by Steve Moyer

Synergy HyperMail

from Minnie Website

Have you ever considered your insignificance in this universe? Have you ever looked to the stars in wonderment? I have asked myself these questions and more when I consider my existence here upon the Earth. The heavens above us have a very profound way of making us feel quite small. It is with these feelings that I approach the following subject.

I would simply ask you to read the following hypothesis and examine what I have to say. Perhaps you will find no interest in the following... that’s o.k.. But perhaps you will find yourself stunned at what I believe I have discovered. It’s not especially a religious subject, but no doubt... it does have that implication if you desire to view it as such. I only ask that you give my thoughts some serious consideration and rebut with an appropriate argument. I admit up front that I am not a professional in the field, although I have taken the opportunity to confer with experts and to review the pertinent material on the subject. Regardless of your feelings in this matter, you must agree that we as a species are indeed, in so many ways, insignificant in this universe.

The following hypothesis is based upon several months of pouring over numerous documents. Most were found on the WWW and available to all who have access to this medium. There are links within this document to find most of the information. Check it out for yourself.

What if the Earth was in danger of a massive catastrophe? Would the common man know? If the authorities with expertise in the field had foreknowledge of this coming event, would they share the information with us?

I have had an interest in astronomy for many years and have had several college level classes on the subject. This current concern goes back to Shoemaker Levy-9  (fig1). I remember the hubbub about this ‘comet’ hitting Jupiter back in 93-94. I also remember reading a book called Lucifer’s Hammer (guess what it was about?), and I thought “wow, this could really happen!” So with eager but unsettling anticipation I looked forward to the day it was to hit. I was anxiously watching the tube waiting for that special moment to arrive. There were all of these JPL Caltech nerds sitting around a monitor, waiting as I was, for those first images. The camera was positioned to record the reactions of the nerds and in a small inset on my screen was the monitor image.


How powerful, how magnificent to behold the power of such an event! These were mountain sized clumps of rock, bearing down on a planet in our solar system! Then the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) scientists together with myself watched as the first images came through... I held my breath, knowing full well that but for the grace of God that planet on the screen could’ve easily been our planet! Suddenly I was shocked and horrified as I watched these irreverent nerds scream and celebrate. They even opened a bottle of booze and cheered! I didn’t realize until just recently the deception that had been perpetrated upon the public.

Recently when Galileo made its trip to Jupiter, I had already noticed that Jupiter’s albedo (apparent luminosity) had been regularly increasing. I suspected because of the assault upon it by Shoemaker Levy-9. (More recently, we’ve seen pics from Ganymede that apparently display core heating-of course months after they were taken!). So I watched and waited for the pics and info from Galileo at Jupiter. Then a funny thing happened... the images weren’t coming back to the public at the same rate that the nerds were getting them. All of a sudden, it was, “It will take a few months to analyze the data before they are released.” Things were held back, the data was limited to a few inert articles. The obvious question, “If they could show us immediate pictures a couple of years ago of SL9, why not now?” The obvious answer-It was a publicity stunt! Their reasoning? At the time I couldn’t guess what their motivation was. But I believe that I’m now beginning to understand...

What if we lived in an environment that was hostile? An environment that is ever changing and evolving? Savage and primitive? An environment with components that critically interacted with each other causing cataclismic events? Again, if NASA scientists knew this to be an imminent threat, would they tell us?

Then came the announcement of Hale-Bopp in mid 1995. Discovered by two semi-professional astronomers. Reports now available from JPL/NASA reflect that it HAD been discovered in ‘93, but now, with the internet and HB’s narrowing proximity, they couldn’t hush it up any longer. So they went ahead with their typical (we’ve-seen-it -before) “goverment coverup” campaign.

The first important picture (fig 2), which I refer to as the “pinwheel”, was taken by the space telescope Hubble (HST) in September of ‘95 (image rifgt). Take a look at the spiral. You can readily see that it’s turning toward you clockwise and that there are two distinct bright spots. Take a ruler, a compass, or even a piece of string! Put your first point in the center of the lower bright spot (on the second image-a false color image-I have done this for you). This is the nucleus according to NASA. Measure the distance from center of the lower white/bright spot to the center of the upper bright spot. According to their legend, you’ll get a distance of about 1.4 arc seconds (no need to be too precise at this point, the size is large enough in reality that it’s just not gonna make that much difference). I became quite alarmed when I did the math- at approximately 620 million miles 1.4 arc seconds is somewhere in the close neighborhood of 4000 miles! There’s a first revelation... this thing is BIG! Remember, this picture was taken when Hale Bopp was 6 A.U.+ from the Sun (one A.U.=93 million miles). So, the Sun’s gravity had little effect on the comet, creating a gas cloud or causing seismic stress.

Now take your compass or engineering ruler and measure from the bottom bright spot around and down to your left, this time following the center of the spiral (the relatively dark area, above the two spots and that passes below them). You’ll quickly notice that the spiral, or rather the material making up the spiral DOES NOT EXPAND.


Note: If this were a so called “CHUNK” as JPL initially stated, the material would move away from what they refer to as the nucleus (which they say is the lower bright spot), it wouldn’t spiral away, it would move straight away and it could be easily visualized by HST. But surprise it doesn’t move away. Not even at the speed of 68 miles an hour! (JPL’s estimate). And by the way, there hasn’t been one image of this so-called CHUNK at any distance from Hale-Bopp by any telescopes.

Now remember, this is an OPTICAL image, NOT infrared! See how the outer edges seem to grow darker or are rounded away from the center. That’s because this is a picture of the entire comet. Therefore if you figure conservatively, very much so... double the measurement from the center of one bright spot to the center of the other bright spot (in essence from top bright spot to a distant radius)... you have at least an 8000 mile object (the Earth is around 8000 mi.). A further evaluation of the object, reveals that it may even be a larger surface area beyond the apparent image, perhaps a diameter of at least 12000 miles! (see fig 2b) Remember... There has never been a comet discovered at such a distance from the Earth! There is no other explanation, Hale Bopp is huge!

At first I thought this must be wrong. There’s no way something this big could be coming into the inner solar system. I’ve doubted its size for a long time. Until I saw this picture (fig 3). The one with the six gas jets. I realized that I had, even back then, under estimated the size of this behemoth. It now appears to have a nucleus (not just a coma) of at least 25,000 kilometers. Note the distance the northern jet stretches. Yes indeed things are large in space, but this is ridiculous!


(Note: this northern jet has grown to 1.2 million kilometers!)


If size were the only thing to be concerned about, it would surely be enough. At this point I was thinking, “well...maybe it won’t be too bad.” I knew that from ephemeral projections that it was going to pass through the solar system at quite a distance from the Earth. But as I will explain... There is much, much more to be concerned over.

If a great catastrophe were coming, and our government knew, why wouldn’t they tell us? Wouldn’t they want to give us a chance to be prepared for such an event? Is it because they’re more interested in protecting the financial markets than human life?

After I realized that Hale-Bopp was huge, I looked for indicators of its effect upon the Earth. My first thought was that something that big, coming into the inner solar system, would cause some change in seismic activity. So I began watching the earthquake reports and developing a baseline of info from the US Geological Survey. My first numbers were from April of this year (1996) and continues through September (fig 4). I was surprised, but at the same time frightened to find my suspicions confirmed. There had been a statistically significant increase in activity.

One of the other indicators I began to wonder about, was weather. I had heard that the number of tornadoes and hurricanes had increased over the past few years. So I also looked into this area. Last year more tornadoes were recorded than in any other year to date. This past year was also an especially difficult year for the Caribbean, the East coast of the U.S., and the worst for the Far East. But I asked myself how these events could be related? The answer was deeper than just gravity. I found what I believe to be the answer, again, in the study of Hale Bopp itself.

I found that there were many things about this comet that were not fitting to well. The “expert”, Don Yeomans from JPL, formulates projections of Hale-Bopp’s path through our solar system, based upon observations. These are called “ephemeris’”. Period comets do not regularly change their approach and departure, with a very few exceptions. But the trajectory of Hale-Bopp has changed. And not just once or twice. Mr Yeoman has so far to date FORTY-ONE solutions concerning Hale-Bopp! First estimates show it passing just under an AU (93 Million miles-the distance from the sun to the Earth) from the sun. With an ephemeris that has changed a number of times, it appears that it may likely be coming more like 20 million miles closer to the sun. In astronomical terms, this can make quite a difference. But I’m getting ahead of myself a bit.

Why would a comet change its orbit? NASA/JPL claims that this comet has a period which has changed from about 4000 years to a little over 2000 years. The differences in their projection is again a reflection of the comet’s changing orbit. You may recall that Haley’s comet appears every seventy-six years, with out fail. So what has happened to Hale-Bopp that has changed its path?

Hale-Bopp’s orbit (fig 5) is on nearly a ninety degree angle to the ecliptic of our solar system (the “ecliptic” is an imaginary plane that transects the average flat path of the planets). Its approach was from below the ecliptic just beyond Jupiter, then it will descend over the far side of the Sun. During the period of February 28 thru the first week of April, or approximately 40 days, Hale-Bopp passed about 30 million miles on the far side of Jupiter, crossing upward thru the ecliptic. 40 days because that is the relative time it took to pass through the IMF (Interplanetary Magnetic Field) as influenced by Jupiter’s attraction/repulsion. This appears to have changed Hale-Bopp’s trajectory and orientation dramatically.

Not only has the orbit changed significantly, but I believe there is a deeper reaction with the IMF. NASA along with the Navy and the Air Force has launched several projects in the past years dealing with a phenomenon called Coronal Mass Ejections (CME). These charged plasma emissions from the Sun are dipolar in nature, and usually connect back with the Sun to complete the charge loop. Just as the solar plasma field is carried out on the Solar wind, and then reconnects the field back to the Sun, these smaller, yet more intense bursts loop back to the opposite pole on the Sun. In recent years they have made a peculiar discovery. Some of these CME’s disconnect from the Solar surface, and are carried out into the Solar System. Much of this work is classified and unavailable to the public, although some info comes thru from the satellite project SOHO/LASCO and others. These CME’s are usually observed on the Earth, by Earth based instruments. There is now information that suggests Hale-Bopp may have a field of its own (fig 6). This would explain a number of peculiarities that relate to the comet, such as, Ganymede’s recent core heating (fig 7), the “two eyes” of Hale-Bopp (fig 8) on 6/23/96, its interesting formation of jets (fig 9) and data on the recent occultation.

Aren’t there inalienable human rights that surpass the rights of the greater scientific and political communities? Remember... By the people, for the people?

Finally, conclusions and concerns as to what Hale-Bopp may just mean to each and every one of us. Please take time to read these comments and respond appropriately.