by by Greg Jenner
DarkStar1 Website
Carl Sagan (Comet-1985)
“…Consider [this]: The Sun has a
DARK SISTER. Long ago, before even great grandmother’s time, the
two suns danced together in the sky. But the DARK ONE was
jealous that her sister was so much brighter, and in her rage
she cursed us for not loving her, and loosed comets upon the
world. A terrible winter came, and darkness fell and bitter
cold, and almost every living thing perished. After many
seasons, the Bright Sister returned to her children, and it was
warm and light once more, and life was renewed. But the DARK
SISTER IS NOT DEAD. She is only in hiding. ONE DAY SHE WILL
RETURN [and the Demon Sun’s entourage will attack again—GJ]…”
Page 304.
A remarkable passage from Sagan, I must
admit. Construed as pure speculation by the scientific community of
course, however, I believe Sagan was giving us a hint as to what he
might have known from other, more obscure esoteric sources. One such
source is the Kolbrin bible. Apparently this book has been closely
guarded within private Masonic families for quite some time and only
just last year Marshall Masters of Yowusa.com made this amazing
manuscript available to the general public.
Originally called the ‘Coel-book,’ this particular version found its
way to Glastonbury Abby in England circa 1180 AD and is basically is
a collection of individual manuscripts—six originating from ancient
Egypt. I contend Carl Sagan’s DARK SISTER is referenced in the Kolbrin. See below:
From Marshall Masters (The
CRT:4:5 “Then came the day when all
things became still and apprehensive, for God caused a sign to
appear in the Heavens, so that men should know the Earth would
be afflicted, and the SIGN WAS A STRANGE STAR”.
CRT:4:6 “THE STAR GREW and waxed to a great brightness and was
OTHER EVER SEEN. So men, seeing it, said among themselves,
‘Surely, this is God appearing in the Heavens above us’. THE
people had not the wisdom to understand’.
CRT:4:7 “Then God manifested Himself in the Heavens, His voice
was as the roll of thunders and HE WAS CLOTHED WITH SMOKE AND
FIRE. He carried lightnings in His hand and His breath, falling
upon the Earth, brought forth brimstone and embers.
"His eye was a black void and His mouth an abyss containing the
winds of Destruction. He encircled the whole of the Heavens,
I will chime in at this point to provide
what I believe is an excellent example of a hidden brown dwarf
donning a black robe. The illustration shown below is a model of the
Epsilon Aurigae binary system. William R. Corliss provides the

Model of Epsilon
Aurigae (X1)
From William R. Corliss (Stars,
Galaxies, Cosmos – A Catalogue of Astronomical Anomalies
“Epsilon Aurigae is one of the
brightest variable stars in the heavens…[It’s] dark companion
seems to have a mass almost as great as the primary [Sun] or 12
to 14 Suns. Why something so massive does not shine has been at
the center of the mystery.”
“Recently, the IRAS satellite and terrestrial observers have
actually detected the postulated dark object in the infrared. To
account for the eclipse data, the object must be 9 AU long… The
dark object’s great mass means that SOMETHING VERY MASSIVE must
be located somewhere in the ‘cloud’ [Black Cloak—GJ] holding it
together gravitationally. Whatever it is, it does not generate
much energy—actually only 1% of what a star of 16 solar masses
should generate. Now, the core of Epsilon Aurigea’s mystery is
what could be inside the dark eclipsing object.”
Pages 90-91
Is a brown dwarf lurking about in the
center of this black cloud? I say yes! And according to the Kolbrin
text I argue our Sun has a very similar companion. When perihelion
is reached its black cloak is shed to reveal the true identity of
our second sun.
From Marshall Masters (The Kolbrin) Continues…
CRT:4:8 “Such was the likeness and
manifestation of God in those days. Awesome was His countenance,
terrible His voice of wrath, the sun and moon hid themselves in
fear and there was a heavy darkness over the face of the Earth”.
CRT:4:9 “God passed through the spaces of the Heavens above with
a mighty roar and a loud trumpeting. Then came the grim dead
silence and BLACK RED LIT TWILIGHT of doom. Great fires and
smoke rose up from the ground and men gasped for air. The land
was rent asunder and swept clean by a mighty deluge of waters. A
hole opened up in the middle of the land, the waters entered and
it sank beneath the seas”.
CRT:4:10 “The mountains of the East and West were split apart
and stood up in the midst of the waters which raged about. THE
[This passage describes “rapid
mountain building.” —GJ]
CRT:4:11 “Then again the tumult and clamour ceased and all was
silent. In the quiet stillness madness broke out among men,
frenzy and shouting filled the air. They fell upon one another
in senseless wanton bloodshed; neither did they spare woman or
child, for they knew not what they did. They ran unseeing,
dashing themselves to destruction. They fled to caves and were
buried and, taking refuge in trees, they were hung. There was
rape, murder and violence of every kind”.
CRT:4:12 “The deluge of waters swept back and the land was
purged clean. Rain beat down unceasingly and there were great
winds. The surging waters overwhelmed the land and man, his
flocks and his gardens and all his works ceased to exist.
CRT:4:13 “Some of the people were saved upon the mountainsides
and upon the flotsam, but they were scattered far apart over the
face of the Earth. They fought for survival in the lands of
uncouth people. Amid coldness they survived in caves and
sheltered places.”
CRT:4:14 “The Land of the LITTLE PEOPLE and the Land of
GIANTS… the Lands of the East and West were all inundated. The
Mountain Land and the Lands of the South, where there is gold
and great beasts, were not covered by the waters”.
CRT:4:15 “Men were distracted and in despair. They rejected the
Unseen God behind all things for something which they had seen
and known by its manifestation. They were less than children in
those days and could not know that God had afflicted the Earth
in understanding and not wilfully, for the sake of man and the
correction of his ways.”
Another example of our Sun’s Dark Sister
comes from this 1608 European Woodcut (shown to the right). Notice
the Sun’s
Dark Sister. This amazing rendering from Vincenzo
Cartari Le imagini de gli dei Padua portrays two suns!
Sagan no doubt also knew that the word ‘disaster ’ is derived from
the Latin ‘dis’ and ‘astrum’ which means ‘EVIL STAR.’
According to researcher Michael Hoffman an evil or ‘Satan’ Sun is
mentioned in Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma, also known as the ‘Eye
of Set’ or the ‘Blazing Star.’ See below:
From Michael A. Hoffman II (Secret
Societies and Psychological Warfare ©1989)
“In… Albert Pike’s eighth degree of
the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the focus of worship is on the
“blazing star” as symbolized by the pentagram, and Pike
identifies [what I argue is Red] Sirius as the “grand builder”
or “Great Architect” of Freemasonry.”
“The symbol (or, alchemically, sigil ) of the armed enforcers of
the Code of Hammurabi, which was the law of the empire of
Babylon, the successor to Sumer, was the five-pointed star, or
pentagram… This star also happens to be the symbol of the armed
enforcers of modern America’s laws…”
“[Red] Sirius is emblematic of hidden power and secret
allegiance to an invisible empire. [The Anunnaki?—GJ]
“The Order
of the…STAR is thus the order of the EYE OF SET, THE SUN BEHIND
THE SUN… the STAR is [Red] Sirius… [Red] Sirius is the power
behind the sun… Our work is… the rediscovery of the Sumerian
tradition… the crux of… magical significance for the present
magical revival… the key supplied by the Sumerian tradition which
involved the worship of Shaitan, the astronomical vehicle of
which was [Red] Sirius.”
Pages 29-30.
To me, there’s no question Sagan and
Hoffman refer to Earth’s Nemesis—Our Dark Sister. (For a more in
depth account of Red Sirius, see Andy Lloyd’s, ‘Nibiru and
the Red Sirius Anomaly’).
On the other hand, Albert Pike associates Red Sirius (the
Star) as having liberty and freedom.
He writes:
From Albert Pike (Morals
and Dogma ©1871)
“…the Star which guided [the Magi]
is that same Blazing Star, the image whereof we find in all
initiations. To the Alchemists it is the sign of the
Quintessence; to the Magists, the Grand Arcanum; to the
Kabalists, the Sacred Pentagram…”
Page 842. [Could the Pentagon in
Washington D.C. actually be symbolized after the Blazing Star? I
can only speculate—GJ]

“Originally it [the Blazing Star] represented [Red] Sirius, or
the Dog-Star, the forerunner of the inundation of the Nile; the
God ANUBIS... then it became the IMAGE OF HORUS… [the winged Sun
Disc. See image above—GJ]…it became the sacred and potent
sign or character of the Magi, the Pentalpha, and is the
significant emblem of Liberty and Freedom, blazing with a steady
radiance amid the weltering elements of good and evil of
Page 15.
An interesting quote from Pike stating
the Blazing Star undergoes good and evil revolutions. Does he mean
celestial revolutions? I wonder. Never-the-less the Blazing Star’s
duality portraying good and evil shines through loud and clear here.