporter, booted up his computer
and went immediately to JPL; the assumed location for the official
disclosure of NASA information on Hale-Bopp. To his wonderment, JPL
had placed a link on its page to a JPL sponsored web page on
Hale-Bopp. The previous day there had been no such link.
The very
first thing that was noticeable was that the page "looked" like it
had been there for months. That is, entries and updates, etc.
stretching back to 1995. Included on the JPL web page was a
suggested link to a Hale-Bopp page at Space Telescope Science Inc.
(STScI) the managers of the Hubble Space Telescope. And on the STScI
page along with a couple of very low resolution photos of HBO, that
hadn't been seen before, was another link to a company called
Applied Research Corporation, "A publicly traded company." It seems
that this "private company" had been given all of the rights to the
HST photos of HB by NASA.
And again, this page that first saw the
light of day on January 22, 1997, was boldly dated "December 1995".
It announced that a 25 mile diameter had been determined for the
nucleus of Hale-Bopp from photos that were taken at 7 AU, or 651
million miles. It should also be noted that the visible signature of
the coma of Hale-Bopp was 1.5 million miles wide at the time of the
25 mile diameter calculation was made.
I jumped up like a madman, and went running through the house
"Why now? Why January 22? What's happened so that where
there was nothing , we now have three pages, and all this
My wife, who wisely chooses to remain above such rantings of her often deranged husband, looked up calmly from her
book and said
"Well that's simple dear. Yesterday was President
Clinton's inauguration, and they just haven't wanted to release any
information about Hale-Bopp until he was safely sworn into office."