Transcript of Videotape Series Session 2 of 12

Beyond Human -- The Last Call - Session 2 (60 Min)

Welcome to Beyond Human - The Last Call. This is our second session. I'm going to assume that you've watched our first session. After that session, we got our heads together, watched the session, and tried to look at it from your point of view and determine where the big gaps were, and we've pretty much designed today's session about or around those gaps - the questions that might have come into your head then, or since watching yesterday's session. So, I'm going to look primarily to these students to help me with those questions. They've listed them, and we're just going to cover them one right after the other. Are you going to help me with this list of questions better than you did yesterday? (laughs)

Student: Well, we're certainly going to try.

Do: Let's get started. What was the first question on our list?

Student: The first one that we have written down here is: as far as overcoming, how was Jesus' mission different from Ti and Do's?

Do: I know I could say this again and again, but that's a good question. I get uncomfortable comparing Jesus' mission to Ti and Do's mission because I know how precious Jesus' mission is in our eyes as well as in much of the public's eyes, and I know how offensive it could be to compare Jesus' mission with Ti and Do, whom most people have never heard of. But we have to address the question. Jesus, and Ti and Do, both came with the information that: "the end of the Age is approaching, and if you're going to get from the human kingdom into our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, then you're going to have to overcome the world. You're going to have to leave everything and come and follow me. And as a 'Rep,' I can be used as an instrument of that Kingdom to help you get into that Kingdom after you leave your humanness behind." That much is common.

One major feature is very different: It's certainly on the record that Jesus' mission was designed, before He came, that He would represent the purity that was required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, this is the reason why humans say again and again, "I can never be like Him because He's so pure. He never sinned. He was spotless. He went through His whole life without sin." Well, that appears to have been the design. Not that I'm saying that He should have been sinful, for He had overcome the world. Prior to that incarnation, He had overcome the world. So, He did not need to get back into the world, even though He did need to awaken to recognize that He had come from the Kingdom of Heaven and what His mission was. That awakening was still difficult and painful and, I'm sure, trying for Him, because He knew how blasphemous it was going to sound the minute He began to express it.

In Ti and Do's case, it's almost 180 degrees in another direction. Ti and Do came, and first of all, our awakening was much later in the lifetime than Jesus', because Ti and Do met in their early forties and were as asleep as you can be at that time. But even a more major difference was that both of us were very much into humanness. This was the design. It was designed this way in the Kingdom of Heaven before we came in, because Satan had grasped onto what Jesus' M.O. had been. And the way that he could keep humans from thinking about their overcoming was to picture Jesus as someone that was so perfect that, since He died on the cross, He could redeem you if you just love Him and believe that He existed and accept Him as your Savior. That's the way he could keep you from relating to the fact that you would have to do what Jesus said and overcome the world also, as He did. Since Lucifer, or Satan, had done such a good job of having people relate to that perfection M.O., or that purity M.O. of Jesus' mission, the Next Level then said, or the Kingdom of Heaven then said, "Well, this time when we send Representatives we're going to do just the opposite. We're going to send them and let them get completely into the world to remind humans that you can be completely into the world and get out of the world."

I told you yesterday that when I met Ti, and even before I met Ti - I would say probably a year before I met Ti - that my life began to just fall apart. But the important thing is that it's common. As we discussed some yesterday, a symptom of a soul awakening to the point where it jives with its previous incarnation, a symptom that accompanies that awakening, seems to be a life kind of falling apart. Some souls, if they haven't overcome much in the way of human lessons, then their awakening certainly would not be anything traumatic. If they do not overcome their attachments, then nothing traumatic is happening, because they're not dropping those attachments at the point of their awakening where they would jive with a previous incarnation. I know I'm going way beyond the question that you brought up about the hole in yesterday's talk. I could go on with this one for the rest of this hour. Let's go to our next question.

Student: How did Ti's mission differ from Do's mission, since Ti left and returned to the Kingdom of Heaven before Do?

Do: Well (laughs), here we go again. That's an interesting question, too. That was a very tough one for me. And I think it was a tough one for Ti, because it came as such a surprise. I don't know why, but Ti and I thought that - we just knew, it seemed - that we would both be here for the full duration of the task. It didn't occur to us that one might leave prior to the other one leaving. Let's see, Ti has been gone almost 7 years - it will be 7 years this spring or this summer. When Ti began to see the signs of leaving her vehicle, she, I think, was puzzled, and I certainly was puzzled. But I must take this opportunity to relate to you that it didn't change her position at all regarding her devotion to her Heavenly Father and to this task. She didn't want to relate to the human connection at all, or to the flesh body's connection to the world. She remained perfectly steadfast to the mission that she was involved in, and in her partnership with me in that mission, and remained true to it every second. She didn't say, "What's the Next Level doing here? What's happening here"? Her only thought was to me, "I'm glad that you don't have to experience what I am going through." And the irony was that I was saying, "I wish I could be going in your place." That was no big, wonderful thing for me to say. It was because I feared being left with the responsibility of the mission with my partner being gone. And I did, I seriously feared it.

I have to stop here and address another question. Because you could say, "What caused Ti to leave her vehicle? What was used as the instrument of her leaving when she did"? And it was that the vehicle broke down. Humans would say that the vehicle died. How can we say that she "left her vehicle"? Because I know and understand Ti, and I understand Ti's relationship with our Heavenly Father, I know that she had within her power, or within her authority, if she chose to use it, she could have made the choice of when she left her vehicle or when she didn't. You can say, "Oh that's baloney." And that's fine if you want to say it. I know Ti. You don't know Ti. These students, they know Ti. But I know that Ti's thinking was to her Father, "I didn't expect this - that I would be leaving my vehicle at this time - but if that's what you have in mind for me, and if that's what you have in mind for Do, and for the class, then that's what we want."

I could see in Ti's eyes, I could read her soul, I could see mixed feelings. I could see part of her that was joyful in knowing that soon she would be out of the human kingdom. That portion of her mind that was here could be back in a vehicle that was appropriate for the Kingdom of Heaven and back in a closer, realistic, physical relationship with her Heavenly Father. And that couldn't help but be joyful. But she didn't want to think about that because she didn't want to shirk her responsibility. She was still "task conscious." She was still concerned with, "What kind of hardship is this going to play for Do? What kind of pressure is this going to put on him and on the classroom? Are students going to be lost because I'm leaving my vehicle? Are they going to slip into thinking, 'Well, Ti's died, and here's Do. So, this makes all this fall apart?'" And yet I know that she knew that if the students knew any of the truth that had been given to us, and that we shared an understanding of, that they would not look at it from that point of view. If they were challenged by that, then it was good that they be challenged in that way. If that was the point of their falling away, then there needed to be a point of their falling away. They were going to be challenged sooner or later with some test, because that's the name of growth - it's our being confronted with tests that causes us to either go forward, closer to our Heavenly Father, closer to the Kingdom of Heaven, or we are challenged with saying, "I don't know. Maybe I'm coming to my senses. I'll go recover my humanness if I can."

Back to your question. When Ti left her vehicle and returned, what it meant to me, even though it still breaks my heart to recall the experience, it very swiftly and very solidly put me on firmer ground in relationship to my Heavenly Father. It put me in a better relationship with Ti than I had before she left her vehicle. I know that Ti is still to this day my primary if not my total link with our Heavenly Father, the Heavenly Father that we shared in that task. I believe that we still share to this day the same Heavenly Father. But also in my awareness is that Ti is an older soul - a more experienced soul, has been given more knowledge, knows more, can make choices more quickly and more readily in the judgment that she has learned from our Father. This has done tremendous things for me to find myself, wow! - alone, as far as physically alone. My partner has left her physical body. It feels so funny for me to say "her" when I speak of Ti, even though she was in a body that had been a female. I say "had been" because she had certainly overcome any gender consciousness before going back to our Father's Kingdom.

I could go on and on, but it meant a tremendous growth opportunity for me and for the class. It tested me. It tested the class. And we're all 10 feet taller because of it. It put me in a relationship now, with Ti, similar to the relationship that Ti had with our Heavenly Father before Ti left her vehicle. If we ever came down to question, in our working as a partnership, as to who might have the last word, it was never fought over or debated. But it became evident after a period of time in my searching, not because Ti imposed it, but in my searching I recognized that Ti knew more. Therefore, she had a better, trusting relationship with her Heavenly Father. She could recognize His voice more readily than I. Rather than, "Let's see, does that mean this"? or "Do we need to try that"? She didn't need to do all the seeking and searching because the voice was clearer, the control of the "frequency," if you want to put it in that illustration, was clear. Had she not left her vehicle and put me in the position that I am now in, I wouldn't have this opportunity to really work, and work hard, on my connection with that mind.

When the class and my relationship with the class are confronted with questions and decisions that need to be made, I could easily say, "Oh, what am I going to do in this situation"? or "We'll do this or we'll do that." And the test always is, do I say, "Ti, what would you have us do? Your will, not mine, not ours." And if the class, and if I, can always connect with our Father's Kingdom through the link that we have, the closest Older Member that we have, that link is the assurance. Now I know that even if Ti got called on another task for a period of time while I'm in this position, I know that Ti's Heavenly Father, who also, as I said, is my Heavenly Father, even though Ti is older, I know that my best funneling of my asking, my safest funneling is to continue to ask Ti. The thing that could get me completely off the track is if I said, "Oh Father so and so" instead of going through Ti. I have learned from my experience that I must continue to ask my partner, "Ti, what do we do in this situation"? I don't always get an answer right away (sometimes I get no answer at all - it means the question isn't worth answering - or I might keep looking for what was wrong with that question), but I know it's my assurance of staying on track. So, to finish what I started to say, even if Ti were put on another task, I know that our Father would station someone, saying, "If Do says, 'Ti, what do we do?', that's when you answer - only then. If he says, 'Well, Father, what do we do?', don't answer, because he's going to get off track."

Now, boy! that opens another whole big question. Why would I address something to Ti instead of to my Heavenly Father? Ti is my Older Member. Ti is in the succession of relationship. In a sense, Ti is my Heavenly Father, even though I still relate to the Older Member that dealt with Ti and Do as a partnership. It's not that I'm elevating some human named Ti. That's just an identification that directs my asking to my Older Member and it is my safeguard for staying on the right track. I know how Luci can dive in and answer my call when I direct it to my "Heavenly Father," and I can feel that it's off track. Luci is not permitted to answer the call that I direct to Ti. That's protected for my sake and for the sake of my students. I know that's hard to understand, when you know how right it is for you to relate to your Heavenly Father.

Listen, I have to jump to another question now that I know is on their list, because this forces me into the question of what is meant when people say, "Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ"? The only ones who really had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ are the ones who were physically present with Him, and looked to Him, and believed Him. Now, I have to enlarge that picture and say it also means that those souls, after they left those vehicles in the time that they were with Jesus, they continued to have - as long as they had not turned from Him - and they continue to have a personal relationship with that same Soul [Jesus], unless the Kingdom of Heaven, or our Father, has put someone else in that position. And I'm certainly not suggesting that anything has happened in that regard in our presence here, or our assignment here. But I have to make the point, when Jesus said, "...if you do this in My name," He was talking about those who knew Him and believed Him. They were disciples. They were devoted. They were going to the Kingdom of Heaven via the "ductwork" of the one called Jesus. He was their "Rep." They accepted Him as their Rep and they were calling His name. In that same way, I have to at this time call Ti's name. I don't know, Ti could have been a return of that soul that was Jesus. It doesn't matter to me. You could say, "Oh, but it should matter." Then you don't know the knowledge, you don't know Jesus, you don't know my Heavenly Father, or you would know the knowledge that is given to me. Not because of anything that I deserve, but by Their choice. They, the chain of command in the Kingdom of Heaven, give me the knowledge as They gave the knowledge to Ti and Do, as they give it now to Ti, and as Ti gives it to me. And it is the same knowledge that was in Jesus. It is from the same Family, from the same Household. It comes down the same trunk and goes out the same vines. If you really knew Him or know Him today, you will know that we are of that same Family, that our information does not differ one iota, that it is the same Truth, just different vehicles, different Reps.

Now the position is a little different - and here's another question on your list - because we're at the end of the Age, and Jesus kept warning about the importance of the end of the Age. This is a big time here at the end of the Age. What is the end of the Age? Well, you know the hippies and the New Agers speak of it as when Aquarius is around the corner or "here we are at the year 2000 and this is the end of the Age." And it is the end of the Age. The end of the Age is likened to when the Kingdom of Heaven, and I must say in the same breath, not only the Kingdom of Heaven, but it's when the garden is harvested at the end of a civilization. How is a garden harvested? A garden is harvested by the ones who have a relationship to the garden - be it from our Father's House, or be it from those that are off the strain, off the vine of misinformation and connected with the one that we refer to as Lucifer or Satan, though they certainly don't know that. From their point of view, they're connected with the "Son of Light," the "Angel of Light," the "truth." They believe that truth. It has some different earmarks as we discussed. It has some earmarks of "Ye are gods," "ye are the cosmic consciousness," the "universal mind." Those earmarks are not found in our Father's House. Our Father's House has earmarks of "Creator," "Father," "Son" - the way the pipeline works down in relationship from the Kingdom of Heaven to the human kingdom.

Well, back to "here we are at the end of the Age" and it's harvest time. Harvest time means that it's time for the garden to be spaded up. It's time for a recycling of souls. It's time for some to "graduate." It's time for some to be "put on ice." It's time! I don't know all of the things that are going to happen at the end of the Age because that harvesting task is not one that I am participating in. I suppose that I would say that Ti's job and Do's job or our partnership task is "tooting that trumpet," or making this sound right here at the end that says, "Last call - if you want to go beyond human, if you want to not have this Age that we've been in here for 6000 years go down the drain, if you're connected, if you have received a gift that connects you with this truth, with our Heavenly Father, with the family of the Creator, then you have an opportunity to do it, to overcome the world, to move into that Kingdom permanently, not needing to return to the human condition."

I'm afraid I have to go to another one of your questions and this one is: Where does this idea of being "saved" get in there? Jesus said, 'If you believe who I am, and you believe what I'm saying, and if you stay connected with Me, if you do things through My Name, then you'll be saved.' And it's true. That doesn't mean that you have finished your overcoming. It means that you are not "wasted." Being "saved" means that you are not wasted. It also means that you are saved from not going with the crowd that's going with misinformation, that's going with all that is not true. Now, I do not know and I'm glad that I don't know who is saved and who isn't, but if I should know, then I guess then I will know. I only know what has been given to me. And it's given to me on their time table, not when I want to know it. All I know is what is given to me to know. And even when I receive what I think that they've given to me and I think I know it, as soon as they give me something else, I recognize that what I know was partially out of balance or out of sync. The next thing they give me makes me re-examine it and update it and suddenly I see what I thought I knew before is not that accurate, that the new perception is much more accurate. So, I think I know that, until I receive something else, and then I realize that that's the process of growth.

But here we are at the end of the Age. In a sense, when Jesus said you can be saved, it was not the end of the Age, though He knew it was approaching, and He knew from His point of view it could be right around the corner. He told them the signs of what the end of the Age would be, and according to all the people you listen to and all the prophecy that's going around, everybody says, "This is it. This is the end of the Age. We don't know exactly the hour and the minute." Unfortunately, the exact hour or the minute doesn't really matter that much. It is the end of the Age. What matters is where are you at the time of the spading, at the time of the harvest? What happens to you? Have you become something that's so worthless that our Father's House has no need of you, and He just recycles you as a part of His recycling environmental control for a possible new Age? Now, I don't mean "New Age" new Age. I mean His new Age. If He wants to use this garden as a hothouse again, then He can take the waste, including "soul" waste, including "vehicle" waste, and He can recycle it into a useful product for a garden to be planted again.

So, one question is: have I become something that's just going to be recycled as waste at the end of the Age? Or, might I become something that can actually complete my overcoming under the helpful guiding hand of "Reps" whose task is overcoming. I can help you overcome this world. I'll give you lessons. I'll be used as the object of lessons and put you to tests that I don't mean to put you to tests for. I don't even like to put you to tests, but I'm willing to put you to tests.

Ever since Ti and I have been working with the class, we put themselves and ourselves to tests constantly. Or let me say it this way: The Kingdom of Heaven puts us to these tests as we ask for Their will not ours. We don't ever design tests for students or for ourselves. They are designed for us and given to us. They always shock us. They're always a surprise - even to this day. Even though we've learned - "Uh oh, that's a test." We've gotten that far - recognizing "here comes a test." Okay, so one is: I can become "waste" at the end of the Age. One is: I can overcome the world with the help of those who have overcome the world. I expressed to you in the last session that I've gotten instruction that I can say to you that these students have reached a point in their overcoming that they can survive as beginners in the Kingdom of Heaven and not need to return to the human condition. In other words, that point of their overcoming is sufficient that they can move into the Kingdom of Heaven and take a physical vehicle that belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven. Wow! That's a big picture isn't it. Because that physical vehicle in our Father's House doesn't need to be reproductive. It's neither male nor female. It's got no gender, it has no race relationship, it has no allegiance to anything of a "plant." It has allegiance only to its trunk and vines, and Representatives right down the chain of command, or the step-wise relationship, or link.

What if I'm not waste, but I haven't finished my overcoming, and I believe that what you're saying is the truth, and I believe that I'm hearing the Kingdom of Heaven through you - that it isn't you, it is our Heavenly Father, it is the Kingdom of Heaven speaking through you, if I really believe it, can I be saved? That's your best chance of being saved. But I'm afraid from my point of view, I see that instruction still has with it that if you hear this information, there is just barely time for you to overcome. So, if there's time for me to overcome, then why am I asking the question, "can I be saved"?

Let's go back to 2000 years ago when Jesus said, 'If you believe on Me and you do to the best of your ability what I say to do.' He might as well have even said, "You may not have overcome the world sufficiently to not need to return, but you can be saved, because you're in the process of overcoming." And it was the same thing as saying, "If you believe in Me, and you are a disciple, and you've connected with the Kingdom of Heaven through me, then you will be taken to My Father's House and you will be put in the 'fridge' - or you will be 'put on ice' - until an appropriate time to replant you so that you can get on with your overcoming and arrive at the point where you can then move up, not needing to return."

If we're receiving instruction that even these students can help you, that there's barely time for you to do overcoming of your own sufficiently to not need to return, then why would we even want to think of, well, "Can I just be saved, without overcoming"? I'm afraid that I would be fearful that the One who was in the position of judging whether I could be saved, that His decision would be colored by my saying, "I'm not sure I can overcome fast enough, but will I be saved"? Wouldn't I want to be more concerned with, "Goodness, if I can do my dead level best, give it everything I have to be in the full thrust of overcoming, then I know that my Heavenly Father will not forsake me, would not lose me. If I recognize I want Him, I am a lost sheep, I am someone who wants to get back into His House, back into the hands of the Creator that made me..., if I give everything I have...." And I say the same is true for you, if you do everything you can do to get as close as you can get as fast as you can get, and not reject what the Kingdom of Heaven has given to you as the means for that help, then there's no way that our Father would discard you, or do less than save you from "the reaper" or from whatever catastrophes might accompany the end of the Age.

I'm afraid I've got to go on in this same context and say that at the end of the Age, not only is our Father's House a part of the reaping process, but so is Lucifer's house. It is Lucifer, don't forget, that says, "You don't have to do anything. Just believe on Jesus." And Luci has put himself right there in that position where he is calling himself Jesus: "I'm Jesus. I will tell you through your prayers, I will give you that confidence, I will give you that feeling of 'I'm saved by the blood of the Lamb. That's all I have to do.'" I hate to tell you, you're not connected with our Father's House, though you want to be. You want to be connected. Though you want goodness, though you want God, though you want to be a part of our Creator's Household - our Father, our Creator, has rules and says, "When I send you Truth, when I send you updates, when I send you information on how you can come into My House, you can't just relate to the information I gave 2000 years ago." Because you were the ones that deserved to receive My Father's Household, Luci dives in and he grasps you and he attracts you and attempts to get you hooked through misinformation. He even says, "Just call on Jesus." (But Luci would have you call on Him in the wrong ways - not call on Him the way Jesus said.) Jesus said, 'You've got to overcome the world. Come and follow Me. Leave everything. You can't even be My disciple unless you give up your whole world, leave your whole life behind, and come and follow Me.' Now, that's not just because that is what Jesus said, that's what any Representative from the Kingdom of Heaven would say when it's time that someone has a possibility of moving from the human kingdom into our Heavenly Father's Kingdom and staying there and receiving the rewards of that Kingdom.

I know this is hard to take. And I know if you were a devoted, a devout Christian and you're hearing what I am saying, that your head is being pounded on at this moment, and you're saying, "How do I know that this guy who's talking to me that says he's 'Do,' how do I know he's not Satan, he's not Lucifer"? You don't. Something inside of you has to know. Go search your Scriptures. Go get back in your closet and say to your Heavenly Father - reach to the Most High God - saying, "I don't want to settle for less. I don't want to just adopt this misinformation if it's misinformation. If I, too, must separate from the world, if I, too, in order to get in Your Household, must drop everything as the disciples did 2000 years ago, if I, too, must overcome the world, then please wake me up and let me see that and let me do it and lead me to it." I wish I could say to you that our Father's Kingdom has lots of Reps around with the information of how to overcome the world. Ti and I keep searching for them. We don't want to be the only Reps that are here at this time. I hope that we're not. There may be others, but we haven't found them yet.

I know how hidden we have been. Maybe they (other Reps) are hidden. Maybe they're with classrooms that will surface, and they know the same Truth. Do you think Ti and I wouldn't welcome it, and applaud and say hooray,...ray,...ray, here's somebody else who's from the Kingdom of Heaven, and knows the same formula, and is offering this same formula? For we do know one thing: you have to overcome the world. You have to separate from the world. You can't take any of the ties to this world with you into that world without knowing that you're going to have to return and sever them eventually if you expect to gain membership in that Kingdom and serve in that Kingdom as a member of that Kingdom.

The human kingdom is not where your major service is. That's part of "misinformation." The human kingdom is a lesson ground. It's for "hard knocks." It's designed that nothing work so that you would look for your Heavenly Father. No matter what Luci tries, it doesn't work. The only way he gets you is to have you accept all the misinformation as truth. He says, "If you live a good life, if you take care of your family, you set aside the money, you buy your insurance policies, you leave a nice trust fund so that the kids' college is paid for; and when I go, then my wife is taken care of; and when she goes, the kids are taken care of; and we go to death with no fear because we know that we died in the Lord." I'm afraid it's the wrong Lord. I mean, the Christians who are out there now are even saying, "The Lord wants you to have things. He wants you to have nice things." That's true, He does. But he doesn't want you to pursue them. He doesn't want you to pursue them. He says, "Don't pursue anything. Pursue only Me. Me! Nothing else. I'm sorry, you can't bring anything with you. Can't bring your wife with you, can't bring your kids with you." It doesn't mean your wife can't come, doesn't mean your kids can't come, but you can't bring them with you. You have to come alone, having severed everything, and your relationship is only with our Heavenly Father, saying, "You're all I want. I want nothing else." At that time, when you're in that mindset and you're willing to drop everything and leave everything behind, He sees you through it. You can't actually do the severing. He pulls it away as you ask. He pulls it a step at a time as you ask. And a lot of times the things that you would like for Him to pull away, He doesn't pull away that fast. Because He wants to develop strength within you, effort to continue to work against that thing and not give in to it, so that you get into His Kingdom with some "muscle," and some ability to have some significant service as a member of His Kingdom.

Well, sounds like it must be Sunday, or Saturday, depending on when your Sabbath day is, and I've gotten into preaching. I couldn't help it. But where did we leave off here? Who's next?

Student: It's going to be hard to figure out where it's best to dive in, but let's see.

Do: That's all right, let's go to our next question.

Student: I wondered if you could define the difference between the vehicle and the soul, just for a point of reference.

Do: That's a good place to start. The vehicle and the soul. There's only one place that souls come from - our Father's Kingdom. There's only one Creator in all that exists, and that's the "Top Man," that's the Chief of Chiefs, the God of Gods. And don't misunderstand that or find fault with it. I mean if you want to find fault with that, that's your choice. You can find fault with anything I say if that's what's on your mind - to find fault. There's only one Creator and that's our Father's Kingdom. And He teaches Creation. He made souls. Luci and his camp cannot make souls. What I left out that I started to tell you a few minutes ago is that here at the end of the Age, Luci is even getting members, an army, into his kingdom at the end of the Age - those he really wants who have become good servants and have bought his misinformation. If our Father's House wants to, He can let those who have bought into misinformation move into his (Luci's) kingdom.

What we don't know is when Luci's judgment day is (an actual point in time). He's already received a sentence. He knows he's going to lose his life, his very existence. And his higher cadre, or his higher echelon of his officers, they're going to lose theirs too. But we don't know that our Father hasn't designed it that after that happens that someone isn't going to fall in line to replace Lucifer, or Satan, and his higher officers, and his whole "officer's candidate school," those that follow his misinformation as if it were the truth. But Luci wants souls. He also wants vehicles. Now, he has to indoctrinate. There's one big, big, big difference between our Father's Kingdom and Luci's kingdom. Our Father's Kingdom is not the aggressor. Our Father's Kingdom says, "Ask, and you receive. Seek, and ye find. Be quiet, and know that I am God." Luci says, "Hey, listen." He's the aggressor. He tells you what you're supposed to believe. He justifies his misinformation. He thinks that he's really great. He thinks that he's adding numbers to his "kingdom of heaven," because his "kingdom of heaven" is beyond the confines of planet Earth. I mean, the main issue of what's going on here in the conflict of good and evil is not just on planet Earth. That's insignificant in comparison. The main issue of even numbers is in the heavens.

Even at this time, when ufologists and the whole community of people who are so aware of space aliens, are asking: "Do they have a presence on this planet? Are there bases where they do genetic experimentation, and are they growing actual creatures there? Do they abduct humans, and do they do genetic experimentation? Do they also do artificial insemination with humans, and bring back the child and show it to the mother"? All these events have "surfaced" in the last few years. They're not the way of our Father's Kingdom. They are the way of these misinformation people who do not believe that they are misinformation. They are not knowingly misinformation. They've bought into another idea, into other information. We've talked about this in the class a lot. It's like our Father's "corporation" at one time was the only corporation. And at a given time, someone said, "Oh, I think I'm going to step out of our Father's corporation. I've learned a lot, but I think I can go further. I don't like the position I'm staying in. It seems restrictive to me. It seems that I am limited." Don't forget, we discussed the other day that you can't lose the option to think poorly. You can't even lose the option of rejecting your connection. You can't lose the option of rejecting the Truth. That option always stays with you, even in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Okay, here's this corporation that belonged to our Father's Kingdom and it was the only corporation at a given time. And then this member says, "I don't like this limiting, this restricting position that I'm in, because my Older Member...I don't think He's that smart. He holds me back. I could really be moving forward." And so he goes out here and forms another corporation. And he begins to do things and His Father says, "Wait a minute. You're not looking to Me. You're going on your own. You're doing something altogether different." And he recognizes that he's going different. He acknowledges that he's going different. Then at a given time, our Father's Kingdom, or the One [the Older Member] that was connected to Luci, the One that was His Father, said, "I can't let you come back into our House. I can't let you come back into our world." I'm talking about a physical place, a part of the Heavens, the physical part of the heavens that only those can go who are members of our Father's House, our Father's corporation, in His Kingdom - the one which belongs to the Creator. And He says, "I can't let you go on with your behavior and your thinking, and your renegade attitude, and your letting this ego come back in where you want to 'be somebody.' I can't let you come back into this place. I'm going to confine you to outside of this camp."

It's so easy at this time to be deceived. It's rumored that space aliens have even met with humans, have met with the military of different nations, conducted experimentation on spacecrafts, that governments have even agreed to let them do certain things as long as they give us some of their technical knowledge. How much of that is true, I don't know. I don't want to know. But whatever of it is true, I see all the earmarks of "the renegade," the misinformation. I'm just telling you that those who are misinformation, they do not know that they are misinformation. But they usually have bought an easier "out" that required less of them, and they were assured of self- elevation. In our Father's Kingdom there's no assurance of self- elevation. If you want to be a servant, you give up "self." You become nothing. You crave to be nothing so badly that you scream for even loss of "identity." And our Father's Kingdom says, "Wait a minute. Since I can't take away your option, your choices, then you're still going to have some identity. I may call you 'this' in this task, and call you 'that' in that task. But you have to have some sort of identity that I'll give you. So, I can't let you just give yourself to me and then forget about it, and 'you' are ended, because you're a servant. I permitted you to come back as an individual and be a servant. But if you want to be an individual and you're not pleased with the rate of growth as I give it to you through My Representatives, then you're going to go in opposition to Me. You're going to stray from Me."

So, there are literally many, many, many members now that are in the misinformation corporation, and they're serving (thinking they're serving the truth) the "universal mind," the "cosmic consciousness," the "we are gods." Even as you investigate space aliens, or their vehicles, you'll see things that you wouldn't see in our Father's Kingdom. Our Father's Kingdom doesn't make babies. They get "babies" from the human kingdom adults who have graduated from the human kingdom, so there's no gender. They don't have ties; therefore, there's no marrying, there's no little kids running around, even though there are "babies," because they are there for the first time. Now, I'm not saying that our Father's Kingdom couldn't certainly bring children in and families in for certain lessons that He might have on His agenda. Who am I to say that He wouldn't do that. I don't know what all is on His agenda, because that's certainly His mind, not mine.

I'm just trying to share with you some of the understanding that has been given to us on these important issues of: The Last Days, What is "being saved"? What does this period of time mean to me? If you're listening to me, I'll tell you that Luci and his kingdom have a lot of individuals who can work in the invisible, and who can pound on your head and say, "Don't listen to that! Don't listen to that! I've found the truth for you and I'll give it to you in the name of what you believed 2000 years ago." You've brought that "2000 years ago" into today and you're going to hang onto that history as if it were yours. That's true history. That was real. And it is yours. But when our Father's Kingdom sends new information, sends updates, new opportunities - if you were really connected with our Father's information, if you really knew the Truth that was in Jesus - you're going to see it here again. You're seeing that same Mind. What is in a soul is "truth" or "falsehood" - the mind of God or the mind of misinformation. That's the reason it boils down to - we're either for Him or we're against Him.

Well, goodness, we just got started. We haven't touched but two or three questions and somebody just held up a card - I saw it - it said 30 seconds. So, we're going to have to take up more issues in our next session. I'm glad that you have gotten these sessions, that you've watched this, and that you want to learn. I hope that the Next Level can use us as their instruments for you. See you next time.

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