by Steve Troy
MoonAnomalies Website
By the end of the Apollo program in December 1972, only about 20% of the Moon’s surface had been successfully
photographed in detail from orbit.
Apollo’s camera
technology had proved to be superior to the system employed by the
Lunar Orbiter missions preceding it. Lunar Orbiter had given
us greater photographic coverage of both the near and far sides but
much of it, like the photography taken by Lunar Orbiter IV, was
taken from an altitude too high for detailed surface study.
Difficulties with some Orbiter cameras included difficulty in
measuring positions on the lunar surface due to the nature of the
electronic readout system as well as the inability to obtain
stereoscopic coverage, which made three-dimensional measurements
difficult to obtain. Apollo corrected these conditions.
It has been shown by photographs posted on this as well as on
Enterprise and other sites, that both Lunar Orbiter
and Apollo missions have given us valuable data concerning
the discovery of anomalous lunar structure. We have thousands upon
thousands of lunar images that are publicly available, both on the
internet as well as from the archives. Yet since the beginning of
our investigation, we have found many discrepancies regarding the
integrity of archived photography.
For example, we know that Ken
Johnston, who worked at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory in
Houston during Apollo, witnessed the photo retouching and
airbrushing of first generation lunar photography in order to cover
up anomalous data. Fortunately, they didn’t cover it all. From
what we’ve now discovered on the far side photography, its stunning
to speculate what else might be found there considering that by
1972, only 20% of the entire Moon had supposedly been photographed.
The orbital parameters determining the limits of what could be
photographed by Apollo meant that lunar far-side photography was
relegated to either side of the equatorial region.
Yet Apollo has
revealed and continues to show us many ‘hidden side’ anomalies. One
of the advantages of the Apollo photography over that of Lunar
Orbiter is that we often have multiple views of a specific area to
corroborate our findings. Many far side craters and basins were
photographed by more than one Apollo mission. Looking at footprint
maps and photographic catalogs, we see that their cameras focused
extensively on areas such as King, Tsiolkovsky,
Sklowdowska, Mendeleev, and Korolev.
Chaplygin crater located at 150.2E-5.8S is such a
region. It is a primary impact crater 127 km. in diameter having a 5
km. depth. The rim height is 1.75 km. and floor diameter is 85 km. Chaplygin was T/O (Target of Opportunity) #29 for Apollo,
and was photographed by all but one of the Apollo missions.
According to the traditional model and the Geologic Map of the
Central Far Side (USGS Map I-1047), it’s interior
consists of smooth light plains that can be related to various
and/or Nectarian basins.
There is a wealth of
photographic information available for this particular crater
and we ordered a good sampling of both 4X5" and 8X10" negatives
from the selection available from NSSDC,
Greenbelt, MD. Prints and sectionals were
then made from them. From them we see that the region has
features that we believe cannot be explained through traditional
lunar stratigraphy. By looking at the sectionals made from the
AS10-29-4180 negative, we think we know the reason why
NASA had a reason for photographing Chaplygin so
extensively during subsequent missions.
We believe their
reason went beyond pure scientific or geologic interest.
photo to enlarge)
Repeated Geometry at Chaplygin
On the northeast rim of Chaplygin there is a conspicuous
brightly rayed 1.5 km. crater that, when closely observed, clearly
shows the effects of ejecta thrown out onto rugged highlands.
It is
perched on top of a high bluff that slopes down to the foreground
and is easily seen on the 8X10 print above. The ray pattern atop the
bluff looks like a splash, but it cascades down the steeper slope
resembling a waterfall. These lobes may be avalanches that occurred
by ejecta sent down the slope. Looking carefully through these
sloping ray patterns on the flank and down onto the terrain below,
one can clearly see architectural arrangement.
Every area on AS10-4180 has been scrutinized and many
sectionals were made from the original negative. On this "discovery"
photo, we see some remarkable repetitious geometric configuration in
the middle and foreground that does not reflect typical geologic
"treebark" pattern seen on crater flanks. Strangely, when we
received the original negative, we saw that the right side of
was not as focused as the left side.
Nevertheless, there were
enough visible anomalous signals there for us to both conclude and
confirm that anomalies seen on the far side are indeed similar in
shape to many seen on the near side. When the bright-crater is seen
obliquely with lower or medium sun angle such as on AS10-4180
as well as on hazy AS10-32-4794, there is enough
resolution on close up prints to see similar geometric structure in
identical locations.
Photo extra large
dimensions - "click"
Photo extra large
dimensions - "click"
Photo extra large
dimensions - "click"
One shape seen on AS10-4180 as well as on photos of many nearside
anomalies is the arch. The arches we have seen on sectionals of
near side and far side craters are rounded-Romanesque in style
and are generally seen on and around crater flanks.
At Chaplygin,
they’re seen below and through redeposited disaggregated debris
as well as out into highland terrain.
The form of one of the
larger arches on 4180 remarkably resembles the
Roman 2nd century Trajan Arch in Benvenuto, Italy.
It looks like it could sustain enormous weight because of the
rounding that spreads weight evenly from post to post.
photos to enlarge)
In the 1/6th gravity
of the Moon we wonder if the weight support-function would be
necessary, however it could have still been utilitarian to
protect interior space against meteoric rain. It would be
speculation beyond this to voice a reason for the existence of
arches, but we do know that the terrestrial "Roman" arch was a
most efficient technical response in stone, to stresses caused
by the need to support large open masses. The lunar engineers,
whatever their history, would have to have had a history of
similar solutions that culminated in the lunar engineering (in
glass) that we see here.
Photo extra large
dimensions - "click"
It is important to
note here that on the many photos from negatives that we made
from other mission’s photography showing this bright crater, the
sun angle is critical to the definition to what is seen through
the ray pattern as well as around it.
In photo sectionals where
the sun was nearly overhead, the natural as well as the
anomalous relief is often never seen. An example of this is the
bright crater as seen on AS17-Pan-1764.
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large dimensions - "click"
We not only see the
arch form repeated near Chaplygin but also on the
near side. A sectional photo made from LOIII 162M
shows arches near the Rampart on the flank of Kepler
photo to enlarge)
Near libration
regions there are cratered areas photographed by Lunar Orbiter
that show undeniable arch-like doors. We plan to discuss
these at a later date.
photo to enlarge)
Photo extra large
dimensions - "click"
On an Apollo 8
photograph, we found distinct undeniable groups of these
arches side by side as well as on different levels, and their
shapes take them out of the realm traditional lunar geology.
Surrounding some arches are other geometric configurations
including parallel ridges or walls. Some of these join arches
and others have adjacent orthogonal shaped structures nearby. We
plan to cover this photograph at a later date.
photo to enlarge)
Another shape seen
at Chaplygin is the equilateral triangle.
course, years ago Richard Hoagland saw the shape of an
inscribed 16 mile, two- dimensional equilateral triangle
inscribed within Ukert crater which in turn
initiated lunar anomaly investigations in earnest. He noticed
that at Ukert, if the three brighter areas on the rim of were
connected together with straight lines, another equilateral
triangle is formed, resulting in two perfectly interlocking
triangles. ("click"
photo to enlarge)
Ukert’s equilateral message is notably significant to
us. It is this precise two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional
tetrahedron at Ukert that Hoagland decoded in, and related
the mathematical relationships seen at Cydonia on Mars.
It also reflects the singular symbology of ‘hyper dimensional
The equilateral shapes seen at Chaplygin are on a much
smaller scale than at Ukert yet this basic geometric
shape can be discerned. More anomalies seen
at this location that are consistent with the lunar glass model
shows refractive reflective towers or spires both in the
foreground and in the far terrain.
Most of them are
smaller than ‘The Castle’ found by Hoagland
at Sinus Medii, but the similarities suggest that
here, as on the near side, we may be seeing remnants of a
network of lunar dome supports constructed of some kind of
glass-like, low loss, high strength, optically transparent
material that is suspended in sky over an ‘airless’ Moon.
photos to enlarge)

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large dimensions - "click"

Photo extra
large dimensions - "click"
On the near side,
these are also seen at Kepler crater and nearby Kunowsky crater. At Kepler, the dome shape of the
refracting glass is clearly defined on the LO image. We plan to discuss
more of these redundant geometric signatures in upcoming pieces.
photos to enlarge)
As we’ve said so many times, there has been nothing but denial from
NASA regarding the artifacts that we have found over
the years. The blatant fact is that we simply have glimpsed the real
Moon and have learned that we were not the first to leave artifacts
not only there, but also across this solar system.
And because of
the ‘
Brookings Report’ that was written after we were
confronted with this information early in space exploration that
include photography returned by Apollo, we retreated back to Earth
from the Moon where we’ve stayed for 40 years.
Someone has left us a ‘stunning legacy - a magnificent heritage’ to
NASA took the pictures, and the data is
indeed worth a thousand words. When we finally go back to the Moon
perhaps more of it’s hidden side will be revealed. This will happen
only if the powers-that-be within our space agency becomes convinced
of the necessity and interest in the truth, even if that may mean
rewriting the history books.
However, we won’t hold our breath.