by Noel Huntley Ph.D.



Strictly, it is not women who have been suppressed, but the feminine energy - they are not exactly synonymous.


This negative action might be considered to be one of the most closely guarded, certainly concealed, secrets on planet Earth for many thousands of years.

This suppression applies to both males and females. 'Male' does not mean masculine. Physics will eventually be sufficiently advanced in the humanities to understand the ratio of masculine and feminine energies.


The balanced male contains a proportion of the feminine energy component; which ideally would be 50%; that is 50/50 masculine/feminine. With this ratio the masculine energy cannot distort. The feminine energy in women might be considered ideal even if 100% feminine; though a small component of masculine energy might be practical but could, however, be provided by the male.


This large difference would seem to be expected since we only have to observe the huge difference on this planet between males and females - they are almost alien relative to one another (this is not easily observed because of what is taken for granted; programmed).

If we consider the theoretical balanced male and program him to be more masculine, precisely what society encourages today with great ignorance of the big picture, he becomes aberrated; behavior deviates from the norm (the condition today). And a civilization will head towards destruction.


The inspiration for even an Einstein when making a discovery will originate within the feminine energy component within the individual, and the masculine energy will bring it to fruition. Thus the feminine initiates and creates, and the masculine energy puts it into practice. Note that similarly the female has been programmed to be more masculine.

In terms of physics, the magnetic energy is associated with the feminine polarity and the masculine with the electric energy. Extraterrestrial and spiritual material has been hinting at this for a while but Dr. Larry Boren even wrote a book on this in 1965, which will be reprinted and appreciated much more today. He makes it clear that the magnetic force comes first and then the electric; and appropriately adds that the electromagnetic wave should be renamed the magnetic-electric wave.

This feminine/masculine principle is present in all universal phenomena. One of the tools of control and suppression used by the negative aliens, in particular, the Draconian reptilians, essentially operating through humans, is to bias the species' energy towards the masculine. If one wants a science-fiction example of an 'advanced' civilization which is unbalanced in this way, consider the Klingons in Star Trek.

We must not, however, lose sight of the larger viewpoint and that this design had an agreed-upon purpose. This is where the Luciferic energy enters our civilization. We all know that the idea of the Temptation has both a positive and negative implication. Its purpose was positive but it could lead into negativity. This is the principle and whether one believes in the notion of a Lucifer or not it does not change the fact that the physics of the energies unbalancing our race was of this kind.

ET information tells us in fact that Lucifer had an imbalance towards the masculine energy.


The Explorer Race books relates that his father was from Orion - a masculine source - and his mother from Sirius (feminine). The masculine energy was given dominance in Lucifer and this was the condition being presented to Earth. Our race at the mass consciousness level had agreed to this so-called experiment which had the purpose of exploring individuality, and data-processing the nature of problems, negativity, fragmented energies, to bring them into integration.

Note that Lucifer would be a projection from a higher, enlightened being who would volunteer to play 'mischief maker' for this experiment. The Lucifer then operating on Earth would be programmed to forget his source and play a genuine role. The intentions were not bad, at least initially.


As per this ET information, Lucifer came to Earth (with other Sirians) and didn't like what he saw: Atlanteans functioning in harmony, with perfect teamwork, support for all, an organization giving preference to the whole, an excess of feminine energy from his viewpoint; even a benevolent technology (which we won't explain here).


Lucifer encouraged the natives to act for themselves more, create tools, etc. not in accordance with harmonious principles. This appeared attractive to the peoples at that time.

After a few thousand years the civilization was at war; conflict had been introduced. Lucifer in fact began to realize he had become a Satan and wished to remove himself from this duty. Briefly, he wasn't able to and then became bitter and more deliberately satanic.

This state of affairs exists today. Our species has achieved the goal of exploring and developing individuality and independence, but as one can see it has gone too far into separation beyond the optimum. This increased separation has resulted in massive ego-development on this planet, resulting in deficient ability in experiencing compassion, perceiving another's viewpoint and, in particular, another's suffering.

Let us summarize some of the true attributes of the masculine (electric) and feminine (magnetic) energies. The masculine energy, from a higher spiritual perspective, as already stated, has been 'allowed' to dominate, to push the race towards greater independence and individuality. This energy thus gives rise to a quantitative reality (fragmented and requiring 3D logic).


The feminine energy is connected to Source (magnetic stillness and attractive force). It is a totally benevolent force, holistic and qualitative; providing the sustaining, nurturing energies, the intuition, and inspiration, but also motivating thought and action. The masculine energy, besides action, yields the intellect and logic, which we should note is only 3D, that is, a property of our external world and does not handle inner space and higher dimensions.


The masculine energy is restless and forever seeks (even if subconsciously) the Source. It is particularly adaptable to abilities in the material plane. One of its main strengths, however, is that it produces change, even though by introducing discomfort. This can be very valuable to higher consciousness (such as the Source), which desires exploration and discovery, new probabilities to be taken.

Starting with our excessively masculine society the more advanced the civilization the more feminine energy it will take on. What happens when we have excessive feminine energy in a species, over-riding the ideal male proportion of 50/50 and 100% feminine energy for the female?


Such civilizations are apparently very common in the galaxy, living in a state of bliss for millions of years; but stagnant - no expansion of consciousness (see the Explorer Race books).


This, however, is not desirable to higher consciousness, as mentioned, and the human species, now having researched negativity to the full, has enabled some of these races to recognize that they will have to introduce some masculine energy and discomfort to evolve their consciousness further.

It would appear that there are other workable ratios between masculine and feminine.


For example, the Essassani race (which is equivalent to a hybrid of human and Zeta) are more balanced; something like 55% male, 45% female for the male, and vice-versa for the female. Humans could seemingly evolve to this ratio also.

The deviations of the masculine/feminine balance in each gender today towards excessive masculinity is clearly apparent in the egotistical, 'macho', tough image, selfish, insensitive behavior and the lack of compassion and ability to know anyone else's suffering.

Most aspects of society's influence on people reflect the masculine imbalance; from the education of the left brain to entertainment heroes with images of materialistic success, obsessive in competition, cool emotionless unfeeling behavior, one-upmanship, etc. These are all characteristics of polarity and the absence of the benign feminine energies resonating with magnetic unity consciousness.

Nevertheless we see the trend towards a more feminine society, in the balanced sense, though not in the form of the women's liberation movement, which is still reflecting the masculine energy in its attack of the problem. Woman are being enticed to become more masculine with the illusion that this is what equal rights is all about.


We are not talking about women doing men's jobs or possibly even developing muscular bodies but about the personality, the psychology of the female - as per the characteristics we have described. The female has been on the losing side for so long that it is a natural subconscious reaction to 'move' to the other side - but this is another aspect of the trap. It is sad to see the educated woman become a professor and finally able to think logically like a man, then having eliminated that 'irrational intuition'.

Intuition, inspiration and holistic perception relate to the
right brain; it contains the feminine principle, whereas the left brain handles logic, intellect, language, analysis and fragmentation.

The intuition is always correct. There are no limits to its power even ultimately to attain the greatest heights of the intellect via the right brain. Thus education is designed (contrived by underlying negative influences) to suppress the right brain and develop the left, using the latter to define intelligence and intellect by creating a reality based on these left-brain traits.


All realities are valid. It is entirely up to man to choose a reality which is most desired overall.

If one is still questioning the causes of negativity amongst humans on this planet, then we are in effect stating that if we began with the theoretical state of total magnetic unity there would be no negative build up since the unity would prevent any harm done to anything. Society would remain totally benevolent.


But if we introduce a little negativity, or the potential for change, and development of individuality through the masculine energy, then humans could continue to build up the negativity - which is what has happened.

This masculine/feminine imbalance will eventually be recognized as the key item and cause of our species' degeneration. And vice versa, proper acknowledgment of the role of the feminine principle and its restoration in society, giving balance and harmony, will bring inevitable peace, sanity, and higher evolution to the planet.


It is vital that we recognize the unprecedented importance of this massive distortion in our civilization, which could be the most determinant factor in the survival of our species.