Moses’ Comet
Discovering Archeology, July/August 1999
by Mike Baillie
Moses called down a host of calamities upon Egypt until the pharaoh
finally freed the Israelites. Perhaps he had the help of a comet
impact coupled with a volcano. A volcano destroyed the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea (between today’s Greece and Turkey)
around the middle of the second millennium B.C. Researchers Val LaMarche and
Kathy Hirschboeck suggest the volcano might be
associated with tree-ring evidence for several years of intense cold
beginning in 1627 B.C. Could that form the basis for strange
meteorological phenomena recorded in the biblical book of Exodus?
the book of Exodus, which describes events a few hundred kilometers
from Santorini, we read of a pillar of cloud and fire, a lingering
darkness, and the parting of the Red Sea. An enormous column of ash
must have hung in the sky over the eruption (the Israelites’ “pillar
of cloud by day and fire by night?”), and the volcano doubtless
caused a tsunami, or tidal wave (which could have drowned a
pharaoh’s army).
The Exodus story is traditionally dated to either
the thirteenth or fifteenth century B.C. Those dates, however,
depend ultimately on identifying the “Pharaoh of the Oppression,”
and historians have never proven to which ruler that infamous title
referred. Many biblical scholars will disagree, but I suggest that a
seventeenth-century B.C. date is not impossible.
The argument can be bolstered. Equally catastrophic meteorological
conditions are recorded in the Bible for the time of King David.
Psalm 18, in
reference to David, speaks of terrifying events:
“Earth shook and
trembled. The
foundations of the hills moved and were shaken. ... Smoke ... fire
... darkness ...
dark waters ... thick clouds of the skies ... hailstones and coals
of fire.”
On some
chronologies, David is placed 470 years after the Exodus. The
spacing between
the two disastrous events recorded in Irish tree rings at 1628 and
1159 B.C. is
469 years. The Exodus story includes dust, several days of darkness,
hail, dead
fish, undrinkable water, cattle killed by hail, water breaking out
of rocks, the
earth opening, the sea parting as in a tsunami, and so on.
looking at the
Exodus story and knowing descriptions of other distant volcanic
effects might
offer the possibility that the Israelites escaped from Egypt under
the cover of a
major natural catastrophe. There may be veiled references to comets
in the biblical narrative, leading to the possibility that the
Santorini eruption itself may have been triggered by a bolide (comet
or asteroid) impact.
David Levy, co-discoverer of the comet that
bears his and Jean Shoemaker’s names, has argued that the
description of the “angel of the Lord in the sky over Jerusalem with
a drawn sword” (1 Chronicles 21) could be a reference to a comet.
The Angel of the Lord was, of course, also present at the Exodus, as
it was “traveling in front of Israel’s army.” Further, there are
indications that as the Israelites left Egypt, the night was as
bright as midday. The nights over Europe were reported to have been
daytime-bright after the only known modern bolide impact,
Tunguska explosion over Siberia in 1908.
These stories raise the question of whether comets recorded by the
Chinese at the start and end of the Shang Dynasty, at very near the
same dates, were the same as the comets that may be recorded in the
Old Testament. I believe that we know the answer: In the last five
millennia, several dynastic changes and dark ages have been the
direct result of impacts and/or volcanoes.
The consequences of such
events must have been devastating, leading to apocalyptic imagery in
religious writing and predictions of the end of the world. Zachariah
of Mitylene lived through the environmental disaster that began
about 540 A.D. In the mid-550s, he wrote in his twelve-volume
records of the trials the world had survived:
“In addition to all
the fearful things described above, the earthquakes and famines and
wars, ... there has also been fulfilled against us the curse of
Moses in Deuteronomy.”
The curse included pestilence, consumption,
fever, fiery blasts from the skies, mildew, a rain of powder and
dust, and darkness. The curse of Moses must have seemed an
appropriate description of life after the impact of a piece of a
Mike Baillie is a leading dendrochronologist and Professor of
Palaeoecology at Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. His
book, Exodus to Arthur, describes in detail his theory of comet
encounters and turning points of civilization.
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Past Cataclysms
Scottish Ocean side
Broadcasts in France are talking more and more
about cataclysms. What I’ve noticed is that each time there is a
reference to a huge tidal wave in the past, which has been recently
discovered. Recently, after a long speech about the Japanese
tsunami, they talked about a discovery in Scotland.
A huge landslide
on the ocean side affected the area and all the countries around up
towards Norway. They were puzzled cause it is supposed to be a
stable area. And this was said to have happened 7000 years ago.
Marine Sediment
A 28,000 Year Marine Record of Climate Change
Quaternary Research, 1999, Vol. 51, No.. 1, pp. 83-93
University of
Bremen, Germany
Marine sediment cores from the continental slope off
latitude Chile (33 degrees S) were studied with regard to grain-size
and clay mineral composition.
The data provide a 28,000 yr. C-14
accelerator mass spectrometry-dated record of variations in the terrigenous sediment supply reflecting modifications of weathering
conditions and sediment source areas in the continental hinterland.
These variations can be interpreted in terms of the paleoclimatic
evolution of mid-latitude Chile and are compared to existing
terrestrial records.
Glacial climates (28,000-18,000 cal yr. B.P.)
were generally cold-humid with a cold-semiarid interval between
26,000 and 22,000 cal yr. B.P. The deglaciation was characterized by
a trend toward more arid conditions. During the middle Holocene
(8000-4000 cal yr. B.P.), comparatively stable climatic conditions
prevailed with increased aridity in the Coastal Range.
The late
Holocene (4000-0 cal yr. B.P.) was marked by more variable
paleoclimates with generally more humid conditions. Variations of
rain fall in mid-latitude Chile are most likely controlled by shifts
of the latitudinal position of the Southern Westerlies. Compared to
the Holocene, the southern westerly wind belt was located
significantly farther north during the last glacial maximum.
important variations of the latitudinal position of the Southern Westerlies
also occurred on shorter time scales.
of Washington
Sea Level—Scientists Challenge Conventional Sea Level
ABC News,
December 3, 1999
Australian scientists say they
have discovered evidence of rapid change in world sea levels and of
a dramatic fall in geologically recent times -directly challenging
current conventional wisdom.
Dr Robert Baker of the University of
New England, in the New South Wales country town of Armidale, has
tapped the secrets of worm coatings on once-submerged rocks to shake
established theory that sea levels are presently as high as they
have ever been.
Based on height measurements of worm coatings on
rocks now well above sea level, and carbon dating tests which show
them to be as recent as 3,500 years old, Baker argues that sea
levels have not been steady since the last ice age, as is commonly
believed. Instead, he told Australia’s ABC television, it changed
rapidly 3,000-5,000 years ago.
“It means that the whole natural
system is unstable, it’s been unstable for 130,000 years.”
Baker and
his colleagues at New England University say the sea level may have
fallen quickly 3,500 years ago, by as much as a meter in just 10-50
years. This means that the current rise in the sea level - normally
associated with environmental warming caused by the so-called
greenhouse effect - might not be that unusual, Baker said. He also
said that his evidence pointed to the controversial conclusion that
sea levels had once been higher than they are now.
“The conventional
wisdom has been that sea levels haven’t been higher. (Contrary)
evidence was something that they weren’t prepared to accept,” he
Baker’s theories, which he first aired 20 years ago, were
initially rejected, but are now about to receive a wider audience
with their publication in the respected journal Marine Biology. The
implications go further than greenhouse and global warming. Baker
said big movements in sea levels could explain the migration of
Australian Aborigines and give clues about the fate of ancient
civilizations such as in Egypt.
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According to Discovery magazine, April 1999, the American Mastodon
roamed here for about 4 million years until about 11,500 years ago.
Another type, the Mammuthus primigenius, roamed around 400,000 years
until 3,900 years ago. Both extinction times could be multiples of
3,600 years. The heyday of the woolly mammoth was the Pleistocene
Epoch, stretching from 1.8 million years ago to the end of the last
ice age 11,000 years ago.
Mammoths thrived particularly well in
Siberia, where dry grasslands once stretched for hundreds of miles,
supporting a vibrant ecosystem of mammoths, bison, and other jumbo
herbivores. .. The mammoth fossils on Wrangel Island are the
youngest that have ever been found. It was there, apparently, that
mammoths made their last stand. They died out only 3,800 years ago.
It had always been thought that the mammoth died out about ten
thousand years ago, with the end of the ice age, but the tusk
appeared to be 7,000 years old. It was so unlikely, so Buttanyan
tested five more tusks, but the new dates pointed to an even more
remarkable conclusion. Hidden up here [Rangell Island] in the
Arctic, the mammoth hadn’t just survived the end of the ice age, it
was walking these hills at the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs, only
3500 years ago.
This discovery has led to the re-examination of the
complex chain of ‘cause and effect’ that made mammoths die out
everywhere else, and in the process has revitalized the whole debate
about how species might avoid extinction.
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Magnetic Decay
Date: Mon., 10 Nov. 1997 15:06:01 GMT
From: Larry Newitt <>
Subject: re: decay of the earth’s magnetic field
I am not familiar
with the article by Barnes in the SIS Review, but the decrease in
the earth’s magnetic field to which he referred is well known. That
is not to say that the strength of the magnetic field is decreasing
by the same amount everywhere. Measurements of the magnetic field
strength are routinely made at different places on the earth show,
and show different rates of decrease; in fact, some places show an
However, mathematical analyses of the observations, which
are routinely done every few years, show an overall decrease in what
is called the “dipole moment” of the magnetic field. (See for
example, C.E. Barton, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, v
49, 123-148, 1997.) This decrease is approximately linear, not
If it were to continue, the dipole moment would become
zero in about 1250 years, but Barton points out that the dipole
appears to be recovering from an historic high that occurred about
2000 years ago, so there is no reason to believe that the decrease
will continue indefinitely.
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Deep Quakes
An exponential increase in deep quakes down to the 500 km level
since 1994, using the database provided by a private organization
known as The Council of the National Seismic System, working out of
Berkeley, CA, which provide earthquake data and answers questions at
their web site.
Note a depth down to 500 km was taken for this
graph, versus a depth down to only 550 km for other pages on this
site discussing this issue. This graph is thus more comprehensive,
and thus more accurate.
The search parameters used were:
catalog = CNSS
start time = yyyy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss
end time = yyyy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss
magnitude = 3.0
maximum magnitude = 9
minimum depth = 500
depth = 700
event type = E
And the search results were:
Year |
EQ’s-Avg. |
Mag.-depth |
1998 |
506 |
4,56 |
Look At the Jump up in the # of Deep Quakes Starting in 1995!
Planet X’s Legendary Approach
Starts the Approximate 7 Year Cycle of Events Yet Again
Since 1996 a private organization known as
The Council of the
National Seismic System, working out of Berkeley, CA, provides
earthquake data and answers questions at their web site. Their graph
of earthquakes during 1996 dramatically shows the sharp increase in
deep earthquakes.
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Climate Changes
Arctic thunderstorms seen as latest signal of climate change
Canada’s Inuit are seeing something unknown in their oral
history—thunder and lightning. Electric storms in the High Arctic
are among the evidence of climate change being reported in a new
study by the Winnipeg-based International Institute for Sustainable
The study is believed to be the first to intensively
document aboriginal knowledge of changes in the Arctic environment.
“When I was a child I never heard thunder or saw lightning, but in
the last few years we’ve had thunder and lightning,” Rosemarie Kuptana of Sachs Harbour, NWT., said Tuesday. “The animals really
don’t know what to do because they’ve never experienced this kind of
Researchers spent a year visiting the community of
Sachs Harbour, accompanying people on their hunting and fishing
trips and recording their observations on videotape. The result is a
powerful portrait of environmental upheaval—melting permafrost,
thinning ice, mudslides, even the disappearance of an entire lake as
its once-frozen shores gave way. The freshwater fish that lived in
the lake were killed as it drained into the ocean. “You used to be
able to walk along the beach there, now it’s all mud,” said hunter
John Keogak, one of those interviewed on the video, pointing to a
shoreline area.
Thinner ice has made it dangerous to pursue polar
bears and seals and more difficult for the bears to pursue their
prey. “If this keeps up . . . the polar bears, how are they going to
survive?” asks Inuit hunter Peter Esau. Residents say the seals used
to bask on ice floes in the harbour throughout the summer, but in
recent summers the floes have disappeared. People now see robins and
barn swallows—species that never used to come so far north.
are unfamiliar beetles and sand flies. Melting permafrost is causing
buildings to tilt and has rendered roads unusable.
“Climate change
isn’t any longer a theory but is in fact something that’s happening
right now and it’s affecting the lives of many of Canada’s northern
people,” said scientist Graham Ashford.
He noted the Inuit possess
knowledge that can’t be obtained from other sources.
“The Inuvialuit
hunt and trap and they’re out on the land all the time. They notice
very small changes.
“They’re telling us very clearly, it wasn’t like
this before, and they give excellent examples of how they know that
it’s different...”
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Government Wraps
Things Up By 2003
How much of the following is coincidence? Some, I’m sure, but not
all. You decide for yourself. Then put this together with everything
else and perhaps you are starting now to see the big picture. I
know, it’s ominous. There’s also much adventure for those of great
faith and no fear.
The passing of Planet X in 2003 is an all
encompassing overwhelming issue. How it will impact your life, I
cannot say. The decision to ignore or deal with it is yours alone.
Anything can happen in the next few months. Who’s to say you will be
alive by the time it passes. If this is true then learning of its
existence may not be meant for you.
The White House, Office of the
Press Secretary (Annapolis, Maryland)
For Immediate Release
May 22,
Fact Sheet Protecting America’s Critical Infrastructures:
This Presidential Directive builds on the recommendations of the
President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection. In
October 1997, the Commission issued its report calling for a
national effort to assure the security of the United States’
increasingly vulnerable and interconnected infrastructures, such as
telecommunications, banking and finance, energy, transportation, and
essential government services.
Presidential Decision Directive 63 is
the culmination of an intense, interagency effort to evaluate those
recommendations and produce a work able and innovative framework for
critical infrastructure protection.
The President’s policy:
Sets a
goal of a reliable, interconnected, and secure information system
infrastructure by the year 2003, and significantly increased
security to government systems by the year 2000, by:
establishing a national center to warn of and respond to attacks
Ensuring the capability to protect critical infrastructures from
intentional acts by 2003
Addresses the cyber and physical
infrastructure vulnerabilities of the Federal government by
requiring each department and agency to work to reduce its
exposure to new threats
Requires the Federal government to serve as a model to the rest of
the country for how infrastructure protection is to be attained
Seeks the voluntary participation of private industry to meet common
goals for protecting our critical systems through public-private
Protects privacy rights and seeks to utilize market
forces. It is meant to strengthen and protect the nation’s economic
power, not to stifle it
Seeks full participation and input from the
PDD-63 sets up a new structure to deal with this important
A National
Coordinator whose scope will include not only critical
infrastructures but also foreign terrorism and threats of domestic mass destruction
(including biological
weapons) because attacks on the US may not come labeled in neat
jurisdictional boxes
The National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) at the
FBI which
will fuse representatives from FBI, DOD, USSS, Energy,
Transportation, the
Intelligence Community, and the private sector in an unprecedented
attempt at
information sharing among agencies in collaboration with the private
NIPC will also provide the principal means of facilitating and
coordinating the Federal Government’s response to an incident,
mitigating attacks, investigating threats and monitoring
reconstitution efforts
Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs)
are encouraged to be set up by the private sector in cooperation
with the Federal government and modeled on the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
A National Infrastructure Assurance Council
drawn from private sector leaders and state/local officials to
provide guidance to the policy formulation of a National Plan
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office will provide support to the
National Coordinator’s work with government agencies and the private
sector in developing a national plan
The office will also help
coordinate a national education and awareness program, and
legislative and public affairs.
For more detailed information on
this Presidential Decision Directive, contact the Critical
Infrastructure Assurance Office (703) 696-9395 for copies of the
White Paper on Critical Infrastructure Protection.
DOD Records
Department of Defense Records Management Task Force
Semi - Annual
January to June 1995
The mission of the Department of Defense
(DOD) Records Management Task Force (RMTF) is to develop plans and
draft policy to implement six strategic improvement initiatives
proposed by the DOD RM Business Process Reengineering (BPR) effort
completed in July 1994 and approved by the Assistant Secretary of
Defense [ASD (C3I)].
These initiatives must be implemented, with
emphasis on electronic records, to reach the goal of a single
Department process for managing information as records for the year
DOD Managing Information as Records:
Strategic Plan
July 28, 1995
The overall mission of records management is found in
this document.
The strategic plan is the Department’s information
management planning vehicle which provides a broad brush perspective
on purpose, vision, goals and functions which supports this mission.
Special attention is directed to opportunities technology offers.
One foresight in understanding this mission has been expressed by:
“the right information will be available to decision makers in the
right format at the right time.”
This report proffers two simplified
modern precepts. The first precept is that a record consists of
information, regardless of medium, detailing the transaction of
business. The second precept is that all Government employees are
decision makers. DOD projects all unclassified information will be
supported in a distributed electronic environment in the near
future, all of which must be attended to by a standard records
management process and system by the year 2003.
The need for
resources to be applied in areas of policy guidance, software
acquisitions, and oversight of the implementation in support of the
Department’s records management mission is emphasized. This report
is intended for a wide audience, DOD employees, American Armed
Forces Servicemen and Service women, and the general public.
Base Closings Base Closings
Reuters, May 11, 1999
Secretary William Cohen and the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff
Tuesday urged the Senate Armed Services Committee to approve two new
rounds of U.S. military base closings beginning in 2001. In separate
letters to Republican Sen.
John Warner of Virginia, the committee’s chairman, Cohen and the
nation’s top military officers said more domestic bases must be
closed to save money for military operations and new arms purchases.
The panel is expected to vote as early as this week on a proposal to
pave the way for two rounds of base closings in 2001 and 2003 when
it marks up the fiscal year 2000 military spending authorization
Navy Plans Lieutenant General Jeffrey W. Oster
(USMC Deputy
Chief of Staff Programs and Resources)
26 February 1997
Before the
Subcommittees on Military Procurement and Research and Development
of the House National Security Committee on Navy Shipbuilding
Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of the Subcommittee,
thank you for this opportunity to discuss the Department of the
Navy’s shipbuilding programs and the fiscal year 1998 budget
request. It is an honor and a pleasure to appear before you.
Shipbuilding Plan Overview
The cornerstone of our shipbuilding plan
for the Future Years Defense Program in fiscal years 1998 through
2003 is full funding of all of the ships in the plan, including all
of our submarines and the tenth and final NIMITZ class aircraft
carrier, the CVN 77.
Key factors used in developing our plans for
the future are the number of ships now in the fleet -approximately
354 ships and submarines - and their average age.
Star Wars
Congressional Record
June - 4, 1996
(Senate - June 04, 1996) [Page: S5716]
In short,
our actions, if we go for and vote for the Dole star wars bill,
should not be considered in a vacuum. Intended or not,
implementation of the Dole star wars bill would have a far-reaching,
chilling effect on the future of arms control. Often forgotten in
the debate on the national missile defense is the question of
whether technology is sufficiently mature enough to mandate the year
2003 as the deployment date.
The record of missile interceptor
testing to date and in the foreseeable future is one of more failure
than success. In the rush to deploy a prototype system using highly
advanced and sophisticated technology by the year 2003, we will be
forsaking, Mr. President, the-fly-before-you-buy principle that has
served us well in recent years. Not only will we be limiting the
testing and evaluation of the system in a push to field a system at
an earlier and unnecessary date, we will be locking ourselves into
certain technologies which may become obsolete by the year 2003.
[Page: S5717]
America ‘s Editors Oppose New Star Wars Plans
One of
the most wasteful items (in the House defense budget) is the $4
billion earmarked to construct a missile defense system by 2003.
This dubious ‘Son of Star Wars’ could wind up costing as much as $54
billion before it finally could be deployed: ‘Fort Pork Gets
Reinforced,’ the Miami Herald, Miami, FL, May 20, 1996.
Quote from
Democratic Reform News This system normally sells for sixty billion,
but we’re going to let you have it for five because we like you. ...
The bill would order work to start on an anti-missile system (much
less grandiose than the trillion-dollar Star Wars “invisible shield”
President Reagan favored) that could theoretically shoot down an
intercontinental missile or two launched at our territory by a small
rogue country like Libya, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, or for that
matter Denmark (hey, you never know) by the year 2003.
Missile Defense S. 1635
The Defend America Act of 1996 Law S. 1635
sets a clear policy to deploy by the end of the year 2003, a
National Missile Defense (NMD) system to provide a highly effective
defense of the United States against the most probable source of
ballistic missile threats in the post Cold War world limited,
unauthorized or accidental ballistic missile attacks. The
legislation does not establish a specific architecture for such a
NMD system, but in order to meet the 2003 deployment date, the bill
requires the Secretary of Defense to develop for deployment an
affordable and operationally effective NMD system.
Section 3.
National Missile Defense Policy Establishes U.S. missile defense
policy in two areas: Deployment by the end of 2003 of an NMD system
capable of providing a highly effective defense of United States
territory against limited, unauthorized, or accidental ballistic
missile attacks, and which will be augmented to a layered defense as
larger and more sophisticated threats emerge.
Asteroid Defense
of The New Millennium
by Alan Alford, p 590
Should we live in fear or in
hope of our returning gods? The actions of the American
government seem to indicate a perceived threat. In 1996, The
Pentagon announced a plan, sponsored by the US Air Force, to
save the world by deploying missiles which would intercept
“asteroids” in deep space. Politicians have indicated their
intent to pass legislation which would force America to
deploy this missile Defense system, code named - Clementine
2 - by AD 2003.
Why the sudden
haste? Is it part of the same hidden agenda that is attempting to
place incredibly sensitive telescopes into deep space?
Crystal Laser Crystal Cultivator Russian-born
physicist Natalia
Zaitseva has an emerald-green thumb. Using her fast-growth method, a
tiny seed crystal is planted in a 6-foot rotating tank of potassium
dihydrogen phosphate solution. In just six weeks it matures into a
gargantuan, 500-pound pyramid-shaped crystal. Raw crystals of that
size traditionally take up to two years to grow.
Zaitseva first
developed her technique in Russia, but is now using it to help
engineers build the world’s largest laser at the US $1.2 million
National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
in Northern California. The laser, made up of 192 beams, will be
housed in a complex the length of two football fields and will be
used to simulate the blast of a small-scale fusion bomb and create a
pebble-sized sun as hot as the real thing.
But completion of the
project by its scheduled 2003 launch date would be impossible
without Zaitseva’s fast-growth method. Scientists will need more
than 100 of her crystals, cut into 700 flawless slices - some
measuring over a foot wide and a half-inch thick - to change the
focus, direction, and wavelength of the laser beam.
Sun scan
Scientists lose contact with SOHO solar spacecraft Info beat Story
U.S. and European scientists have
lost contact with the SOHO
spacecraft, which has been circling and studying the sun for the
past two years, the European Space Agency said Friday. ESA said
ground controllers lost contact with the Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory at 1.16 a.m. Thursday and have been unable to
re-establish contact since that time.
The satellite, a joint project
of ESA and the NASA, is programmed to automatically reorient itself
towards the sun when an anomaly occurs but has so far failed to do
ESA and NASA recently decided to extend SOHO’s mission to 2003 so it
could Solar Cycle.
The solar maximum was some time ago, I remember clearly, expected to
reach its peak in its so called solar cycle (which is a lie) in
2000. Now read this from NASA. It supports the 2003 pole shift topic
Explanation, September 23, 1998: As the Sun heads South,
crossing the celestial equator today at 1:37 a.m. Eastern Time,
Autumn begins for Earth’s Northern Hemisphere.
This Autumnal Equinox
finds an increasingly active Sun steadily approaching a solar cycle
maximum expected around the year 2003. The solar activity cycle is
driven by a periodic winding up of the Sun’s internal magnetic
field. This colorized picture is a mosaic of recent ultraviolet
images from the orbiting TRACE satellite sensitive to light emitted
by highly charged iron atoms.

Growing in number, the intricate
structures visible are the Sun’s hot active regions with
temperatures over a million degrees Fahrenheit and their associated
magnetic loops. This was later returned to a solar maximum in the
year 2000.
Interferometers Space Technology 3
Space Technology 3, scheduled to launch in 2003, will test
technologies and flying concepts that will benefit NASA’s Origins
Program, which seeks answers to the origins of our universe by
studying distant stars and their planets.
By sending interferometers
into space, NASA’s goal is to image extremely distant stars, and
ultimately even find and image planets like Earth around other
Life May Exist On Planets In Deep Space
Discovery News Brief
1, 1999
Life-sustaining conditions may exist on planet-like bodies
in deep, interstellar space, according to a California Institute of
Technology scientist. ... Lissauer points out that NASA is currently
planning a year 2003 mission to Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons,
which is very dark, but that has an ocean thought to be composed of
“Like Stevenson’s model, life-sustaining water could exist
below Europa’s surface,” says Lissauer.
Sea Launch Hughes goes for
four more ocean-platform launches
CNN Interactive
June 16, 1999
Hughes Space and Communications has put in four more orders with an
international venture for satellite launches from a floating
platform in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, it was announced
Sea Launch Co., a partnership between Boeing Commercial
Space Co. and companies in Norway, Russian and Ukraine, already had
agreements for 10 launch contracts from Hughes and five others with
Loral Co.
“This is a large boost in confidence from our largest
customer - Hughes,” said Sea Launch spokesman Terrance Scott. “It
also expands our launch manifest to 2003."
Geostationary Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (GIFTS)
Mission Teaming Opportunity for Geostationary Imaging Development -
NASA Commerce Business Daily Issue
July 1, 1999 PSA # 2379
Research Center
The La RC is currently conducting a study and
preparing a proposal for a Geostationary Imaging Fourier Transform
Spectrometer (GIFTS) mission to be operational in early 2003. The
study, sponsored by NASA’s New Millennium Program (NMP), was awarded
as a result of a NASA Research Announcement, NRA-98-OES-12, for New
Millennium program measurement concepts.
The La RC is seeking team
members to participate with NASA La RC in developing the proposal
and implementing a mission to validate the GIFTS measurement concept
and associated technologies. The NASA NMP is managed by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to identify, flight validate, and infuse
key advanced technologies and capabilities needed to enable 21st
century NASA space and earth science missions.
The Program focuses
on technology validation in a systems and subsystems approach to
retire risk for the first use of such technology in a science
mission. The GIFTS measurement concept will improve observation of
all three basic atmospheric state variables (temperature, moisture,
and wind velocity) thereby allowing much higher spatial, vertical,
and temporal resolutions than is currently achievable...
ESA Rendezvous
Supported by
Rendezvous Mission with a Comet ROSETTA
represents ESA’s Horizon 2000 cornerstone mission No. 3 Mission
Overview The ROSETTA mission is a cometary mission which will be
launched in the year 2003 by Ariane 5. After a long cruise phase,
the satellite will rendezvous with comet Wirtanen and orbit it,
while taking scientific measurements.
A Surface Science Package (SSP)
will be landed on the comet surface to take in-situ measurements.
During the cruise phase, the satellite will be given gravity assist
maneuvers once by Mars and twice by the Earth. The satellite will
also take measurements in fly-bys of two asteroids.
Astro-F (IRIS; Infrared Imaging Surveyor)
The Infrared Imaging
Surveyor (IRIS) is the second infrared astronomy mission of the
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS). IRIS is
dedicated to infrared sky survey with much better sensitivity than
that of IRAS, and is expected to add significant information on many
important astrophysical problems (e.g., evolution of galaxies,
formation of stars and planets, and brown dwarfs and their relation
to dark matter).
IRIS has a 70 cm telescope cooled to 6 K with
super-fluid liquid helium and Stirling-cycle coolers. Two
focal-plane instruments are installed. One is the Far-Infrared
Surveyor (FIS) which will survey the entire sky in the wavelength
range from 50 to 200 micron with angular resolutions of 30 - 50 arc
sec. The other focal-plane instrument is the Infrared Camera (IRC).
Item ploys large-format detector arrays and will take deep images of
sky regions in the near and mid infrared range. The field of view of
the IRC is
10 arc min. and the spatial resolution is approximately 2 arc sec.
IRIS was
officially given a new start as the ISAS’s 21st science mission”
April 1997. It is scheduled to be launched in February, 2003 by the
ISAS M-V rocket into a sun-synchronous polar orbit at an altitude of
750 km.
Nuclear Plants
Germany’s Trittin Wants Speedy Nuclear Shutdown Fox News
August 21,
German Environment Minister Juergen Trittin wants to shut six
nuclear power plants by 2003, the news magazine Spiegel said on
Saturday. The remaining 13 nuclear reactors would be phased out by
2025, Spiegel said, citing internal documents from the Environment
Ministry. The ministry declined to comment on the report.
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s red-green coalition has pledged to
phase out nuclear power, but the pace at which the shutdown takes
place has driven a wedge between Schroeder’s Social Democrats and
their ecologist Greens junior coalition partners. Trittin, one of
three Greens in the cabinet, is in charge of the shutdown and he
wants a speedy end to nuclear power.
The big utilities, which
include RWE AG, VEBA AG, Viag AG and Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg,
have threatened to sue for damages if they lose any money because of
the shutdown. Economics Minister Werner Mueller, who was formerly a
senior executive in the nuclear industry, has come up with a plan to
limit the operating life of nuclear plants to 35 years. Under the
Mueller plan, the first German nuclear plant would go offline in
2003. Spiegel said the Environment Ministry’s calculations showed
that nuclear plant operators recouped their investments within 15 to
20 years.
The 25-year time frame will allow the utilities to cover
any losses from shutting down the plants, Spiegel reported. Nuclear
power generates about one third of the country’s electricity.
Firearms Registration
Canadian registration of firearms by the year 2003, every legal
firearm in Canada will be registered or recorded. That means every
firearm in the possession of an individual or an organization,
including museums, government departments and police, must be part
of the national firearms registry ....
Launch Manifest
Date: Wed, 25 Jun. 1997 14:53:10 -0400
Subj: NASA Launch Manifest is Released Msg #: 187
Debra J. Rahn Headquarters,
Washington, DC
June 25, 1997
Herring Johnson
Space Center, Houston, TX
(Phone: 281/483-5111)
Copies of
the NASA Mixed Fleet, Payload Flight Assignments, June 1997 edition,
available from the NASA news centers or on the Internet at URL:
This manifest summarizes the
planned by NASA for the Space Shuttle and Expendable Launch Vehicles
(ELVs) as of June 1997. Space Shuttle and ELV missions are shown
calendar year 2003. Space Shuttle missions for calendar years
2002-2003 are
under review pending the resolution of details in the assembly
sequence of the International Space Station.
Mars Express
European Space Agency
Press Information Note No 22-98
Paris, France
19 June 1998
Hurry along please, for the Mars Express Any scientists
wanting to send instruments to the surface of the planet Mars have
until 3 July to offer a small lander that might be carried aboard
the European Space Agency mission Mars Express. The selection of a
lander, if any, will then be the last stage in defining the
scientific payload of Mars Express, which is intended to go into
orbit around the Red Planet at the end of 2003.
The choice of
instruments for the orbiting spacecraft was recently expressed by ESA’s Science Programme Committee. This month ESA is inviting
tenders to build the spacecraft from three industrial
competitors, Alenia/Aerospatiale, Dornier and Matra-Marconi, who have
already studied the mission. The project must be fully defined in
time for the Science Programme Committee to finally confirm Mars
Express. Why the hurry?
The deadline is set in the form of a favourable launch opportunity just five years from now. The
positions of Earth and Mars in their orbits at that time will mean
that a spacecraft can reach Mars more quickly, carrying a greater
weight of instruments, than from any other launch date in the next
decade. A decision to proceed taken towards the end of 1998 would
leave less than five years to create, test and launch a complex
spacecraft and meet that deadline.
Most judgments about Mars Express
and its instruments have therefore to be made in advance if the
engineers and scientists are to make sure that everything is ready
for lift-off in June 2003. For more details visit the Mars Express
web site European Space Agency, Press Release No. 47-98 Paris,
France 5 November 1998 Mars Express wins unanimous support All
fourteen national delegations in the European Space Agency’s Science
Programme Committee have backed the project to send a spacecraft to
Mars in 2003.
Support for Mars Express, as this exciting mission is
called, is qualified by concern about the long-term budget of ESA’s
science programme. At its meeting in Paris on 2 and 3 November, the
Science Programme Committee made its approval of the implementation
of Mars Express conditional on sufficient funding for the science
programme and no impact on previously approved projects. ...
Development of the spacecraft will now proceed swiftly, to meet the
deadline of an exceptionally favourable launch window early in 2003.
Return Flight
JPL Universe
November 13, 1998
New Mars plan targets sample
return Under a new plan drafted by NASA and its French, Italian and
counterparts, the consortium of space faring nations will begin
development of
affordable spacecraft and innovative new technologies to obtain
measurements and samples of Martian material in preparation for
exploration of the planet.
The plan calls for construction of a
fleet of affordable
launch vehicles, orbiters, landers, rovers and Mars ascent vehicles
designed to wage an all-out effort to begin returning samples of the
Martian regolith as early as April 2008. ...Work on the
architectural redesign began in June. Eight “tiger teams” of experts
from the international scientific community, led by Elachi and Dr.
Frank Jordan, manager of JPL’s Mars Program Planning and
Architecture Office, were formed to address issues of spacecraft
design, innovative technologies and science goals for missions
beginning in 2003, as well as for achieving the overall goals of the
long-range Mars Surveyor Program.
Recommendations were presented to
NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin on Sept. 24 and, subsequently,
approved for implementation. ...NASA will begin the series of
sample-return mission in 2003, with launch of a lander and a rover
that will spend several months searching for and collecting rock and
soil samples, said Dr. Daniel McCleese, chief scientist and manager
of the Office of Strategy and Science Programs for JPL’s Mars
Exploration Directorate. The roving vehicle will return the sample
to a new, low-cost, low-mass Mars ascent vehicle. ...
ESA Science News
Close encounter with Mars
Europe is going to
June 11, 1999
The European Space Agency’s Mars Express mission
won unanimous approval. It will be the first mission Europe has sent
to the red
planet. The Agency’s Science Programme Committee (SPC) approved Mars
Express after ESA’s Council, meeting at ministerial level in
Brussels on 11 and
12 May, had agreed the level of the science budget for the next 4
years, just enough to make the mission affordable.
“Mars Express is a mission of
opportunity and we felt we just had to jump in and do it. We are
convinced it will produce first-rate science”, says Hans Balsiger, SPC chairman.
As well as
being a first for Europe in Mars exploration, Mars Express will
pioneer new,
cheaper ways of doing space science missions. “With a total cost of
just 150
million euros, Mars Express will be the cheapest Mars mission ever
undertaken”, says Roger Bonnet, ESA’s Director of Science. Mars
Express will
be launched in June 2003.
When it arrives at the red planet six
months later, it
will begin to search for water and life. Seven instruments, provided
by space
research institutes throughout Europe, will make observations from
the main
spacecraft as it orbits the planet. Just before the spacecraft
arrives, it will release
a small lander, provided by research institutes in the UK, that will
journey on to
the surface to look for signs of life.
The lander is called Beagle 2
after the ship
in which Charles Darwin sailed round the world in search of evidence
supporting his theory of evolution. But just as Darwin had to raise
the money for
his trip, so the search is on for public and private finance for
Beagle 2. “Beagle 2
is an extremely important element of the mission”, says Bonnet.
Europe’s space
scientists have envisaged a mission to Mars for over fifteen years.
But limited
funding has prevented previous proposals from going ahead. The
positioning of
the planets in 2003, however, offers a particularly favourable
passage to the red
planet - an opportunity not to be missed. Mars Express will be
joined by an
international flotilla of spacecraft that will also be using this
opportunity to work together on scientific questions and pave the
way for future exploration.
ESA is now able to afford Mars Express
because it will be built more quickly and cheaply than any other
comparable mission. It will be the first of the Agency’s new
flexible missions, based on maximum reuse of technology
off-the-shelf and from other missions (the Rosetta cometary mission
in this case).
Mars Express will explore the extent to which
innovative working practices, now made possible by the maturity of
Europe’s space industry, can cut mission costs and the time from
concept to launch: a new kind of relationship with industrial
partners is starting.
“We are adopting a new approach to management
by delegating to Matra Marconi Space (the prime contractor)
responsibility for the whole project. This means we can reduce the
ESA’s management costs” says Bonnet.
Despite the knock-down price,
however, the future of Mars Express has hung in the balance because
of the steady erosion of ESA’s space science budget since 1995. Last
November, the SPC said the mission could go ahead only if it could
be afforded without affecting missions already approved, especially
the FIRST infra-red observatory and the Planck mission to measure
the cosmic microwave background.
On 19/20 May, the SPC, which has
the ultimate decision over the Agency’s science missions, agreed
that the level of resources allowed was just sufficient to allow
Mars Express to go ahead. “To do such an ambitious mission for so
little money is a challenge and we have decided to meet”, says
For more information, please contact:
ESA Public Relations
Division Tel : +33(0) Fax : +33(0)
Exploration Mars Surveyor Program 2003 Lander Mission
Commerce Business Daily Issue
June 4, 1999
Space Flight Center
The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration’s (NASA’s) Human Exploration and Development of Space
(HEDS) Enterprise solicits proposals for investigations to be
carried to the surface of Mars by the MSP 2003 Lander Mission. These
investigations will require instrumentation to be developed and
placed on a fixed lander platform in order to address scientific
investigations of the radiation environment; soil, dust, and
environmental interactions; and fundamental biology. Instruments
will also be solicited to demonstrate in-situ resource utilization
These investigations will be carried out in addition
to the primary Space Science Enterprise mission objectives for Mars
sample return. NASA also announces an opportunity to propose
definition studies for the mission opportunities in 2005. These
opportunities include lander investigations similar to the 2003
opportunity, micro missions, and a dedicated HEDS lander mission.
These definition studies should address potential flight experiments
for HEDS ...
News Service, Cornell University
July 15, 1998
Astronomer confirms
Cornell’s new role in 2001 Mars lander mission ITHACA, NY.
University’s astronomy department is working in a newly defined role
on NASA’s Mars Surveyor lander mission scheduled for launch in April
Although the Cornell-led Athena Rover vehicle program will not
be included in the mission as previously planned, “we will be doing
a pretty good job of recovery” by continuing to provide most of the
science for the 2001 lander, says astronomy professor Steven Squyres, the lead researcher on the project to explore and analyze
part of the Martian surface.
Squyres confirms that because of
revised budgets and time pressures NASA has postponed the Athena
Rover segment of the Surveyor Mars mission from 2001, and has
tentatively rescheduled it for the 2003 Mars Surveyor launch. The
highly complex package consists of a suite of experiments on board a
roving vehicle. In 2005, another Mars Surveyor mission has the goal
of returning to Earth with Martian rock samples collected by Athena.
“Of course, it’s a little disappointing,” says Squyres about the
postponement of the Athena Rover program. “But having a somewhat
delayed program that is realistic is better than having an
on-schedule program that isn’t going to work.” ...
The 2001
investigations will still provide valuable geology and geochemistry
data, says Squyres, although the research into biological aspects
will be more limited than it will be for the 2003 mission.
Space Escape
The last page of the May 1999 issue of Smart Money lists Space
Adventures as selling sub orbital space travel reservations
beginning in late 2002 / early 2003: Reservations are $6,000. Ticket
cost is $90,000. I’m sure big money has reserved May 2003.
Start II
The White House
Current as of: September 6, 1996
Created January 26,
will increase stability at significantly lower levels of nuclear
weapons. Overall strategic nuclear forces will be reduced by an
additional 5,000 warheads beyond the 9,000 warheads being reduced
under START I.
The Treaty will set equal ceilings on the number of
strategic nuclear weapons that can be deployed by either side. By
the year 2003, each side must have reduced its total deployed
strategic nuclear warheads to 3,000-3,500. Of those, none may be on MIRVed ICBMs. Thus, all MIRVed ICBMs must be eliminated from each
side’s deployed forces; only ICBMs carrying a single-warhead will be
Back to Contents
Nuclear Weapons
From Nonproliferation data site.
US Russia 1945 1 1946 3 1 1947 5 2 1948 7 3 1949 9 4 1950 10 5 1951 40 15 1952 80 35 1953 200 65 1954 600 85 1955 2000
1000 1956 5000 1200 1957 8000 1400 1958 12000 1600 1959 15000 1800 1960 19000 2000 1961 22000 3000 1962 24000 4000 1963 26000 5000 1964 28000 6000 1965 32000 7000 1966 31000 8000 1967 30000 9000 1968 29000 10000 1969 28500 10000 1970 28000 12000 1971 28050 14500 1972 28100 16000 1973 28300 19000 1974 28600 21000 1975 29000 23000 1976 28000 24500 1977 27000 27000 1978 26000 30000 1979 25000 34000 1980 24000 37000 1981 23900 38500 1982 23700 40000 1983 23500 41000 1984 23200 42000 1985 23000 43000 1986 22000 42000 1987 21500 41000 1988 21000 40000 1989 20500 39000 1990 20000 38000 1991 19000 36000 1992 18000 34000 1993 17000 32000 1994 15000 28000 1995 13000 24000 1996 11000 20000 1997 9000 16000 1998 7000 12000 1999 5000 8000 2000 3500 3500 2001 2500 2500 2002 1500 1500 2003 500 500
Russian Subs
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
1187 Coast Village Road, Box 123
Barbara, CA 93108-2794
A former nuclear safety inspector in the
defense ministry, Alexandra Nikitin raised public alarms over
nuclear waste left in the Arctic by submarine accidents and
haphazard disposal of spent reactor cores.
“If other countries
ignore this, Russia will not be the only country to suffer,” he
When one of the retired nuclear submarines begins to leak,
“everything will go down to the sea and it will be impossible to
decontaminate the ocean. It will spread throughout the international
fishing areas.”
His Report warns,
“Without international cooperation
and financing, a grave situation could arise which can be pictured
as a Chernobyl in slow motion.” ...
As a consequence of his attempt
to help solving Russia’s environmental problems, Nikitin is facing
trial for high treason and disclosure of state secrets. Nikitin was
arrested, jailed for 10 months and confined to St. Petersburg for
the past two years.
Since then, he says, the secret service has
stepped up its KGB-style harassment: repeatedly slashing the tires
of his car, demanding film from his wife’s camera (who had taken
photos of the aggressors), keeping him awake at night with
continuous prank phone calls, threatening his lawyers with violence,
and more.
Within the next few weeks, Nikitin is likely to be tried
in secret by a judge and two laymen, who will be chosen by Russia’s
FSB - the KGB’s successor. At this time, just over 130 nuclear
powered submarines have been taken out of service and are laid up.
Eighty-eight of them belong to the Northern Fleet; fifty-two still
carry nuclear
fuel in the reactors. Fifteen reactor compartments have been removed
from the
hulls and have been prepared for storage. In all probability, around
150 nuclear submarines will be taken out of service with the Russian
Navy by the year 2003.
Inactive Northern Fleet submarines are laid
up at Gremikha, Severodvinsk, Vidyaevo (Olenya Bay, Sayda Bay and
the Nerpa yards), Polyarny (Shkval), Sevmorput, Gadzhievo (Ara and
Ura Bays) and Zapadnaya Litsa. The dismantling of first and second
generation submarines has commenced, whilst the dismantling of third
generation vessels is still in the planning stage.
Nuclear Wastes
March 16, 1999
The federal government could be compelled to
start storing the nation’s nuclear waste in Nevada far sooner than
it is now prepared to do. The White House wants to focus money and
effort on constructing a permanent disposal site, and thinks the
thousands of tons of spent nuclear rods should remain at their
respective power plants until a repository starts collecting waste
in 2010.
But a new bill introduced by Senate Republicans would
require storing the nation’s nuclear waste at the Nevada Test Range
by 2003, seven years before the White House wants to act.
Land Mines
ABC News
March 1, 1999
While pledging support for cleaning up the
mines, President Clinton objects to the treaty because of tensions
along the border between North and South Korea, where land mines are
used in vast quantities. Clinton has set a deadline to stop using
land mines outside of the Korean peninsula by 2003. CNN, February
25, 1999 “We will have destroyed all our anti-personnel landmines by
the end of the year 2000 whereas the treaty sets a limit for 2003,” Berlaud told reporters. 2003, ...
Back to Contents
Biological Weapons
As noted by Sightings, Army To Destroy 1269 Tons Of Its Own VX Nerve
In 2003
Army Plans To Open Chemical Weapons Depot For Briefing (from AP)
NEWPORT, Indiana (AP)
Some 1,269 tons of an oily nerve
so lethal a few ounces could kill millions sits in steel containers
among the corn
and soybean fields of western Indiana while the Army works on a plan
destroy it. Officials planned to open the Indiana site to the media
today for the first time in four years so reporters could attend a briefing on the
progress and photograph the one-ton cylinders of VX nerve agent.
doesn’t expect to destroy any of the 1,269 tons of the lethal
chemical weapon in
Indiana until the fall of 2003, because the Army must still finish a
report on how the process may affect the environment. At the same
time, the
Army is preparing to search for companies capable of building a
disposal facility
at the Newport Chemical Depot 32 miles north of Terre Haute.
the package to go out for proposals for companies to bid on the
facility, and were working with a team comprised of state and
federal regulators to write the permit applications required under
environmental laws”; said Mickey Morales, a spokeswoman for the Army
in Aberdeen, Md. where deadly Mustard agent is stored.
VX is 10
times as lethal as the nerve gas Sarin used in a deadly attack in a
Tokyo subway that killed 12 and injured 5,000 in 1995. The agent can
be inhaled or absorbed in the skin and causes death by paralysis.
VX, which has the appearance and consistency of mineral oil was
developed in 1952 and produced in western Indiana during the 1960’s
as a Cold War deterrent. It has never been used in combat but is
listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the deadliest substance
Carry On Government
Increasingly as the year 2003 approaches, there will be sculpting of
reserves in the US for not only the military but also what is termed
a carry-on government. Those whose lives have been in government
service cannot imagine life otherwise. As the population would be
likely to swarm onto military bases, demanding to be fed, those
bases that will be set aside for a government recoup will be made
undesirable to the public - the storage of biological warfare
components, nuclear war-heads, or armaments likely to explode during
massive earthquakes.
There is no way for the public to determine
which report of storage of undesirables is true or untrue, and we
are not advising that this be done. In truth, all such locales,
whether the story was true or not, will be undesirable. Any
survivors close to such a military depot or processing center for
biological weapons disposal or nuclear weapons reserves will find
themselves equally distressed. If the stories are true, then they
are living if living at all steeped in poison during the Aftertime.
If the stories are not true, then they are living close to former
government workers and military who want to re-establish a
government. The rationale is that the populace will be better off
with this governance, so they are doing a service. In truth, there
is nothing such a tattered remnant of a federal government could do
for the populace that they could not do better for themselves.
Naturally, the first thing these former government workers will be
looking to do is impose taxes, and without a money base, this will
be in the form of food and supplies.
Medicare: your money? ... or your life!
A great debate currently rages over the Medicare Program. There is
question but that the plan will go bankrupt by 2003. And the one
year increased
survival that President Clinton brags about, up from 2002, is based
on building
an increased mortality rate into the projection tables!
federal health
care planners know that whatever happens, future health care in the
U.S. is NOT
going to stay as good as it has been up to now! Budget Deficit Facts
Entitlement’s have grown rapidly. Entitlement programs combined with
government’s interest payments comprised 24 percent of our budget in
1963, in
1993 they compromised 56 percent, and if present trends continue,
they will
comprise 69 percent by the year 2003.
These projected tax rates do
not show
that our children are going to be taxed unmercifully; they show
something worse - that our projected spending is unsustainable and that our children
are being
given a country that will be unable to avoid bankruptcy.
Back to Contents
Balanced Budget
Entitlements & Handouts: A Nation of Addicts
Imagine yourself a half million dollars in debt. You don’t have the
option of declaring bankruptcy. What do you do? ... At this rate, by
the year 2003, three-quarters of all federal spending will be
“mandatory” - can’t cut it. Yet we’ll be much deeper in debt. So
guess what’s going to happen to the other one-quarter.
Phillips Interview on the nationally syndicated Ollie North Show on
the Common Sense Radio Network on September 27, 1996... But here’s
going to be the trigger, Ollie. We’re headed for an economic
collapse of historic proportions. Last year, we paid $345 billion
dollars in interest on a $5 trillion dollar debt.
Neither party is
prepared to even roll back spending, even freeze spending, let alone
to slash it. They talk about balancing the budget in the year 2003
and they balance it by stealing money every year from the Social
Security trust fund and raising revenues, increasing the amount. The
dollar has been propped up because it is the reserve currency of the
world. Central banks all over the world treat the dollar as if it
were almost gold.
Drug dealers in Columbia, black marketeers in
Moscow, have dollars under their pillow because they like bucks
better than they like rubles or pesos. But when the Euro (dollar)
comes on line, if the central banks drop the dollar, all of those
extra dollars the Fed has printed are coming home.
We’re going to
have a massive hyper-inflationary depression and the very legitimacy
of our political systems is going to be at risk. There’s going to be
big change, and people are going to be looking for something new.
Fuel Cells
Of the nation’s 1,000 or so rural electric cooperatives to enter
into a fuel-cell distribution agreement, Flint Energies expects to
begin selling residential systems in 2001, at a price of about
$8,500. But, like others involved in the industry, Flint predicts
that price will drop to less than $4,000 by 2003.
There are several other fuel cell manufacturing companies now
offering a personal alternative to keeping electricity flowing when
the electrical grid is gone. Do a little research, you’ll find them.
Mayan Calendar
The Montel Williams show reran with a noted California psychic
Sylvia Brown as the guest. It was taped January 1997. In the midst
of giving predictions for 1997, she mentioned that 2000 AD actually
took place nine years ago (1991?).
Gregorian Mayan
1991 2000 1992 2001 1993 2002 1994 2003 1995 2004 1996 2005 1997 2006 1998 2007 1999 2008 2000 2009 2001 2010 2002 2011
2012 AD
To summarize, 2003 AD (Gregorian calendar) translates into the Mayan
2012 AD. Remember that
the Mayan calendar ends Dec 21,
2012, completing a cycle or signalizing a catastrophic end of the
world as we know it.
Great Pyramid Dateline
The Great Pyramid Decoded
by Peter Lemesurier
(1989), ISBN is
It gives an accurate account of
the Pyramids of Giza. It contains
hundreds of engineering diagrams and perhaps thousands of
measurements. Its
very detailed and thoroughly researched. The author is a very open
minded and
educated man whose own belief concurs with the views of Erik Von Daniken
Edgar Cayce as well as many Mayan and Krishna texts. He has
upon many aspects such as certain stones cut with ‘laser precision’
to 1000 th of
an inch accuracy.
The main unit of measurement used by the designer
is exactly
10 millionths of the Earth’s mean Polar radius. The pyramid’s design
has sides measuring 365.242, 365.256, and 365.259 of these same
units which
represent the Earth’s Solar Tropical, side real and anomalistic
orbits. The series of datelines seem to chart the progress of
certain aspects of human existence. Everything seems to ‘drop off
the scale’ around the year 2004 (though he states there is a +/- 3
year error allowance)
The ‘Achievements of Civilization Line’ drops
at 1911, recovers before dropping again at 1939, recovers but drops
again but less dramatically in 1967 then a bit more at 1980 and then
plummets at 2004. The ‘Progress of materialist Humanity’ Line stays
fairly flat, just bobbing up and down a little all century until it
hits 2004 and totally drops down off the scale in an instant!
This Is The End, My Friend The End
I shed a few quick tears for this world and on to the next. Let me
now play and be presumptuous and pretentious. Congratulate yourself
for whatever modifications in your thoughts that have transpired as
a result of pondering this material. Now what does that voice in you
say about what you’ve just read? How does it speak to you?
If you
are any closer to finding your inner voice, these word relayed
thoughts have served a purpose. You’re perhaps near enough to feel
the heat and chills of knowing how to read the most important
signpost in the Twilight Zone, YOUR HEART. Have you inquired inside
yet for a reality check? Are you now ready to act on the information
presented? The ONLY right answers are the ones you feel. They’re
your answers aren’t they?
Some will be skeptical and without looking
find confirmation everywhere they look, then prepare. Others will
know it’s the truth and stay in harms way for their own perfect
reasons. If this is you keep your head high and welcome whatever
comes your way. Continue to respect others and set an example to
possibly perish with the same dignity that you lived knowing a new
existence awaits you after this life.
Others will ignore the reality, not move or prepare but will somehow
survive and find out the truth after its all said and done. Some
will only believe a portion. Then they will dive into the vast
subject matter and be shocked to find out its all true and much more
that I’ve excluded for brevity and focus. Many will ignore all and
perish into nothingness.
A significant thing I have discovered is that we are not our bodies
and are in some way just along for the ride. I’ve been fully
conscious outside of mine a time or two only to be swiftly pulled
back in. Nudging you toward your inner voice is as important or more
as planet whatever.
I’m going to live, laugh and enjoy my life before, during and after
shift while helping others along the way. I’m forewarned, informed
entertained. Now that you’ve finished this book you have changed
forever. A
part of your mind is open now that you will not be able to shut. For
some of you
it will be difficult to know the reason behind many events from this
forward when loved ones around you don’t care to open their eyes to
the obvious. Leaving the ones you care for may not seem like an
Last note: Some won’t have a clue as to how to look deep to
find the truth of anything. Then suddenly next week, month or year
will be doing it every moment. You’ll read situations, people and
events intuitively at a glance inside. In addition to this all the
while you’ll be co-creating the world you want simultaneously all
around you, without giving it a second thought as to why you’ve
suddenly transformed so quickly and completely.
I’m gettin in tune,
right in tune, and I’m riding on you.
The word you’re looking for is Creepy. Mulder is a fictional character. You, Planet X and I are real. Shake it Baby, Shake it Ok now you shook it enough. Go give it away. The book! The book! I know somebody you know needs to read this now. Go> Go> Do it now. Time is short. Are you listening to me? Danger Danger Will Robinson.
The seriousness of the situation begs for a little humor, so
why I interject some. Ok, I’m through playing around. Here’s an
internet site to visit to learn more about Planet X. There are lots
of sights to see
and sounds to listen to. Do not expect to find the depth or focus
that has been
presented here. It does offer great visuals.
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