Here we shall be following the evidence assembled and presented by
in his account of the entire Planet-X scenario.

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In January 1981, several daily
newspapers carried a report that Dr. Richard Harrington and his colleague,
Dr. Thomas Van Flandern, of the US Naval Observatory, had told a meeting of the
American Astronomical Society that “irregularities in the orbit of Pluto
indicated that the solar system contained a 10th planet.”
similar story was run by the
New York Times on June 19, 1982.
“One year later, in 1983, the
newly launched
IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) quickly
found Planet-X: “A heavenly body as large as
Jupiter and part of this solar system has been found in
the direction of the constellation of Orion by an orbiting
telescope” –wrote the Washington Post. "In August 1988, a report by Harrington calculated that its mass is
probably 4 times that of Earth.”
In 1992, Harrington and Van Flandern published their findings and their conclusion that there is an
‘intruder’ planet. The search was narrowed down to the southern skies, below
the ecliptic.
Planet-X is likely to be a brown dwarf whose orbit takes it
back and forth between our Sun and our Sun’s twin. Planet-X has an orbit which takes 3660 years.
“When a planet’s orbit
is between two suns, instead of round one, that orbit is a bit peculiar. It
spends 99.99% of its time slowly going away from one of the suns…to reach
the half-way point.
Then…the gravity of the sun it’s
approaching takes over, and in a relative flash it travels the other half of
its journey. Planet-X reached the halfway point sometime in
2000. It only takes about 3 years to travel the rest of the distance…It’ll
be cooking with its greatest speed by the time it passes. Once it crosses
Pluto’s orbit, it will only take 90 days to pass right between
Earth and the Sun.”
The most likely date for its
passage and effect on planet Earth is springtime 2003. In 1982, even NASA, momentarily officially recognized the existence of
“An object is really there
beyond the outermost planets.”
Today, NASA is
trying to sweep the danger under the carpet, claiming that it is nothing
more than a large asteroid. But, whereas until early 2001, only the largest
telescopes could have seen Planet-X, now even small to
mid-level observatories are sighting it.
On the 4th of April 2001, the
Lowell Observatory reported its magnitude and co-ordinates.
“The last ice-age pole shift is… proof that we had an encounter with a large
celestial body at that time”
(McCanney, op.cit. p.93)
The old ‘true’ north
pole had been just north of the state of Wisconsin. Russian Siberia had a
tropical climate with rain forests, and mastodons. In a single night of
total destruction, those areas were blown apart by incredible winds and
storms, and the pole shifted an estimated 30 to 40 degrees.
the mastodon herds were flash frozen and buried in what is now the Siberian
tundra, with the fresh tropical plants still in their throats. The meat was
so well preserved that it was used as food (and even sold on the commercial
markets) during the building of the trans-Siberian railway. Even a single
day of exposure to a warm temperature would have rendered this meat rancid
and useless.
The Earth Change was so rapid and complete that
this did not happen. The meat was as fresh as the day it froze, thousands of
years earlier” About 3600 years ago, which is precisely the period of the
most recent visit of Planet-X before the present time.
In conclusion, the authors of the present paper will be satisfied if it
helps draw wider attention to McCanney’s work in such a way that
readers will want to make up their own mind regarding the significance and
dramatic implications of McCanney’s book.
(for more information about this
book, "click"
James M. McCanney Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes ( JMcCanneyScience
Press) Available through his website
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